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2017-06-30 15:25 | Report Abuse

This counter has been consolidating since the ex-bonus date on 23 May 2017.More than a month already! Hope today price ticking upwards by 2.0cents portends something positive in lieu of the overall market which is soft.Hope this time for real and to move higher from thereon.


2017-06-30 10:01 | Report Abuse

Hard Truths- poor corporate governance has been happening in the company unfettered.Seemed nobody is keeping an oversight on such an important matter!.For a company which is commodities-based to lose money every QR should have sounded many alarm bells.But the reality is that everyone goes for the status-quo, hoping for the better.But it never happens.The malaise deepens and in fact getting worse day by day.

Way forward: No half-baked solutions on such malaise!.Hard and courageous decisions have to be made so that the company can be put on stronger financial footing.Nothing less than a complete and total revamp of the present BOD and top management.The company shall also be free from unnecessary political interference from any quarters.


2017-06-28 15:04 | Report Abuse

@titus agreed with your view that FGV is among one of the political stocks listed in Bursa.It will be supported strongly by government(gomen) come General Elections(GE) time for the "feel good factor" amongst the Felda settlers who are traditionally BN supporters.But GE-14 is not around any moment! According to pundits it will be held sometimes next year.
Cheers,good luck.


2017-06-28 13:36 | Report Abuse

@Satkunabalan K.S agreed with your viewpoint.
2.Under the Whistleblowing Act the person who revealed the act of malfeasance or malpractice in the public administration or company will be accorded legal protection in the court of laws.
3.Termination notice not in conformance of the Employment Act, and Industrial Relations Act can be challenged in the Industrial Court by the aggrieved person(s).
Way to go to uphold what is right and just and equitable:-)))


2017-06-27 17:47 | Report Abuse

For those interested to read further- http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/386811


2017-06-25 16:06 | Report Abuse

The various posts on the ex-Chairman were relevant.That to remind all the shareholders to be more assertive,watchful and demanding if it happens the Chairman is not doing the proper job entrusted to him.Likewise this also applies to the BOD.In Malaysia,shareholders are so servile,weak and not informed on the various rules in place that the Chairman and BOD have to adhere- good corporate governance,fiduciary duties,internal audit and remunerations.
2,By having shareholders better informed such poor corporate governance saga can be mitigated and avoided.Do not wait until the matter break out in the open and make headlines in all daily newspapers!.


2017-06-24 16:24 | Report Abuse

More adverse news about the ex-Chairman.View and read ONLY for those interested to know further: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2017/06/24/heres-why-isa-samad-should-not-be-spad-chief/


2017-06-24 15:40 | Report Abuse

The appended Technical Price Charts as appended signalled buying start.
View- http://www.malaysiastock.biz/Stock-Chart.aspx?securitycode=5665


2017-06-23 17:21 | Report Abuse

@Felda-settlers the best option and way forward is for the company to be free, and un-encumbered from all political interferences.You can read anywhere,such political masters meddling always lead any company to nowhere and instead the company will be stuck in the serious financial straits.
2.Best is for the company to appoint corporate figures to head the company and the BOD members who are dedicated,competent and professional in their duties and responsibilities as directors.Not as seat warmers and enjoyed fat salaries,remunerations,perks,benefits and nothing to show at the end of the day.
3.The CEO,and top management staff must be drawn and appointed from the available candidates who know the industry inside out and are firm and intolerant towards any malpractices,misuse,embezzlement of company funds,etc.
Competitive Key Performance Indicators(KPIs) shall be fixed for two years for them to perform and achieve.

I stand to be corrected.The members of the forum can add further.

"Selamat Hari Raya" to all our Muslim brothers and sisters.Bersopan santun bila memandu dilebuhraya.Take care and happy long holidays:-)))


2017-06-23 16:42 | Report Abuse

Huhuhu...read between the line and all the lines what Ah Jib said.When he said the matter will be resolved before Hari Raya,he implicitly meant that changes will be made to the Chairman,and action on Z and the three others.Now former Chairman already out and Z and three others waiting for internal enquiry by the board as recommended by Idris.
2. Employees and management will perceive whether Z and three others have been treated fairly and equitably!.If their sentiments are nay,then the company will be bogged down by internal dis-satisfaction,dissension and low morale.
I stand to be corrected.

Outcome: No good for the image of the company.Local funds like EPF and Pencen Board will still say away from the company's share.

Happy holidays.


2017-06-23 11:09 | Report Abuse

Huhuhu...normally for such notice to the employees it is not as simple as it looks!
1.First,whether the notice on the four management personnel conforms to existing rules and natural justice.One of the contending point going by press report was that the procedure and process was not followed accordingly.The notice was signed by the ex-Chairman who is a non-Executive Chairman. Is it proper and correct?
2.Whether the recommendations by Idris was in accordance with legal and company's procedures and rules?.Is he competent singly to put up such recommendations? Why not done by the in-house Audit Committee with three members-are they not competent!The internal Audit Committee can then forward to the BOD for decision to be made before the notices were issued!

It involves a lot of legalities and only a competent legal person can advise the aggrieved person for his next course of action(reply).
Let's wait and observe the development.The sage continues.

I stand to be corrected on the facts shared.Happy investing:-)))


2017-06-22 14:24 | Report Abuse

@trumpco agreed.Any attempt to shore up the counter's share price will be futile and short-lived.Market forces through past cases normally win at the end of the day.More so for a counter courting controversies one after another.Renowned institutional funds will avoid investing in such counter.They have their investing rules and code of governance on investment to consider.

Anyway,we hope for a better days,after the storm has passed us by.Just stay alert.


2017-06-22 11:33 | Report Abuse

By basing on facts and available information the counter will consolidate within a narrow range for awhile:
1.Global oil prices were soft presently because of glut.Today,WTI at $42.51 and Brent at $ 44-78.
2.Technical Charts Analysis does not support any bullishness for the counter.View: http://www.malaysiastock.biz/Stock-Chart.aspx?securitycode=4456

As investors,you be the judge after studying the price charts.


2017-06-22 11:12 | Report Abuse

@Liang Edmund you don't need to be uncouth in your trite response to angelo:-(((.Any public forum allows for divergent,contrarian and differing views,opinions and comments.Everyone has the liberty to express what they think of the market movement for the counters listed in Bursa.


2017-06-21 17:43 | Report Abuse

Maybe suggests to look and analyse the Technical Price Charts as appended here.Especially,the Moving Averages (MA) Chart.That will offer useful guide whether to Buy,Sell or Hold. View-http://www.malaysiastock.biz/Stock-Chart.aspx?securitycode=5222

2.Used it as a useful guide unless some powerful force happens tomorrow which will overtake the determination makes from the Chart.

The decision is yours.Relate to something that can help you to decide.Cheers:-)))


2017-06-21 16:30 | Report Abuse

After a one day show two days ago, it is back to the stock fundamentals.Any big buyers,punters will look into the company's financial fundamental,historical records,corporate governance,and other key indicators.Even for a mediocre counter like FGV. IF poor corporate governance,embezzlement of funds,leakages of profits,etc the foreign investors will normally avoid such stocks.
2.In the real marketplace any price supports by local funds will be futile and wasteful!.Many past events have proven that the market forces will win over any such market intervention.
Such truth is hard for some investors to accept:-(((
2.Best to go the basics and know what stock you are buying.For political-stock like FGV only for short-term play.
Selamat Hari Raya.


2017-06-21 13:14 | Report Abuse

The article by the G25-an influential group of ex-top civil servants, warrants attention for those interested.



2017-06-21 13:09 | Report Abuse

Read the readers' and public comments for those who are interested on the matter- http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/386293


2017-06-21 12:47 | Report Abuse

US crude oil enters bear market after tumbling 3% below $43 a barrel


Oil prices are "most definitely" heading to $40 a barrel and will likely dip into the upper $30s, John Kilduff, founding partner at energy hedge fund Again Capital, told CNBC's "Squawk Box" on Tuesday.


2017-06-21 12:26 | Report Abuse

Since the company has quite a large investment on oil industry business,its share price is somewhat affected and exposed by the global oil prices' movements.Presently,there is a serious glut in the marketplace causing oil prices to drop.Now somewhere between $45.78.About three weeks ago hovered around above $50-52.


2017-06-21 12:18 | Report Abuse

Not only that @AdCool.Those non-performing directors and top management personnel have to be replaced and changed.They have been enjoying very good perks,benefits and remuneration for far too long but their oversight on the company affairs mediocre and incompetent.If they have done their jobs,duties and discharge their statutory duties well believe the company would not been in such poor state.


2017-06-21 08:57 | Report Abuse

From the news archives:


Only for those investors who are interested to know the previous corporate ills that affects the company.

Cheers,for a better day ahead.


2017-06-20 15:20 | Report Abuse

The company maybe entes a period of uncertainty!.Today the Chairman and MD resigned vide Bursa announcement. Why so sudden...?


2017-06-20 11:04 | Report Abuse

@newbie5354 so uncouth of you to write such remarks.I put forth my views and comments basing on validated published facts,information and news.Such public forum should allow for Divergent views.My views would not move or influence the price but just for sharing and informing.


2017-06-20 10:02 | Report Abuse

If no "trader offs" offer you think pendek will just go out from the Board without a whimper? Not in the zillion chance:-(((


2017-06-20 09:56 | Report Abuse

@limch you have to know all the while since TM's public listing,the company have been making megabucks.Shareholdershave been duly rewarded with ample returns-capital gain from stock price appreciation from the IPO price,dividends,etc.

2.Many local big funds apart from EPF are holders of the stocks.Such investment funds also have fiduciary duties on proper management of their investment funds.

Outcome- It will take some times for such big local funds to come back to the company.Once the reputation,trust, and credibility is lost it takes times for the company to regain back the trust.Anyway,stay alert.Know what you are buying and investing.


2017-06-20 09:07 | Report Abuse

Basing on records the new acting Chairman was one of the independent non-executive directors before basing on Bursa's notification.He should have raised and asserted the many issues of mediocre fiduciary duties,poor corporate governance and mismanagement in the company in the BOD meetings,Internal Audit Committee meetings and others.
2.After gleaning through the published facts I reserved my hope on whether thing while change for the better in the company.Stay alert for development.

Outcome- Old legacy issues still unresolved!.You think the company will take a quantum leap to reasonable profitability? Things are not so easy as seen from outside.


2017-06-19 20:12 | Report Abuse

With the change made today, good for the shareholders who were hoping for such right decision to be made.They were rewarded with a reasonable stock price increase after the announcement.
2.But sending wrong signal to the marketplace and corporate world.
3.Seemed like If one is a high-powered politician helming a conglomerate,one can be held not responsible and accountable for the "big-hole mess" created in the conglomerate's coffers.
4.Out but later rewarded with another Chairmanship of another high profile public organisation.
5.In the long run the country will suffer for such mis-step.The cost is monumental.
Is the person's interest greater than the interest of the whole nation-state???
You BE the judge.

I stand to be corrected.Cheers:-(((((


2017-06-18 22:56 | Report Abuse

Taking care of the settlers through yearly Hari Raya cash handouts,and other benefits will calm their frayed nerves.FGV shareholders are left to fend for themselves.That part of risk to shoulder when investing on stock market.

2.What I can see,FGV price will consolidate around this price.Uptrend will happen only next year prior to the GE-14 announcement date.
Cheers,smart investing and stay tuned to latest development.


2017-06-18 13:56 | Report Abuse

One has to now that Felda is under the responsibiity and watch of PMO.Is he not aware of things happening not well after some years from the date of FGV IPO listing?.The listing is more than five years ago! Why take so long to come out with the mitigation and corrective plan only now? Make me aghast-wondering and scratching my head:-

Outcome- The consequential costs very high for such long delays.Government does not have unlimited resources to keep on propping up the failed company or conglomerate.The cost to the national coffer is very high.Enuf is enuf!,instead of continuing to throw good money after the bad sell and monetise some of the assets( non-related to plantation business) and without any delays have a new BOD+Chairman in place.Do the right thing now.Do not see any other practical option.

I stand to be corrected on my viewpoint basing on published facts on the company make available.


2017-06-18 11:40 | Report Abuse

@Apollo Ang that is the sad and mediocre star of thing happening right in front of our eyes!.It is only the simple-minded and gullible villager and settler folks who can be easily hoodwinked by meagre cash and goodies handouts.Such spectacle will repeat year by year.

News & Blogs

2017-06-18 11:18 | Report Abuse

Tend to agree with @TheContrarian.Seemed the choice and preference he makes in stock investing selection is wise and proven.Investors must be informed to make wise decision.


2017-06-18 11:15 | Report Abuse

Huhuhu... the retail investors,speculators will suffer heavy losses if privatisation were to happen!.Do you think they will offer the price of RM 2.50.Not a million chance for a loss-making company:-(((.The offer price will be the average of the trading prices of the stock for the last 7-10 days when the deal is announced.

2.For the settlers' holdings they will be taken care off in another separate and reasonable manner.Priority attention by gomen is on Felda. Like what is always the usual approach come Hari Raya.

Outcome: Stay alert for the development when punting the counter.The bleeding in the company will continue.Don't put your hope too high.Otherwise great disappointment awaits.Cheers,Happy Father's Day.

News & Blogs

2017-06-18 10:59 | Report Abuse

@Albukhary Taiwanese was majority shareholder in the old Titan Petrochemicals Co. Bhd. Later it was privatised and sold to Lotte from South Korea.What change- the ownership of the company.Main activities- manufacturing petrochemicals from petroleum feedstocks.

Hope the concise info' helps.Cheers:-)))


2017-06-17 20:05 | Report Abuse

Aiyah,MO1 is very much embattled from many fronts presently.Possibly,not so soon!.One can plan but ultimately it is the Almighty that disposes.The saga will drag on for quite awhile.The elephant in the room is not so easy to dislodge politically.


2017-06-17 17:59 | Report Abuse

Certainly,when the FGV was listed about five years ago and the IPO increase by more than 15% above the issued price believed many of the settlers would have sold off the shares allowed to them.They enjoyed decent profits even after paying off the ball loans taken to subscribe to the IPO.Like what happened to many successful bumpiteras who are successful in getting the new share entitlements during a new IPO issue.They will quickly sell to realise immediate profits.

2.Going back to the basic,the core issue is still how much profits(net) can be made by FGV yearly so that an agreed percentage(%) of such profits can be paid and channelled back yearly to Felda to support the settlers' replanting program,decent housing for the settlers,welfare programmes and others.

But for many years FGV have been losing money! That what make the settlers' unhappy from what I can digest.Ultimatley,the profitability and soundness of the company will be reflected on its equity price in Bursa.


2017-06-17 16:24 | Report Abuse

@Edwarddong53 What give? Collateral damage is on other citizens.The gomen has to get the fund from somewhere to support such measure to save FGV and appease the settlers(says).One of the way is to cut subsidies of essential goods.Or through other extra-budgetary measures.

Outcome: Everyone suffer.Not only just the Felda settlers.


2017-06-16 17:41 | Report Abuse

This counter can make one heart-broken if one is hoping for some reasonable capital gains.Finally,I have liquidate mine yesterday.Glad the sale is done.Good luck to those still holding the counter!


2017-06-16 15:13 | Report Abuse

The only one mega debt saga hogged the global and local limelights again.A lot of time,efforts and attention will be drawn towards mitigating the damage and fallouts by the concerned parties and also responding to the oppo offensive moves on the matter.
2.Time taken to cure the corporate smalaise in most cases like in these two examples 1MDB and FGV will be taxing on the stakeholders.The longer the matter is dragged the cost to the nation and company will be dire.


2017-06-16 11:02 | Report Abuse

@ag397 the petrochemicals selling price have a direct correlation with the global market oil prices.Presently,the oil price is biased towards the lower level.One other reason is falling demands for petrochemicals as skeptics anticipated.


2017-06-16 10:30 | Report Abuse

The money is yours to decide.View for yourself the Technical Price Charts trend and momentum.I maybe wrong but my determination is basing on what I get from the charts-MA,MACD,RSI and stochastic.Cheers:-)))