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2017-06-16 09:56 | Report Abuse

Appearance of long white candle on 8 June portends something good and positive for the counter- to continue on the uptrend.Presently,the counter is undergoing mild consolidation within the narrow range of 1-5cents.MACD chart still positive to support the uptrend even though the RSI chart showed the counter is on overbought.Today,the weak holders of the stock will sell down for the counter before the price trend upward continues.

Outcome: Buy and collect on weakness.


2017-06-15 22:56 | Report Abuse

Appearance of long white candle today on the Technical Price Chart signal something not positive for the price of this counter.Likely signal bearishness of the stock in coming days to come.The bearishness in the counter is also shown on the MACD and RSI charts.The slide in global oil prices due to the glut will not lend any support to the price.Thus wavered towards the cautionary side for this counter.

Outcome: Expected weakness in the price of this counter unless global oil price recovered which is not likely in the immediate term.


2017-06-15 19:17 | Report Abuse

Price has been on the mild correction from the ex-price after bonus between a narrow range of 1-3cents.Hopefully after the consolidation stage is over the rebound will take place to reward all patient investors and holders of the stock.


2017-06-15 18:58 | Report Abuse

Good QR report but the counter is stuck in price between 2.58-262 for quite sometimes.When EPF sells,LTHB buys.How long such trend will continue,yeah? When the upside in price will happen???


2017-06-15 18:56 | Report Abuse

Basing on all the Technical Price Charts- MA,MACD,RSI,stochastic the stock is downtrending after a strong run upwards since mid-April 2017.Such price on the downside will be continued for awhile.
Wait to accumulate when the price is down by another 10cents(if possible).


2017-06-14 21:16 | Report Abuse

The corporate ills and malaise in FGV has been building up and festering below the surface for quite sometimes.It is only recently that the matter break out in the open.The root cause leading to the worst corporate tussle saga can be easily traced to one man and the BOD which have failed to discharge their checks and balances to ensure that the company affairs are well managed and conformed to all the local regulatory laws,regulations and circulars.

2.To resolve the problem hard solutions are needed.

3.No half-baked measures,recommendations or actions.

Otherwise the underlying matter remains unresolved.Then matter of times,the similar problem happened again and again.


2017-06-14 17:08 | Report Abuse

Net profit down by about 3%. Tmrw is the AGM at Bangsar South Convention Centre@9.30am.Price support by the related party for good show tmrw,maybe.


2017-06-14 17:03 | Report Abuse

@Karenng good stock recommendations.But all these counters have appreciated in value between 50-75% this year.Maybe the investors can look into these counters later if there is a price corrections.Otherwise maybe reasonably expensive.


2017-06-14 14:08 | Report Abuse

Is there no better person than Sharir? Think out of the box and more better qualified candidate for FGV Chairman can be made.Things have been rotten to the core for the past 6-7 years and thus needs a strong,capable and qualified Chairman to helm the Board.


2017-06-14 12:49 | Report Abuse

Gomen is not in the hurry to call for GE-14.As explained earlier the GE14 will probably be held in early next year 2018.President Xi from China is making a visit to Malaysia in October 2017 and jointly officiated the opening ceremony for Xiamen University in Nilai.
2.Local institutional funds will not just put in the money on such badly managed company.That will be against their best investment practices and bring their investing into questions.They are also accountable to their investees,beneficiaries and stakeholders.Even though the directive may come from the top leader.
3.In the meantime the price trend and momentum for this counter will be very much dependent on retailers,speculators,big shark punters and how the corporate tussle saga unravel! And how the market's [erception of this company counter.Only KPF is buying/That will keep you wondering the buying from whom!
Be alert on the development if you want to make some FAST money out of the politically-connected stock.Not for investment but more for speculation:-)))


2017-06-13 22:04 | Report Abuse

Nasdaq is presently up by 0.8278%. Likewise DJIA and S&P also up.The sudden price drop last Friday is just a temporary dip.Cheers:-))))


2017-06-13 21:12 | Report Abuse

@meisarel it is a BAD choice to made Shahrir as FGV Chairman.Presently,he is already Chairman of Felda.Previously pendek is holding both posts.Thus do you want the same debacle to be repeated again!Better person is someone from the corporate sector and who had proven his mettle.Maybe the former CEO of Petronas Tan Sri Shamsul will be the best candidate.


2017-06-13 18:33 | Report Abuse

Politicians should not be nominated to the board. They make for poor decision makers in areas of corporate governance,fiduciary duties and financial performance.
2..In the corporate world emphasis and attention is drawn to the company's bottom-line.It is best to appoint capable and proven personnel from the corporate sector with qualifications,experience and expertise to the BOD.
3.The present Chairman has not proven his performance mettle in the corporate world and has overstayed.Time for him to go.There is no other option available.Nobody is indispensable in this world.

Hope to see better and sunny days for this company.


2017-06-13 18:03 | Report Abuse

1.0 The members do not need to accuse another commentator of black heart if the latter view is contrary to the former!.Everyone if free to present their views,opinions and comments.Facts and information disclosed can then help the investors and speculators to time their Buy,Sell or just to Hold.Even the IB can differ in their analysis of the stock under their review.

2.0 Even the large shareholders of MPI-the Hong Leong clan,Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan and his relatives were disposing off the shares since June 2017.

3.0 The Future market on Nasdaq is up 7.0points.Hopefully the sell-down last Friday stabilised.Overall the global economy is in better shape than previous years.

4.0 The Technical Price Charts for the stock-MA,MACD,RSI,stochastic support further uptrend for the stock barring any sudden adverse global market development like what happened on Friday,last week.
Just to share.Be a savvy and smart investor.Good luck.


2017-06-12 17:52 | Report Abuse

Just append a concise article for the reading interest of the readers-
Robert Kuok : Only when the greedy grabbing of wealth & power stops, will Malaysia have a chance to progress.

Encapsulating thoughts of Robert Kuok on Malaysia.

Malaysia's tycoons are investing heavily overseas instead of re-investing in Malaysia.

This definitely does not bode well for the country & her citizens.

As history past decades has shown, many of the Chinese businesses have been taken over by either GLCs or Malay businessmen aligned with politicians.

Bit by bit , many of the huge family corporations and big businesses are leaving for safer havens such as Singapore or Hong Kong, where they feel their fortunes and business empires are relatively safe and secure from greedy hands.

Come to think of it, it's an oxymoron.

On one hand, the Malaysian government tells us that they are trying to attract foreign investors / investments..

On the other, they are pushing away local investors (many of whom happens to be of Chinese ethnicity).

Another interesting reply from Robert Kuok in a Star interview below: ...

Asked about the sense of discrimination among the Chinese in Malaysia, Kuok demurred, saying:

"This will lead only to highly controversial statements, which is not good for anybody.
It may cause grief or hurt those Chinese who are living in Malaysia, one must never be the cause of any kind of inter-racial hostility.

To me, the future of Malaysia rests on the economy. It always has.

Only when the greedy grabbing of wealth & power stops, will Malaysia have a chance to progress.

Else, it will go downhill.

For now, the people can afford to make noise on a full stomach. Wait till their stomachs are empty.

All the racial & religious issues will lead to conflict when the economy tanks.

And it is prudent for politicians to stop playing up these issues, before they really get out of hand.

I'm not raising these points because these businesses are owned by the Chinese.

Businessmen are businessmen.Particularly the big fishes in the Chinese community.

Their wealth do not belong to all the Chinese. The point is, regardless of ethnicity, a growing economy is important to sustain this country.

More so for the Chinese whom are largely in the private sector. And many, many Chinese these days are losing hope.

The Malaysian economy and the Malays

Before the Malays start accusing & calling the Chinese unkind names, maybe they ought to pause and consider about how far they have come with a growing affluent middle-class and benefiting from affirmative policies.

It does not come free. It does not come solely from petro-money. It came from a strong and stable economy.

Indirectly, It came from sacrifices by the normal non-Malays who had to give up some of their rights.

It came from the risks non-Malays had to make to build up their businesses, and then share it with Malay businessmen.

Whatever the Chinese own, they paid for it. They did not get it for free.

Some had to borrow from loan-sharks.,taking most of the risks. Most sacrificed family time.
Not all benefitted and became wildly successful. Some lost everything, fortunes & family.
At the lower spectrum, they sacrificed years working overseas illegally to save enough to buy their home & capital for business.


2017-06-12 16:42 | Report Abuse

@Wimar will avoid to be associated with such company.Not in another thousand years,unless it is cheap sale.Outright sale and clear of all political interference and doings!:-(((((((((((((((((


2017-06-12 11:05 | Report Abuse

Not only both of them but a total revamp of the BOD and top management is essential.Remove all the dead woods in the company and ensure that the new BOD is given clear Key Performance Indicators(KPIs) to achieve.If they cannot achieve within a reasonable period then they ought not to be helming and managing the company.Otherwise the company will be held back by legacy issues and bogged down with internal strife,tussles and friction.


2017-06-12 10:48 | Report Abuse

@BULL!)BEAR10 after checking the share disposal notifications found that the disposal had tapered off after May 2017.In 8 June 2017 there is only one disposal of 15,000 shares.
2.Important when disclosing such news,information or facts in the open forum do validate with the source.
3.Self-responsibility and accountability is very important when posting and sharing such news.


2017-06-11 20:16 | Report Abuse

Such laggard counter is good for retirees who are happy to receive a meagre dividend of 5cts per unit.Chances of capital gains from price appreciation will displease others- speculators and other investors.Look at many other counters.They enjoyed good runs when Bursa recently was bullish.Don't put the expectations on the counter too high.One will be disappointed.


2017-06-11 19:22 | Report Abuse

This is an open forum.Differences in views should be allowed.Can help investors or speculators to make smart investing decision.


2017-06-11 17:04 | Report Abuse

@goongsokaro you are absolutely right.Expect the new PPA wef July 2017, will be at lower value as compare to the old generation PPAs.Thus will have some impact on the financials of the company.In turn will also impact on the stock price.Expect the impact to be minimal and has been reflected in the present counter market price.


2017-06-11 15:46 | Report Abuse

@confuse the fact disclosed by iInvestor is correct.Checked with another reliable website that host the Bursa stock prices and found the NAPS(or in short NTA)=RM 1.59 is correct.

2.If you are confused do not confused others.Do some diligent checks by yourselves.Stock investing is not as simple as buying and selling.Make use of the wealth of information,data,facts,guides from the internet to assist you in making sound and value investing decision.
Good luck.Cheers:-)))


2017-06-11 15:40 | Report Abuse

IF the company management is BAD,it is BAD.As simple as that.No matter how one try to paint a rosy and positive picture of the company that won't help.Hard Truth hurts.
2.Any purchase of the stocks by the big local institutional funds in the coming days do not mitigate and cure the worsening corporate and financial malaises affecting the company.That is poorly thought decision or directive coming from the top leader-Akin to throwing good money after the bad!
3.Any punter has to play smart on this counter."Buy low and sell high".If you have make enough run.Wait for another round.It comes in the circle.Be patient.
More news on the corporate debacle-https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/s/4753/


2017-06-11 11:13 | Report Abuse

07 Jun 2017
Bursa Malaysia Berhad and its subsidiaries will be closed on Monday, 12th June 2017, in conjunction with Nuzul Al-Quran.

Bursa Malaysia and its subsidiaries will resume operations on Tuesday, 13th June 2017.


2017-06-11 10:59 | Report Abuse

There is so much going for this counter post IPO.Priding itself as one the second largest IPOs issuance in the world after Facebook.But what happened afterwards?Price gapped down like waterfall.How this poor state of thing arises?Wrong selection of Chairman,poorly-nominated Board of Directors(BOD),lamentable fiduciary duties and responsibilities of the people running and managing the company,poor corporate governance,many "little Napoleons" in the company,too much politicking in the counter,poor and among the worst of the plantation company in term of financial performance year after year.Even during the golden years of the palm oil when the price touched above RM3,200-3,500.00/tonnes the company cannot generate reasonable EPS,ROE,DY.What these say about the present corp of Chairman and BOD?
2.They need to be voted out of the company for very poor management? Yet they are still here up to the present day! Keep me wondering???
3.Remember in the corporate world it is dog eat dog type of game.Poor performance,you are immediately out.No second guessing!
4.Things will not change in this company- too many vested and personal interests.Is it All for One,or One for ALL.Your guess is as good as mine.

OUTCOME: Punt the counter when the price is down Sell when the price is up.Do not invest in this company for long term hoping for good capital return(stock price appreciation),Dividend Yield(DY) and bonus issue.Not in another twenty years...:-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((


2017-06-10 16:24 | Report Abuse

Many companies have undertake such re-organisation.The listing status for PMetal Bhd. will be transferred to a new company(or in short newco) which is Press Metal Holding Bhd. after all the approvals are obtained from Bursa,SEC and others.PMetal Bhd will be turned into Press Metal Sdn. Bhd. The eligible shareholders will just exchange one Press Metal Bhd. for one Press Metal Holdings Bhd.(newco).It is not a bonus issue.

To understand more on why the re-organisation,please read the news archive: http://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/press-metal-proposes-reorganisation-new-entity-assume-listed-status


2017-06-10 16:05 | Report Abuse

Why a plantation-based company is investing in hotels overseas? Such decisions should have alerted the Independent Non-Executive Directors on such business transactions.

To read further,from the archives-http://www.reuters.com/article/malaysia-felda-idUSL4N1F7366


2017-06-09 15:56 | Report Abuse

Laggard counter.One day show yesterday!.Look good only on paper.


2017-06-09 10:46 | Report Abuse

Another source of news on the corporate tussle.Just to keep the investors informed.Read-https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/s/4636/


2017-06-09 10:15 | Report Abuse

Finally,the Chairman of Felda makes a public statement: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/385009


2017-06-09 09:36 | Report Abuse

More news on the real reason behind the corporate tussle.Makes for an interesting read-http://www.malaysia-today.net
The investors can refer back to the web host for any further clarifications on the news revealed.


2017-06-09 09:21 | Report Abuse

Read the public comments in Malaysiakini:http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/385028


2017-06-08 15:55 | Report Abuse

Read think the other new Samad was cowed by the shorty.The latter maybe has many power brokers who the supreme head needs to consider carefully and appease.
The news from the net: http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/384916


2017-06-08 14:53 | Report Abuse

All the Technical Price Indicators Charts-Moving Averages(MA),Moving Average Convergence Divergence(MACD),Relative Strength Index(RSI) and Stochastic support the current bullish trend for the stock.
2.RSI shows the share is presently overbought.
3.Think the price trend and momentum can be sustain barring any adverse global market news.
Just to share.Good luck.


2017-06-08 14:25 | Report Abuse

It sounds so surreal(out of place)that there is no public comment from Shahrir?