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2017-07-19 09:05 | Report Abuse

@titus the next QR will be announced somewhere between 24 to 29 August 2017.What IS the performance one can expect? Just venture a guess...


2017-07-19 09:02 | Report Abuse

Comments on lack of labor for palm fruits harvesting:

GLCs and alike should not lament about the lack of labor and the needs to source for more and additional foreign workers such as from Bangladesh.But as a government linked company(GLC) they should demonstrate good example by exploring all the alternative solutions to resolve the labor shortage:

1.Engage with more than 318 Felda communities where the plantation assets reside and discuss with them whether they can work as a harvester for FGV during the peak crop seasons.Better still outsource the harvesting to them on the win-win basis.Think they will be most happy with the additional source of income accrued to them.
2.Alternatively,they can engage outside independent contractors to undertake such harvesting task.At times,it is more productive and cheaper to embark on this manner.Not all the jobs need to be undertaken internally by the companies.That what many smart companies are doing.They just concentrate on those jobs that can provide added value returns and in turn better bottomline for the company.
3.If not what about getting such labor from East Malaysia-Sabah and Sarawak?.They are plentiful supply.Nowadays many construction companies sourced for labor from such states.
4.Additionally,the company can explore the possibility of mechanisation the harvesting of crops.Better productivity and better bottom line.
5.Train the exisitng harvester workforce to make them more productive.Doing more with less.

Combining all these it provide the company with many good and practical pathways to resolve the immediate labor shortages.A strong leader will not go for soft and esay option!.

That what seperate a top performing company from the mediocre one.Best to get the BODs,CEO who can walk the talk and understand the plantation business inside out.

Need to say more!!!


2017-07-18 22:20 | Report Abuse

@Larrytrader unfortunately FGV is a political stock.Very much sensitive to political happenings.Such news as posted by some forummers e.g. Anak_Felda and dam82 cannot be avoided.As for me I read and update myself on the posts and asked myself whether any or what impact they have on FGV.

Stay tuned.


2017-07-18 20:57 | Report Abuse

One should not scoffed at an authoritative business news edition published by The Edge.The Edge for forummers' information is read by many top corporate honcho and well regarded by them as a useful mouthpiece on the happenings in the corporate world.Most of the news coming out from The Edge are incisive,more times than not correct.Because they are have the ears on the ground regarding the corporate development..
2.I subscribe to The Edge for many years and I learnt a lot from reading many of the analyses,opinions,news articles and special roll-out.
3.Every year they also hostsd the annual The Edge award winners to those corporate honchos (who have been nominated by an independent panel) who have excelled and contributed vastly to their companies performance.Such yearly award and dinner fest is well attended by luminaries,CEOs,Khazanah top bosses,all bankers, and their contemporaries.
4.From the article today,I can deduce that Sharir makes a poor candidate for the top post in Felda-saying the wrong thing at the wrong moment and worsened the image of Felda subsidiaries,associate companies and including FGV.
5.That why coming back to my earlier post before,politician should stay out from the business and corporate world.They don't have the expertise,qualification and temperament to run a conglomerate like Felda or any GLCs companies.

The shareholders should vote with their feet at the next AGM or EGM of the company to express their great dissatisfaction on how the company affairs have been poorly managed.


2017-07-18 20:36 | Report Abuse

This is a highly speculative stock.Hope those who have made some reasonable returns can lock up their gains.
2.Remember the global market is entering a volatile situation any moment.The US Federal Reserve Board(equivalent to Bank Negara) plan to publish their balance sheet to unwind US 4 trillion bond holdings in September.According to UBS,the region cannot escape from such action emanating from the US.
3.Hope those investors and punters who chased the share counter sky-high and was caught badly the first round will be a lot wiser this round.Be alert for any sudden price reversal.
Just a thought.Cheers:-)))


2017-07-18 11:05 | Report Abuse

@leslieroycarter you have commented very succinctly on the on-going saga in FGV.If the present BODs are not up to the mark to manage the mega mess in the company,then rightfully they have overstayed.The longer they procrastinate it will be more painful for all investors.Punters on the stock on the other hand will be happy in the event the counter price rise up and down.With volatility on the stock and with the right timing they can make quite a bundle!
2.But that is beside the point.What is most important is how to mitigate further continuing losses and recoup the losses for sustainable growth.

That is what the market-place expects and wants to hear.


2017-07-18 10:52 | Report Abuse

For those interested to know the real state of affairs in national governance of GLCs.Also because there was an earlier post on MAS.Read- https://www.malaysiakini.com/columns/388889


2017-07-17 22:06 | Report Abuse

A good,visionary and capable Director together with the BOD will try to manage the company through the good and bad times.During such corporate mess and testing period for example in FGV that will test the mettle,grit,courage and leadership acumen of the leader taking charge of the company.During good times,even a dumbo sitting in the big chair will see the company making reasonable profits without total involvement.
2.Don't offer excuses just get down and do the real job of resurrecting and rationalising the company's operations for better QR.That is what he and the BOD are paid to do.
3.Other similar plantation companies also faced the similar problems and labour issues but they took it with good strides.Managing during a crisis is what separate the visionary leader from the mediocre one/type.

Need to say more:-(((


2017-07-17 16:28 | Report Abuse

Walking the talk,or just,talk,talk and talk?.Very typical of how things are undertaken over here.More gibberish than saying something concrete.


2017-07-17 15:47 | Report Abuse

@Ehi1964 but the drop in global sugar price will not help MSM.They have locked the future contracts of the sugar they need for their operations at a high price.What a mediocre lots.Think better to sell off the company if they cannot run the company profitably.


2017-07-17 15:31 | Report Abuse

Felda_settlers pemimipin BN hanya aktif dan berdepan dengan peladang-peladang syarikat dan Felda bila hampir dekat dengan pilihanraya umum.Banyak contoh yang boleh diteliti daripada pilihanraya yang leoas.
2.Kerajaan yang berprihatin,berkemampuan,dan berkaliber akan sentiasa mementingkan kebaijkan rakyat dan masalah kehidupan mereka.Ini yang dimaksudkan dengan kerajaan setia untuk rakyat.


2017-07-17 12:24 | Report Abuse

Before the company was sold off completely to FGV,no matter whether good or not so good times the company was still profitable.The previous company owner managed the operations very well and leveraged the price of raw sugar to the dot.
2.Not presently.Descend from the counter of choice to one that is mediocre.How sad,with such fall in a short span of time.Something,but be very wrong with how they managed the company's operation.

Read further- http://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/msms-2q17-be-challenging-says-affin-hwang-capital-research


2017-07-17 10:57 | Report Abuse

A better choice for those investors who want to collect and invest in petrochemical sector will be PetChem.Today only RM 6.86.Soild fundamentals.Earnings per share(EPS) 45.44 and never failed to pay dividends.Dividend yearly average from 16.0 to 22.0 cents per unit. Giving dividend yield(DY) of about 2.77% pa.
2. Lotte share counter will fall further if not for Maybank support and the company's buyback scheme to shareholders that subscribe to the company's IPO.


2017-07-16 18:17 | Report Abuse

FGV_ don't be uncouth.The forum is an open forum.Must allow for divergent views and opinions.Not just one strand of thought towards the supporting the share counter only, when the fundamentals are still poor.Just to share my thought with other(those interested) so that they can stay better informed then followed the herd-mentality which will lead one to nowhere.Cheers:-)))


2017-07-16 17:52 | Report Abuse

@FGV_ always the vulnerable and innocent one-who don't play politics, will be targeted If that is the case the saga will continue.The investors will react negatively and the share counter will be hit by another round of sell-down.
Unfortunately,for me and my family are caught between the rock and the hard place.Otherwise ,we better spend our time commenting in the forum for other well-managed share counter.The latter will be worth the time spending.


2017-07-16 14:23 | Report Abuse

This share counter is highly speculative.Driven to the historical high from ~0.82 cents to RM 1.70 and higher because of the earlier hype that they stand a good chance to take over Bandar Malaysia- in the new tender RFP which was\ just recently closed.The rumour abounds in the market-place that the company is partnering Wanda Group from China.
2.But expectation take a reality hit when Wanda Group was recently investigated by the Chinese authorities on some of the deals that they are involved.
3.This counter FA has nothing to shout about.Mediocre earnings and shareholders have been hoping for better return of equity and yearly dividends at every QR but reports still mediocre..
4.Basing on the latest development which is not positive or game changer for the counter expect the price to go lower.Even at the present price it is overvalued.
Just to share.


2017-07-16 12:05 | Report Abuse

This typical GLC never learnt from their presently mediocre corporate image-mismanagement,poor corporate governance,poor QR’s earnings and open top corporate feud/tussle for all to witness.With such poor image presented to the market-place the counter share price has been battered down.
2.Thought after the well-published and unwarranted controversy things would have settled down.But not that simple? Back to the most recent example.Shahrir through Felda(as one of the largest institutional holders of FGV) proposed and appointed three persons from Felda to be in the BOD of FGV.That means three persons from FGV have to make way to accomodate the new appointees.
But instead Mahbob-the acting-Chairman of FGV, requested all the present BODs of FGV to stay put.Simply on the justifications they need to be involved in the recovery and strengthening of FGV.
3.Then the new BOD will be made of 12 persons (from 9) is far too large and unwieldy.Additional large expenditures have to be incurred towards paying thier remunerations,fees,incentives,perks,allowances and others.These sums will escalate from RM 7.58 million in 2016 to RM 10.11 milliion in FY 2017.But the last QR net profit of RM 2.47 million had nothing to show about.Instead of cost-cutting such additional expenses will impose additional financial strains on FGV’s balance sheet.
4.Look like at the next FGV’s AGM the public shareholders have to vote with their feet to convey strongly to the company that they are most displeased that the company cannot do thing right and do the right thing.Shareholders’ interest not properly and diligently care for.

The stark reality dawned on us as shareholders of FGV.I and my family are waiting for the suitable time to sell and dispose all and never ever touch this counter again.Heavy political interference and divergent views normally, are no good for any public listed company.


2017-07-15 11:08 | Report Abuse

This property counter has nothing to shout about.EPF can keep buying and mopping up the shares from the market but the price has not stabilised of yet!.Are they throwing good money after the bad or they know something that we public investors do not know? :-(((
2.When looking at the last QR it is poor.Profits only RM 10,462 millions and EPS is very low at only 0.49 cents.As one of the politically-connected counters with such mediocre earnings what is there to shout about.They have managed to win quite a number of plum tender jobs but where is the strong profits.
Another counter that makes poor investment return for EPF???

I stand to be corrected.


2017-07-15 09:52 | Report Abuse

When company's financial fundamentals have nothing to show to the market,the price will be in the "comatose state".
2.Another good example is Malakoff where the present price is also way below the IPO listing price.Now the share is only RM 1.04. The people running the IPPs are mediocre lots!.Normally,utilities and plantation counters are defensive stocks.If their market prices are low that can tell you very clearly something were not correct in how they run and managed their business.Be alert and watchful.
3.Premier and his cohorts can keep shouting for the price to go up but that will never happen.Maybe two months before and after the GE-14 the price will tick upwards.Once that period is over the share counter will be back to "comatose condition" unless the company can show strong and improved QR at every intervals.
One interesting read- http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2017/07/15/problems-with-malaysias-glcs-no-overnight-phenomenon/


2017-07-14 11:08 | Report Abuse

Today,a solid fundamental petrochemical share counter like PetChem is only RM 6.83.A drop of 12.0cents over yesterday closing.What can that tell you? Reflect and learn.
2.Agreed with some of the comments by @CKCS however controversial.
3.Any forum must allow for diverse views,opinions and remarks.
4.But nobody can make a buy or sell call for you.The money is yours.So be informed to make a smart choice.Nobody like to make a bad call- when one can lost all the hard-earned savings.



2017-07-14 09:40 | Report Abuse

Way forward for the company embroiled and enmeshed in a messy corporate mismanagement,tussle and financial straits from an outside observer.Top six (6) recommendations:
1.The nexus between the political appointees and the company has to be re-looked seriously. Past happenings and development in the company does not augur well for such practice to be continued.
2.Forensic accounting by reputed outside forensic auditors on all the ill-fated business and corporate deals whether locally or abroad has to be undertaken. Relevant and proper action need to be taken after the tabling of the findings and reports by the auditors.Through such initiative and action those funds,investment and capital expended can be meaningfully recovered and put back to build the company reserves.Highly perplexed to know from available press reports that there were a massive depletion of the RM 15 billions accrued from the IPO about 4-5 years ago!.All these capital outflows have to be identified and the money trails traced to show that the company meant business and no more “business as usual”.
3.Monetise some of the non-performing assets that do not contribute towards the organic growth and Return of Equity(ROE) for the company.
4.Cost-cutting optimisation and rationalise the company structure,operations, and adminstration to generate better productivity and returns for the company and shareholders at every quarters(QR).
5.Re-negotiate on LLA so that it is on equitable for both parties and on win-win outcome.
6.Embarked on the replanting schedule plan for all palm trees beyond the productive years of more than 20-25 years old.If properly planned and managed well can help towards increasing the yields per hectare.

There may be others which were not enumerated here which can help towards revitalising and restructuring the company for improved and sustainable growth in future without continually depending on “gomen’s hype,political talk pitch for support”, and intervention from time to time.

If no concrete and immediate corporate restructuring and revival plan is announced then sorry to say this share counter will always be caught in continued corporate paralysis like a few other GLCs public share counters.


2017-07-13 12:53 | Report Abuse

Seemed they are not making sound decision on the new directors.Why appoint a politician? What they know about business in the corporate sphere and market-place.In the market-place they don't care a damn whoever one may be.It is a brutal fact- just show the profits,good governance,accountability,etc year after year them only the company share counter can enjoy premium status.Other than that,just can pray until the cows moo,moo,moo.


2017-07-13 10:28 | Report Abuse

It is only a one day show!.IBs try every means to support the share by buybacks but will fail miserably.Unless they have bottomless cash hordes to throw good money after the bad investment advice given during the IPO exercise.Nobody has win against the market moves.
2.Another painful lessons never to forget to be repeated.


2017-07-13 10:20 | Report Abuse

@AdCool agreed.IF they cannot even managed a company infused with large tracts of plantation lands under LLA with Felda and the IPOs billions then they are not fit,qualified and competent to be in the business,corporate, and plantation industry.They should have shown to the doors earlier than given five years to improve the financial performance and returns.They are a bunch of insolent and mediocre lots.
2.To sell,they have to sell at the great discounted price.Otherwise no party,group or other company will be interested.
3.FGV can enter to the wall of infamy- where company has no reason to fail but fail miserably.Sad legacy.Nothing to be proud of:-(((
Sad for the loyal investors.They are not given the proper and due rewards but only miserably dividends year in and year out.


2017-07-12 19:14 | Report Abuse

To debunk the commony held myth “Too Big To Fail”:

Who would have expected that Bank Bumiputra(BB) needed to be rescued by the gomen in the 1990s”? Not one,but twice with the large infusion of new cash capital to keep it operationally afloat. Just to ensure that the failure of BB will not cascade far and wide throughout the banking systems.
Would would expect Lehman Bros. one of the mega-financial conglomerates-too big to fail in the United States failed in the year 2007 and lead to the global financial crisis near ,far ,and wide? No countries escape unscathed from the meltdowns in the global financial crisis and at large costs to the country’s well-being and prosperity.
If not for the new and immediate injection of capital from the Federal Reserve Bank(akin to Bank Negara over here) as loans extended repayable by the drawees during the 2007 crisis, American International Assurance (AIA) one of the large global insurance behemoth will need to close shop.Sigh…:-(((
Coming back to FGV.What makes one thinks it cannot go along the similar paths like the above few examples.There are other notable examples abound in the news domain? Is it because it is too big to fail? Or is it because the gomen will always be behind or KPF will be ready to pump in the new money to keep it afloat?
For the company which have the present market price at RM 1.63 from the IPO price at RM 4.50 that can tell you as an investor something valuable to think about aloud!.If the gross mismanagement and one financial saga one after another continue more institutional funds will follow the path of EPF.Don’t forget that such funds also need to uphold on their high standard of fidiciuary duties,responsbilities and corporate governance on the funds that they invest.They need to be accountable to their shareholders or investors annually or bi-annually who have invested their savings or contributions in such funds.One cannot predict how the market will react to the share counter if it continues to make losses year in after year out.
If ever gomen’s assistance needs to be extended the most logical thing is to assist the more than 110,000 settlers directly through annual cash handouts,entitlements during the festive seasons.@LOO99 understand this very well,and he got it right on the dot.Such gullible folks will be easily appeased and relieved with such assistances. They see real money on their hands.FGV’s survival will be left to their own peril!.Even if FGV price drop very low it will be good news for gomen.Can buy back cheaply and all the lands from Felda under LLA can be handed back.Akin to Malaysian Airlines System(MAS) which is caught in such dire financial straits.MAS share value was in the doldrums from RM 7.00-8.50 down to ~010-0.15 cents before it was finally taken back by gomen.Hopefully not that FGV will follow the similar fateful route.
Just an advice.Don’t always expect gomen’s bailouts or supports for such public -listed share counter.One will be greatly dissapointed if such assistance that does turn out finally.Even if it do,it will only be temporary.Will leave one mentally and physically drained out to keep one expectation and hope too high:-(((.At the end of the day,one will ask…such expectation is not worth waiting for.The destiny is all yours to make out in the real market-place out there.Not easy, but don’t ever trade basing on sentiments and endless expectations.Futility exercise.


2017-07-12 10:42 | Report Abuse

some should be soft.Wrong keypad entry.Rgds.


2017-07-12 10:36 | Report Abuse

Think the marketplace forces had taught the IBs' and Lotte a good and impactful lessons.Get your pricing right and don't try to create unwarranted uncertainty.The market forces will retaliate adversely like what happened yesterday at the opening bells.
2.The present price can still move down but within a narrow range of 1-5 cents before stabilising.Today,even for PetChem is down by 4 cents.
3.Petrochemical stocks presently is not the buy choice because of anticipated some demands in the next few quarters(QR).
Cheers,be a smart and savvy investor:-)))


2017-07-12 10:28 | Report Abuse

@urmomcrabe agreed with your views.But like to add further:
1. To look after the nation's or company's cash hordes is the same.Basically, the gomen appointees and shareholders need to vote with their feet wisely to have someone of impeccable character and standing to helm or take charge of the company.If not even with the cash hordes in the few billions for example RM 15 billions or even RM 52 billions the money can be whittled down in a short time to a miserable sum for the company as can be witnessed by many of us today.That going by the latest news reports on two mega-debt saga which everyone can read and discern correctly.
2.Have we seen such reported corporate debacle in other public -listed plantation conglomerates listed in Bursa?.True blue-blooded counters like KLK,UP,GPlant,HS Plant and a few notable ones are still holding their heads high,strong and almighty in good and bad times.That separate the very well-managed company with the mediocre ones.
3.IF the RM 15 billions cash hordes still available for example,the company can go easily for share buy-backs or increase the size of the Treasury shares! That can help to support or stabilise the price in the event of sudden adverse moves in the real marketplace equities or economy.
4.I would have sold OFF my holding and my family's holdings on this counter last year but was advised to stay put.But that was not a wise decision:-(((.Instead the sentiment in this counter is even worse now with the corporate tussle debacle spilled out openly.That cost the investors like me,my family and you dearly.
Hopefully wait for the correct time to fully liquidate this counter to re-coup some losses or mitigate the losses and will never come back.Never again.Lesson learned.


2017-07-11 11:48 | Report Abuse

Looking into the comments and the counter price performance the following presumptions can be deduced or made:
1.The investment banks(IBs) local and global need to be jointly or severally liable for the mediocre opening price today.They may have wrongly advised the company and overpriced the IPO issuance price at RM 8.00.During book-building they found that quite a major portion of the shares have NOT been fully taken up.Then later, they re-consider and fixed a new IPO issuance price at RM 6.50. Such mis-step should not happen for an importance IPO issuance exercise like this one.It will cause an adverse response in the market-place at the opening bell.That what happen today.
2.PetChem in terms of fundamentals is very much a better company then Lotte.(Lotte is one of the mega-conglomerate from South Korea.They have a new spanking high-rise building block in Seoul which is the highest building landmark in Seoul).Presently,the price for PetChem is about RM 6.92-6.98 a drop of almost 80 cents from the market price about 1-2 months ago.They reported good QR at the last quarter but the price was battered down because of the anticipated soft demands for petrochemical products and by-products.
3.The company thought by listing here they can command a higher PE as compared if they list in Jakarta bourse.But the early mis-step in IPO pricing caused them dearly.

Observations made through available new reports and I stand to be corrected.


2017-07-11 10:04 | Report Abuse

@Unfair majlis menandantangani IBR atau deklarasi integriti(Integrity Declaration) dengan SPRM tidak berapa penting.Yang penting ialah ada memupuk,mempertingkatkan dan memastikan nilai-nilai murni ketelusan,integriti,akauntabiliti,kepertanggungjawaban, dan kewibawaan dalam semua sistem dan jentera kerajaan samada diperingkat persekutuan atau negeri masing-masing.
2.Kamu boleh perhatikan negeri seperti Sabah dan Melaka yang ada IBR tetapi kes rasuah besar yang melibatkan sejumlah wang yang besar dalam jutaan ringgitIseperti yang dilaporkan) telah dikesan dan didedahkan oleh SPRM kepada orang awam dan media massa.Apa yang kita dapat rumuskan daripada kes-kes seperti ini?
3.Tetapi adakah kes serupa melibatkan pegawai awam daripada negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan,Kelantan dan Pulau Pinang yang dilaporkan?
4.Daripada pengalaman dan perhatian IBR yang diumumkan oleh pihak samada kerajaan negeri ,jabatan dan ajensi Persekutuan atau badan-badan berkanun adalah untuk setakat publisiti saja.Selepas majlis itu yang disempurnakan IBR kurang diberi penekanan kerana kurang komitmen,penguatkuasaan dan penyeliaan oleh Ketua atau pegawai yang dilantik dan diberi tanggungjawab dalam urusan ini.Maka IBR adalah setakat nilai kertas saja(only a piece of paper).

Kearah membendung gejala rasuah daripada merebak kesemua peringkat masyarakat.


2017-07-10 20:19 | Report Abuse

@limch will the today purchase by KPF BE supportive of the counter price- like in the previous occasions.We just wait and see how the share price trend tomorrow!
WE hope for the best outcome from this KPF's support.


2017-07-10 11:19 | Report Abuse

To be honest,the counter price will correlate with what and how the marketplace has perceived the price should be.They have already priced in all the adverse news,and development,weak fundamentals,etc
2.It will only move for a short period towards and after the GE-14 (when the GE date is announced).
3.Presently,does not see any key momentum drivers that can drive up the price.


2017-07-10 11:00 | Report Abuse

@BN_menang to shout the price up,everyone can do it.We saw KPF buying for awhile after Shahrir's words.But they do not have bottomless money-kitty to throw good money after the bad to support the price.
2.In the market-place,such support will only temporary! The market will always wins.Not only here but in the global market-place.
To have the counter price at Rm 2.5 above,shows me the money first.You buy after awhile I sell.In the end back to square one.
3.Best to go back to the basic.Manage the company well if one to command premium price like Sime,Wilmar,IOI,KLK,GPalnt,HSPlant,UP,United Malacca,etc
That my two cents worth of thought on the development.


2017-07-10 09:32 | Report Abuse

@limch I think you already know the answer.The whole market reacted negatively when the earlier lopsided (and overvalued+overstretched) deal was announced and later shelved.Thought that taught them a bitter lesson but they came back with another alternative smaller size deal which the GLC related-entity took over.
What such deal-making tells you?


2017-07-09 13:33 | Report Abuse

@limch that why no good for politicians to helm a GLC.There will be a lot of political duties,responsibilities,distractions,happenings or events which will distract them from focussing well on their job,duties and responsibilities.
2.To rehabilitate such debt-laden company and resurrect the poor corporate image require someone of good and proven financial expertise,experience and qualifications.
3.If not we as citizens and investing public will be seeing similar events happening one after another.

Outcome: At dire and consequential costs to the company. In the end,investing public will carry the burden.


2017-07-07 16:21 | Report Abuse

Change for progress and good governance is good for the country,companies,citizens,community and marketplace sentiments.That makes for a progressive country.
Change is constant.