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2017-05-05 16:07 | Report Abuse

The uncertainty arising from the aborted mega deal will not be good for ALL parties.Once the trust,credibility and confidence on the investors are lost ,very difficult to gain back.Even though over times the confidence will take time to build up again.

2.Wonder whether TRX one of the parties to the deal has considered all the imponderables and adverse implications that can arise with the deal aborted.

3.Market don't like uncertainty and inconsistency of decisions.

Outcome: Better to sit out and watch how the matter is resolved.Just to share.Happy and smart investing.Take care.


2017-05-05 13:34 | Report Abuse

This is a poorly managed company as shown by the company's financial performance(QR) at every quarter.
2.Technical Price Charts-MA,MACd,RSI,stochastic also show bearishness for the stock.

Outcome: Poor probability for the share to move up.

Just to share.I may be wrong.But the decision to Buy,Sell or Hold is all yours to make.Good luck and happy and smart investing.


2017-05-05 13:15 | Report Abuse

Still not the suitable and right time to buy and collect the share basing on the following observations on the Technical Price Charts:
1.The MA charts were trending downwards.Still have room for the price to go down more.
2.MACD line is trending below the Signal Line signalling price will trend lower from the high reached recently.
3.The Relative Strength Index(RSI) is showing bearishness for the stock.Now below the 50% mark indicating bearishness.Expect more bearishness by analysing the trend line.

Outcome: Along its descent the price will move up.But it is only temporarily.Be patient and wait for a lower price to collect.Just to share.The charts can help and guide the investors when to BUY,SELL or HOLD.

Happy and Smart investing.Hope for the best for everyone here:-)))


2017-05-04 23:21 | Report Abuse

Watch and wait the news flow.The crude oil has dropped below US50.00 which will also impact on Dnex stock price.As investors,we are exposed to a lot of news- good,bad,ugly.Bad news like today on Bandar Malaysia, and coincidentally Brusa is also on correction mode.


2017-05-04 15:16 | Report Abuse

Today price drop because of Bandar Malaysia news and coupled with the fact Bursa is on correction after strong surge in prices for several weeks.

2.Fundamentally,this stock is sound even though the ROE is average.ROE refers to how efficient the company used the resources to generate profits and revenues.But EPS is excellent.

3.Technical Price Charts -MA,MACD,stochastic support this analysis.Stock is presently overbought.

4.Global equity future markets presently in the positive and does not indicate any impending recession yet!

Just to share.Happy and smart investing.


2017-05-04 15:05 | Report Abuse

Market hates uncertainty and controversy.When such matter erupts the market reaction to the stock is adverse.That is how the real market-place psychology operates.

Outcome: Uncertain.Better stays safe and smart.Watch the news development.


2017-05-04 14:54 | Report Abuse

IWH+CREC somewhat disputed on the termination by TRX going by today report.Such controversy if true does not give confidence to local or foreign investors on the Bursa stocks.With a lot of investments coming from China will this contentious issue cascades and spreads to other JV with GLCs.

During such uncertain times in the immediate term,better to stay prudent and alert.The next black swan is when IWC counter suspension is lifted.If the price drop for IWC is dramatic it will adversely affect Ekovest.

Outcome: Stay alert with the upcoming market news.Market usually hate uncertainty and controversy.


2017-05-04 14:44 | Report Abuse

@telusdansuci expects more downside for Ekovest in the immediate term.Once the IWC suspension is lifted either tmrw,expects the big drop in its share price will also adversely impact Ekovest.Just to offer a little response even though this thread is for PMetal.
@sits somewhat agree with you.

Happy and smart investing:-)))


2017-05-04 14:21 | Report Abuse

Weak holders of the stock have been flushed out! MA chart still trending positively.Also the same with MACD chart.
Next QR report will be somewhere around ~25 May 2017.Malton also dropped for the past two days.

Outcome: Possibly some upticks after the price corrections in tandem with the market BURSA trend.Near to coming QR date the price may be weak.Just to share.Smart and happy investing:-)))


2017-05-04 14:13 | Report Abuse

Presently,after yesterday adverse news on aborted SSA for Bandar Malaysia project the stock fell by 0.26cents.One long black candle registered on the chart!.Sudden price reversal to the upside not immediate because the Technical Price Charts point to more weaknesses for the stock.MACD and RSI trending downwards showing strong selling momentum.

Outcome: More weakness in immediate term.More clarity on the highly disputed aborted SSA btw IWH/CREC and TRX need to be cleared up before the stock can reverse to the upward trend.


2017-05-03 11:07 | Report Abuse

Basing on the Technical Price Charts the weak buyers for the stock have been flushed out. But the price momentum needs time to perk up!.

Anyway,today price reversal from 2.84 to 2.88 is something positive.

2.The ROE = 21.79 shows that the company has managed the resources efficiently to generate revenues and profits.

3.The coming QR report on this week or later part of the month will be good.

Outcome: The price uptick and support is intact unless there is a grave geo-political risk and adverse development on the affairs of the company which will impact on the price trend.

Just to share,happy and smart investing:-)))


2017-05-03 10:41 | Report Abuse

Presently,the stock is very Bullish.Shown in ALL Technical Price Charts- MA,MACD,RSI,stochastic.The trending and momentum on the price is typical of the stock for any company which has achieved excellent financial result.Good for Ann Joo that the directors know the business inside out.At the same time they can be conservative but also progressive.

The journey conintues for this stock which will be a sterling year for well-managed steel manufacturers!.

Good luck and happy smart investing:-)))


2017-05-02 23:27 | Report Abuse

Even though today there was a long black candle on The Technical Price Charts,fundamentally the stock is still sound.Along the way,PMetal had similar trading patterns in the past.Today is not the first! Later the price recovered well and breached the highs reached before.
2.The sudden drop in price from RM 3.00(intra-trading) to RM 2.84 at the closing is nothing out of ordinary.Such event had happened to Gkent,RHB,Apollo,AMBank and many others.
3.Basing on the Moving Average(MA the price trend has been up gradually after ex-bonus and split last year.
4.MACD line is still above the Signal Line indicating there is still price support.
5.Relative Strength Index(RSI) showed the stock in overbought condition.Probably explained for today sudden price reversal.

Expect the coming QR to be good.

Outcome: There will be a price correction in the next few days before the price reverses upwards.Altrenatively,the price trend can also quickly reverse during tomorrow trading if the market forces dictates.Such price phenomena had happened to other active and strong stocks in Bursa.

Just to share.Happy and smart investing.


2017-05-02 22:14 | Report Abuse

Long white candle was shown on the Technical Price Chart on 28 April 2017.The present uptick in price is also supported by the MA,MACD and RSI charts.Barring any adverse global geo-political events the upsurge in the stock price is intact.

But think before the coming QR release there will be some weakness in the stock price.

The decision to Buy,Sell or Hold is yours to make.Just to share.


2017-05-02 13:22 | Report Abuse

This laggard stock is hibernating for far too long.When the BURSA is bullish any counter that has demonstrated and reported good and consistent Financial Result in the current QR should move up with the market.That is LOGIC! But not this counter.Something is grossly wrong with this counter if the price trend and momentum so far is sub-par.

2.Time to re-engerise the way the affairs of the company is managed to make the stock more responsive to marketplace development and moves!.

Present -day marketplace is very challenging and any company has to be up to the challenges in all aspects.

Rating this company in term of stock performance: SUB-PAR:-(((


2017-05-02 13:14 | Report Abuse

The stock is presently very strongly supported.Price trend and momentum very strong.Expect any downside to be temporary and within a narrow range.

View the Technical Price Charts: http://www.malaysiastock.biz/Stock-Chart.aspx?securitycode=4456


2017-05-02 13:08 | Report Abuse

Presently,Ann Joo counter is in very bullish mode.Expect the upside in price to be strongly supported.The MD of the company who is also a major shareholder is a very committed businessman and know the steel industry inside out.

This is the counter to watch out.Hope it can outperform the BURSA and be the top stock performer for the year 2017.

View the graph: http://www.malaysiastock.biz/Stock-Chart.aspx?securitycode=6556


2017-05-01 17:53 | Report Abuse

Price and momentum support for the stock is weak.That can be shown on the Technical Price Charts- MA,MACD and RSI.Expect more downside.Does not see any price reversal to the upside in the immediate term.The charts also does not support the start of buying or accumulation for the stock.The price has gradually dropped from a high of 40.5 cents to 35cents during last week trading:-(((

2.Expect the next QR announcement sometimes in June to be mediocre vis-a-vis the previous quarter.

Just to share.Happy and smart investing.Good luck.


2017-05-01 11:12 | Report Abuse

In stock investing when the opportunity comes,one must have the courage to buy.On the other hand don't miss the coming next around before the QR announcement.Expect good profit report.Southern Steel QR report has given the early lead to the investors in the market.Good Luck.


2017-05-01 11:04 | Report Abuse

A long white candle was shown/spotted on the chart on 20 April 2017.Expects more opportunity for the price to gap up.

2.Also supported by the Technical Price Charts- MA,MACD,RSI which are supportive of the price trend.

Presently,the stock is undergoing MILD price correction.

Barring any adverse geo-political development from North Korea expects the price to be well supported at this level.

Outcome: Buy and accumulate on weakness.A strong rally may happen basing on the charts.Just to share,smile_:)))


2017-05-01 10:58 | Report Abuse

Correction on 3.0

It is not overbought BUT OVERSOLD. Sorry,thanks.


2017-05-01 10:56 | Report Abuse

Presently,the support for the stock is weak.Pointers:

1.Moving Average(MA) charts were trending downwards for a few months lately from above RM 7.00 to RM 5.71 presently.
2.The MACD line is way below the Signal Line showing bearishness(weak support) trend for the stock.No sign yet the trend will reverse.
3.The Relative Strength Index(RSI) showed the stock has been overbought.It will go on for sometimes.

Even though EPF is mopping up the shares during the price weakness yet the price keeps dropping.
4.Expect the coming QR announcement in mid or late May 2017 to be not better than previous QR.

In such market condition for glove companies,what can the investors do?

Outcome: Price drop has some way yet to go.Wait until sign of buying(start) from the MACD or RSI chart then start to accumulate.

Just to share.Happy and smart investing:-)))


2017-05-01 10:46 | Report Abuse

@invest 28 maybe the appended homepage is useful to you.

View- http://www3.lgm.gov.my/mre/


2017-04-30 18:07 | Report Abuse

Agreed that those who want to enjoy reasonable returns with low risk can invest in this plantation stock.
1.Since early Feb 2017 the stock price has been well supported.Any counter even blue chips the price can fluctuate depending on market sentiments and development.And influenced by global geo-political factors.
2.Technical Price Charts show the price change will move within a range of 10cents.Risk of sudden price collapse in this counter is not likely.
3.Dividend yields of 8.84% last year is among one of the best in Bursa market.
4.Return of Equity (ROE) is good.In the region of 10.39.
5.PE value ia in the region of 11.525.
6.Monetisation of landbanks will be undertaken from time to time by the company.

Just to share,happy and smart investing.This counter is not for those person(s) who speculate and hoping to receive sudden windfalls from the stocks.


2017-04-30 16:52 | Report Abuse

All public listed company should uphold on high and strict standard of fiduciary duties.Without that commitment the company will not last.As simple as that.Once the confidence on the Board of Directors(BOD)is gone,it is all roads to Armageddon.As investor,be alert and be informed of development.


2017-04-29 13:44 | Report Abuse

Presently,the counter is in bullish mode.Supported by ALL the Technical Price Charts-MA,MACD,RSI and decent trading volumes.Basing on the trending and price movement the counter probably will be above RM 2.00 by next week barring any adverse global market or financial news.

Just to share,happy and smart investing:-)))


2017-04-29 13:15 | Report Abuse

@shunfeng2032 agreed with you.Presently,looking and analysing the Technical Price Charts the counter is undergoing a mild price correction for the past 3 days.
2.Anyway,the Moving Average(MA) chart is still trending gradually upwards and above the MA 21.Further supported by MACD line which is trending above the Signal Line on the MACD chart.The RSI chart shows the counter is in the overbought condition.
3.Fundamentals for the counter were good.ROE is good even though the DY is slightly below what the market expected.Expects the coming QR which will be announced( 5 May as previously) will be good.
4.With strong shareholder Wilmar Corp. Ltd's( Part of Robert Kuok company) two representatives on the Board help to engender good corporate governance and financial performance.

Barring any adverse global development and news the uptick in the share price for this counter is likely.

Good luck,happy and smart investing.Just to share.


2017-04-29 13:00 | Report Abuse

@U Tang Tang,agreed fully with you.
2.Presently,this counter IS very bearish.Technical Price Charts-MA,MACd,RSI support this deduction and analysis.Moving Averages (MA) have been trending down for many months and looks likely it will trend lower unless there is some positive news to reverse the drop in price.
3.Also the Moving Average Convergence Divergence(MACD) is below the Signal Line showing more bearishness or lack of buying support.
4.Relative Strength Index(RSI) shows the stock is presently oversold and not likely to reverse at any moment.Big institutional fund from USA is selling down at regular interval.Even the share buybacks by the company at regular intervals cannot cause the price reversal to go up..
5.Does not expect the coming QR announcement sometimes in 25-27 May 2017 to be positive.Typical of many other rubber gloves counters- Topglove for example which is reporting lower profits vis-a-vis quarterly comparison.

Outcome: More bearishness(downtick in stock price) expected.

Just to share.Hoping investors can enjoy some reasonable or decent capital gains/returns.


2017-04-28 15:11 | Report Abuse

@Learning2017 you will receive the dividen of 9 cents per unit after you sell on the 9May.The reason is because it had passed the ex-deividen date.

To understand more just type ex-dividen 101 on google search.The listings displayed for the search will provide a lot of basic information.Useful for newbies.

Cheers,today Ann Joo is very strong.Fllowing the lead of Souther Steel which was up 18.0cents.


2017-04-28 14:56 | Report Abuse

The total amount of foreign fund inflows to Bursa since Feb-Mac is about RM 2.768 billions.Most of the inflows have been spent on buying up undervalued counters.

View the graph:http://www.malaysiastock.biz/Market-Statistic.aspx


2017-04-28 12:56 | Report Abuse

@Darren Chin info' on the coming AGM is as appended.View :http://www.malaysiastock.biz/Company-Announcement.aspx?id=969339


2017-04-28 11:59 | Report Abuse

What is the point for the company to announce commendable profits every quarter but not taken credit by the market where it matters??? Comparing with many other companies the stock price will move in tandem with the announcement of good profit performance,getting new projects,etc.But not this company- sleeping for far too long???During the recent bullish run in Bursa this stock is a great laggard!

2.Or is it something wrong with the way they manage investors' relations? Or the dividends to be paid out to shareholders? For example Southern Steel after announcing their QR yesterday,the dividend date payout was also announced.( shareholders will received their dividends in mid-May 2017).Or maybe there is some other reasons/information that the public shareholders was not informed?

Suggests this company has to improve on the way they manage communications with the mass media,investors and the likes.

Hope to see better days for everyone holding and owning this stock:-)))


2017-04-28 11:26 | Report Abuse

@IVAN2222 the ex-date for dividend is on 8 May 2017.After that you can sell.But why sell when the coming QR in May will be better than the previous quarter.Viewed the sudden price surge for Steel today after their QR came out yesterday.Get the timing to buy or sell at the right and correct time to maximise your returns on investment= Dividend + Stock price gains.

Cheers,to happy and smart investing:-)))


2017-04-28 09:07 | Report Abuse

Just to share for a news update- https://www.bloomberg.com/gadfly/articles/2017-04-27/excited-about-aluminum-back-to-boring-may-be-a-better-bet

No worry for the present moment.Enjoyed the uptrend in LME AL while it lasts.Such robust prices above US$9,500 will translate to bumper profits for PMetal.

Cheers,happy and smart investing:-)))


2017-04-27 18:33 | Report Abuse

View the Technical Price Chart for the son as appended.Can deduce that the son undergone mild technical correction today which is quite normal.So long not out of normal.

2.The MA chart is trending nicely for sound stock.

3.No worry of major downtick.

Cheers to happy day.View: http://www.malaysiastock.biz/Stock-Chart.aspx?securitycode=4456WD


2017-04-27 16:01 | Report Abuse

@vivoviva you are one brave and courageous person(investor).Presently,the price is quite well supported as shown by the Technical Price Charts-MA,MACD,RSI,stochastic.Along the way to the Target Price of 3.18(Source: HLIB) there will be slight or minor correction/pull-back.Just don't panic and watch the trend.

Good luck:-)))


2017-04-27 15:56 | Report Abuse

@k6ii already past their announced QR announcement.Normally,between 21-25 April every eyar.Maybe the result is good and they are waiting for the right time to announce.
Cheers,those who bought and owned the stock will enjoy good capital gains.Happy days forward:-)))


2017-04-27 15:43 | Report Abuse

Technical Price Charts-MA,MACD,RSI,Stochastic for the stock is trending on the upside.For example MACD is trending above the Signal Line signalling buying to support the bullishness for the stock.

Expect the stock to go up in the near term because of the followings:

1.Malton has moved from the low of 0.70 cents to 1.50 two days ago.Expects some rationalisation exercises on the overlapping property arm and construction outfits when the time is right between Malton and WCT.Provide for better ROE and efficiency and synergies.
2.Large order books which can keep the company busy for the next two years.
3.High chances on monetisation of assets to enjoy good capital gains.
4.The company is highly politically connected.
5.Tan Sri Desmond Lim(very low-profile honcho) is a doer and have demonstrated entrepreneurial abilities on this type of business activity.

Just to share and happy and smart investing.Smile:-)))


2017-04-27 12:33 | Report Abuse

Return of Equity(ROE) for this stock is about 33.35.One of the highest and even higher than MYEG.
2.Just to share:
17-18%- Good
25% and above- Superior
When talking of ROE is how WELL the company uses the resources to generate profits.ROE rising and high shows that the company is using the shareholders' money efficiently.

3.In investing the price trend will go up and down.Keep with the flow.Hold unless there is a worldwide sell-down on stock.Otherwise like today,the slight correction many have taken flight.

4.Again looking at the Technical Price Charts- Moving Averages(MA),MACD,RSI,stochastic the uptrend in price is intact barring any adverse and sudden global news development.

Happy and smart investing.Cheers;SMILE:-)))


2017-04-27 10:23 | Report Abuse

Expects the stock price to drop further.The Technical Price Charts as appended MA,MACD,RSI,stochastic support the downtiick in the price.

View http://www.malaysiastock.biz/Stock-Chart.aspx?securitycode=7113


2017-04-27 10:03 | Report Abuse

Such stocks from China whether listed in Bursa or SGX have issues on corporate governance, financial reporting integrity and use of funds raised from IPO.Be alert when investing on such stock.Even though may look reasonably cheap but the upside potential is not there.

Take care and be savvy investor.


2017-04-27 09:57 | Report Abuse

Huhuhu...why EPF is disposing the shares?Just could not understand.Rebalancing the portfolio.Instead they can purchase more from the market to average out the prices.Outcome: by doing so they are supporting the price and gained reasonable return from the stock buy.Utility stock like Malakoff can be hold for long-term gain.



2017-04-26 10:47 | Report Abuse

Along the way the price will drop or up.That is how the market forces work.
2.But looking at the Technical Price Chart the stock is well supported.There is more upside to come.
3.The Moving Average(MA) chart is trending nicely upwards.
4.The MACD and RSI support the bullish trend to come.In the offing.

No worry- just temporarily.Cheers and have a good day:-)))


2017-04-26 09:42 | Report Abuse

The trend line in quite similar to MYeG.Also for this type of business the Return of Equity(ROE) is high.DNEX ROE is about 33%.Looking at the Technical Price Charts the stock is quite strongly supported.More upside than downside.Low risk but reasonable return.

Just be patient and enjoy the journey with DNEX.Cheers:-)))


2017-04-25 16:22 | Report Abuse

Presently,the son is in the bullish position.The Moving Average(MA) chart is trending very nicely.Furhter supported by the MACD and RSI charts.Expect the upside in the son.Be patient,and pick up the capital gains slowly.Can use the price movement and trend for MYEG for this counter and the son.Normally for such services the Return of Equity is high which appeals to investors.Just to share.Good Luck.


2017-04-25 13:56 | Report Abuse

Similar evacuation strategy had been done in October last year when NK carried out the nuclear test.Well,the foreseeable risk needs to be factored in but it is at present not immediate.


2017-04-25 13:32 | Report Abuse

Yes agreed,as supported by the RSI chart.


2017-04-25 12:06 | Report Abuse

Will be interesting to see how long the stock price can be supported when the financial fundamentals are weak? Like to see whether the market forces win the day or otherwise.In the real world the market force usually win at the end of the day.I am watching the price trend and momentum of this stock.Will make for a good case study by university students in finance.Cheers to happy and smart investing:-)))


2017-04-25 11:01 | Report Abuse

PMetal made bumper profit last year and it will be sustained this Financial Year.Supported by good Aluminium price in the global marketplace-LME.Also the plant has increase production capacities and enjoying 25 years of competitive rates from Bakun Hydroelectric Plant.The plant is located in the area near the port Samalaju which allows for good logistics support.

2.But presently,basing on the Technical Price Charts the stock is undergoing a mild price correction.This is quite normal for many stocks after making strong runs.Past historical price movement for the stock support this view.

3.Holders of the stock if patient can enjoy 30-45% capital gains/returns.

Cheers,and good luck.Agreed with @telusdansuci.