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2023-07-25 13:45 | Report Abuse

Game Changer: Banking on swappable batteries to drive EV adoption

Tin is key metal in battery storage energy


2023-07-25 13:42 | Report Abuse

Indonesia plans incentives for EV makers, sets up meeting with BYD, Tesla

Indonesia gov is smart enough to aim for manufacture EV, battery and energy storage locally. Indonesia is set to expand it metal downstream industries especially to limit its tin exporter, the world largest tin exporter


2023-07-25 12:29 | Report Abuse

Gov will announce super big Green energy transition plan to boost up solar power generation and export green energy to Singapore, in which YTLP is key beneficial due to exposure both in Msia and Singapore energy market

YTL construction and YTL cement/Mcement are key beneficial for YTLP big internal EPCC solar power plant work

Short term, YTL (YTL construction/YTL cement/ Mcement) all enjoy upfront development profit on green data center and solar power plant building work.

Once commissioning, Long term, YTLP enjoy steady concession like solar power generation profit + long term green data Center rental income. YTL as major shareholder, indirectly enjoy YTLP long term steady profit income


2023-07-25 12:27 | Report Abuse

Short term, YTL (YTL construction/YTL cement/ Mcement) all enjoy upfront development profit on green data center and solar power plant building work.

Once commissioning, Long term, YTLP enjoy steady concession like solar power generation profit + long term green data Center rental income. YTL as major shareholder, indirectly enjoy YTLP long term steady profit income


2023-07-25 12:14 | Report Abuse

YTL construction and YTL cement/Mcement are key beneficial for YTLP big internal EPCC solar power plant work


2023-07-25 12:09 | Report Abuse

Don worry about trap as upcoming 27 July, Gov will announce super big Green energy transition plan to boost up solar power generation and export green energy to Singapore, in which YTLP is key beneficial due to exposure both in Msia and Singapore energy market


2023-07-25 11:32 | Report Abuse

Tin price on track to regain momentum to hit again USD 29,000 soon.


2023-07-25 10:10 | Report Abuse

YTLP run too fast, it need to wait for its major shareholder, YTL, the most promising future conglomerate and high yield stock, to catch up first.


2023-07-25 09:45 | Report Abuse

Continue breaking high


2023-07-21 19:10 | Report Abuse

Only properties can subject to revalue, like YTL HOSPITALITY REITS. These year, YTL REITS get revalue upward RM 150m. Last year YTL REITS revalue up RM 220m.

YTL currently only develop small fraction if its Japan prime land into hotel cum winter recreational.

YTL land also have 1000 acres prime land in KL sentul, perak and selangor, but francis is firm YTL sentul land is its core asset, no subject to sell, but, japan landbank can consider peripheral assest, value have increase tremendously, due to unlock anytime now


2023-07-21 16:52 | Report Abuse

bought mcement at 3.00


2023-07-21 14:26 | Report Abuse

Show time will begin next month, supply disruptions looming in Myanmar, world second largest tin exporter. From the start of next month, all mining activities, including exploration and processing, will be suspended in the Wa state to preserve remaining resources.

Additionally, world biggest tin exporter, Indonesia aims to encourage domestic processing by banning the export of tin ingots

Only Malaysia, MSC, world third largest tin exporter will continue supply tin to London Metal Exchange.


2023-07-21 12:26 | Report Abuse


Just make call to YTL shareholder affair, Mr Lee. But, he also don sure about conversion process between JPX and bursa as stock held is under standard Charter nominee account. In additional, about Japan landbank, nothing can disclose, just wait for news if anything can materializes later wor....


2023-07-21 12:14 | Report Abuse

Can Msia listed YTL share converted to YTL listed in JPX?

I know Media Chinese which also dual list Msia and JPX can interconverted between hong kong exchange and Msia bursa


2023-07-21 09:33 | Report Abuse



2023-07-21 09:32 | Report Abuse

YTL to challenge and breaking record high


2023-07-21 09:23 | Report Abuse

For long time, Sarawak only allow CMSB to operate cement and give its exclusive status due to Taib family control. New premier seem wan to wrest Taib empire by open up state market via direct import cement from YTL cement and SCG from Thailand even CMSB promise to expand its cement production to meet local demand.


2023-07-21 09:17 | Report Abuse

PM too eager to get foreign investment to boost up economic, but, starlink or tesla only offer very limited investment if without setting up manufacture plant, both only aim to sell their internet service and selling car only at expense of local business.


2023-07-21 08:57 | Report Abuse

YTL wholly own YTL cement, to fully benefited from YTL cement expansion market share to Sarawark, which is now set ambition to upgrade state infrastructure tremendously.

YTL cement able to enjoy full benefit as it have spare capacity, readily to increase its exiting plant utilization to meet these new demand.

By just increase exiting plant utilization rate, it will increase plant efficiency, reduce operation cost further on top current tumbling feedstock material cost.

YTL cement profit margin = selling price + selling volume + plant efficiency + cost material


2023-07-20 23:07 | Report Abuse

Malaysia so conveniently allow new entrant, starlink, to enter already crowded internet service provider in Malaysia.....

Cover Story: The fear isn’t fierce competition, but an uneven playing field


2023-07-20 22:58 | Report Abuse

KUCHING: Sarawak is expected to see the entry of two major regional cement manufacturers, namely YTL Cement Bhd and SCG International (Thailand), under a bold plan by the state government to strengthen the cement supply chain.

This followed their (YTL Cement and SCG International) signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Innocement Sdn Bhd, a joint venture between Sarawak Economic Development Corp and Bintulu Development Authority, here last Friday.

SCG is a subsidiary of Siam Cement Group, while YTL Cement is Malaysia’s oldest and biggest cement manufacturer.

Sarawak Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said Innocement’s mission is to strengthen Sarawak’s cement supply chain and to ensure the long-term reliability of supply and stability of prices of cement in the state.

He said to achieve Innocement’s goals, there must be sufficient supply of cement throughout Sarawak, adding that these supplies can be accessed in a timely and cost-effective manner and that prices are stable and transparent......

He said Sarawak has an undeveloped cement industry as there is currently only one single supplier (CMSB loss its exclusively cement producer in Sarawak now)

“It is imperative for the development of Sarawak to reduce the risk of total dependence on a single supplier to create a healthy competitive environment and that new blood be injected into the state’s cement industry.

“The cement supply chain of Sarawak needs to be strengthened,” he added.

The Premier said with the collaboration with YTL Cement and SCG International, Innocement can fast track the growth and cut short the time-to-market.

YTL Cement has operations across Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam.

SCG International, on the other hand, has a total cement production of 34 million tonnes across 11 cement plants located in Thailand and throughout the Asean region

Remark: YTL cement own 78% Mcement. YTL cement itself wholly own Malaysia largest quarry operation and supplies many other upstream building material like sand and aggregate


2023-07-20 22:57 | Report Abuse

KUCHING: Sarawak is expected to see the entry of two major regional cement manufacturers, namely YTL Cement Bhd and SCG International (Thailand), under a bold plan by the state government to strengthen the cement supply chain.

This followed their (YTL Cement and SCG International) signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Innocement Sdn Bhd, a joint venture between Sarawak Economic Development Corp and Bintulu Development Authority, here last Friday.

SCG is a subsidiary of Siam Cement Group, while YTL Cement is Malaysia’s oldest and biggest cement manufacturer.

Sarawak Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said Innocement’s mission is to strengthen Sarawak’s cement supply chain and to ensure the long-term reliability of supply and stability of prices of cement in the state.

He said to achieve Innocement’s goals, there must be sufficient supply of cement throughout Sarawak, adding that these supplies can be accessed in a timely and cost-effective manner and that prices are stable and transparent......

He said Sarawak has an undeveloped cement industry as there is currently only one single supplier (CMSB).

“It is imperative for the development of Sarawak to reduce the risk of total dependence on a single supplier to create a healthy competitive environment and that new blood be injected into the state’s cement industry.

“The cement supply chain of Sarawak needs to be strengthened,” he added.

The Premier said with the collaboration with YTL Cement and SCG International, Innocement can fast track the growth and cut short the time-to-market.

YTL Cement has operations across Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam.

SCG International, on the other hand, has a total cement production of 34 million tonnes across 11 cement plants located in Thailand and throughout the Asean region

Remark: YTL cement own 78% Mcement. YTL cement itself wholly own Malaysia largest quarry operation and supplies many other upstream building material like sand and aggregate


2023-07-20 20:05 | Report Abuse

Mining output was heavily impacted in January and February during an earlier round of protests following the ouster of former President Pedro Castillo, who was arrested after illegally attempting to dissolve Congress.....

tin price rocket USD33k in Jan-Feb. Peru is one of world major tin producer


2023-07-18 10:08 | Report Abuse

Boustead holding hold huge borrowing cost burden, can't declare dividend to its major shareholder LTAT which in turn need to meet pension payout for all retire soldier。 Boustead badly need to sell prime landbank in kulai to unlock value to meet its holding cash requirement。

Kulai landbank is overvalue if use only for palm cultivation, such prime land need to develop into high value added solar power plant, and export green power to lucrative energy market in Singapore.

It is bumi control company badly need cash, opt open tender for all bumi and non bumi to sell its landbank. Pick the highest bidder either bumi and non bumi to get maximum value is its best interest for LTAT and majority bumi pensioner.


2023-07-18 09:29 | Report Abuse

YTLP is expect to acquire more Boustead estate in preparation to develop solar plant, targeted to export to Singapore to in line with Msia gov green energy roadmap for both local and export market, specific hub for green energy to export to Singapore. Detail should be announced by 27 July


2023-07-18 09:27 | Report Abuse

YTLP is expect to acquire more Boustead estate in preparation to develop solar plant, targeted to export to Singapore. YTL construction is task as EPCC to develop these solar power plant to be import by Power seraya in singapore next


2023-07-18 08:48 | Report Abuse

To support YTL share to outperform YTLP, its other division need to perform now:
1. Construction (Gemas double track train, Green data center civil work, EPCC solar power plant, logistic warehouse for Shoppee, UK property development),
2. building material and cement (YTL cement . Mcement),
3. REITS (starhill and YTL hos) + Sentul property development (YTL land)

Upcoming, many catalyst to propel YTL share price higher. Earning contribution ratio will change from current YTLP (60%): others (40%) to YTLP (40%): Others (60%)

1. MRT3 civil contract
2. MRT3 train system contract
3. HSR concession cum construction orderbook
4. Cement and building material (Mcement to report massive EPS hike due to tumbling production cost on coal, continuous elevated cement selling price and maiden dividend is expected)
5. Unlocking Japan landbank, peripheral asset
6. REITS to report massive EPS due to revaluation surplus
7. YTLP to report further increase EPS due to wessex water hike and Power seraya
8. Currency strength on pound, USD and Sgd


2023-07-17 17:01 | Report Abuse

Staycations and short hops around South-east Asia seem to be making a comeback, noted YTL Hotels’ chief, as travel demand continues to remain strong after the initial wave of post-lockdown revenge travel.

Mark Yeoh Seok Kah, executive director of YTL Hotels, told TTG Asia that there has been an “upswing in demand on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays” for YTL properties in its home country Malaysia.


2023-07-17 16:23 | Report Abuse

Francis Yeoh said: I only have one wealth, that is dividend from my share....

Remark: Seem Francis Yeoh is eager to retire and wanna to get steady handsome dividend forward. Unlocking prime land in japan, privatize YTLP before listing YTL seraya and wessex water is imminent to boots up dividend payout forward.


2023-07-17 11:39 | Report Abuse

The reason why YTL intend to unlock UK wessex water is because recent high inflation in UK have push up wessex water enterprise value significantly。 It next 5 year renewal is due on 2025, will leap up higher traffic rate, which is prime time for YTL to unlock through listing.

On the other hand, YTL power seraya also due to unlock value through listing as it currently enjoy very handsome profit margin 20%.

Such high margin is due to Singapore current imbalance energy demand and supply. New power plant supply only kick start in 2026 and before more import green energy materialize。


2023-07-17 11:27 | Report Abuse

Share swap idea is because YTL intend to unlock UK wessex water and Sing Power seraya in next few year. But, the current corporate structure is both of these prime assest are park under YTLP, in which YTL only control 55%.

In order to maximize value, YTL should take over YTLP first, before unlocking UK wessex water and Singapore Power seraya.

Francis Yeoh control 50% YTL
YTL control 55% YTLP
YTLP control 100% Wessex water and 100% Power seraya

If you are francis yeoh, planning to unlock wessex water and power seraya through listing, what should you do?

Remark: Francis Yeoh via family member also have direct stake in YTLP, about 10%


2023-07-17 11:14 | Report Abuse

MLFF system is estimated to cost about RM3.46bil, if YTLP successful implement, it will be good long term steady profit, diversifying it earning base to built up Malaysia business to include green data center and MLFF, avoid over dependent on singapore Power seraya and UK wessex water


2023-07-14 16:46 | Report Abuse

Francis Yeoh control 50% YTL
YTL control 55% YTLP
YTLP control 100% Wessex water and 100% Power seraya

If you are francis yeoh, planning to unlock wessex water and power seraya through listing, what should you do?

Remark: Francis Yeoh via family member also have direct stake in YTLP, about 10%


2023-07-14 16:28 | Report Abuse

Upcoming, many catayst to propel YTL share price higher. Earning contribution ratio may change from current YTLP (60%): others (40%) to YTLP (40%): Others (60%)

1. MRT3 civil contract
2. MRT3 train system contract
3. HSR concession cum construction orderbook
4. Cement and building material (Mcement to report massive EPS hike and maiden dividend is expected)
5. Unlocking Japan landbank, peripheral asset
6. REITS to report massive EPS due to revaluation surplus
7. YTLP to report further increase EPS due to wessex water hike and Power seraya
8. Currency strength


2023-07-14 16:22 | Report Abuse

To make 1 for 1 share swap, YTL share need to trade higher than YTLP to make offer attractive. Already, i believe many YTLP shareholder are opt to swap to YTL beforehand now to enjoy higher YTL share price later


2023-07-14 16:17 | Report Abuse

To support YTL share to outperfrom YTLP, its other division need to perfrom now, construction (MRT3 + HSR), buidling material and cement (YTL cement . Mcement), REITS (starhill and YTL hos) + property (YTL land) + unlock Japan prime landbank


2023-07-14 16:13 | Report Abuse

Its logic for Francis to take over YTLp via share swap before unlock Power seraya and Wessex water. To make share swap attractive, YTL share need to outperfrom and higher than YTLP for 1 to 1 swap


2023-07-14 16:07 | Report Abuse

Continue challenge new high


2023-07-14 14:51 | Report Abuse

Recent revaluations increased YTL 55% subsidiary, YTL REIT, net asset value by RM 150m or 9 sen per unit of YTL REIT


2023-07-14 12:02 | Report Abuse

The Joko Widodo administration has so far been unyielding, insisting that Indonesia is well within its rights to add value to its minerals, specifically nickel, bauxite, copper and tin, to become a newly industrialized state.

Nickel exports were banned in January 2022 and bauxite shipments followed on June 10. Tin and copper bans are scheduled to come next. “We have to dare to take these steps,” Widodo, a fervent advocate of the value-added policy, said last year.


2023-07-14 12:01 | Report Abuse

Tin, which is widely used in electrical connectors and touch screens, is also increasingly important to the green energy transition, including its potential use in lithium-ion batteries. Only 5% of tin mined in Indonesia, the world's largest exporter of the refined metal, is processed further in the country.

"In the case of tin, a restriction from Indonesia, in conjunction with the banning of mining in Myanmar's Wa region, is likely to lead to a surge in global tin prices,"


2023-07-14 11:14 | Report Abuse

added more MSC at 2.26


2023-07-14 11:13 | Report Abuse

sold krono at 58-58.5sen


2023-07-14 10:18 | Report Abuse

Current USD 29,425 however still far below if compared to previous record USD 45,000. Many upside potential if both Myammar and indonesia, world top 1 and 3 exporters, respectively, both ban export tin


2023-07-14 10:09 | Report Abuse

Tin buyer rush to grab as much as possible on spot price before deadline 1 Aug 2023


2023-07-14 10:07 | Report Abuse

Tin spot price surge +USD975.00 (+3.43%), trading now at USD 29,425.00


2023-07-14 09:24 | Report Abuse

While cement prices had continued to rise, the pace of the monthly increase had slowed.

MIDF Research noted that the average price of the building material rose for the eighth consecutive month in June by 0.22% m-o-m – its slowest pace of monthly increase since December 2022, to RM22.87 per 50kg bag.

“This was on the back of higher selling prices and lower rebates offered due to higher raw materials cost,” it said.

It noted that the northern region of the Peninsula recorded the highest increase by 1.4% m-o-m to RM22.57 for every 50kg bag, while the central and eastern region rose 0.1% m-o-m and 0.4% m-o-m, respectively, to RM22.03 and RM22.49.

Cement prices remained unchanged in Sabah and Sarawak at RM23.12 per 50kg bag.