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2018-04-28 20:02 | Report Abuse

know why cost of living going up?
1. GST
2. ringgit depreciation
3. removing of subsidies.


2018-04-28 19:44 | Report Abuse

if not same, should not be jump, do you get it


2018-04-28 19:44 | Report Abuse

u guys still believe BN story tht GST reduced price of goods? Anyone still believe in this story, plz go see a doc


2018-04-28 19:42 | Report Abuse

another thing reducing income tax doesnt help, bcoz the majority of malaysian not qualified to have income tax. So when GST, they all kena


2018-04-28 19:38 | Report Abuse

the fact that the revenues increased drastically showed that something is wrong


2018-04-28 19:37 | Report Abuse

in countries implementing GST, when they implemented it, wht they did was they ensured the revenue before and after are the same or something there BUT in our case, it jumped. It means money was suck out of the market.


2018-04-28 19:26 | Report Abuse

If GST collect less than SST, that means after implemented , govt revenues should lessen or maintain instead of jumping.


2018-04-28 19:25 | Report Abuse

SST or GST, did u bother to check how much govt revenues increased after implemented? Let me ask u this question, where the extra revenues coming from? It doesnt take a rocket scientist to know this.


2018-04-28 18:59 | Report Abuse

he's in johor, so near me loh. He he.


2018-04-28 18:53 | Report Abuse

the parties that got into trouble seems to be missing a procedure to check before going to the EC.

The parties HQ should have assigned ppl to check on these candidates before going to the EC. An example, be there 2-3 hours earlier, then party checkers will come with a list and check on the list of items that need to be checked. Some of the incidents that happened like IC,letters, wrong address could have been avoided if they had implemented this. I'm surprised after so many PRU, they still dont implement this. I think they should give DAP a call, check how they conduct their candidate nomination day.


2018-04-28 18:48 | Report Abuse

based on statistic, there's a possibility Kelantan will fall into the hand of BN


2018-04-28 17:09 | Report Abuse

Can see they are very motivated


2018-04-28 17:05 | Report Abuse

this group, amazing, their victory chant is like a song, very nice.

Listen at 1:10


2018-04-28 14:59 | Report Abuse

well, i been thinking, yeah, batu seat is lost, but remember one thing, if providence willed harapan will win, even if losing that 1 seat, they will still win. If providence willed that harapan lose, even if you win that 1 seat, you will still lose. Everything been decided, so dont despair, is just a matter of what is willed by providence.


2018-04-28 14:44 | Report Abuse

another bankrupt candidate , this time from Bersatu, is a state seat. Bukit Pasir, think this is johor state seat


2018-04-28 14:04 | Report Abuse

quite stupid, PKR got so many lawyers yet they lose out to this 1 law student


2018-04-28 14:02 | Report Abuse

yeah, parliament more important. Hard to salvage batu seat , the other 2 independents are former MIC member and another is a 22 year law student. You see the 22 year law student? I think he already know this was going to happen since he is studying law. I think they will back the law student.


2018-04-28 13:57 | Report Abuse

there's one more, a DUN seat, bankrupt candidate form harapan


2018-04-28 13:49 | Report Abuse

how to vote for this batu seat? There's no way to salvage. Vote PAs is voting BN. Vote those 2 independent won't worked bcoz their logo not aligned to Harapan. So this seat is a goner.


2018-04-28 13:48 | Report Abuse

mistake, there are 4 other candidates, BN, PAS and 2independents. Damn shit, Tian Chua, hope your disqualification won't kill harapan march


2018-04-28 13:45 | Report Abuse

nope, Batu fall into hand of BN, there are remaining 3 candidates, 1 BN, 2 independents, that means a winnable seat had fallen into the hand of BN without contesting and knowing the risk, PKR still fielded him. I really don't know what to say. This is very demoralizing. I think this could be a sign Harapan can't win this election. Really a fool, knowing there's risk still field Tian Chua.

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2018-04-28 10:27 | Report Abuse

i'm not sure if harapan can win this time but sometimes there are events or ppl that need to appear before a change will happen. Bcoz if a change happened, these events or ppl would not appear.

News & Blogs

2018-04-28 10:21 | Report Abuse

Tun is there bcoz is a rallying factor. He and Bersatu entry into harapan changed Harapan's power a lot, now can challenge both PAS and BN. If Tun and Bersatu had not join Harapan , Harapan would be in big trouble bcoz of PAS's betrayal.

As for what is Tun's motive, some say bcoz he is power crazy, if he is power crazy, he would never have step down. He is now at 90+, why he still want money and $. As for his son, if he had remain on good terms with PM, his son would not have been sacked at all. He could just remain on good terms with PM but he chose not to and went all out the hard way, I know you guys not happy with Tun bcoz of the mess he created in the past and I agree but this time he is a rallying factor.
Do you guys remember last time when Trump won the election, everyone started thinking about Obama? Actually Obama isn't the super type leader but there is this relativity kind of thing where ppl tend to compare both leaders and that makes obama much superior than trump.
In the case of PM vs Tun, is the same thing. The GST,ringgit depreciation, inflation, removing of subsidies all created the kind of environment(high cost living) we see now and Tun's time, the asian tiger, was the opposite of the current one. So he is a figure or what is called a poster where it create a reminiscing effect that compared both environments. So with the current environment and his track record, it made ppl look to him as someone who can pull them out of this current environment. That is why he is important. Take Tun out, will be big trouble. Take one small step at a time and it will evolved towards a positive path. Don't think too far. You need those small steps.
I think is a matter of time before BN fall if not this election. Tun and Bersatu actually restructured the power of Pakatan into a more positive coaltion compared to the previous one with PAS which I see as a problem and hard to removed and PAS itself evicted itself and such coincidence Bersatu and Tun came. Really just incredible.

Even if Harapan can't win this round, they need to maintain their current strength, be ready and wait for future elections. You don't want Harapan to be in bad shape when the time comes. So always BE READY.

News & Blogs

2018-04-28 10:06 | Report Abuse

I'm 70-80& on cash, I think any buying will have to wait after election, not sure what is going to happen.


2018-04-28 02:30 | Report Abuse

well, if dark blue win this round, is bcoz there are more less intelligent ppl around who think more with emotion BUT it is exactly because of this that it might work against them in the future bcoz these ppl are the emotion type.
So if you ask me if dark blue win this round, will they stay in power forever, I don't think so, I think if can't win this round, may have to take another 10 yrs. So what can actually make a govt lose power and support drastically, historically, it has been shown that high debt, high unemployment,currency depreciation, very high inflation, corruption, these factors if combined will lead to change in govt. An example is Greece. So when you see these factors appearing, a change will be imminent


2018-04-27 11:25 | Report Abuse

oh yeah, beside the myppp incident, there's one more, MCA's seats getting cannibalized by UMNO. It is already happening and I expect more to happen in the future. So don't expect the smaller ones won't get affected too.


2018-04-27 11:11 | Report Abuse

Look at what happened to myPPP


2018-04-27 11:08 | Report Abuse

why is it no matter how i explaing, some of you just don't get it. This is the last time I'm saying this bcoz i think some here don't have the reasoning to understand this.

Politicians are not angels. They can be good now but once in power may or may not get corrupted bcoz power can corrupts. So what is the issue here now? Pakatan promised certain reforms that BN will never be able to do it and those reforms are important. If STATUS QUO remain, you think will there be any changes? NO!. So if you opt for changes, then there is a possibility of changes. If Harapan break promises, you vote them out bcoz the next one will promise reforms too, so you vote them, they will court your votes. You can't expect to demand a perfect system to be created overnight, it has to evolved through small steps, without these steps, nothing will change. I will tell you what I think if BN lose, in fact is good for the coalition and its component parties. Once BN lose, there will be a sweeping changes in the coalition and within the parties. The non-UMNO parties will be more respected and have a bigger say in the future direction of the coalition instead of monopoly. UMNO will have a sweeping reform too within itself. I would say is good for UMNO , the coaliton, components parties and the country. I know, some of you can't see what I'm talking about but I'm sure there are those who can. Remember! Changes don't happen overnight, you need small steps at a time(evolving), no small steps , no changes.
I met some ppl recently,they told me something, there's lots of this phone scams things go on, they cheat you of your money through phone call. I was amazed how easily ppl can get conned. There was this lady, didn't borrow any money from anyone,someone called up and say she owe money, did money laundering, going to go to prison, she know she didn't borrow money , but the guy at the other side managed to convinced her and she paid money to the guy. Is so clear this is fraud, she didn't borrow but ppl convinced her she did. What does this tell us? It tells us that there are many stupid ppl around, just that you don't know they exist. I"m sorry if I offend anyone if I use the word stupid , but i just want to explain why we are seeing all sorts of weird unbelievable things going on.


2018-04-27 09:03 | Report Abuse

in fact, i saw the arguments by some, actually quite worrying.


2018-04-27 09:02 | Report Abuse

Actualy is very easy to see why more investors or those who in the stockmarket tend to support blue eye more, bcoz stock market is a survival of the fittest place, if u not intelligent enough, u will most likely kena tapao one. So if someone can survive long enough in the market, then he most likely have a certain lvl of intelligence. One who cannot differentiate what is right or wrong, can't be intelligent.


2018-04-25 22:15 | Report Abuse

but if after dividend, 10ct, price deduct 10ct


2018-04-25 19:06 | Report Abuse

aiyoo, really makes my blood boil, if harapan break their promises, I vote BN next time. BN oredi 60yrs, why harapan 5 yrs cannot?????? Mture politics is ding dong ding dong.


2018-04-25 19:04 | Report Abuse

when i try to explain, i don't know why, some ppl just don't get it. Wasting my time explaining,


2018-04-25 19:02 | Report Abuse

who ask for his sacking???? Instruction from outside paty


2018-04-25 19:01 | Report Abuse

Did you look at what happened to Kayveas of myPPP? He got sacked by his own party


2018-04-25 19:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyoh, why some of you just can't see the whole picture, u dig the past of tun, no point, u need to look at what are the reforms Harapan had promised and WHY it is important and why BN won't implement them. Take one step at a time, the first one is BN need to lose 1 time, then the democracy in this country will be more colourful in the future. Once BN defeated, the component parties in BN will be free too and more respected.

You know why you can't vote PAS and BN, why u need to vote Harapan? Bcoz we need the reforms. Don't look to the past, what is past is past, u can't changed it but you can change the future.


2018-04-23 21:51 | Report Abuse

i met someone,told me, even if defeated, must be defeated without regrets, no regrets.


2018-04-23 21:49 | Report Abuse

no need thank me, I need to do my part for this country, beside that I'm trying to summon a will, don't ask me what this is, even i don't understand it. Rafizi sacrifice so much, can only do this small part to show my appreciation to him.


2018-04-23 21:27 | Report Abuse

i have registered with invoke, waiting for confirmation, they assigned me a place, but now I"m in the verification phase.


2018-04-23 21:21 | Report Abuse

what someone mentioned about the marking is true, as long as the intention is clear that you choose that one candidate, whatever marking is considered as valid but by convention,we X the box. Even if you mark it on the name of the candidate is considered as valid. BUT again, we go by convention.


2018-04-23 21:18 | Report Abuse

i haven't been to the training sessions but invoke site got some reference materials. I'll read them later.


2018-04-23 21:12 | Report Abuse

is just a theoretical assumption based on a few assumptions


2018-04-23 21:11 | Report Abuse

beside the so called malay tsunami, i think to be more precise,i suspect there could be a felda settlers revolt


2018-04-23 21:07 | Report Abuse

i'm waiting to be recruit as PACA, if they need me, I will help.


2018-04-20 11:34 | Report Abuse

by US standard, "only a politician can talk politics" is called a moron.


2018-04-20 11:31 | Report Abuse

yu_and_me, are you a fool? Can only talk politics if you are a politician????? Is it a fool statement?


2018-04-18 12:29 | Report Abuse

that is why harapan is focusing its res mainly in peninsular. Sabah, sarawak no chance but this doesnt mean that harapan can't win.


2018-04-18 12:24 | Report Abuse

sabah sarawak i dont think there will be big swing, at most is get some urban seats


2018-04-18 12:09 | Report Abuse

the so called revolts i mentioned isn't just about internal, is also about in term of supporters