
hollandking | Joined since 2017-08-19

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2018-05-11 11:33 | Report Abuse

but can't blame him, under pressure


2018-05-11 11:32 | Report Abuse

haha. This stanley thai, really bad luck to the core.


2018-05-11 11:31 | Report Abuse

very clear was an endorsement for BN, he can't run away from this.


2018-05-08 15:08 | Report Abuse

we combine all our prayers


2018-05-08 15:07 | Report Abuse

Everyone, whatever your religion or even without a religion, start praying. The ground work had been done, now we need a strong WILL to reinforce it. Pray for pakatan harapan, pray for forgiveness , pray for guidance and mercy and not punishment.


2018-05-08 10:10 | Report Abuse

yeah, one time cash out, u r right


2018-05-08 10:09 | Report Abuse

accumulated value is RM11 million, not a lot. Could be manipulation


2018-05-08 10:08 | Report Abuse

i dont think this price is sustainable


2018-05-07 19:09 | Report Abuse

i'm seeing many stupid questions being spread and no matter how u answer, the questions will still be there. Could be cybertroopers, well there's a group of cybertroopers associated with stupidity in the past


2018-05-07 19:08 | Report Abuse

I'll answer another stupid question. What if Tun becomes a dictator after election? Well, is a stupid question. BUT ill stil answer it. He is 93 yrs old and the seats are split among the coalition members, nobody monopolized enough seats to form govt


2018-05-07 19:06 | Report Abuse

don't look at his past. Look at what harapan intend to do. Check manifesto. I'm still suprised so many ppl still talked about his past. Well, if you talk bad about his past, you need to look at in term of relativity. Sometimes it isn't about good or bad but rather a comparison between both. Tun is good for the coaliton because during his administration, he provided lots of subsidies, no GST, cost of living much lower than now and m'sia was one of the asian tigers. So when you compare both, with ppl feeling the pain in the pocket, is very clear who one should vote. I'm looking at the institutional reforms of harapan which i view as very important.
And I'll answer this BS question that say what if harapan don't implement what it promised. I'll vote it out next PRU. If vote BN, means status quo remain. Don't expect BN to initiate institutional reforms like what harapan promised. So is very clear, vote harapan u have a chance for institutional reforms or vote BN means NO CHANCE.


2018-05-07 17:04 | Report Abuse

the above information is based on statistic information collected by Invoke


2018-05-07 17:04 | Report Abuse

Rafizi predicts

1.PAS will get wiped out
2.For peninsular , BN will take Kelantan,Terengganu,Pahang and Perlis. As for other peninsular states, will fall into the hand of Harapan
3. Harapan will form Fed govt with a slim majority.

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 14:15 | Report Abuse

really daring, this kind of leader should be rejected immediately. He so daring, even put before election date

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 13:59 | Report Abuse

i tell u, lots of the so called fence sitter are harapan supporters,


2018-05-07 11:15 | Report Abuse

rafizi gave his view why BN's campaign so gloomy. One of the reason is bcoz the big shots are now trapped/busy in their constituencies campaigning for themselves bcoz some of the big shots are in big trouble.


2018-05-07 10:57 | Report Abuse

is possible stock may rally if PH win, even if go down, it will just be temporary especially pro Harapan counters.


2018-05-07 10:52 | Report Abuse

they took the food and cabut.


2018-05-07 10:49 | Report Abuse

stingy BN, my area no free makan, no lucky draw, no giveaways. Heard some places got lots of stuffs.


2018-05-07 09:50 | Report Abuse

ppl now cabut out of market, think tomorrow will be the same too.

News & Blogs

2018-05-06 22:25 | Report Abuse

wow, good observation, i mean the jinx date


2018-05-06 10:19 | Report Abuse

great, we need all the votes.


2018-05-06 10:03 | Report Abuse

Think the batu parliamentary seat is a lost cause.
Whatever, you guys have done your best and is very impressive.
I'm not sure if BN reign will end this PRU but just know that a new milestone have already reached, political realignment had already happened. Even if can't win but if both sides Parliamentary seats are very close to each other, it will still be a nightmare for BN.
Since Tun Daim predicting a win for harapan, it proved that even if can't win, the result going to be very close one.
If we look at the past PRUs, we can see that things are evolving, getting better for Harapan. I thought harapan was a goner when PAS betrayed Harapan but then suddenly Tun, TSMY and PPBM suddenly appear and they form not just a coalition, they used the same flag which is historically very important because it had never happened before. IF harapan seats count is close to BN, it doesn't mean changes won't happen. If just few seats set each other apart, it also means all BN mps will have to come when passing bills and this means they can't ponteng.

News & Blogs

2018-05-05 11:07 | Report Abuse

any counters u guys think can sailang or should cabut before D-day? Think if cabut on mon or tues oredi too late.


2018-05-05 08:29 | Report Abuse

brace yourself for impact, wed election, think mon tues could be red day


2018-05-03 09:52 | Report Abuse

Tun Daim is known for accurately predicting election result and this time he is predicting a win for Harapan and he is now campaigning for Harapan.

Even if Harapan can't win, I'm sure their result will be much better or close to the threshold of winning putra jaya.


2018-05-02 19:52 | Report Abuse

so guys, plz don't spit at those wearing BN shirts, some could be PH supporters


2018-05-02 19:51 | Report Abuse

i also told others those who wear BN shirt working for BN not necessary would vote BN, BN can give good money to them, so some of them perhaps just for the money and will vote PH, is just like some went for the food and vote for PH


2018-05-02 14:21 | Report Abuse

it isn't for us to decide what is right or wrong, SPR rule is very clear, other faces not related, not allowed.


2018-05-02 14:18 | Report Abuse

do u see what the problem is, it means the new rule is very problematic


2018-05-02 14:17 | Report Abuse

is SPR's rule, no other faces


2018-05-02 13:57 | Report Abuse

there's something else, you guys know tun's picture was cut off from poster, well I saw with my own eyes what internet been spreading about poster with president xi jinping, ali baba jack ma. I saw some of those yesterday. Not just jack ma, there were posters with many faces(children faces). These are from MCA


2018-05-02 13:52 | Report Abuse

u know what the chinese investors did, they spiked property prices not just malaysia but other countries too making it hard for locals to buy property, These chinese investors are not staying here, they like to speculate properties, so is not real demand but speculation and the locals had to matched their buying power which most won't be able to. As for big projects, there are some question marks which Harapan will review once they get into power and I feel too that they should too, consider whether at the currrent cost is worth it and whether is feasible.


2018-05-02 13:31 | Report Abuse

I've looked at the 2 calon bebas in Batu, both i think got question mark. The question mark on the ex MIC member is clear, but the 22year law student is vague. My question is why would a 22 year old dump more than 10K on a election where it is very likely he will lose deposit


2018-05-01 19:15 | Report Abuse

I'm not surprised if rantau losses turn into a parliamentary seat gain for Harapan, N Rantau in exchange for Rembau parliamentary seat.


2018-05-01 19:13 | Report Abuse

according to rafizi, the momentum is building up greatly for harapan, so keep pushing, very important.


2018-05-01 19:11 | Report Abuse

now i know why this counter got so many roller coasters rides previously


2018-05-01 19:10 | Report Abuse

is he the tycoon lct was talking about?


2018-05-01 16:13 | Report Abuse

liew chin tong's fate depends on you guys. He is fighting MCA's wks in ayer hitam and is really a suicidal quest. If there's not tsunami, he is assured of defeat. If he win ayer hitam, that means the malay tsunami is very strong, if defeated, then it isn't a tsunami. So ayer hitam will be a gauge how strong the tsunami is. Is an uphill task for him.


2018-04-29 12:27 | Report Abuse

is this cheating or not? You guys get your conscience to be the judge


2018-04-29 12:19 | Report Abuse

As for Tian Chua, I don't have anything to say , i know they mentioned previously he could contest in 2013 and court had cleared him. BUT i just want to mentioned that what happened to him now is his past actions. He's got some bad habit problem and never learnt the lessons for those episodes. Whatever, don't be disappointed, sometimes losing 1 seat could get your more.


2018-04-29 12:15 | Report Abuse

I've just listened to Rafizi explaining what actually happened in the Rantau state set(NS) where the MB won uncontested. It actually isn't the PKR's candidate fault. This seat could have been won easily by harapan bcoz the seat was 55%malay, 45% chinese and indian . Please listen to this before you judge what actually happened, regardless of whether you support dark blue or light blue because there's deep grievance and injustice in this case. If i remember correctly, harapan's team had called up the boss of spr in NS and told him about the non-entry due to pas and the boss had given a call to the officer at the centre to let them in but this officer actually delayed the entry till 10:03am and by the time they entered, excuse given was they were too late bcoz past 10am. As for the pas, it was a non-requirement, you will know what actually took place after listening to this video from rafizi explaining what actually happened. Please give yourself a chance to listen to what the truth is and response to what your conscience is telling you. I know, there are some of you who are dark blue supporters but i'm imploring you guys to listen to your conscience. Imagine if you were the candidate(harapan) in Rantau, how would you felt? I can't imagine, if is me.
