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2013-04-28 22:31 | Report Abuse

well, if u notice plenty of companies r selling land recently, 83.x mil for merely 9.6 arces, which origin cost only 7m... that's very good $ man!

let's c what kasi do after the latest annoucement, no worry )


2013-04-28 14:48 | Report Abuse

let's b clear here for a fruitful discussion, he spoke for himself, all medias merely repeat what he said. if this is a spam, pr needs to act fast. however, if this is really what he said, v really need to be mindful for that cast. http://elections.thestar.com.my/story.aspx? file=/2013/4/28/nation/13037605#.UXyJWmc0hBk

if a state, let alone country, can automatically be LEAD effectively by simply living in kampung house, v don't need election. make no mistake, v need knowledgeable leader, v need leader who can AT LEAST speak effective English! to lead the competition in global market, to out run in S.E.A region at least!


2013-04-28 14:30 | Report Abuse

as good as it all sound, kdeb could have sapu b4 election. wonder y the timing like now? sigh


2013-04-28 12:07 | Report Abuse

oooii... must read, can learn a lot in that thread! at least learnt how "SMALL MONEY" is made out of story making. a classic one, hopefully ppl don't delete their comment :)


2013-04-28 12:02 | Report Abuse

pg dap leads, selangor pkr leads, so far so good. now, the remaining states r obvious, no need to repeat here; BUT required full directional explanation - what happen if PAS lead Johor?

how ppl vote with right level of confident while all v heard is "cheaper, free", while v all know there is no free lunch, what is hidden here, where is the transparency here?? should questions like this is NOT address but keep sweep under carpet, nicely package and promote, hell r v vote to repeat history!?

declare macc as independent, posses 100% right to prosecute, that's how corruption is fight in the first place. other than that it's juz empty talk - very easy.


2013-04-28 11:39 | Report Abuse

who is cheating who is a complex question, try Don’t vote for PAS, says DAP man: http://elections.thestar.com.my/story.aspx?file=/2013/4/28/nation/13037605#.UXyJWmc0hBk

sigh... as much as ppl would like to "try out" the 5 years, hell the risk could be too high to take, need to rethink this again...


2013-04-28 11:23 | Report Abuse

dam right!!! juz look at nextnat! read nextnat thread!


2013-04-28 11:21 | Report Abuse

kasi will be no diff from ordinary investor who wants to sell high, "press down" does not benefit him, his shares is not enough to really press down anything anyway, juz look at pass 2 weeks data. now he intended to deal during closed period rather than open market.

actually, ppl r more than happy to see it dive thru 30c for now... but chances look slim... aisey!


2013-04-28 11:06 | Report Abuse

who knows best about the "news", its timing and figure? so big shark = LxS? hahahaa...


2013-04-27 17:55 | Report Abuse

pr pledge above sounds TOO good to b true, so good that should it failed what would happen? another $festo is not promises? believe most voters want a realistic & applicable pledge so v all don't waste another 5 yrs argu everyday!


2013-04-27 16:23 | Report Abuse

shouldn't be any major change, worst goes back 1.8 range only, possible goreng one round first :D glove biz is fairy resilient, juz watchout cost


2013-04-27 11:40 | Report Abuse

what's matter here is the share price, suka tak suka, he knew epf is not following his company anymore, no good for the price


2013-04-26 17:13 | Report Abuse

the boss better of privatize it now... :D

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 16:56 | Report Abuse

relak ah bro...mkland dah sampai .32, tak tau boleh tahan ke... :D


2013-04-26 16:54 | Report Abuse



2013-04-26 16:51 | Report Abuse

no worry, u r not alone :) $4.x is too much to play... no way! especially for this one it only ride on PETRONAS so call capex planning. all the best to those still holding... don't get too greedy

News & Blogs

2013-04-26 16:41 | Report Abuse

u were following this morning, right? net 15c kena? congratulation!


2013-04-26 16:39 | Report Abuse

how many percent does the right issues will dilute the eps?


2013-04-26 16:22 | Report Abuse

privatization already failed with at least 6 months defer, plenty of shares PETRONAS needs to "refund". it's miracle already it can touch 4.4! congratulate to those who grab it this morning, big ang-pow!

the power of diverse perceptions create all sort of possibilities :)


2013-04-26 16:12 | Report Abuse

fuuyoo... kuat goreng :D who said economic no good? lots of rich men!


2013-04-26 15:24 | Report Abuse

note he INTENTION TO DEAL DURING CLOSED PERIOD, let's monitor how many shares & at what price, hopefully the "who" will be reviewed too :D


2013-04-26 15:14 | Report Abuse

well said!


2013-04-26 15:09 | Report Abuse

if u keep worry about few cents, then u maybe affected by these "manipulators". actually, ppl r worry about ge13, price WILL goes up and down for whatever news :D

keep track of the company progress, buy slow, small and hold steady, why worry about others? better of they help to "push" down, more than happy! bcos the market is crazy already anyway :D


2013-04-26 14:53 | Report Abuse

put it this way, say mkland price goes up aggressively now, so what? given the uncertainty it will come down fast anyway (see uemland, terbau etc). so long it doesn't con like L&G, it's juz a matter of time it will shoot.

which other prop counter at this price range with such naps? mkland rolling eps is green with div (small though). what it needs to do now is boost its sales sales sales. mkland is not making enough sales like L&G, tambun

another catalyst is affordable home program in putrajaya/cyberjaya, emkay is a big player as v all knew.

yr $ yr choice, now worry if u don't agree :D


2013-04-26 14:31 | Report Abuse

talking about india, it's not about capital, the prj not worth that much and efforts to go ahead. frankly, india commerce laws can buta-buta change anytime... rather than making lost, mkland made a wise decision to get out at no cost. this decision maybe disappointed someone so he dump his shares? hahahaa...

afterall, so many lands here, y go that far? :D :D


2013-04-26 12:32 | Report Abuse

so far today is heavy weight counters day, low vol high val... hopefully, 2 ~ 3 line counters have a chance to rally high b4 next fri!


2013-04-26 09:51 | Report Abuse

buy slow, small and hold steady, this is a $4.x investment at this sensitive junction, yr cash can be easily lock down for months to come.

best is stay sideline until ge13 is over, afterall, what do u expect within this period for misc? no need to rush at all.


2013-04-26 09:43 | Report Abuse

y same trend with guoco, sigh?


2013-04-26 09:15 | Report Abuse

13x of cost... lots of $!


2013-04-25 20:23 | Report Abuse

India prjs cancelled at no cost, 9.6 arces sold at 83m. see latest announcement at bursa

what other prop counter at 30c range with this sort of backup? anyway, dtk kasi cepat buang u punya shares, buang kuat kuat! :D: D :D


2013-04-25 19:45 | Report Abuse

easy, no need to rush :)


2013-04-25 17:52 | Report Abuse

if momentum continues, can visit under $4 with ge13 pressure on


2013-04-25 17:12 | Report Abuse

maybank is one of the counter heavily bought over the last 2 weeks.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2013-04-25 14:15 | Report Abuse

it will be great if pas understand this, stop doing thing that can hold back ubah, now and after ge13! if pas continues to act like this, 300 pts consider an discount!

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 12:07 | Report Abuse

too late to buy in april, all blue chips already hike until the face also look blue! most fundamental counters also in sleep mode now... dare to go in now? good luck! :D

anyway, some r guessing there will be either a sudden hike or consolidate b4 next Friday, or on this day itself... up to u to believe or not :)


2013-04-25 11:38 | Report Abuse

ya la... keep challenging 1700... yoyo'ing :)


2013-04-25 10:56 | Report Abuse

there is no sign of overbought, given the overall market situation and it hovers between .42 ~ .425... not really a heavy selling at all. knowing ge13 is juz a week away, believe contra players won't risk themselves at this stage. unless something drastic happens, believe redtone price will be stable vs other telecom counters :)

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 10:33 | Report Abuse

juz a view ya, if u get angry so fast then no need to continue discuss - u win, u win!

- pas said this in front of major media, dap is forced to response stupid questions like this again and again
- what if bn make a deal with pas to gain that 2/3 advantage?
- can pas "modify" or do monkey business like what it did at state level. note with the power of dpm (worst pm), there's a lot of uncertainty already bcos pas never give up ancient thinking
- ubah ultimately is to eliminate corruption, improve gov efficiency, that's so much work already which 5 years will not be enough, hopefully pas is not the idiot forgetting what ubah is all about but keep busy about how a saloon should work!

everyone has his/her right to vote, pls respect that 100% the same as other respect yours.

News & Blogs

2013-04-25 10:19 | Report Abuse

it's sad to see pas continue to think so backward, this is really alarming, there is no one in this party can lead at country level, yet pas is prime pm candidate, sigh. note m'sia economic thus stock market does not excel by itself, v need fdi, v need to trade with other countries... in many ways, how external factors look at the ge13 will determine the klci trend post ge13; on top of that, global market must be stable the same time

lots of uncertainty indeed... this is exactly what fdi hate most.


2013-04-25 09:36 | Report Abuse

u better be fast if under $4, pet may take the opportunity to collect up to >90%... :)


2013-04-25 09:33 | Report Abuse

can't see the whole market is under pressure? ppl r guessing if there will be a consolidation soon


2013-04-25 09:12 | Report Abuse

seems to loose momentum again, may break 32c, klci under pressure to break 1700 mark


2013-04-25 09:00 | Report Abuse

it's simply nature to ask "why". in stock market, further with "who", "when" & "How much". when the answered is broken, the cycle repeat :) sometimes, certain "news" r meant to create herd effect - v need to becareful

for this deal, pr will be stupid to keep this lingering at this sensitive time, ppl will see when come to $$$, there isn't any diff at all - sama busuk!

until further notice, suggest not to hold too much of this counter, some small amount will do if have faith