
mamakspecial | Joined since 2016-03-19

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2017-11-09 13:54 | Report Abuse

SHC70 Mamakspecial your name reminds me of an old online forum..very famous years ago hahahhaa
09/11/2017 12:59

what are you talking about..i dont cheong one la..HAHAHahaha


2017-11-09 11:30 | Report Abuse

tianjin Panic ??? Hahaha ! Only speculators/contra players will be panicky . To blame others for a selling decision is most inane and pathetic !

Give you 100 likes.


2017-11-09 11:02 | Report Abuse

meistsk3134 I sell my half lot becos of this shit mamakspecial
09/11/2017 10:52

I dont understand what are you trying to say..

Are you blaming me for you selling your half lot...

or are you just telling me that you are selling half lot because of what shit

Elaborate la..if not..i cannot reply you le.


2017-11-09 10:41 | Report Abuse

any1 got pmetal warrant..can consider convert to mother this price...conversion price is fair..only..0.39..pmetal long term outlook is good...after convert..can get split share is any ..or at the very least..can receive dividend


2017-11-09 08:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by LatoSriNickyLiow > Nov 9, 2017 12:16 AM | Report Abuse

Tomorrow up after lunch lato can post from jail ah...and can predict future some more..


2017-11-09 08:15 | Report Abuse

abctypo sell before too late just to avoid selling pressure of price correction, it will rebound but definitely not this week
08/11/2017 19:06

can you really predict what will happen this week..

Dont so easily tell ppl to buy or sell with just one sentence..alot of newbies kena slaughtered just from this kind of comment. Put in some reasoning or argument for the ppl in forum to judge la in order to support your statement...

Its people hard earned money we are talking bout here.


2017-11-08 17:57 | Report Abuse

LilyLL no eyes see lah this week must drop
08/11/2017 16:57

Drop a bit alr no eyes see...go do research on IWCITY and see much they drop...60 percent in two days....Chill la...and dont so fast make conclusion this week must drop comment so easily..

Just learn from it. If not you wont last long in stock market.

Forum is for bros to share info ..not whine. (although there are some trolls here that spew nonsense from time to time ..just filter their nonsense)


2017-11-08 17:45 | Report Abuse

Teapot today why keep going down... :(
08/11/2017 16:25

welcome back to reality of investing in stock market. Dont need to be happy that you realise nothing goes up forever.

But if you are sad everytime a stock goes down..then i suggest you dont invest in stock market. Moreover this drop is just peanuts compared to what happened to IWCITY not too far back...60% drop in two days.

This kind of 'drop' is called correction after such a bull run. It is very normal in stock market.

If like that ONLY alr sad..then you have unrealistic expectation of how stock market works.

Cannot be emo la in playing stock market. You can never win if you are emo and listen to suggestions to buy and sell in forum. MUST LEARN TO FILTER INFO and do your own due diligence in evaluating whether a stock has reached a level whereby is too high to go in...

Learn how to read RSI and MACD...Technical Analysis will help you alot in evaluating the price at that moment.


2017-11-08 07:53 | Report Abuse

Newplayer286 What happened leh
07/11/2017 16:23

stockintalk maybe somethings not right.
07/11/2017 16:55

luckyjb might be due to market emotion...let's see tmrw how ..
07/11/2017 23:05

wenlijianqinyun79 Once break below rm3.10, will be rm3.00.
08/11/2017 06:03

OMG...look at the traded volume and stock price down pushing la..all low volume transaction..and someone was pushing it down 100 shares at a time..whenever it goes up..someone is manipulating the price...

If really got bad news..the volume is high..wont be low.


2017-11-07 13:47 | Report Abuse

tianyue sorry i am newbie, i always saw some comment and there is a person reviewer mention: "old man", may i know who is the "old man" ?
07/11/2017 12:06

dont think so much..some of the comment here are just just to troll or main main need to bother...if newbie...LEARN TO FILTER info..that is most in forum alot of ppl like to play mind games...just ignore them.


2017-11-06 13:40 | Report Abuse

if you have pmetal warrant..might be a good time to convert to mother. Hopefully they issue bonus after quarterly announcement


2017-11-05 08:08 | Report Abuse

skp vs..check out their financial performance...crazily good.


2017-11-03 16:44 | Report Abuse

Hui Xin Sim

I think you are misunderstanding one thing.

I dont understand why You said said that I dont understand on why the stock is on bull run.

I didnt mention it at all nor did I ask why the price went up. I am scratching my head now

I know its supported by big guys and the my reasoning is same as yours. LOL..just that you laid it more in detail for Lily Tee to decide.

I only laid out for the scenario that might happened if Lily Tee intend to go in now. Cheers


2017-11-03 15:46 | Report Abuse

Lily Tee Dear Telusdansuci, still can buy with this price? thanks.
03/11/2017 15:04

The stock is currently on bull run...but it wont run forever. It will stop eventually but no one knows when.

My point of view i share with you.

Most people are expecting the next quarter report to be a good one. By right the report should be out since last week end of october..but bursa law allows 60 days if i am not mistaken.

This bull run is more about ANTICIPATION of good result rather than AFTER RESULT run..which is 'supposedly' the cue to buy in more and the price run up after the result. This is more normal than anticipating good result.

I have seen bull run of anticipation of good result before (though it is not really that common)..but nvr at this kind of it is exciting and scary at the same time.

And I have seen anticipation of good result going both ways..up and down before. So..there is always a risk.

BUT what if the quarterly report is not as good as everyone will freefall like mad...diarrhoea like niagara falls...LOL..if you get what I meant...cos run up too fast and furious dy.

Those who bought early ,if touch wood..the quarter report is bad...even though the stock will fall...they will still earn...but latecomers situation is more like betting rather than investing. Good..goes fall..

Trade with what you deem comfortable...anticipate for the worst possible much I can take it if it really comes down...then you will be able to make a more sound decision.
Use excel to do some homework.

Dont need to feel bad if it goes up and you tell yourself AIYA I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT MORE...

no one can predict the market.. IF CAN..EVERYONE HERE RICHER THAN BILL GATES.


2017-11-03 13:42 | Report Abuse

Teapot i think its overvalued but since people are goreng this counter. I dont mind joining.
sorry if im wrong. Im still new in trading.

You are in dangerous water my friend if you are new in trading and you use the word goreng to describe this counter. You maybe lucky once or twice but nvr everytime.

You earn money this time but without giving much info like ricky or happy...they are veteran in investing. They know when to exit or go in. Dont simply join a stock going up. You dont see that too often..

My concern is that what if next time you just hentam another stock hoping it will fly like Pmetal. You will get burnt esp since you say you are new in trading.

Take it from me..I was that naive kid too once. Ride the wind..but dont expect it to happened everytime.


2017-11-03 08:00 | Report Abuse

Conversion Price rm1.86 ...wth...still want to complain warrant drop like no tomorrow...i really dont know what to say..mother only 1.70...the conversion itself more than much more obvious do you want it to be.

Exercise/Strike/Conversion Price Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 1.8600


2017-11-01 10:37 | Report Abuse

wakarimas i wonder if it is the result of goreng by the investment company to push up the price of VS. Like in glove stock, Kossan is pampered by fund manager yet supermax is dumped and the price drop like hell. Really have no idea how to select stock.

supermax is a victim of political sidelined. He declared openly of his support of the opposition in the last election. It was all over the news that time and kena condemn by the government. Most of malaysia biggest fund managers are from EPF, KWAP, tabung haji and wouldnt be a surprised if they shy away from his company..


2017-11-01 09:13 | Report Abuse

or those who complain that stock wont move...just sell it and buy penny stocks la...comment like useless la, slow la..not yet moved la...HELLO..This is not penny stock la.. even penny stock also move slow sometimes..

no patience how to play stock...EXPECT WHATEVER YOU BUY GO UP

That is not how stocks work..even in USA market...that doesnt happen with big stocks or their penny. STOCKS WORKS BY QUARTERLY REPORT WHICH IS EVERY 3 MONTHS. or sometimes if you are lucky big sharks buying accodring to information that laymen like you and me dont know yet

SUNCON got the job...BUT PROJECT HAVENT START LA. They will really move when proejct starts and after like few quarters showing they alr receiving money and profit then the price will move.


Someone is pushing that stock..but not suncon..well then too bad lo. No one knows that will happened..if not...I would buy GABUNGAN TOO.

It really makes me wonder sometimes...if you are newbies then I can still understand your impatience..but if you are veteran like alr few years playing in stock still complain stocks wont move...then i really dont know what you have learned in those few years of observing the market.


Be the bigger man


2017-10-31 18:06 | Report Abuse

i wont be surprised if the someone who is purposely pushing down the price is at the same time spreading rumours about the stock being in bad shape here in the forum.

This is like a scaring tactic for newbie to throw the stocks.
The condition is right. Low volume to buy and sell and overall low volume transaction.

My personal take on this if is really true, is that, I dont support nor I condone such tactic. I view it as opportunity to buy a bit more. It is not illegal..just maybe to some it is morally low.

Any newbie who is reading this, do take note that these kind of things do happen in the stock market. Just look for the signs. The news are fake but the volume of transaction is relatively low.

If the bad news are true, the volume transaction should be high because people will be throwing.
Newbies beware.

OR you can just learn from how to read this kind of stock market tactic and just buy more..BUT proceed at your own risks.



2017-10-31 16:10 | Report Abuse

this stock is like taking weed + tongkat ali + steroid + absinthe at the same time..EPIC HIGH. Crazy betul.


2017-10-31 16:05 | Report Abuse

HAHHAHAA...not sinking la..someone is pushing down the price 100 shares at a time. Today volume low..not much buying and queing volume...low volume..only ikan bilis shareholders..this guy purposely create panic selling by 100 shares a time. Newbies or ikan bilis shareholders see price keep dropping, they also join lor..300 shares..500 selling suddenly..but overall volume is still low for this price.


2017-10-29 13:07 | Report Abuse

edl most likely be 'paid' in land bank to mrcb instead..maybe more land bank in TRX???


2017-10-29 11:58 | Report Abuse

this was what super investor kyy was talking about since 2 years ago...but i guess he was a bit too is the better time to buy in. HUAT AH!!!!


2017-10-29 09:17 | Report Abuse

lloydlim Time to accumulate, not time to all in! Very soon we shall know whether right or wrong, don't worry!
28/10/2017 19:42 the long run..every stock also will go will be right....i am no fortuneteller..if i am..i am richer than bill gates dy....the thing is that..i see a lot of newbie come into forum and just buy just because someone says so...but newbie dont have experience..and PATIENCE to wait for a stock to go up in the LONG run..some big sharks might pump the stock..HOPEFULLY....if got insider information.

Building of green infrastructure is not easy and most probably have to involve foreign and expensive resources. Malaysia does not have any of these expertise. Even if got also...locals most probably still prefer foreign companies even though more expensive because of reliability issue.

Even if they got a big slice of the need OPERATING CASH FLOW to manage the project. You need to pay out a lot before you can claim. Any1 that has worked in government project will know how 'fast' payment is .

(I worked in one b4...the company committed almost 30mil to the suppliers and only get 11mill from the government in the first 5 months).

I agree with you on the not time to all in. That is totally true. Can accumulate..but SLOWLY.
We just need to be a bit more specific.

For newbie..if you are looking for a fast buck with this stock..its a bit risky. cos its less than rm1..meaning if drop a bit in value by percentage wise, the amount of money lose is higher than a rm2 stock..esp if you are low in cash to top up.

I am not saying you are wrong. have seen a few myself. stocks that suddenly shoots up even though all their fundamentals are bad cos big sharks are buying.

But have to explain to newbie what are the risks involve le. This comtell is one classic example. Big OPPORTUNITY but execution wise..we dont know yet.
If for example today..the company is like YTL ..or Sunway..or Gamuda..THEN..yes..I will be more confident in buying because of their experience and financial management of project.

IF any newbies out there want to try..go ahead..but make sure you have enough bullets to top up just in case. But if fall too much ..dont top up..just sell and move on.

You might be lucky once or twice..but nvr everytime.

May the luck be with you!!


2017-10-28 18:08 | Report Abuse

2846 posts
Posted by lloydlim > Oct 28, 2017 12:58 PM | Report Abuse

5b allocation for green tech! Time to accumulate! not doing that also very important la..dont just one good news terus beli...if management need to wait until now to buy....dont simply tell ppl to buy just bcos got good news....what is the point even if they got 5billion ringgit project but management of company is bad...
moreover..announced only mah..even if got..still have to wait for tender and much time need to take for all the proper documentation and tender process..and also the realisation of the profit after that in coming years..YEARS...not days..ok.

you are confusing the newbie.


2017-10-24 18:43 | Report Abuse

go to mamakspecial website and can get all the leads there.


2017-10-24 18:04 | Report Abuse

want to play penny stock dont complain fall la..holland la...lousy counter la...either you top up or you sell if you are stuck.


2017-10-24 08:42 | Report Abuse

buy after 1 week of bonus share..will pull back most probably...look at sunway...big company also pull back after dividend and warrant.


2017-10-23 08:40 | Report Abuse

sunway still have suncon to support the price..they got 2.3 billion rail project. Unlike YTL..still so far no news whether they will have a slice of the railway project so more risky compare to sunway for now even though both are big companies

News & Blogs

2017-10-22 17:39 | Report Abuse

this guy is waiting for the next crash then he will go all out. Then he will never be wrong. Very easy to read his pattern. Market might drop just before run up to election and will roar back after election. I have seen it last time. Market down for like 3 days before anxious...alot of ppl thought opposition going to win..but then BN won..KLCI index roar 100 POINTS..

this time BN will also win la most probably with opposition so divided. Ride with the wind..who care about political differences for now..when you can just make money.


2017-10-19 10:43 | Report Abuse

buy buy..hold 2 years..then only judge la..BUT make sure JAKS gives good dividend if really that good deal...then only price can push up more


2017-10-18 09:03 | Report Abuse

adamsee92 @mamaksepcial. What if not to top up wait for it to rebound and save the bullets to buy other stocks. Is that advisable to do so ?

then depends back how well you can take it if the stock continue to fall...will you be able to ride it out...esp if you are new and if you are low on capital will be tempted to sell so that your paper loss will be as minimum as you can take it..

advantages of top up...if it rebounds..your average price will be lower..thus making it faster for you to recoup any paper loss you have..

disadvantages of top need more capital...your loss will be more if it continues to drop bcos now you invested more dy....and you need to pay more commission fees..

there is no right or wrong way of investing..b4 invest..make sure you know what the company is doing and how well they are doing financially...I3 is like a godsend platform for bros to share info on malaysia stocks..there are a few other sites that requires you to pay..but this is more than least for me.

You can invest in other stocks if you have enough bullets... you need more money to make money..
errmm...i put it this is easier to make 10k using 100k ...than just making 10k using 10k only.
But of course its riskier la...u might end up losing more than 10k in the end if you used up the 100k..and the stocks drop...that;s y i advise you to top up SLOWLY esp if you are new. This is not a fool proof way la..but less risky.

I am just simplifying stuff here la..i mean i have seen a stock going up 10 times ..but rare. some takes like few years of public bank and topglove. I have also seen some penny stocks..going up a few times their share price in a short time and drop back...XOX.. for example.

Read more on Fundamental analysis and you will be fine..just dont buy on news..sometimes are true..sometimes not.

Dont simply goreng stock...goreng stock also need experience..sometimes in I3 you see people encourage people to buy or sell...most of the veteran bros..they know alr know how to filter information...and have their own way of trading..but no one is perfect including me..i also lose money before..just that i lose less now compare to when i just started 10 years ago.

see how the market trends on news..observe more before taking action..must have playing stock market...dont expect whatever you buy will go up 100% in short period of time...if your stock can go up like 20% or more in a are doing ok dy. anything more is bonus.


2017-10-17 18:32 | Report Abuse

can still hold until next quarter la at the very least or hold until GE14.
Last GE..right after BN wins the KLCI index roar 100 points...the only time i saw triple digit gain in one day..
.now ex date gone for dividend..sure drop abit la..


2017-10-17 18:29 | Report Abuse

adamsee92. top back up SLOWLY..if you intent to hold this stock for few years.....BUT make sure you have enough bullet to top up..dont satu kali sapu in it...if you do not have enough bullet ..just sell it and move on to other is ok to take loss at times..that's how we learn...have to do a bit of own self calculation using excel..dont use contra or margin if you are new..very dangerous.

look out for foreign exchange and price of commodity..every sector is different.

and there is no such thing as best to enter and average down price...if there is such a thing..every1 here is richer than bill gates. Some people use technical analysis like candle stick, RSI or MACD to PREDICT..( the key word is PREDICT) on when to look for what you just asked..sometimes it works..sometimes it doesnt if the fundamental is bad.


2017-10-17 15:42 | Report Abuse

There are 3 recent example i will share here. MAGNI..poor quarter result...drop from 7 to 6 plus ish..then bounced back to almost 7 now. Hiaptek..poor quarter result drop from 0.43 to 0.345 then bounced back in like 2-3 weeks to now ard .0385..LCTITAN..stop work order and high raw material due to hurricane in US..drop to ard 5 bounced back a bit...

the point i am making long as not going will bounced back..but we dont know how low...

the advantage of sunway compare to the other 3 i just mentioned is that...this is considered a blue chip stock in msia..and..epf also has holdings...


2017-10-17 14:50 | Report Abuse need to hold ...just sell off what you have and go play steel price is good..annjoo is one of the big players..surely the trend will go up...hope that helps..cheers!!


2017-10-17 11:18 | Report Abuse want to share stuff..can stick to either BM or English ka??? i know how to read chinese..but for other brothers consideration la also..thank you..


2017-10-15 15:39 | Report Abuse

warrant too high la ppl...sunway is not a fast moving catalyst apart from its 51 percent on suncon.
Take Pmetal and Pmetal warrant as yardstick..aluminium price goes up...Pmetal goes up..subsequently Pmetal warrant follows..

I dont really see it happening to sunway terms of price movement. The warrant goreng too high dy la..BUT if you are long term on sunway,, yes go ahead..


2017-10-14 14:08 | Report Abuse

can goreng geh if you want..but earn 5 to 10 percent lari loh...this one is blue chip la...can top up back even if go down..just dont be greedy.

News & Blogs

2017-10-10 12:04 | Report Abuse

there is no right or wrong..but i think sendai is not as bad as sapura energy la...i heard a guy keep topping up it from rm4 plus to now..he keep averaging down even though oil price was freefalling.

Should you do it with sendai..the only answer is no one this price the bottoming price and you managed to average it down and maybe profit from it??

Happy investing.


2017-10-10 08:44 | Report Abuse

gkent boss plays golf with you know who...must believe in our leader's leadership...set aside any political ideas for now..must ride the wind...bamboo bends..that is why it is sturdy and survive..or quote bruce like water my friend.


2017-10-09 11:48 | Report Abuse

thanks for the info treasure hunter...OK LA..BANK ON SUNWAY and SUNCON KAU KAU..


2017-10-06 08:42 | Report Abuse

AIYOYO..Why suncon and Gabungan get geh...where is GKENT share..not enough la!!! LOL


2017-10-05 07:54 | Report Abuse

wow..must buy liao..sailang only..HUAT AH.


2017-10-04 10:09 | Report Abuse

believe in our leader (guess who..i bet you know) golfing buddy company!!!

News & Blogs

2017-10-01 11:26 | Report Abuse

uncle koon no more bullets dy...asking sendai themselves to do something to jack back up the price..hehe..


2017-09-30 18:13 | Report Abuse

High aluminium price doesnt mean better REVENUE and PROFIT LA...SEE ARANK..why i say so?? Depends on who their clients malaysia everything also slow down..aluminium usage slow down also not that weird...Moreover so high price..who dares to buy to execute project. Alcom still got good potential but limited at best la..The only one INVESTORS got CONFIDENCE in is still PMETAL. ( Look at the price..only PMETAL MOVE..others aluminium company mostly sideways).

From this..I dare to MSIA..the best way to invest in commodity price going up is to buy the BIGGEST and MOST FAMOUS company that deals with the particular commodity...( apart from palm oil la..all matured dy).

Just my 2 cents...i did profit from alcom not too long ago..just passing by to share my thoughts..


2017-09-30 17:57 | Report Abuse

steel stock not easy to play la...the recent steel price increase doesnt mean MORE money for local steel company la...House sales is stagnant and projects are to sell more steel ..expensive some more...stay away la..i manage to buy a bit at 0.35..but then only for short term goreng purpose la...

News & Blogs

2017-09-29 13:25 | Report Abuse

Investment bankers themselves want you guys to play margin la..if not how to pay money to their client's trading account.

If I remember correctly Buffet transform the then ailing textile company Berkshire and MANAGE it (not just invest and buy it) and diversify the business into today's empire.

My view is that Malaysia is lacking quality companies to invest in. Previously USD strong, all those export stock esp tech and testing equipment company goes up, now MYR slowly going back up, all retreating. Then comes Aluminium price went up, only PMETAL stock doing well, others are just ok ok. Then now comes Steel price went up, SSTEEL, MASTEEL and others goreng up but most of their financials not really doing that well. Then goreng Hibiscus from oil up....oil down goreng PETRONM and

The big thing in malaysia now is the construction of the MRT and HSR and East Coast rail. Gadang big player..but no movement..only GKENT can see movement.

sigh..any1 can share how to play ?


2017-09-29 09:29 | Report Abuse

Dont play oil and gas stock la...france and uk alr say in the coming years all cars are petroleum free...BATTERY is gaining strength in usage. Slowly those developed countries will switch to battery or hybrid..lower demand for oil..oil price will fall. Look at TESLA GIGAFACTORY IN think elon musk build it for fun meh..SURE IS TO MEET FUTURE DEMANDS LA..