
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-05-21 14:08 | Report Abuse

I mean, this old bugger has taken down almost all of his opponents! You name it! Musa Hitam, Ku Li, Anwar, Najib, Badawi and so forth! Even Senior Lim was beaten black and blue during the last day of Mahathir as PM!
So you see, Mahathir has nobody to turn to! And now Mahathir is focusing on taking Mohiden down!
But this round, Mahahtir has no affection from rakyat! Well except LGE and Mat Sabu who will always be next to Mahathir!
Many don't want to be against Mahathir! Because this old fox really can deliver deadly blow!
And so everybody is waiting what Mohiden will do next! Because if Mohiden purge Mahathir from Bersatu, it's legal!
And if Mahathir sack from Bersatu, i doubt Harapan wants to do anything with him since he will be partyless and deliver no benefit to them!
In short, it's game over for Mahathir! And Mahathir should retire immediately! Just give up that obssesion to be PM again! Or the obssesion to take down anyone who he sees as new topdog of politics!


2020-05-21 13:52 | Report Abuse

So when Elon Muks twittered to 'take the red pill'! Many didn't get it! It means, the days of humanity addiction to oil is delusion! That humanity can get clean and cheapest energy from mother nature! Eventually, we may even force to get energy and get paid for it too! Strange but possible! The future reality can be hard for globalists!


2020-05-21 13:50 | Report Abuse

It's so open secret really! Elon is going to unveil a new battery technology that can last for decades!
Not only that! It's going to be cheaper to produce! Not only that! He will finally unveil the cheapest Tesla car!
So maybe a year from now, China will be the first to see millions of new afforable Tesla that is priced similar to ICE cars! Not only that! This model also can deliver energy to the grid!
Basically, the days of oil will be goner if things go mainstream! I mean, energy is be very cheap, os cheap, even RM1.50 petrol is expensive!


2020-05-21 10:59 | Report Abuse

My undercover friends in Sabah said that Bersatu hajiji is all ready to form new govenment! And with that will also see 10MPs crossing side to PN government!
Basically, by July, Mohiden will have comfortable majority hence completely put Mahathir on shame!
It appears that Shafie and Musa are dominating figure that are not popular with Sabah people! Chances of winning for both Warisan and Umno are slim for upcoming GE15! The reason according to my undercover friends, they have been in politics for far too long and they have done nothing! And so a new blood may be the only option on the table!
Like i said, Bersatu may have some chance in Sabah given the 2 dominating figure are rejected by Sabah people!
Probably we should hear official takeover of government after Raya! But one thing for sure, this is confirm news!


2020-05-20 17:18 | Report Abuse

So one day parliment was over without any incident! Thank goodness!
As usually, Harapan leaders were groaning oover 'darkest hour' of Malaysia democracy accusing Mohiden of stealing their government!
However, rakyat already throwing cold water! Harapan government collapsed because of Mahathir! And now Harapan leaders are seen together with Mahathir, insulting rakyat intelligence no doubt!
Anyway, bursa should have a good run until the next parliment session which will be in July!
Month of May has been good so far! Of course stakeholders are pumping up prices so that they can sell their stakes as reality will hit us months from now! Let's be frank, economy is really terrible! Politics remain unstable if Anwar and Mahathir continue to rock the boat!
However, it's pointless to think about the future! Let's just enjoy the ride!


2020-05-20 16:03 | Report Abuse

It seems Umno is now back to it's old corrupt ways! It's just too obvious! The same stale corrupt warlords are given perks and positions in GLCs! They are also most likely to dominate Umno come Umno election next year!
Which beg the question, will GE15 be sure win for Umno! No! Because the moment voters see the same own warlords campaign, most likely you see the same result like GE14!
The thing is, voters nowadays demand new faces that delivers! Except for those who truly delivered in the past, then they have no problem winning again!
And it's Zahid cartel seems to be the most unpopular among voters! It's no brainer, to win big, only Najib Tok Mat combo can deliver! There rest are just a huge liability!
Take Sabah for example, Musa Aman insist on leading Umno, but intel shows that he has lost popularity! Same with Selangor, where Noh Omar is just not favorable among voters!
Unless you have credible new leaders, we may see the same of same! Mostt likely Muafakat will have to form government with those from Harapan!


2020-05-20 12:48 | Report Abuse

Dickyme! Yeah, all i have is expired politic news that everybody know! But don't tell this to Harapan leaders, i mean, they still want to support Mahathir as their PM and the promise of handover to Anwar!


2020-05-20 12:38 | Report Abuse

Do you know why Mahathir resign as PM despite Agong telling Mahathir that he can continue even as minority government! Harapan government can still be government despite Sheraton Move! In fact, Harapan government could find alliance to replace Bersatu Mohiden and Assmin cartel betrayal! Even if Haran has only 92 MPs, Mahathir has no problem been PM!
The truth is, Mahahtir simply doesn't want to honor handover promise! Mahathir could have told Agong that he propose Anwar to replace him after Sheraton Move!
And Agong could appoint Anwar as Mahathir replacement without consulting all MPs!
The onus to remove Anwar then will be in parliment through vote of no confidence!
So you see guys, Mahathir is just taking Harapan for a ride yet again!


2020-05-20 12:27 | Report Abuse

Let's get this right! Do you know that Mahathir invited all Pas Umno leaders to see him in his office before Sheraton Move! Do Harapan leaders knew about this!
Yeah, the next night before the great betrayal or Sheraton Move, it was Mahathir before Assmin who held a meeting in his office negotiating with all Pas Umno leaders! This is fact!
And now Mahathir again using Harapan to get back as PM is so bizarro! He expected Harapan to accept his betrayal and put the blame on Pas Umno!
I mean, how many times can you continue lying! Mahathir, whole Malaysia already heard Keluar audio!
The plan was for Mahathir to set up unity government of his choice warlords! But Agong reject this very sinister agenda! So Agong help us to set proper caretaker government!
God knows what will happen if Mahathir succeed in setting up his unity government! It would be a new level of nightmare for us as most probably Covid19 pandemic would turn into the very worst case scenario!

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2020-05-19 23:39 | Report Abuse

I think Mahathir should be Harapan de facto leader again! I mean, Senior Lim said Mahathir has repented! And Senior Lim already gave assurance that Mahathir will handover to Anwar if Harapan allows Mahathir to be PM again! I mean, can we be forgiving like Anwar once again!

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2020-05-19 18:13 | Report Abuse

Communism is a proven failed economy system and undeniably China was once a failed state with Mao’s extreme left-wing communism experimentation that starved millions of its people to death. Communism stripped people of human dignity and moral value in self determination and free will in working hard in achieving Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.Today China is everything except communism, thanks to Deng’s open economy policy that emphasis on result rather than dogma or doctrine. China has gone a long way to becoming a market – capitalist – economy with a nominally Communist government. It has opened up to foreign investment (much more than, say, India).

Answer : Yes, Chairman Deng was visionary! He knew that the people of China are enterprising! He was confident of her people intelligence and humility! Unfortunately since Chairman Xi, or rather Emperor Xi took over, things have changed! China is now very arrongant! China now resemble China of 2 thousand years ago! Do you know China was once alminghty 2k ago! China was so advanced that it took Europeans one thousand years just to learn what China already knew! China back then was so arrogant that they thought the rest of the world will never caught up with what they know!
Today, in only 20 years, China has transform so drastically, most of us forget that even back in 1997, hongkies were looking down on China, calling chinese China, backward people!
Again, history of China is very clear, arrogance has always been it's downfall! Lest we forget, we tend to repeat the same mistake of the past! Hence what China is going through now!

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2020-05-19 15:00 | Report Abuse

Anwawr is an idiot! Basically all he has to do is walk to Istana and show Agong he has majority support from MPs! Give 130 MPs to Agong and the next day, Anwar could be the next PM! You don't have to wait for July parliment session!
Problem is, Mahathir wants to be PM again! And you know Mahathir will not let Anwar become PM! So basically, Anwar doesn't have the number so do Mahathir! As long as both Anwar and Mahathir don't have the number, they can only bark and bark like mad dogs!

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2020-05-19 14:38 | Report Abuse

Haix! So US now want to invovle in fake Dali Lama! Come on, our children still believe in this type of bollocks!

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2020-05-19 14:34 | Report Abuse

Yeah, this is Toshiba event all over again! Japan at one time so advaced in tech that US had no idea how to overtake them! Until Toshiba event!
Likewise, problem with Huawei is that, it's basically CCP! It's like fingers to CCP, cut those fingers, CCP dies!
So yeah, Donald is killing off CCP! Huawei is just a bargaining chip in grand scheme!
Anyway, for Donald to win overwhelmingly this coming November, Donald need to find vaccine for Covid19! Or drugs for that matter! That's why he hire the best of the best to run this agenda!
If Donald able to find vaccine or drug before November, basically victory is his and China will die standing as there will be no mercy from Donald!


2020-05-18 21:03 | Report Abuse

Covid19 pandemic lead to global lockdown! Nobody expected nor predicted this from happening! It was a black swan for oil market for sure!
Indeed, for the first time in human history, we saw negative rate meaning, speculators were paying you to buy crude oil from them! Ironically, we don't hear this hedge funds got burn given how severe it was!
At last, Opec and the rest of oil producers agreed to oil cut starting May!
But what many didn't expect is that, Saudi Kuwait perhaps may be cutting more than what they have promised! And what is more surprising, US shale oil producers drastically cut their production!
So we may see increase demand as lockdowns are easing but producers taking their sweet time to replenish supply!
Hence we will see another huge upside! Remember, oil supply is like your super slow locomotive! They will take months to increase and months to reduce supply!


2020-05-18 20:26 | Report Abuse

Just wow! I did predict Superman hitting 4.00 but i sold out at 2.50! It's okay as i am able to make similar returns after switching to several stocks!

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2020-05-18 19:16 | Report Abuse

Q3! Seems your favorite PM is making a comeback! Mohiden has only 3 majority, very easy for Mahathir to take over! Question is, will Anwar willing to be the first wifey for Mahathir! I mean, Wan Azizah already retire!


2020-05-18 18:58 | Report Abuse

At this very moment, Mohiden is focusing on taking Sabah from Warisan! Reason, Shafie is Mahathir strongest henchman! By taking down Shafie and replace with Hajiji, Mahathir would see the end of his madness!
While Anwar declare himself chairman of Harapan, today, Mahathir appear with LGE and Mat Sabu indicating their loyatlty to Mahathir!
Do you know that Mahathir could have handover the government to Anwar the day he resigned! Do you know that if Mahathir resign, he could name Anwar as his successor! But he didn't! Instead Mahathir opt to form unity government!
So Mahathir never intended to handover to Anwar! So we are witnessing the same turd show all over again!
However, one player that nobody realise, Assmin Ali, is the master plotter in grand scheme! Before GE14, he already plan to be PM! Do you know that! GE14 win suppose to make him PM! Instead Mahathir grap that chance from him!
Do you know Mukriz fallout was due to Assmin! Najib didn't even bother! Mohiden was only a puppet! Watch out for Assmin ! This fellow is indeed extremely dangerous plotter!

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2020-05-18 18:04 | Report Abuse

Even hardcore Harapan supporters are dissapointed! Today, the Lims and Mat Sabu publicly show their support for Mahathir to be PM again!


2020-05-18 17:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by laychee > May 18, 2020 5:08 PM | Report Abuse

He will succeed as he has backing from our #1.

Answer : Of course! Sabah politicians are dirt cheap! You can buy their loyalty easily!


2020-05-18 17:54 | Report Abuse

You know what they say, insanity is doing the same thing expecting different result!
Yet, here we are again! Mohiden has only 3 majority, meaning, Harapan has a chance to be government again!
But problem is, you don't see Anwar but Mahathir as PM! You see, Mahathir move the motion of no confidence and guess what, he will be the topdog if he succeed!
But let's hope this does not happen! Or else, Malaysia will be back making enemies with everybody except North Korea! Because it seems Kim Jong Un is Mahathir new idol!


2020-05-18 17:10 | Report Abuse

Bersatu Hajiji reportedly already have enought majority to form new government in Sabah!
This of course will be major blow to Shafie! Disinformation that Musa Aman would takeover purposely spread to confuse the public!
Mohiden knew that Sabah is the only state that can substain Bersatu existance! With Mahathir IC project phantom voters in his hands now, chances for next GE15 will be good for Bersatu!
That is why the focus for Mohiden is now Sabah!

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2020-05-18 17:06 | Report Abuse

For Senior Lim, everyday is dark hour! Best to keep him in closet!

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2020-05-18 17:05 | Report Abuse

Good sense meaning, majority MPs will back him as PM again! Go figure! I guess MPs now like Anwar, unrepentant fools!

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2020-05-18 17:03 | Report Abuse

What anger! Najib created one trillion wealth for Malaysia!

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2020-05-18 16:57 | Report Abuse

I have read about this fake dream for almost 10 years now!

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2020-05-18 16:55 | Report Abuse

The leaked audio clearly shows that Mahathir already made up his mind! He will pull out Bersatu from Harapan after Apec! What Mahathir is really upset is that Mohiden and Assmin hijack his plan! Ultimately Mohiden and Assmin seems to be highly responsible and Mahathir initially plan didn't go ask he has planned!
The moral of the story is, Assmin, Mohiden and Mahathir are mastermind of Sheraton Move! Please Harapan, don't get fool again and again!


2020-05-18 16:41 | Report Abuse

HSR! But i only bought Ekovest!


2020-05-13 15:45 | Report Abuse

Yeah, saw the clear sign this morning! that's why i sold my Karex! I know glove stocks will collapse!


2020-05-13 14:38 | Report Abuse

When i sold Superman at 2.50 and see it pass 3.50, i don't feel regret as i still making money from Genm and Karex! Today, i sold Karex for Serbadk, which yet to move, which is something i cannot understand as the fair value is more than 4.00!
Anyway, glove stocks are overplayed! Yet Datuk Seri Koon bet on Comfort earn him the bragging right that he lost recently! Reportedly, Datuk Seri Koon lost 6 million from Dayang when he didn't take profit at it's peak!
Comfort certainly erase his loses of 6 million! Kadoos!


2020-05-13 11:00 | Report Abuse

Mahathir has overplayed his cards! He tried to play victim for he last 2 days but it seems rakyat had enough of him! The trust is long gone!
And finally Mukriz lost his MBship again! Which means he has zero influence in upcoming Bersatu election!
The only opponent left is Mahathir! But Mohiden can easily kick both Mahathir and Mukriz out from Bersatu as he has tons of evidence to do so lawfully!
Only question is, will Mohiden turn weak just like Anwar! Let's wait!

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2020-05-12 20:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by qqq33333333 > May 12, 2020 8:50 PM | Report Abuse

the old man wants to guard malaysia

others just want to rape her

Answer : Hihihaha! Thanks for the joke!

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2020-05-12 20:51 | Report Abuse

Mahathir too stingy! No goodies only give your turd! Now mahathir can play his own turd all day long! During those short 2 years, Mahathir only fatten up his children and cronies! Applied the usually fxxk up fiscal policies that once destroy our economy back when he was PM4! I tell you, Mahathir should not be allowed back to politics!

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2020-05-12 20:47 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Zahid and Mohiden got plenty of deals behind the curtain!


2020-05-10 16:17 | Report Abuse

Yeah, extend CMCO for another month! I am sure Karex can't keep up with demands!

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2020-05-09 16:08 | Report Abuse

Writer has small mind! You can't lump sum whole USA! Republican states are doing well with low Covid19 infections! It's the Democrat states that are heavily hit!