
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-04-26 11:47 | Report Abuse

Interesting article! Well, one could argue that communism is the best system by looking at China as example! However, it's short sighted to say that! Because Chairman Mao was the worst leader of all times! He was responsible for the death of over 30 million chinese China who die of hunger! Mind you, Chairman Mao turn a perfect forest into desert! And responsible for many man made disaster in China!
So yeah, you can't take Donald Trump and say democracy has fail humanity! Rather, one must also look at the society of that nation! Is the society innovative! Is the society only focus on praying 10 times a day!
To me China has the most hard working and enterprise society in this world! It's similar to Japan and South Korea! And just so happen it's mono race as well!
However, having said that, msot of the innovations that we enjoy today came from western nations where democracy hail as cornerstone of their principles!
So yeah, it's not easy to say communism is better than democracy!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 11:11 | Report Abuse

We should see many states to record zero again today! Actually i totally disagree with blanket MCO as alot of states no longer see spread! Curb has been very successful!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 11:10 | Report Abuse

If Harapan had step in much earlier, we would have lifted lockdown much earlier! The taligh cluster is the most problematic! 2nd is the Italy cluster where many hide their trip to Italy only to infect many bystanders! As for those who travelled to Indonesia, luckily government step in and screen they upon return! That's why it's shocking how Indonesia record very low infection but most of those return are infected!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 11:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Apr 26, 2020 10:57 AM | Report Abuse

Do anyone know beside 1.6 million Civil Servants how many pensioners in Malaysia?

Answer : Ex politicians also get pension for life in Malaysia!


2020-04-26 10:53 | Report Abuse

Chinaman! Probably they already have the vaccine! Some say this pandemic is man made and purposely allow to spread!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 10:33 | Report Abuse

Half of Malaysia civil servants are paid for doing nothing! Even worst, those on top are taking long holidays, missing from office days even months!
This is the best time to cut their salary! Cut their pension! Why protect few millions of highly privilege but the rest of 31 millions have bleak future!


2020-04-26 10:30 | Report Abuse

It's sad to hear alot of malaysians are going hungry this few days! This is reality hitting many nowadays as cash dry up!
We already hearing Selayang folks complaining of nothing to eat! I suggest government set up booths so that they can come and get some food or register for weekly ration! It's pointless distrbuting from home to home only to miss alot of folks in EMCO zones!
By setting up fook banks, those who really need help can be address quickly!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 10:15 | Report Abuse

Anyway, Malaysia is almost there! Many states recorded zero infections for days now! It seems only Selangor, KL, Johor and Sarawak continues to record double figures! The rest zero cases for days already!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 10:13 | Report Abuse

USA has the highest screening in the world! Indonesia hardly do any! So yeah, ignorant is a bliss! Just look at the figure, Indonesia is so bless to have zero infection, so they say! But no test no case can only go so far! Eventually the truth will come out just like in case of Singapore!
Preventing is the best mention to curb Covid19! Just look at China, they just lockup everybody in Wuhan until the chain of spread completely goner! So yeah, it's just common sense!
Separately infected, lockdown whole nation or state, and after a short 2 months, Covid19 becomes history!
Unless you are living among who thinks social disntancing is a breach of human right then only God can help you!


2020-04-26 10:01 | Report Abuse

That is why i totally reject Senior Lim suggestion of making DG Hisham as MOH! Because he will totally out of focus as he will be subject to political attacks! He is not a politician and should not be one! Let expert do their job without any politicai intervention!


2020-04-26 10:00 | Report Abuse

Just like Harapan, blame DG Hisham for not advising Mahathir! Look, if you have smart,ss not listening to voice of reason, you can't do anything!
If Donald just listen and let Fauci do his job, it would have been different scenario today!
Likewise, Democrats were busy attacking Donald and politicize everything during this Covid19 pandemic!
So you see, it's all about listening to the right person!


2020-04-26 09:57 | Report Abuse

Because he is not the only politician that should be blame! Most if not all of the highly infected states are Democrats! Take New York for example, a stronghold Democrat state! Why blame Donald Trump alone! Democrats fail to do the right thing right from the start!
In fact Nancy Pelosi said ban on flights from China is illegal! Democrats were very vocal about stopping measures to curb Covid19 from the very beginning!
The only fault of Donald Trump is that, he tries to be expert of something he is not! Covid19 should have been handle by it's medical expert, Fauci! Fauci is like DG Hisham! If Donald used Fauci to handle it from day one, he would have easily avoid all the mess!

News & Blogs

2020-04-25 12:06 | Report Abuse

For whole week talking about parliment, parliemnt and parliment! Very litle help on Covid19! Useless Senior Lim!


2020-04-25 10:37 | Report Abuse

Intels already blast loud and clear of incoming 80 paid boats bringing another round of 1k rohinyas into KL!


2020-04-25 10:36 | Report Abuse

Rohinyas have been systematically taken over part of KL! If Harapan and it's supporting NGOs dont' see this, then i say good riddance to you!


2020-04-25 10:32 | Report Abuse

My advise to Harapan, don't try to support and protect this lawless rohinyas! You are going against wishes of majority rakyat! Rohinyas are not what they appear to be! They have money! They pay 15k per boat to come to Malaysia flashing victim card! But they are not victims! They are aggressors! They want to take over this country just like what they did in Bangladesh and Myammar!


2020-04-25 10:24 | Report Abuse

There's a growing anti Rohinyas among majority malays! They view rohinyas as enemy!
This is because, rohinyas do not respect the law of this country! They freely go out during this MCO! They are over demanding and want rights as malaysians!
So when the Law Council which also a very pro Harapan came out to support rohinyas demands, it fell on the wrong track! Dudes, you want to protect the lawless rohinyas!


2020-04-24 12:34 | Report Abuse

I will buy more that 2.20!


2020-04-23 21:51 | Report Abuse

I don't know about you guys but my cars certainly need some parts replacement! Fortunately nowadays we can only travel like short distance but yeah, cars are complicated machine and every now and then parts are broken here and there!
Selangor has open up workshop and spare part shops so far! Mind you Selangor has alot of red zones! But for the rest of the states, they hardly had any new infection in days!
So it makes sense that government allow other states to open workshops and spare parts too! It's essential services too! I am sure plenty of frontliners cars need their fix too! Imagine our doctors and medical workers unable to go to hospitals as their main transport having problems!
And i think workshops and spare parts shops can easily comply to social distancing! I mean, you don't kiss and hug their customers right! Most workshops would rather let customers leave their cars to fix and pick up once it's done! And without spare parts, workshops can't do their works!
I hope government would consider this!

News & Blogs

2020-04-23 21:09 | Report Abuse

What to do! New cases infected not yet drop to single digit!


2020-04-23 16:43 | Report Abuse

Like i said, Old Koon war chest is not like it used to be! After wipeout from his latest Dayang, it's hard to push any further!


2020-04-23 11:53 | Report Abuse

Look, we all know half of civil servants are useless! Most of them got employed because of 'cable'!
It's pointless to keep them! Many only doing paperworks and serve rakyat with sour faces or play little napoleon certain serve no purpose at all!
It's time for government of the day to kick out most of them! Look, this 'tuan melayu' of Umno after 60 years could only dominate 3% of the economy! Please don't burden the majority rakyat!
Remove their pension and cut their salary! This is the only way forward for Malaysia!


2020-04-23 11:34 | Report Abuse

I didn't buy Comfort! Instead i stick to Supermx! Comfort only has one pump and dump king! Supermx has many! So decision is yours!


2020-04-23 11:27 | Report Abuse

Actually personally, i disagree with further extension! But intels suggest that Mohiden will extend for another 2 weeks! So, what to do!
Of course ideally, gradual opening especially for states that have recorded zero infected for days now should be given green light!
But i am not the government! Beside who am i! Anyway, no need to prepare because phase 4 will be implemented whether you like it or not!
But the situation on the ground is quite bad! Alot of malaysians have depleted their cash!


2020-04-23 11:24 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2020-04-23 11:22 | Report Abuse

Not surprise! Nextflix extensive original movies and series really worth it! Nowadays, nobody watch Hollywood movies!

News & Blogs

2020-04-23 11:19 | Report Abuse

Apollo! No worries! Soon! But no use! Can only drive short distance!


2020-04-23 11:15 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, extension of MCO is more likely! So another 2 weeks of MCO looking certain! However, having said that, i think 2.20 is a good entry price considering next week announcement of 5 cents interim divvy!


2020-04-23 10:37 | Report Abuse

Old Koon doesn't have the war chest like he used to! So i won't expect him to push like last time!

News & Blogs

2020-04-22 14:37 | Report Abuse

I knew Singapore was on the wrong track a month ago! Today, thanks to lackadaisical attitude, Covid19 already spread broadly as for months, no measure was taken at all! I bet they will have to take even more drastic measure that what Malaysia has done!

News & Blogs

2020-04-22 00:44 | Report Abuse

So yeah, basically, probably next week, the price of petrol at your friendly pump station will be much cheaper than you water bill!


2020-04-21 14:49 | Report Abuse

Even Saudi will be in deep trouble as the Sauds cannot maintain their super high expenses!


2020-04-21 14:48 | Report Abuse

Forget middle east for quite sometime! The Islamic world now fall into abyss as oil is now basically free! Iran will be in total anarchy in months to come if price of oil doesn't recover!

News & Blogs

2020-04-21 13:25 | Report Abuse

Better be safe than sorry! Do what you have to do! No worries, a flip flop is forgiveable!


2020-04-21 10:41 | Report Abuse

Yeah, very game over! Harapan will not allow Mahathir to run the show anymore! Muafakat definately do not want him!
So which side does Mahathir represent! Himself! Which is actually a joke! Yeah, he is a joke, pile of turn, just that he does not realise it yet!
But parliment session will knock him with this reality! He is not welcome on either side!


2020-04-21 10:35 | Report Abuse

No worries! Plenty of signs if Old Koon start to sell! He is so predictable!


2020-04-21 10:34 | Report Abuse

Even the Sauds will not be able to travel on their private jets given how cheap oil is! Just look at the price of oil now!


2020-04-21 10:33 | Report Abuse

This blow is so severe that, even Iran will have no money to even speak let alone plan for terrorist attacks! Totally no money for that! Don't even have money to manage Iran in few months time!


2020-04-21 10:31 | Report Abuse

Nobody even realise this but middle east is now a poor nation! Just look at price of oil! They are production oil at loss! Total loss!


2020-04-21 10:17 | Report Abuse

Old Koon started buying 90 cents! He still got the pump and dump touch!