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2020-05-01 11:18 | Report Abuse

many businesses use inter credit facility! Where they give each other 25 days to pay up! Now that we almost 2 months into MCO, imagine the interest that need to be paid! We are going to see credit crunch on all sides!

News & Blogs

2020-05-01 11:16 | Report Abuse

I have read BN guidelines on loans, i think malaysians got it all wrong! There's no such thing as free lunch borrowings! One must understand the guideline!
The nightmare already begins! Because many didn't understand the guideline! Anyway, plenty of home and car auctions on the way! Even 5 star hotel opt to close shop! Like i said before, extending MCO has totally destroy many businesses! You will see this once MCO is lifted! It's going to be a carnage!


2020-05-01 10:34 | Report Abuse

Come GE15, if Bersatu stand independent, it will be slaughtered left, right, back and front! Basically die standing with wide eyes! As for Mahathir, he has completely lost the affection of rakyat! There's none! As Anwar put it, a crazy 95 old bugger so obsses with power, just like Anwar!


2020-05-01 10:29 | Report Abuse

Behind closed doors, it seems Mohiden may eventually close Bersatu for good! This party was for Mukriz! How Mahathir would pass PMship to Mukriz! This is what Bersatu was all about!
As for Mohiden, his role is just an eunuch serving to Mahathir and Mukriz agenda!
But that all changed when Mohiden suddenly became PM! Something that surprise everybody! To be fair, Pas Umno was the one that pushed Mohiden into premiership! They want to divide and rule Bersatu which they did!
Today however, majority of Bersatu warlords are behind Mohiden! However, Assmin cartel is aiming for 'change in management'! Meaning, another betrayal on the card!
For Mohiden, his option is limited! Bersatu is not popular outside of Harapan! Bersatu is redundant! Beside, most if not all Bersatu warlords are imcompetent! Proven from how they handle Covid19! It was Umno warlord like Ismail Sabri who step up to the plate while Bersatu warlords really mess up! Fortunately, the public even Harapan didn't notice this while it happen!
Umno will have it's election next year! And by that time, Tok Mat will takeover the leadership! And by that time, it's game over for Mohiden as there will be no room for him in Umno! That's why Mohiden is negotiating with Zahid! More to come! Stay tune!

News & Blogs

2020-05-01 10:19 | Report Abuse

I mean, Sapi is doing terrible job! Yesterday disallow 2 people in one car, then flip and say they follow federal rule! I mean, this is the same Sapi that want to legalize illegal imigrants few months back before been defeated by Umno!

News & Blogs

2020-05-01 10:17 | Report Abuse

Why is i3investors keep promoting lost cause state like Sabah! Why not Sarawak! I hardly read anything about Sarawak! Why the bias!


2020-04-30 13:40 | Report Abuse

After i sold my Supermx, i realise that Genm has more upside! So after selling all my Supermx, i slowly bought more Genm! Take it this way, at 2,50, Genm has better return compare to uncertain Supermx! Sure, maybe Supermx will hit 5.00 but it's best to ride a solid one like Genm!


2020-04-29 19:57 | Report Abuse

Juat look at PN or Muafakat! They totally reject Mahathir yet they don't suffer any lose of supporters! Mahathir is certainly not a factor! But the Lims got different idea! Anwar is now in very weak position as PKR is crumbling! Haix! I have nothing good to say about Harapan at the moment!


2020-04-29 19:55 | Report Abuse

Harapan is certainly not fit to govern! Harapan leaders must do a post mortem on themselves! If they remain in denial, they will not be ready to face GE15!


2020-04-29 18:37 | Report Abuse

Before you feel dissapointed after seeing 94 infected cases today, rest assured, there's only 22 local infection! The large number is due to those who came back from overseas who were quickly quarantine the moment they landed in Malaysia! Imagine if the 72 infected were freeely roaming for few weeks! We would have seen huge number of 2nd infections! Luckily the caretaker government put in measure that Harapan government had fail us!

News & Blogs

2020-04-29 17:58 | Report Abuse

CNN got conned by fake intels! Of course Kim Jong Un won't do any mass celebration considering the world is in pandemic!

News & Blogs

2020-04-29 17:56 | Report Abuse

Load of bollocks! No test no case! Just tell us that Indonesia hardly do screeening as they don't have the facilities!


2020-04-29 17:46 | Report Abuse

Come 18th May, we will see Harapan that we obviously know but refuse to believe! That they were always indiferrent, full of self serving agenda and not united!
But this round, things have good from worst to bad! The Lims refuse to appoint Anwar as de facto oppossition leader! In fact they still throw support for Mahathir! Anwar can't even keep PKR together as Assmin fraction continue to rule! To make matter worst for Anwar, Wan Azizah indicate that she will retire, joining Nurul who already gave up years ago! In short, PKR is dying! And that's why Anwar already made a pact with Mohiden in case things go south for both of them!
Insiders talks about the end of Harapan as we know it! Perhaps it already did the day Mahathir pull Sheraton Move! The oddity of it all, the Lims still believe Mahathir has repented and will lead Harapan again! Sad!


2020-04-29 00:58 | Report Abuse

Manage to sell all at 2.50! Most countries already opening up so indicating that the infection rate has slowed!

News & Blogs

2020-04-28 22:35 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Kim Jong Un must be laughing so hard for feeding western media with fake intels! Kim is just isolating himself from others for fear of contracting Covid19!

News & Blogs

2020-04-28 22:33 | Report Abuse

By now most businesses already dead! I disagree with whole blacket lockdown when most states already recorded nil cases in days!

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News & Blogs

2020-04-28 19:13 | Report Abuse

Honestly, Malaysia way too late in opening up! Many states zero case! Only Selangor and KL still register high cases! In 2 weeks time government don't open up, most probably Malaysia will be in deep recession!


2020-04-28 18:28 | Report Abuse

Mahathir definately need to retire immediately! He is just nusance to rakyat! And Harapan should firmly stop relying on Mahathir has been influence! Mahathir is not even a factor to consider! Mahathir is too toxin! Just look at Muafakat, they reject Mahathir outright and they hae won huge even in Tanjung Piai! Actually Umno don't even need Pas but learning from GE14, it's best to keep impression that they need Pas!


2020-04-28 18:24 | Report Abuse

While Umno experiencing rejuvenation thanks to 'Bosku' phenomena, the truth is, Tok Mat is the real force that blind Umno to GE15 victory!
There's common acceptance that Tok Mat will bring changes warlords culture that has reduce Umno to relic status before!
To be frank, Zahid is just too repulsive! Zahid is like Anwar, only appeal to stooges! And for Anwar, his once legion of followers now dwindle to only few hundred! That's why the Lims no longer supportive of him! Strangely, the Lims opt for Mahathir who has zero support from majority malays! This is so odd!
The thing is, Harapan only hope is Mohiden and Bersatu! If Mohiden performance well in the next few years! Because Muafakat really doesn' need PN! PN is redundant!
As for Najib, his strong point is his rakyat centric and good fiscal policies! However, compare to Mohiden, Najib does not posses good skill in recruiting talents and PR skill! If Najib was to handle Covid19, we would have seen him blundering his way with many of his wrong choices! It's just so Najib!
In short, Harapan need Mohiden and Muafakat must be lead by Tok Mat!


2020-04-28 15:27 | Report Abuse

To meke matter worst, Harapan leaders can't even decide to stick to Anwar or go back to Mahathir as de facto leader! Dudes, Mahathir just backstab you guys and now you want him back! Mahathir completely lose support of rakyat and you want him back! Idiots!


2020-04-28 15:26 | Report Abuse

Gone are the days where Harapan leaders can flash any cards and rakyat go berserk! Nowadays, most of the cards they show to rakyat are just lame and seen as over politicking!
Take Senior Lim parliment card for example! For more than a week, he has been only daily rampage over parliment sitting to a point he wants government to declare it as essential service! Well, rakyat quietly cover their faces and laugh it out loud! I mean, of all things, you want to declare parliment as essential service so that you can object to every plan the government has already pre plan! Considering Harapan total failure in the first place!
And Senior Lim also used DG Hisham card! Yeah, one day praise DG Hisham only to bash him the next day! It really didn't go well with rakyat! It was the lowest point in gutter politics for dragging DG Hisham to the mud when he is working hard for our nation!
And Anwar flashed his rohinya card only to meet with outrage of anti rohinya sentiment!


2020-04-27 17:02 | Report Abuse

I am not really worried over Pas Umno alliance! Because it only solidafy the stupidity of future malay politicians!


2020-04-27 17:01 | Report Abuse

Prior to GE14! Umno warlords were drunk over their fake pride 'tuan melayu'! They were so confident that Umno will prevail and continue to their regime! Ku Nan,the billionaire politician, was even pushing 'tuan melayu' into primary schools! But the truth is, Najib had destroy the malay vote banks particularly Felda and Tabung Haji over his many involvement or rather mishandling of sensitive business transations! In the end, Umno was defeated in many previously stronghold of Umno!
Only recently did i discover that this so called 'tuan melayu' is just a hollow pride! Because it turns out, Umno after 60 years in power only able to control 3% of the local economy while the poliically deprived local chinese were controling 90% of our economy!
Which is a shame to say the least! So what has Umno been doing over 60% then! Even worst, our education system has gone to the dogs! Our national schools are producing dummies as islamisation taken priority over real education! It was Anwar who reject English as medium of instruction to make way for his fake Bahasa Indonesia agenda! And all of Umno leaders, Mohiden who always speak in English would rather see malays degrade that to see them adequately become productive member of the society!
All i see is that Malaysia where majority malays are getting dumber and poorer and eventually lose their political power in the future!


2020-04-27 15:22 | Report Abuse

Yeah, already few declare closing their hotel for good! I think we will read about many more to come!
The thing is, this high operating cost business will be the first to go after almost 2 months of MCO!
Even after MCO is lifted, we will not see tourists from other countries coming in! There will be none as our borders will be shut until end of this year!


2020-04-27 14:40 | Report Abuse

Even Hadi who was the first to play Rohingya card is washing his hands! Now Hadi pretends he was the one that put Malaysia at risk as flood of rohingyas are now whacking havoc in Selayang!


2020-04-27 14:37 | Report Abuse

To add confusion to already confused Harapan leaders, Anwar played with Rohingya card! I mean, who is so stupid playing with such hate card! Majority malays hate rohingyas! And Anwar insist that rohingyas should be Harapan concern!


2020-04-27 14:33 | Report Abuse

So basically Harapan leaders are undecided! They say they don't know who should be de facto opposition leader to represent them! The Lims love for Mahahtir is strong! So are Amanah leaders! PKR remain in limbo! Anwar is just not appealing to them!
So what happen! We thought Anwar has 92 MPs behind him! Yet Mahathir who represent only 4 MPs still preferred by the Lims!
Problem with Harapan today is that they don't have priorities! Priorities for rakyat! They are interested more in politics of things!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 19:52 | Report Abuse

Ravi! Agreed! And if alot of people lose their job, and they can't find a replacement fast enough, you see tons of auction homes! This is the sad reality of life!

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2020-04-26 19:43 | Report Abuse

Baloney! The best time is when developers close shop and existing units are sold via auction!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 19:33 | Report Abuse

Previous government headed by Bersatu! Ne caretaker government also headed by Bersatu! So basically Saifuddin criticize Saifuddin for his hypocrisy!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 19:31 | Report Abuse

The severe form of Covid19 did came via Sarawak but luckily contained very fast! If not, Sarawak would have been the new Italy!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 19:30 | Report Abuse

Q3! Well, who told us that Covid19 cannot be transmitted human to human! And Who blasted world community for banning chinese tourists back in January! Now Covid19 becomes global crisis!
Donald Trump may mess up Covid19 crisis but blame Democrats who keep insisted infected EU and China to come to USA! Donald banned chinese tourists back in January! Unfortunately it's those from EU that brought the much severe strain of Covid19 into US!
Lucky for us, the strain that spread in Malaysia is mild compare to those in EU and US!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 19:08 | Report Abuse

Yeah, cant' say much now! The only good news is that Covid19 finally curbed! Let's see if we see single figure by this week!
As for bursa and economy, it's pointless to predict or made assesment now! Once MCO is over, we shall see who are the ones still standing! Maybe half already goner! Majority of listed stocks will not show profit in coming quarters except gloves!
Just play by the ears! There's nothing else we can do!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 18:33 | Report Abuse

Better still, don't do any screening! Then Indonesia will have zero case!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 13:39 | Report Abuse

Q3! We have a PM who reject English as medium of instruction yet speaks English on official announcement! Talk about hypocrisy! Continue to dumbfook malays!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 12:04 | Report Abuse

Which bring me to a point, do you encourage couples to have children today! Because 9 months from now we will see surge of new baby malaysians after 2 months of MCO!
The truth is, the future does not need half of us! Probably the world will need one billion or so! But i think decade from now, we will see 10 billion humans on earth! And by that time climate change already reach point of no return! AI probably will take over most of our jobs including doctors, lawyers and so forth!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 12:00 | Report Abuse

Anyway, there's a law of diminishing returns! Unfortunately, in todays world law of diminishing returns hit us fast and hard! I mean, yesterday we need tons of pilots, we just can't get enough! Today and tomorrow, Airasia will have to fire half of them as Covid19 will curb flights returning to normal!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 11:57 | Report Abuse

Tripple! Before capitalism, usually married couple will have dozen of children! Why, because they need plenty of helping hands! Farmers need them the most! That's why poor people have big family! Rich ones opt for one or two children!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 11:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by supersaiyan3 > Apr 26, 2020 11:48 AM | Report Abuse

Latuk, surprisingly well current government doing. If it is still Mahathir and LGE, we are toasted. Back to 600 points already.

Answer : Thank God for her intervention! if not, Mahathir would still insist Covid19 not lethal and chinese tourists are most welcome to come! And you have tourism minister telling us Covid19 is just a small matter! Of course LGE will brag about his RM30 emoney to help malaysians weather Covid19! I mean, Harapan was a total joke! Good riddance! And today they are so champion telling us that we must have parliment to discuss how to plan for exit plan, bipartisan argument and discussion and so forth! In short, they continue to be empty vessel overpolitizing Covid19 just to win supports!

News & Blogs

2020-04-26 11:50 | Report Abuse

Yeah, common sense lost it's way! Use face mask and protect your eyes with glasses! Covid19 goes through your face especially the eyes! But hey, the medical experts telling us that it's not necessary to wear face mask or face screen!
It's like telling us that wearing condom does not prevent pregnancy and that it's okay to go bareback as long as your practice social disntancing!