
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-04-21 10:16 | Report Abuse

Looks like married couple having their usually friendly quarrel! Carry on!


2020-04-20 23:29 | Report Abuse

Just remember to sell when the old Koon sing!


2020-04-20 23:18 | Report Abuse

Yeah, that Mahathir for example! He really don't know what to do! When he took over, our economy was super solid! Fundamentals was winning praises from IMF and World Bank! Yet 2 years later, it was brought down so badly!
So yeah, luckily Mahathir resign himself! It was godsend move if you ask me!
Actually, this is a huge opportunity for Malaysia! You can do infra full blast because the price of oil is now at histric quarter century low! Oil is the No.1 fuel to build all the infra you want! You can't build them if price of oil is usd100 a barrel!
So yeah, only Mahathir would be whining recession when in reality we are in perfect time to build, build and build!


2020-04-20 23:09 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Anwar used to joke about how if he becomes PM, petrol would be selling RM1.50 a litre! Well, the joke on us!
Nowadays, petrol is so cheap, i am amaze how a bottle of 300ml mineral water cost much more!
So don't be surprise peoploe drinking petrol right from the tap nowadays! Considering you can't go far and your petrol usage last forever nowadays!

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2020-04-20 22:56 | Report Abuse

Junichiro! Actually plenty of half build cities to complete! Literally everywhere in China!


2020-04-20 20:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Apr 20, 2020 6:21 PM | Report Abuse

Haha since Tun M is the chairman of bersatu but without minister post he will be sitted beside Zahid and Najib

Answer : Hihihaha! That will be the day!


2020-04-20 18:10 | Report Abuse

Q3! No, you cannot simple change seat! If you are Bersatu, then you sit on government side! If you insist sitting with oppossition, you disqualify yourself as member of that party!


2020-04-20 18:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Apr 20, 2020 6:00 PM | Report Abuse

Haha the old horse still got one last card as chairman of Bersatu. He will order Muhyddin to step down and let his son take over as PM.

Answer : Unfortunately, if Mahathir and Mukriz sit on opposition bench, they are goner! Disqualify as members of Bersatu! Consider chairman card totally goner by 18th May!


2020-04-20 18:00 | Report Abuse

Perhaps, this is another brilliance trojan move by Mohiden! You can call this parliment move or whatever but the motive is clear, Mahathir is not going to win but lose!


2020-04-20 17:58 | Report Abuse

Mahathir will have so much to lose this coming parliement session! First, he cannot be de facto oppossition leader! That position is now fill by Anwar! And if Anwar step aside for Mahathir, Anwar will be bashed for good by his tiny supporters and remaining PKR MPs! How come Anwar give chance to Mahathir after what Mahathis has done to him! Mahathir completely broke his promise to handover! Instead Mahathir wants to come back as PM without agreement to handover!
So sitting next to Anwar is a big no no! And Mahathir claims he is Bersatu chairman! As Bersatu chairman, he must sit next to Mohiden! Problem is Mahathir is not yet elected as chairman of Bersatu!
And here's another thing! Mahathir and his 4 MPs will be automatically sack from Bersatu if they sit on Harapan sit! Yeah, this is what ROS has outline so it's legal and binding! So don't blame Mohiden smiling ear to ear killing off Mukriz and Mahathir during parliment sitting! It's godsend for Mohiden! No need to fight for game of throne come June Bersatu election!
So you see, Mahathir is checkmate either side!


2020-04-20 17:21 | Report Abuse

Yeah, looks like Tan Sir Koon is frying Comfort!


2020-04-20 17:17 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Yeah, turns out this 'tuan melayu' propoganded by Umno is just a tiny 3% dominate of our economy! No wonder Najib said that malays will turn 'bangsat' if they lose political power! Truth is, even with political power over 60 years, we were given false impression how mighty 'tuan melayu' was! If only i knew this much earlier!


2020-04-20 13:49 | Report Abuse

Alibaba! Yeah, but in China, whites are dogs! You won't find any whites becoming China citizens! But you find plenty of chinese americans! In fact you won't find indian, bangladesh, latinos or any other race migranting to China!
As for Taiwan, it's just matter of time before they too become part of China!


2020-04-20 13:44 | Report Abuse

Today no volume, next thing you know the price simply crash!


2020-04-20 09:57 | Report Abuse

And once Pas holymen destroy all 3% wealth that the majority malays ever owned, it will weaken them completely! Bare in mind, there's no oil wealth to bail them out this round!


2020-04-20 09:56 | Report Abuse

So yeah, i completely agree for Pas holymen to be given all the top posittons in GLCs! This will expedite the death of all GLCs hence the death of malay institutions!


2020-04-20 09:55 | Report Abuse

After 60 years, majority malays have taste political power under Umno! And for a brief 2 years, we saw a period of uncertainty under Mahahtir! And during those 2 years, 40 billion national assets were sold! And this assets supported the small 3% of what majority malays ever owned!
Yeah, what is built by Umno is just tiny 3%! While 90% of our local economy remain stronghold of local chinese!
So it's a reality check for majority malays as they are becoming dumber because of holymen brainwashing them to be idiots! In a way, they deserve it!


2020-04-20 09:48 | Report Abuse

Since i missout on Genm, i will rather talk about politics! Yeah, Mohiden is trap! Pas Umno warlords demanding so much positions from him! Then again, Mohiden is one of them, he filled up cabinet and other posts for his warlords too! So Pas Umno demanding positions before Mohiden continue to fill them up with his own minions! Figures!
This is why Harapan must give impression that Mohiden is still with Harapan! Just just matter of time before Bersatu will be kicked out from Muafakat! There's no room for another malay party! Bersatu is just rubbish in Muafakat!
The best option on the table is to keep telling rakyat that Mohiden will make a comeback in Harapan! This will up the pressure on Pas Umno!


2020-04-19 22:05 | Report Abuse

And here's another thing! If Mahathir, Mukriz, Syed Saddiq and Aminuddin insist sitting on Harapan side, then they are automatically drop from Bersatu!


2020-04-19 22:03 | Report Abuse

Actually, for Mohiden, the coming parliment session is all about showing off to Mahathir he has the numbers! So please note the numbers on Harapan and PN side because that's exactly tell us who has the majority!


2020-04-19 20:03 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Josephine Tan wrote the most interest Mahathir dilemma come parliment session this May! Anyway, it's just one day sitting so i think Mahathir better just skip it!
Here's the thing, Mahathir claim he is Bersatu chairman, so rightfully he should be sitting with government of the day, PN!
But wait! Mahathir said he is against Mohiden! Let's say Mahathir still have support of Harapan which we all know he doesn't! Then he will be de facto leader of Harapan sitting next to Anwar right!
So here's the dilemma! If Mahathir sit next to Mohiden, he cannot go back to Harapan!
If he sit with Harapan, then he cannot be chairman of Bersatu!

News & Blogs

2020-04-19 13:44 | Report Abuse

SsLee! I don't think we will hear from Mr Koon for a long time! Dayang game him good and proper! Going to miss his bragging!

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2020-04-19 13:40 | Report Abuse

And to think i trusted this organisation to tell us in advance and it fail just like Donald Trump!

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2020-04-19 13:39 | Report Abuse

WHO is a useless organisation! Back in January, WHO is that Covid19 is cannot be transmitted via human to human despite red flags that thousand already did! And only after 2 months, WHO told us that Covid19 is a global pandemic after it has spread all over the world! I mean, come on! It's no brainer it takes 2 weeks top to prevent it spread in China but WHO kept silence!

News & Blogs

2020-04-19 13:33 | Report Abuse

SsLee! I think Harapan outpace Forest Gump! I mean, Harapan told us that Malaysia is like box of chocolate! But after we ate Harapan chocolate, it turn into turd at our rear end!

News & Blogs

2020-04-19 13:09 | Report Abuse

I think Mr Koon is very funny! He pump stocks and then dump them to obviously naive buyers! Over and over again! So hilarious!

News & Blogs

2020-04-19 13:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by i3lurker > Apr 19, 2020 12:43 PM | Report Abuse

Forest Gump only says nice things about people.

Forest Gump has not uttered a bad word from his mouth in his entire life.

Forest Gump never talk bad about people.

how to compare?

Answer : Yeah, Forest Gump was the most perfect human being even lived!

News & Blogs

2020-04-19 12:19 | Report Abuse

Actually, the cheapest option on the table is to curb Covid19! I think Malaysia is on the way to do it! We succeed! However, sad to say, our neighbours and the western nations refuse to accept a simple common sense! Just look at USA, from few hundred grew into half a million in few months only, why, because they refuse to be quarantine, the infected refuse to be segragrated from healthy ones! This is all because of 'it's my human rights' mentality!

News & Blogs

2020-04-18 21:45 | Report Abuse

Going to hear plenty of Covid19 killer in days ahead just like those Tesla killer thingy! In the end, only hot air! Keeping expectation very low!

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News & Blogs

2020-04-18 18:12 | Report Abuse

Yeah, North Korea got it right! No need to buy so many medical equipment! Eliminate the problem, no need solution!

News & Blogs

2020-04-18 17:54 | Report Abuse

Q3! Anytime! But during MCO, you can only cycle when it's raining!

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2020-04-18 17:24 | Report Abuse

Q3! Kadoos! Singapore followed your advise! Now they are happy to report surge in new infected!

News & Blogs

2020-04-18 17:14 | Report Abuse

Firehawk! Yeah, actually Covid19 orginated from EU!

News & Blogs

2020-04-18 17:02 | Report Abuse

Actually it's bizarre how China report so litle infected barring in mind that Covid19 originated from China!


2020-04-18 16:55 | Report Abuse

To me it's very simple! You can argue all you want! But because i am less intelligent that you, i rather put on cheap face mask that to be that intelligent doctor who insist not wearing face mask it okay! Decision is yours!


2020-04-18 16:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by gemfinder > Apr 18, 2020 2:23 PM | Report Abuse

Doc said no need to wear mask if u r not sick. U r not a doc. Sick or not sick, u urself oso cannot tell ka? Wats d purpose u live in this world? Realy idiot

Answer : Tell me, are you sure you do not have Covid19! Because most carriers infected others because they don't even know they were spreading Covid19 left and right! Yeah sure, there's a doctor who insist that jogging in the park during MCO is his human right! So yeah, just because you are doctor, doesn't mean you are automatically intelligent human above the rest! Mind you, few hundred doctors were also infected in Malaysia!


2020-04-18 14:11 | Report Abuse

To be fair, the blame must be shared with Democrats as they were busy impeaching Donald Trump just like how Harapan was too busy playing politics! And yeah, americans are smart'sses! So i am not surprise how this pandemic has taken it's toll in US!
Having said that, it's up to the highly intelligent and innovative americans to come out with vaccine! I think americans will be the first to find such vaccine!


2020-04-18 11:35 | Report Abuse

I say the MOH lead by DG Health has been overwelmingly sucessful in containing Covid19!
From what we are told so far, most of the infected cases are based on clusters! There are 30 clusters known so far! As for random infections, there's only like 70 cases!
Meaning to say, chances of bystanders getting infected is low! One must be in close and repeated encounter with carriers before you get infected as well! This is a good news indeed!
Beside that, we malaysians did a fantastic job compare to even China! Why, because most of us wear face mask when we go out! Supermarkets are sanitizing our hands before we enter and some even sell very cheap face mask in case your don't have one! This is a very commendable move by this supermarkets for been pro active without authority telling them what to do!
While yesterday, Ismail Sabri told us that it's not necessary to wear face mask if you are not infected, i think he made a amjor mistake assuming that we are not infected! How do you know if you are not screen! So it's best to assume all of us are infected therefore all of us wear face mask! Screening cost like few hundred bucks while a face mask is only like few ringgit! So it's not really a huge burden to wear one! It's also good to know that most supermarkets are now selling face mask at the checkout counters! Remember, be safe rather than sorry! Wearing face mask is cheap compare to be infected and suffer hellish 2 weeks! So yeah, it's worth it!