
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-04-15 15:56 | Report Abuse

Did the usually Tan Sir Koon hock and bait today! And sold all! Maybe tomorrow or day after do the usually Tan Sir Koon 'why i sold at loss' victim card!


2020-04-15 15:55 | Report Abuse



2020-04-15 14:59 | Report Abuse

I suppose it's a good problem that we rarely experience! Unfortunately i unload some stocks that already gone up today! But i also manage to buy few that already make tons in matter of days!
The thing is, i really don't know whether to sell or to hold! As i look at TA side, stocks are indeed overbought! But sometimes this overbought level can go on and on for weeks! And finally fall and burn as always! It's just that this round i am a bit unsure since this is also the first time we ever experience Covid19 plus oil crash! So forgive me for this virgin experience!


2020-04-15 14:16 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, after 3 weeks of MCO, only now i realise how important youtube is for distant learning!
There's no substitute for teachears but using youtube to deliver classes is as good as it gets!
In fact undergraduates who are on distant learning courses can keep up via youtube!
It's time for Minister of Education to formulate delivering contents for primary and secondary level through youtube!


2020-04-15 12:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by apolloang > Apr 15, 2020 12:29 PM | Report Abuse

sama saja lah only bankers pushing their own stocks and some pump and dump only.tak ubah langsung ini boosa. all warlords control

Answer : Hihihaha! Apollo, i wonder how come you are such a genius! Thanks for enlighten me so many times!


2020-04-15 12:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Apr 15, 2020 12:21 PM | Report Abuse

Haha later he will be forced to appoint all MP to head GLC. And all GLC will forced to support Bursa. So more good things to come to Bursa.

Answer : Never in my wildest dream that one day Pas holymen will head our GLCs! The nightmare has just began!


2020-04-15 12:21 | Report Abuse

Dickyme! I think you are referring to Mahathir! Yeah, the old bugger really bad luck! From solid economy turn to turd in 2 years time!


2020-04-15 12:20 | Report Abuse

Yeah, the BR1M economy is working again! Maybe that's why we see this sudden spike! Helicopter money drop from the sky, everybody is spending those few hundred ringgit now!


2020-04-15 12:19 | Report Abuse

Oil cut is done deal! Maybe oil price will go a bit lower but it's just laggard path at the moment! By May, oil will start to go up again!


2020-04-15 12:10 | Report Abuse

To future PMs, please learn from Mohiden! Appoint technocrat as Minister of Finance! The politicking will come to a halt! That's one of the thing that Mohiden did very right!


2020-04-15 12:09 | Report Abuse

With very little politics and more rakyat oriented at the moment, there's a sense of stability that we have not felt for the last 2 years! Hence bursa continue to climb because of the political stability provided under Mohiden leadership!
Please don't whack me! I am just observer of things! Compare to the very messy, flip flop and constant politicking of Harapan under Mahathir, it was total nightmare until bursa dropped so much, bursa can't even recall it's own name!


2020-04-15 11:23 | Report Abuse

In South Korea, and China, they set up disinfection tunnel to spray the whole body with disinfection! However, this is expensive and take time to set up!
Instead, emulate Thailand where they use cheap paint spray to dose the whole body with disinfection! And judging from low infected cases, this method should be implemented immediately in KL and Selangor which has the highest infection rate at the moment!


2020-04-15 11:05 | Report Abuse

If Haparan leaders want 2nd chance to Putrajaya, then bringing back Mohiden and Bersatu is the only option on the table!
Reason been, Anwar influence has waned! Mahathir is off the table as he not only lost rakyat affection, he is also toxin!
So far Mohiden performance has been good! Rakyat has no complain! Bersatu is now firmly in his hands! However, there's no love between Bersatu and Muafakat! This PN is nothing more than Mohiden own creation! Muafakat never acknowledge PN! It's a contract marriage! There's no love or brand in contract marriage!
And we all know, Bersatu is part of Harapan now! To win, Harapan need Bersatu! At the moment however, Bersatu has zero support from majority malays! So it will take time to build new trust if Bersatu rejoin Bersatu! But there's no doubt Mohiden is the new defacto leader for Harapan!


2020-04-15 10:49 | Report Abuse

In bad times, government of the day must spend, spend and spend! Spending not on grandeus stupid pet projects but spending on crucial infra for future need of rakyat, and export oriented productions! Example ECRL is the best option on the table to open up east coast for industrial zones! HSR to open up mobility and trade between Malaysia and Singapore and extending it to Thailand in the future! So you see, there's no such thing as recession if the government of the day understand economics of things!


2020-04-15 10:46 | Report Abuse

Gone are the days of self prophecy in terms of antiquated economic model! If you follow the old school, yes, we are heading for a long deep recession!
But in this new era, especially when we were under Najib, we were able to avoid 2 recessions when all indicators back then pointed to sure recession!
The difference is understanding how to flatten the economic bust and boom! Like today, as the world live in fear of Covid19, if Mahathir was still in charge, we would be in deep trouble! He does not understand that government need to spend in order to prepare for coming boom! This was why Mahathir keep getting Malaysia into recession! He does not understand how economic works!
Najib however, truly understood how to use the fiscal mechanism to stablize our economy! Unfortunately, he had lousy PR and disaster to vote banks! Instead of focusing on sure win vote banks, he fatten up civil service thinking this new vote bank will vote for him! Fattening civil service also lead to future prospect where Malaysia will face certain bankruptcy!
So far Mohiden has able to please the crowd! However, we have yet to see if Mohiden has the willpower to implement fiscal reforms! Bringing back GST at this point is very crucial to balance out the enormous handouts! There's no 2 ways about it!
If Mohiden fail to do fiscal reforms, then just forget it! Malaysia will indeed face sure doom!

News & Blogs

2020-04-14 18:08 | Report Abuse

Q3! Luckily OTB is not married to you! Or else he will die standing while still talking and arguing!

News & Blogs

2020-04-14 18:07 | Report Abuse

Haix! Why new infected cases still high!

News & Blogs

2020-04-14 18:06 | Report Abuse

OTB! Piece of advise! Don't argue with someone younger than yourself! She will outlast you and win the argument no matter what!
Be like KC Chong! He picked 85 year old, pump and dump i3 king because he knows he will outlive Tan Sir Koon! Heck, we all will outlive him!


2020-04-14 17:36 | Report Abuse

So question is, will Anwar back off so Mohiden can be the new de facto leader of Harapan! Hhhmm!


2020-04-14 17:35 | Report Abuse

I mean, the Lims and Amanah would certainly want Mahathir to get them back to Putrajaya! But the requirement is for Mahathir to get Bersatu back into Harapan! But Mohiden is not going to join Harapan! But then again, the Lims and Amanah will change tune if Mohiden agree to lead Harapan!
So you see, it's pretty simple! Mohiden plan B is to lead Harapan!


2020-04-14 17:32 | Report Abuse

Poor Mahathir! He paid Bloomberg so he can voice out his intention to be PM again!
Basically, he resign because Bersatu rejected him! Yet he has this very thick face to go back as chairman of Bersatu after erupted resignation 2 months ago!
Then Mahathir blame Anwar because he suppose to get 92 MPs from Harapan to back him to be PM! And so the stupid Anwar backdown and gave those 92 MPs to Mahathir! But we know Mohiden was accidently pushed to be PM as he was given full backing from Pas Umno!
So Mahathir figure, it's our King who should be blame because parliment has the power to determine who has the majority support!
Then Mahathir told Bloomberg, he has support of 108 MPs now! But i think Mahathir forgot that the 92 MPs no longer back him! Okay, maybe the Lims and Amanah still back him, and of course Shafie from Sabah! So basically, Mahathir probably only has 2 MPs Mukriz and Syed Saddiq backing him beside Warisan MPs! So that's only like a dozen or so!
In short, Mahathir is talking rubbish about his comeback when he is now completely abandon by Bersatu! Look, Bersatu warlords are now with Mohiden! Even if Mahathir come back as chairman of Bersatu, he is powerless! Mahathir cannot over anything! Mohiden can offer everything! Even the post of MB of Kedah!
For Mahathir, it's the end of the road! There's no more chance for him to taste corridor of power!

News & Blogs

2020-04-14 15:20 | Report Abuse

KC Chong! Please continue your good work! Stock market is more intriguing than anything else!


2020-04-14 14:50 | Report Abuse

Well, it happen to all of us! Despite TA telling us that bursa in now overbought, it continue to go up!
I have to admit i sold some of my stocks! But i manage to add few like.....hihihaha, no free tips!
I really don't know why bursa keep going up! Maybe because US new infected cases seems like dropping! Maybe!
So let's just enjoy bursa good momentum at the moment!

News & Blogs

2020-04-14 14:35 | Report Abuse

I am still waiting for OTB to publih his book! OTB free writeups in i3 more than enough to fill a book worth buying! Anyway, congrat to KC Chong for his book!

News & Blogs

2020-04-14 14:32 | Report Abuse

If Harapan still in charge, i think the public backlash would have been very severe!


2020-04-14 14:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by johorean8 > Apr 14, 2020 1:00 PM | Report Abuse

What good has Mat Sabu done when PH in power?

Answer : Good for nothing! But that's why Pas holymen demanding Mohiden to give them such privilige by filing up GLCs positions for them!


2020-04-14 13:15 | Report Abuse

Actually, you can do bazaar in malay restaurants! They can line up tables around the parameter of their premise so that customers can take away their offering! This is another better option as dine in will not return even when MCO is lifted!
It will take a year before things go back to normal as by then vaccine may be available thus the fear of Covid19 finally subside!
But for small hawkers, they don't have the opportunity to set up their table inside malay restaurants!
The only option of this mushroom hawkers will be to do roadside bazaar where each stall must be 10 meters apart! Government should consider this option now!

News & Blogs

2020-04-14 13:10 | Report Abuse

Yeah, it's true! 9 months from now, we will see tons of new baby malaysians born into this world!


2020-04-14 12:49 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Extending MCO is dead strategy! No one will survive if MCO goes for another 2 weeks!


2020-04-14 10:49 | Report Abuse

While Umno warlords are extremely quiet and would rather play behind the curtain, it's different with Pas holymen!
At last, they actually made it public that they want all the posh jobs in GLCs! Dude, you guys are not even qualified to run kampong sundry shops! You guys bankrupt Kelantan and Terrenganu!
Malaysia is in a very challenging period! You don't put monkeys to run multibillion GLCs!
But Mohiden is running house of cards anyway! And it's beginning to become very obvious, Mohiden is just another Umno topdog no matter if he has Bersatu brand on his back!
Anyway, this will fall apart sooner or later! If you put too many imcompetent people on the top, the house of cards simply blown away by just a simple blow!


2020-04-14 10:43 | Report Abuse

If Tan Sir Koon sell, i buy!


2020-04-13 19:32 | Report Abuse

Well, it seems Mahathir is a bit upset but hugely jealous of Mohiden because it looks like rakyat is comfortable with Mohiden administration compare to the nighmare we experienced during Mahathir short 2 years!
Mind you, Mahathir inherited a solid economy with impecable fundamentals! And Malaysia back then enjoy warm and solid relations with all countries so much so, India was among the first to come and congratulate Mahathir! Then of course the love turn to full blown hatred! Malaysia even made enemy with UEA, so much so, UEA drop billions to Indonesia just to show how much UEA royals hate Mahathir!
Well, when Mohiden took over, there was no congratulation from any nation except Singapore! Fortunately Mohiden has a good relationship with Singapore!
The thing is, Harapan was too busy scheming each other that it accumulate into explosive Sheraton Move! Back then, nobody was concern about Covid19! Sabah was the first to ban China tourists while Harapan was making a joke out of it!
If Harapan was still in charge, i suppose Mat Sabu would be the minister responsible to brief journalists on latest Covid19 MCO details! Yeah, i suppose we would have a great laugh out of it too! I mean he will tell us that Covid19 cannot kill elephants but certainly good to weed our grass! Then we have MOH who will tell us it's okay to go for friday prayers because God will protect us! Yeah, just like those idiots in Pakistan!
Today however, Harapan is back in action telling government of the day that they are making a huge mess! They demand exist strategy details so taht Harapan will have something to object! It's all about onjecting to everything agreeing to nothing! That's what opposition are for! And Harapan will forever be the best opposition in town!

News & Blogs

2020-04-13 19:20 | Report Abuse

Let God protect them! There's no cure for stupidity!


2020-04-13 17:42 | Report Abuse

Anyway, Assmin must be feeling the heat as he has generate so much backlash from public over his disastrous performance so far! Compare to fluent Mohiden who shown administration skill so far, Assmin fall far from the apple tree! It's not looking good for him at all!

News & Blogs

2020-04-13 17:36 | Report Abuse

Useless organization! Only good for talkcock session!


2020-04-13 11:04 | Report Abuse

No brainer! After MCO lifted, you can't travel aboard! And if you do, you going to get quarantine for 14 days on your own expenses! Either you waste some fortune or just take trouble free vacation to Genting Highland, by then the outdoor theme park will be opened!


2020-04-13 10:57 | Report Abuse

I think most of us a having brain freeze on why MITI is so determine to open up barber, and laundry first! I mean, hardware, yes, so many dudes out there miss the chance to do their own repair works during the first one month MCO! They could have done so much during stay at home lockdown! That chance is already goner anyway!
MITI under Assmin should have focus on opening up the giants! Our exports must be ensured of any interruption! It's not that hard! Screen all workers and let them work provided they are given lodging and food and have little contact with outsiders! They are basically living in their own ecosystem, and i think 42 days is really peanut considering if they continue to work!