
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-04-04 19:02 | Report Abuse

On top of that already given special RM500 a month for not working!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 19:01 | Report Abuse

What! The most privilige malaysians given more privilige! Stay at home, full salary, paid holidays, what more do you what!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 16:04 | Report Abuse

RIP whites! Covid19 most probably wipeout quarter of whites in this world!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 14:56 | Report Abuse

For Phillipines and Indonesia, peak means, everybody already infected! Like seriously! As for Malaysia, we have to close borders for a very longtime!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 14:48 | Report Abuse

For Phillipines and Indonesia, containment is impossible! Outbreak will be extremely severe in coming weeks! Just expect for the worst of the worst!


2020-04-04 14:41 | Report Abuse

As extra pre caution, best to wear glasses and glove! Cotton gloves just as good as long as your sanitize it!


2020-04-04 14:38 | Report Abuse

Totally agree that home made mask should be encourage! Let's be frank! Many are recycling their face mask now as there's no stock in any pharmacy at the moment!


2020-04-04 14:34 | Report Abuse

Kaq! Please don't laugh! Tampon is extremely effective face mask!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 14:33 | Report Abuse

Probabulity! Thank for your generous sharing! Buy first thing in monday morning!


2020-04-04 12:51 | Report Abuse

Malaysia should emulate Singapore in how to build and manage airports! Our airports are boring! Not only boring but also stressful!
Airports must be condusive for foodies, a great short haul hotels, an entertainment centre, a place to exercise, a place of wonders, in short, a copy of Singapore airport!
And please! It's high time for government to realise MAS is liability elephant! The only reason for keeping it is because it's a malay instituiton where 90% oof it's workers are malay!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 12:23 | Report Abuse

If current government does not start HSR, then of course Malaysia will be in recession! You need a high impact mega projects to float the economy during bad period! By the time economy improve, Malaysia would have the necessary infra to attract more investors! Let's be honest, Malaysia infra remain pathetic!


2020-04-04 12:15 | Report Abuse

Q3! Yeah, sure! Continue to live in denial! Even Singapore will go into lockdown soon! They already in panic mode now!


2020-04-04 12:14 | Report Abuse

Actually not only wear face mask but cover your eyes as well! Because our eyes is perfect entry point for airborne virus! So wear that protective glasses!


2020-04-04 12:13 | Report Abuse

Alibaba! Just use microwave to kill virus on bread! Or other food for that matter!


2020-04-04 12:04 | Report Abuse

By now, we should be extra careful as Covid19 is indeed easily and extremely contagious! Mass disinfection must be carried out extensively!


2020-04-04 12:03 | Report Abuse

Yeah, even top medical experts only as recent as few days ago, discover that carriers no necessary have to cough in order for the virus to spread to bystanders!
A handshake, sharing of food, walking on infested floor and so forth can infect others!
And yeah, just like what i have long suspected, virus can spread through normal breathing especially in airconditioned places!
So yeah, wearing face mask is just very necessary if you enter such places!
US medical experts only announce this like yesterday! Previously, many thought, only carriers have to wear face mask! But many carriers are not away they are infected in the first place!
Hence non carriers wearing face mask can be life saving! So yeah, wear that face mask if you walk in public area! And keep Dettol sptray in your car! Spray in on your shoes and car floor once your enter! Sanitize your hands as well!


2020-04-04 11:49 | Report Abuse

Look! It's pointless to help SME that refuse to pay their tax and try to take advantage of current situation!
No doubt such SME are in minority! However, helping this irresponsible and selfish SME will only justify their bad practice!
Instead, government must look into their past contribution to our nation! In terms of providing huge employment and tax contribution! It's a good time to repay them! And i am sure this will motivate those them to be responsible business commnuity!
At the same time, such good SME should be given tax exemption until Malaysia recover from this pandemic!
There's no doubt that GST will have to be brought back to replenish drain coffer due to huge stimulus handouts in coming days!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 11:39 | Report Abuse

A blind mass screening is wasteful! The best method is applying AI screen where infected patients pass movement could be traced through their smartphone hence sending out alert to bystanders who came near them during those crucial 2 weeks! This way, disinfection can be focused and bystanders can be screen effectively!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 00:25 | Report Abuse

Sure! Once our SME close shop here, they will open shop elsewhere and start all over again! But no worries! all of this SME will be taken over by malay instituions that will be constantly bailout by government! Just look at TM and Pos Malaysia, full of imcompetent single race GLCs!


2020-04-04 00:22 | Report Abuse

Dude! I am stating a fact! Not whining or complaining! I think you are referring more to your self! Better follow your own advise!


2020-04-04 00:08 | Report Abuse

I really underestimate Covid19! And so do all of us! And the same with world leaders especially those in EU and US!
China went into overkill to contain Covid19! They succeed! However, EU and US completely taken off guard!
If Harapan still in charge, i am very sure Covid19 already out of control! They took Covid19 as 'small matter'!
It was only after weeks after Sheraton Move that small number of politicians started to realise how bad the situation was! By then, the spread was already reaching alarming level!
For same country like Malaysia, the number of infected is actually big! No doubt about it! And looking at the rate for the past 2 weeks, if lockdown was not issued, we would have seen over 10k infected by now! Perhaps much worst!
The point is, Covid19 is very contagious! You can get infected after walking in public areas fested with virus! You shoes is the bestt medium to carry it back to your homes!
This is exactly what happen in EU and US! Mass disinfection not taken seriously! There's no awareness of covering up attack zone like face and hands! No face mask, no gloves and kaboom! EU and US become tthe new Wuhan!
The next mega outbreak will be Indonesia! Phillipines and unfortunately Singapore! Sad that intelligent population like Singapore refuse to go on lockdown! I predict by the time Singapore go on lockdown, it will be too late!


2020-04-03 23:01 | Report Abuse

To be honest, the face mask that i have were bought from online! I had a quick check for the past few days, and i am sure most of you realise there's no face mask sold! Completely like zero!
This situation is quite worrysome especially those who have to work like in supermarkets and so forth! I have seen many who continue to wear the same face mask day in day out because there's nothing sold in any shops!
In this regard, the government of the day have fail o address this situation!


2020-04-03 22:34 | Report Abuse

80% of SME in Malaysia own by local chinese! Extending further beyond May will effective kill so many businesses! This is serious! Because we don't have MCA and Mahathir to bailout like last time!


2020-04-03 22:10 | Report Abuse

Apollo! I won't be surprise extended to June but then again end of June is just too long! By then, all businesses will be dead!


2020-04-03 21:04 | Report Abuse

Moneypedia! Those who arrive from other countries will be quarantine for 14 days! So it's not really a major threat or concern!


2020-04-03 21:03 | Report Abuse

Yeah, those taligh turds may be active spread their Covid19 through hidden assembly! I mean, how can the authority stop them from organising underground gatherings! Even Hadi told muslims that getting Covid19 can automatically get you to heaven where 73 virgins await you! I am serious! Check out Hadi latest statement!


2020-04-03 20:51 | Report Abuse

For past 2 days, we seen new infected cases rise to 200 cases! Maybe this is actually showing that the hidden carriers finally surrender and went for medical help!
As it takes 2 weeks for carriers to finally show symptoms, maybe what we see now is the peak of infection in Malaysia!
And perhaps by 14th April, we finally see lockdown lifted! Actually this is the likely scenario!
So next week, we may see cases slowly dipping down! And by the 4th week, new infected cases will be in single digit!
Unfortunately, we have around 5k turds who spoil such scenario! We may see them spreading to another 10k bystanders! And because of them, government will have to extend another 2 weeks! And another 2 weeks if new infected cases continues!
So guys, perhaps for the long haul here!

News & Blogs

2020-04-03 15:41 | Report Abuse

It' no brainer! Mohiden is buying off Hadi wih position! This is Mohiden modus operandi now!


2020-04-03 15:26 | Report Abuse

No wonder those 5k taligh turds refuse to get screening! The reward of dying with Covid19 is simply extravagant!
You know, David Koresh once said that dying fighting US policemen will guarantee themselves a place in heaven!
So basically Hadi and David Koresh same similar talent! They can talk to Alah or God directly!

News & Blogs

2020-04-03 12:13 | Report Abuse

Yeah! PN to me begin to show many flaws! Once the honeymoon period over, we show see many shortcomings from them! For a start, too much patronaging, using government positions as bribe to influence politicians!
Dishing out cash but no source of revenue for government! Sure, you can slaughter our wealth by flushing out 250 billions but then PN don't know how to replenish the coffer!
So expect to see many cracks in coming days!
As for Senior Lim, dude, please don't bluff us! There's no such thing as virtual parliment! And even if such prosedure to be implemented, you need to buy expensive equipment and it's going to cost hundred of millions! You think it's cheap to tele conferencing on secure line! I remember how companies that i have worked with spend millions and this virtual meetings hardly held! Waste of money!

News & Blogs

2020-04-03 11:52 | Report Abuse

Haix! Both Anwar and Senior are obsess with politicking! Keep baitng for parliment debates! Gives lousy ideas during MCO!

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2020-04-02 17:57 | Report Abuse

Bad fuel can make your car engne full of varnish and carbon!

News & Blogs

2020-04-02 17:56 | Report Abuse

Bluebiznet! Nowadays, Petron and Petronas fuel stations are taboo to me! Once i discover how bad their fuel are, and treat us like rubbish, totally avoid! Don't believe me, try fueling only in Petron and Petronas! You will discover your car engine starts to get rough! After a while, you car sounds like truck!


2020-04-02 17:51 | Report Abuse

Apollo! So this is how taliban Malaysia feels like! Everything close shop including mosques! Stay at home make babies!


2020-04-02 17:45 | Report Abuse

Guys, since 4D outlets, massage parlour and so forth are closed, the only outlet still availbale is bursa! So maybe that's why bursa business good of late! Then again, i don't really know! For me, i am just waiting to sell what i bought last week or so!


2020-04-02 17:23 | Report Abuse

Yeah, spoke too soon on flatten curve! Today, over 200 cases reported! So no brainer, another 2 weeks lockdown on the card!
Bascically, there's 5% who goes around infecting others! It appears, those taligh or talibans are indeed irresponsible and selfish lots! Refuse to do screening instead proud to spread Covid19!
It's high time to get tough on them! Make it criminal offense!

News & Blogs

2020-04-02 17:15 | Report Abuse

Should be under Health Ministry from day one! That Zuraida is an idiot!

News & Blogs

2020-04-02 16:48 | Report Abuse

I rarely pump fuel from Petron! I knew how low quality the fuel is just like Petronas! Just for your guys info, don't pump from Petron and Petronas, the fuel are rubbish! Super low quality! Damage your engine in long run!

News & Blogs

2020-04-02 16:46 | Report Abuse

Yeah, almost all of his sons public listed companies turn to turd! Just look at Sapura, Opcom and so forth!

News & Blogs

2020-04-02 16:45 | Report Abuse

Every now and then, Mahathir will try to get attention from you and me! He is Amos Yee the old bugger type! No point entertaining him! That scammer Syed Saddiq also rip off his grand daugher and took advantage of him politically!

News & Blogs

2020-04-02 16:44 | Report Abuse

Mahathir and his Midas touch! Turn everything to turd! It really doesn't matter! Take the Covid19, Mahathir was more concern about Visit Malaysia year 2020 and his Apec Summit! And his approach is always about Islam, Malay, anti Jew, anti Israel, anti USA and so forth!
In short, Malaysia should have never let him be PM! We has lost our national wealth because of his obsession with many pet projects!