
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-04-06 11:33 | Report Abuse

Cheap money abound! Interest rate so low! Oil at 17 year low! In short, now is the best time to do mega projects!
No doubt global economy will be no good in year or 2! But that's not an excuses to do nothing!
This is way, Najib excel! Najib avoid 2 recessions because he knew by spending big on infra, the returns will be sweet when economy rebounds!
This how one manage our economy! Especially given how perfect the situation now for going mega constructions!


2020-04-06 11:29 | Report Abuse

We are in unusually times now! Before, B40 can go out freely and find money! Now, they are not allow to do so! So basically, for the first time in their lives, they are face with hunger! This is real!


2020-04-06 11:28 | Report Abuse

Dude, i am talking about B40 here! That's 40% of malaysians! You may not like to hear this but families are going hungry! Because they are working on daily wage! No work, no money!


2020-04-06 11:23 | Report Abuse

In short, government of the day will be your lifeline! 'Cash is king' will be new normal in months ahead! So Anwar and the Lims better think carefully before attacking this generous handouts! Because many are hungry out there in months to come!


2020-04-06 11:22 | Report Abuse

It's loud and clear! That 'cash is king' already make a comeback! For once, many appreciate some molla from the government as many are struggling as most are now short of cash!
Najib feels vandicated that his BR1M would have been a lifeline during this crucial period! Perhaps, Harapan could have made another round of RM30 emoney if they were still in government! I mean, for B40, they would be pro Harapan for a peanut RM30! But Mohiden gave them like 4k per household! That's like small fortune for struggling families out there!
Anyway, this is worldwide dilemma now! With Covid19, the unseen enemy making attack on humanity, even Isis or Daesh lame in comparison! Jobless rate shot up the roof globally!
The thing is, if indeed lockdown extended for another 2 weeks, you will be looking at tons of retrenchment! Airlines will have to throw their staff out the window! Even Airasia is now as worst as Mas! Mas would be better sold for a song that to keep for certain bankruptcy!
Many SME would be better closing shop that to operate with zero cashflow! Cashflow will be major problem going forward for most businsses owners out there!


2020-04-06 11:14 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Death due to aging is as certain as tax! But i bet Harapan can make fake promise to extend one life for another 5 years! Just ask Mahathir! He is ready for another term!


2020-04-06 01:05 | Report Abuse

Goh! He downsize CDC and fired all the pandemic experts! 2 years later, US is facing Covid19 and there's no preparation at all!


2020-04-06 00:59 | Report Abuse

Goh! It's the result that oounts! The spread in New York is a disaster! It could have been contain!


2020-04-06 00:50 | Report Abuse

Donald did alot of things great! But when face with Covid19, totally fail!


2020-04-06 00:34 | Report Abuse

Q3! Tell that to singaporeans! I bet quarter of them already infected by now!


2020-04-06 00:17 | Report Abuse

asymptomatic carriers are the worst infected! They are the ones that drop to the ground ans suffer hellish breathing! It's better to be infected with symptoms! Seeing those asymptomatic carriers on youtubes really scare the living of those watching it!


2020-04-05 23:57 | Report Abuse

This few days have been bizarro watching Donald Trump handle or rather mishandle Covid19 crisis in US!
Only today i found out that back in 2018, Donald Trump reduce the size of CDC drastically and fired almost all of the experts in pandemic division 2 years prior!
So basically, US is totally unprepared with what's happening at the moment!
Unfortunately, Donald Trump can't provide a clear and consistent leadership!
I am sorry to say Donald may lose the election come November!


2020-04-05 23:40 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i think none of us thought that a pandemic will never happen! As if those Spanish flu or Black plaque were something only happen in ancient times! So Covi19 really a huge wake up call for humanity! So moving some humans to Mars isn't a crazy thing after all if suddenly 90% or humanity got wipe out on earth!


2020-04-05 23:24 | Report Abuse

Probability! No need to develop such biological weapon! China wet market or where wildlife trade markets will be the hotspot for developing one! It's already confirm that the slaughtering and stacking of many wildlife in confine space eventually create this deadly virus! Covid19 is just a warming up! If the next virus with 90% mortality rate spread, then we all die standing!


2020-04-05 23:21 | Report Abuse

Probability! Imagine even at 80%, 8 infected out of 10 die! It's scary! So we are extremely lucky, so far!
Actually WHO already warn us for years that an outbreak with such high mortality rate will happen! It's question of when not if!

News & Blogs

2020-04-05 23:19 | Report Abuse

Actually, i already predicted that quarter of singaporeans already infected by now! Just wait and see!

News & Blogs

2020-04-05 23:19 | Report Abuse

Yeah, already expected! Yeah, Singapore government has taken Covid19 too lightly! And yeah, they are paying the price in coming weeks! It's going to be severe breakout!


2020-04-05 23:17 | Report Abuse

Even with low death rate, we already seen how destructive Covid19 has been! So imagine if another pandemic so severe that it's better to die now that to gamble when you get infected!


2020-04-05 23:16 | Report Abuse

Humanity is definately extremely lucky! Why, because Covid19 deah rate is not even 5%!
What if mother nature push for mortality rate of 90% for Covid19! Well, it means, we are seeing almost 1 milion death by now! And that, scare the living out of all of us!
Imagine how severely the punishment for those who break MCO! It would probably be shot on sight! Nobody dare to go out! Because once infected, you are dead! And if you manage to go back home, you infect everybody and almost everybody die too!
So you see, Covid19 is lame by comparison if the next pandemic hit us with such death sentence virus!

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2020-04-05 18:50 | Report Abuse

Remember folks! Covid19 virus enter your body through your nose and eyes!


2020-04-05 18:27 | Report Abuse

Yes, Najib has plenty of short comings! Prior to GE14, his PR was lousiest! Najib rarely if ever face reporters and address many issues head on! Instead Najib was busy hiding left and right during those period! So yeah, his PR skill was his weakness!
Another, bloated civil service with extra million malays! Najib was fattening up civil services with single race! Non malay like bumis were upset! In fact bumies rarely get employed in civil services! Same with local chinese and indians!
And of course, Najib was bloody idiot for destroying malay vote banks like Felda and Tabung Haji!
The one that broke the camel back was 1MDB! There rest is history!
So there! I am not praising Najib at all! So don't come and attack me!
But Najib other achievements should not be ignored!
His fiscal policies was impeccable! Thanks to Najib, Sabah Sarawak finally connected with proper toll free highway! It's like PLUS highway without tolls!
And KL is now among world travellers list because of it's excellent public transportation! Yeah, public transportation is crucial if you want mass tourism! If HSR was build, i think KL will be as good as Singpaore by then!
And one of the most outstanding achievement is the trillion wealth accumulated during Najib era! Yeah, this is the part that Najib did that cannot be beaten by any PMs before and after him!
Today, Mohiden is repeating 'cash is king' mantra! Mohiden like Najib is buying our support! But unlike Najib, Mohiden has so far not address the economic side of the equation! Spending is easy, revenue side is very difficult! Of course, GST will have to be brought back once 250 billion are spent!
Beside that, Mohiden will have to revive all mega projects! Question is, will he do it!
But i bet, Anwar and Senior Lim are imcompetent to address such concerns! All they do so far is playing politics, with the usually hyperbolic tactics that we all come to know!
Problem is, we are just too tired to believe lies from them!


2020-04-05 17:39 | Report Abuse

Come on! We all know it from day one! Hadi is a fake! He is just like every politician out there! To walk in corridor of power!
Hadi was upset not given any ministerial post in new government! And he when to see Mohiden about it! Hadi hinted that Pas could opt out!
So Mohiden created a special minister post just for Hadi! It's called, Minister of busy for nothing!
You see, Mohiden knew Hadi has a beautiful white wifey in UK! So the ony way to get Hadi out of his way is to keep Hadi busy! And there's nothing like all paid expenses to UK using government private jet for Hadi! Yeah, you should expect to see Hadi going to UK more often after this!


2020-04-05 17:34 | Report Abuse

Or perhaps Mahathir should reconsider his planned scheming! Because he is now an island! Harapan abandon him except the Lims! And also Amanah! Wait, i think DAP and Amanah abandon Anwar!
Anyway, Pas Umno planning to throw Mahahtir under the bus if he takes over Bersatu again!


2020-04-05 17:32 | Report Abuse

You know, Ku Li was like Anwar! He was destine to be PM! In fact, he already won Umno presidency! But the grand schemer Mahathir stopped him!
The rest is history! Ku Li became PM in waiting forever! Then we have Anwar! Due to his own self inflicted fetish, he spent half of his 20 years having fun with fun boys while Wan Azizah fight for his obsession! At last, Harapan won while Anwar spent his days in jail!
Anwar wanted PMship given on silver platter! But Mahathir had other plans! Beside fattening his cronies again, Mahathir was paving the way for Mukriz to be PM!
At last Sheraton Move was successful! Except that Mohiden became the new PM!
So this June, once again, Mahathir will fight it out! To make Mukriz the new PM of Malaysia!
Phew! To Mukriz, congrat in advance! You will be our new PM come June!


2020-04-05 17:18 | Report Abuse

Today another 180 new infected cases! You know i know what this means! So prepare for another 2 weeks!


2020-04-05 15:57 | Report Abuse

If you read Q3 comments on Covid19, you should know by now why US and EU fail in containing Covid19!
When China lockdown Wuhan and several states, the whites were mocking their many efforts! The whites question the rational of keeping wuhans under their homes! The whites questions the need to segregate infected when the whites recommend that they should be put under self quarantine!
They question the need to wear face mask! Question about human rights! Question ban on exercising outdoor! Question after question!
The whites brag that their body are strong! That eventually their body will defend Covid19!
In the end, the whites are falling apart! Covid19 is a virus! Virus doesn't use it's brain! Virus have single focus, to infect you and me!
As long as US and EU leaders continue to think they are smart and look down on common sense, i don't see the end of current outbreak!
Singapore has follow the path of US and EU! And the clock is ticking! I am sure, by the time Singapore goes for lockdown, it already late just like US and EU!
Sometimes, you just have to adopt communist way to deal with Covid19!

News & Blogs

2020-04-05 12:06 | Report Abuse

Another day, another Tesla killer! Another day, another Covid19 killer! But so far all are baloney!


2020-04-05 11:18 | Report Abuse

Just look at US and EU! Today, US already dealing with 300k! Mind you, just a month ago, US only had like few thousand cases! The spread is so rapid! As for Indonesia, the only reason why the figure is so small is because they rarely do screening! No screen, no infection!


2020-04-05 11:15 | Report Abuse

Indonesia to peak in July! Hihihaha! That's really a fairy tale i guess! Dude, Indonesia will see peak maybe when everybody got infected! They don't know how to deal with it! Many are dying on the streets at the moment yet media not reporting this!


2020-04-05 11:00 | Report Abuse

Next week lockdown will see if we see another 2 weeks extension or one month lockdown enough to contain Covid19 spread!
Assuming after one month, government manage to find and indentify every single carrier in Malaysia!
But that's a tall order! Government admits they can't find the extra 3k or 5k taligh turds! Unfortunately many of this fake holymen preach that Covid19 is a holy war against unbelievers and dying from Covid19 will gurantee them a place in heaven! This is what Hadi told us recently! It's sad that Hadi use his position to indirectly encourage taligh turds to hide themselves from authority and spread the 'love'!
Anyway, i really doubt government will be able to contain it! Because the unscreen taligh turds will once again go out and spread it all over again! So it you see those holymen in white robe, make sure you keep 30 feet away from them! They are suspected carrier no matter how healthy they look!


2020-04-05 00:09 | Report Abuse

ShenDeng! Thank you for your valuable sharing!


2020-04-04 22:22 | Report Abuse

Cotton face mask is just as good as N95 mask! You can use it daily as long as you wash it at the end of the day!
Let's be frank! Most of us re use our face mask because there's really shortage out there!
So to overcome this shortage, home made face mask must be make compulsory option!
We will be in a long haul pre caution here! It's going to be a year or 2! Buying new face mask daily is just not going to be viable!
Pharmacy can sell home made cotton face mask! This cotton face mask can be in multicolor so that it will be fashionable to most malaysians! Hence encourage all to wear them just like wearing pants!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 22:17 | Report Abuse

Q3! Yeah, totally agree with you! More handouts to malay institution like civil service!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 22:14 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Thanks for sharing a wonderful thing! In Malaysia, we don't even have enough face mask for our frontliners! Most of us recycle our face mask because there's no stock anywhere!
Home made mask is the best alternative out there! Tampon is the very best option, however, not many dare to wear them on their face!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 22:10 | Report Abuse

Basically Cuepacs is telling thne government to give upmost priority to 2 million civil servants than the rest of 30 million malaysians! I mean, doesn't Cuepacs know that on top of RM500 special Covid19 bonus, they also enjoy full salary! What about our B40 who will die standing by end of this month! Mind you M40 group too will find themselves jobless if many SME prefer to close shop! Can civil servants make their sacrifice too!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 19:25 | Report Abuse

Another cook up figure straight from Lalaland! Gods know the real infected cases are very high!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 19:24 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i remember Harapan Health minister said that wearing face mask will incur unnecessary worry among malaysians! That's how imcompetent Harapan was!
Anyway, Donald Trump really fail this round! He encourage americans to wear face mask yet he boast he doesn't need one! He is turning into Mahathir!

News & Blogs

2020-04-04 19:06 | Report Abuse

The most baloney figure! Do you honestly believe whole of Indonesia only 2k infected! When there's so many cases of infected dying on the streets!