
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-03-30 21:03 | Report Abuse

And yeah, since Emperor Xi took over, things are very complicated for CCP elites! So far they only protest in silence! Few of those openly protest already found themselves missing in action!

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 21:00 | Report Abuse

UpDown! Chairman Xi is emperor of China! Many don't notice it! He is modern Emperor! He will rule forever!

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 20:56 | Report Abuse

I really pity those who are so defensive against 'China'! Everytime i mention about it, some idiots will come in full defensive! Look, chinese China are blind and brainwashed! If only they knew that the top guys are filthy wealthy, i doubt our so called patriotic defenders will ever open their mouth like ever!

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 20:54 | Report Abuse

The average chinese China don't know any better! If Umno warlords are billionaires, just imagine how wealthy those CCP elites are! They have private planes just to visit their loved ones in US! Not one but dozens!

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 20:51 | Report Abuse

Yeah, poor CCP elites! All their family and mistress living in US! Driving luxury cars and homes!


2020-03-30 20:35 | Report Abuse

So Senior Lim is not only a season politician but also a fortune teller!
He outdone i3 indian boy today giving his cyrstal ball prediction that up to 20k malaysians will be buried because of Covid19!

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 20:33 | Report Abuse

UpDown! Yeah, also for asians as well! The whites will hate asian people because of Covid19! This Covid19 will wipe out large number of whites!

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 20:30 | Report Abuse

It's a mutual reaction! In China, they are now brainwash to hate whites!


2020-03-30 18:14 | Report Abuse

Depends on those still hiding 5k Sri Petaling talibans! Hate to say this but they are indeed talibabs! They are selfish and irresponsible!
Because of them, we may see further extension of current lockdown!
So yeah, if you suspect they are living near you, quickly report to police!
Basically this week, we need to see if new infected fiqure will drop to 2 digits! If single digit, then it's very good and we may see lockdown lifted much earlier!
So yeah, keep watching those daily report! Today new infected remain 150! Not very good! Still high! But then again, most of the past screening only release recently so it's not really tally and uptdate!

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 17:23 | Report Abuse

Yeah, Harapan mess up! Should have stop those taliban gathering! Instead, new government had to clean up for them!


2020-03-30 17:21 | Report Abuse

On 29th of February, Anwar could have been the new PM! He had 92 MPs! Anwar only need to get Sabah Sarawak with him! Both decline! So please! Don't blame me for stating the obvious! Instead blame the Lims and Anwar for their own imcompetence! Barely a day as Harapan leader, Anwar ran back to Mahathir!


2020-03-30 17:19 | Report Abuse

Before some idiot whack me, let me tell you who mess up! LGE! Yeah, the imcompetent 'malaysian' who victimize chinese poor undergraduates, poor sarawakians schoolgoing chidlren and so forth! Because of him, no malay party or Sarawak party wants to work with Harapan! That's why Harapan fail to form government!


2020-03-30 17:17 | Report Abuse

Q3! I wish for multiracial government! But Harapan really mess it up! Now that malays are truly united under taliban alliance, there's no hope for Harapan at all!
Thats' why i said, majority malays now only see DAP chinese or MCA chinese! Decision is yours! Choose the wrong side, suffer 5 years! Continue to be on the wrong side, there's no more next time!
Especially now that Mahathir is not around to bailout his tycoons buddies! This Covid19 will certainly going to shut many small and medium size business! last time during 1997, Mahathir helped tons of chinese businessmen! Thsi round, i really don't know!


2020-03-30 17:10 | Report Abuse

I heard Larry, Moe and Curly already acquired rights to Sheraton Move! So expect to see Larry poking Curly backside and pulling Moe tongue!


2020-03-30 17:09 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i think Sheraton Move will flop big time in cinema but then again almost all movies directed by Mahathir had already flop! Remember 'New Malaysia, Kali Ini lah'!


2020-03-30 17:03 | Report Abuse

Hihihaha! Sheraton Move was one of the worst produced movie of all time! Makes Larry, Moe and Curly more lame!


2020-03-30 17:02 | Report Abuse

Dragon! Yeah, i know! Just helping Mahathir to keep the momentum going! You know, since he is preparing to takeover Bersatu this June!


2020-03-30 16:58 | Report Abuse

Basically Mahathir, Mohiden and Assmin won the battle but lost the war! You think Pas Umno want them! They are spoilers, who wants to share the loot with them when Pas Umno can share among themselves! If Mahathir, Mohiden and Assmin want to go back to Harapan, you think Harapan want them!
Wait, actually the Lims desperate want Mahathir since he is still sellable to malays! oh wait, does the Lims know Mahathir is no longer relevant!


2020-03-30 16:43 | Report Abuse

2 years of Mahathir can only be decribed as nightmare! A leadership that is so fail that even North Korea Kim Jon Un looks like a success!
And Mahathir recently hinted that he is more that willing to make a comeback as PM as long as rakyat support him!
Dude, you burn Harapan! you already burn BN long time ago! Question is which rakyat are you talking about! Unless there's another bunch of 32 million malaysians that we don't know about!
Oh yeah, forgot! You do have few millons loyal phantom voters in Sabah! Maybe during those 2 years, you already have the same phantom voters in peninsula too! Who knows!
Anyway, Mahathir is like a dead politician who continue to make appearance! You know like how media keep reporting of seeing Mahathir cycling from Kedah to Putrajaya or horse riding during this MCO!

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 16:37 | Report Abuse

I am sure Q3 is very happy because US follow her recomendation since lockdown like Malaysia is stupid for her!

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 16:31 | Report Abuse

Iran is busy fighting Covid19! No fund to play war! Even their proxy war in Iraq under kiv!

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 16:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_down > Mar 29, 2020 9:29 PM | Report Abuse

Q3. How come you become a short sighted person and being so pessimistic now? If most of the people cooperate with the government to fight against Covid 19 during lockdown period then we won’t be end up like Wuhan. We can resume our normal life early. If you were staying in Europe or US, you might have to wait 2 months at least for breathing fresh air in the park.

Answer : Probably a year or 2! US and EU totally goner!


2020-03-30 13:16 | Report Abuse

Miker! Just buying time! Eventually China too experience blowback from 2nd wave! If not, the economic impact itself would be severe! So severe even CCP will perish!


2020-03-30 12:57 | Report Abuse

Covid19 is a man made disaster! When humanity abuse mother nature and mother nature fights back, and when mother nature fights back, humanity lose, absolutely!


2020-03-30 12:56 | Report Abuse

Oh, by the way, this is exactly why Elon Musk wants humanity to move to Mars! Because we never know when will humanity makes a huge blunder like Covid19!


2020-03-30 12:56 | Report Abuse

Miker! Yeah, sure! Anyway, don't place hope on vaccine either! Turns out, making a vaccine is extremely hard! It's easier for Elon Musk to make relaunchable rocket than actualy produce a Covid19 vaccine!


2020-03-30 12:48 | Report Abuse

Same with China! There's still over few millions chinese China yet to return home! And most of them are in US and EU!


2020-03-30 12:48 | Report Abuse

So what! Malaysia able to contain it! The next day malaysians from Italy, US Indonesia return home through front or back entry! Before you know it, another round of outbreak!


2020-03-30 12:46 | Report Abuse

Bare in mind, it's no longer containable as the whole world is infected! You need global containment to curb it but there's no politicial will!


2020-03-30 12:45 | Report Abuse

Miker! Yeah, but for how long!


2020-03-30 12:40 | Report Abuse

Ahbah! Best to plan for the worst! Build a bunker!


2020-03-30 12:40 | Report Abuse

Singapore only start to realise that their non lockdown policy is going to hit them! Donald Trump finally realise his bravado leadership is no match against unseen enemy!
Malaysia is among very few who are able to contain Covid19! But maybe! We really don't know for sure!
You see, little did we realise how severe and contagious Covid19 is! We are told that hot countries will be least affected! Yeah, ain't we glad we are in Malaysia! Until we realise those returning from Indonesia were infected! Until we realise that Indonesia is feeding fake data! You realise sure Indonesia has very little infection! Or is it because they don't screen at all! I think it's safe to say Indonesia already experience outbreak but they just don't want to admit it until it reach beyond point of no return! Why, because they don't know how to deal with it to begin with!
And just look at US and EU, developed nations! And yet, they are facing outbreak at uncontroble pace!
Should you be hopeful! Dudes, please! It's like those early days of Harapan! We thought we finally had New Malaysia! Same with Covid19!


2020-03-30 12:13 | Report Abuse

No matter how you look at it, Harapan will not stood a chance come GE15! Bersatu will dissappear just like Ku Li party!
Because, i know you know malays have united! Once the malay unite, it's just impossible to score a hadtrick!


2020-03-30 12:09 | Report Abuse

As for Harapan, the Najib card no longer relevant! Throwing Najib card will only make malay voters go back to Umno! At this point, Umno is going strong provided Tok Mat takes the leadership! Only Zahid can spoil that chance now!


2020-03-30 12:07 | Report Abuse

As of now, Bersatu definately going to lost! They are misfit in taliban alliance! Who need another 'malay' party! Pas Umno is more than enough! Beside Bersatu don't have any component party to support it and gain non malay voters, beside the fact that Bersatu doesn't have malay voters to begin with!
So you see, Bersatu is like a parasite that depends on the host! No matter how good this parasite is, end of the day, the host will find another parasite clinging on!

News & Blogs

2020-03-30 12:03 | Report Abuse

No brainer! Buy and hold gloves and condom stocks! Shake legs watch money fall from sky!


2020-03-30 01:49 | Report Abuse

At this point of time, there's no vaccine or cure! Burn this in your mind! Absolutely no vaccine or cure no matter what media are telling you! And at certain point, Covid19 will mutate!


2020-03-30 01:16 | Report Abuse

To be honest, all western leaders have failed to contain Covid19! In this type of situation, you need nerve of steel to pull the trigger! Unfortunately, Donald Trump fail to bite the bullet!
And so US becomes the highest infected nation in the world! If Donald fail to see this, he will also going to lose November election, if there's a November election given by then, serious outbreak of Covid19!
At this point, we may see repeat of Spanish flue that infected half a billion humans! Mind you, in modern terms, 3 billion will be infected in coming months!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 23:31 | Report Abuse

Damn! And i thought i have seen all type of 5 foot fortune tellers! But this indian boy really beat the heck of all of them! This fortune teller boy can predict faith of humanity! If he charge 50 cents to all 7 billion of us, he will be 50 cents billionaire!


2020-03-29 22:32 | Report Abuse

As for Anwar and Senior Lim, i hope they realise that political masturbation won't work anymore!


2020-03-29 22:31 | Report Abuse

Mahathir continues to make daily cute press statement but largely ignore by rakyat! It's like how Amos Yee persistently makes an apperance! In fact i think Mahathir and Amos Yee share similar affection for public attention! But so far Mahathir has yet made nude photos like what Amos Yee has done! But i doubt Mahathir will do it since Amos Yee barely raise controversy with that photos!
Anyway, Mahathir is politically dead! He has lost affection of Harapan crowd and has none from BN crowd! Even worst, absolutely zero from Umno crowd! In short, Mahathir has lost every single voters regardless of race and religion!
As for Mohiden and Assmin, they too lost the crowd! They have betray Harapan crowd! They are trying to gain BN crowd and Umno crowd! Again, no matter how generous they try to copy 'Cash is King' approach, such tactic remain Najib strength! Heck, Mohiden even bribe civil servants with RM500 during this Covid19 pandemic which upset the rest of malaysians since, civil servants are getting fat bonus for doing nothing and still getting full salary!
I mean, trying to copy some of Najib tactics will backfire if Mohiden and Assmin don't have the political power to implement GST because that's how to recoup that big fat 250 billon stimulus!
Anyway, the winner remain in Umno hands! Of course if Tok Mat step up to the plate and replace Zahid! That Zahid is just plain dumb!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 21:57 | Report Abuse

Poor Donald! He will lose November election for not taking Covid19 seriously!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 21:56 | Report Abuse

Q3! What is one month for returning to normal life soon! Compare to US and EU, they going into very long and painful suffering! Even UK health chief said that 20k death from Covid19 is already a good result! If our health minister said the same, he will be packed in freezer and send to New York!
What we are witnessing is a total blunder on US and EU part for not containing Covid19!
As for Alibaba, i am given the matter of fact! If China had contain it much early within their borders like SARS, things would be very different!
But now, the repercussion is going to hurt them very badly! China will see no demands from US and EU for a long time! What if it takes 3 years to recover! By then CCP would be history!

News & Blogs

2020-03-29 21:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by Up_down > Mar 29, 2020 6:51 PM | Report Abuse

I don’t have any doubts to China if their culture were like Japan or South Korea. Now, most of China money held by their CCP Elites keeping in Europe and US. This is the real facts....40 years of hard work by hardworking Chinese but most of the USD earned end up outside China. What a pity.

Answer : Alibaba! Grow some brain before accusing others of your own stupidity!