
nigga1 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-04-10 16:31 | Report Abuse

Looks like the only business open as usually is bursa! I miss my 4D outlet so much i start have piles of numbers to buy once MOC over!

News & Blogs

2020-04-10 15:25 | Report Abuse

Indonesia is a disaster! Massive outbreak is like ticking bomb! It will happen sooner!


2020-04-10 15:05 | Report Abuse

Thais don't do handshake! Instead they put their hands together and give a small bow!
The japaneses only do bow! Which is strange how we malaysians got into handshakes! Perhaps legacy from the Brittish!
To be fair, given new realisation that we can spread virus from handshake, i think we should adopt the 'malaysia salam' from now on! It's something that is uniquely malaysian indentity and i doubt we will return to the old normal even if vaccine has been discovered!
There's no resaon for handshake! The thais don't do handshake! The japanese too don't do it! So we malaysians should not as well!

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2020-04-10 10:48 | Report Abuse

If lockdown too short, Covid19 will spread like wildfire and still kill almost all businesses! So yeah, die if you do, die if you don't!

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2020-04-10 10:45 | Report Abuse

By then not only break Covid19 spread but also kill almost all businesses!


2020-04-10 10:25 | Report Abuse

So yeah, i did sold most of my stocks yesterday! But i did tell you guys to watchout for dips! Well, decision is yours!

News & Blogs

2020-04-09 19:39 | Report Abuse

Mohiden did it the right way! He does not put himself left, right and centre! Rather letting those in selection field to do all the talking! End of the day, the captain of the ship must make sure the ship survive!

News & Blogs

2020-04-09 19:37 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, the decision will be largely depend on medical experts views! One should not follow Donald Trump way, the very reason containment has failed americans! Put head of medics to brief journalists! This was another Donald Trump mistake! You don't put politician on front! You let head of medics do all the talking!


2020-04-09 16:26 | Report Abuse

Mohiden better watchout! It appears Assmin is very ambition dude! Barely a month, and there's already plenty of insiders talking about a 'change of management' inside Bersatu!
Apparently Assmin who betrayed Anwar and PKR is fast at work doing the same thing in Bersatu! Question is, many wonders if Assmin is actually working for Mahathir!
So keep that popocorn warm because we may see another Sheraton Move gong to happen again!


2020-04-09 16:20 | Report Abuse

Let's face the truth here! Would Harapan do a lockdown if Sheraton Move didn't happen! Absoluetely not! Why, because Mahathir was more concern about his Apec Summit and Visit Malaysia Year 2020!
Instead of one month lockdown, Mahathir would dilly dally and insult those calling for MCO! We all know how stubborn Mahathir is!
Today Mahathir plays the angel, telling us what to do! When in fact we know he is just divertion the blame from himself! Beside, he is preparing for comeback this June!
As for the rest of Harapan leaders, they are equally hard headed and arrogant during their administration! Some ministers refer Covid19 as 'small matter'! Some even joke about it! Some even scold those who talk about it!
Not only Covid19! Harapan inherited a solid fundamental! World Bank and IMF were singing praises about Malaysia for years! No, they were not paid to since this organisations are funded by New World Order so they don't really need a cent from any nation!
Malaysia 2 years ago was an example for developing countries! But unfortunately Najib blew it as he mess up with malay vote banks and his 1MDB scandal! Instead Najib focus on wrong vote banks and of course did lousy PR job most of the time! That was Najib weaknesses!
However, when Harapan inherited Malaysia, there was no one trillion debt! Our debt back then was healthy! We have 2 trillion wealth! And boy, Harapan didn't take long time to plunder our national assets by selling them cheap left and right! It was bloody stupid! LGE was more of bullying minister than actually managing our finance! Mahathir was too busy making enemies and Anwar with his hyperbolic rheotoric that few really understand! In short, Harpaan was tootal disaster!
So please! Harapan leaders are not ready to make a comeback! Get yourselves really qualify! Rakyat will give you another chnace provided you are ready and not telling us another fake promises, fake allegations and fake hope!

News & Blogs

2020-04-09 15:21 | Report Abuse

WHO only upgrade Covid19 to gloabl pandemic a month after Wuhan when obviously it has already spread all over the world!

News & Blogs

2020-04-09 15:20 | Report Abuse

Actually WHO indeed fail as a body to warn and contain Covid19! WHO should have immediately issue global advisery to ban China tourism and immediately advise Chian to recall all it's citizens! 2nd, WHO should have issue warnings to all countries to prepare for pandemic and advise on lockdown! In many ways, WHO has fail us!


2020-04-09 15:17 | Report Abuse

Khalid Samad has been very aggresive of late! You can find him left and right in todays politics!
However, having said that, he is one big blunder of sort! In short, he is doing more damage than good for Harapan!
Of course, Harapan is losing it's lustre! The Lims has lost their huge influence! Anwar no longer able to pull the same stuff that he did many years ago! Wan Azizah most probably will retire soon! Rafizi is goner same with Nurul! Nga Kor Ming simply replusive to most! Mat Sabu, haix, this dude is one big clown! And as for Mahathir, he is not welcome in Harapan and certainly not going to get near Pas Umno! And come June, Mahahtir will most probably once again eruptly resign as chairman been one of this core trait if things doesn't go his way! And Mahathir will never going to get a slot in Umno no matter how hard he tries!
And so enters Khalid Samad! The new de facto leader for Harapan! He is building a new narrative for Harapan! He is using both Mahathir and Anwar picturing himself as the one for Harapan!
Well, i cannot comment further! And i doubt he will gain traction as well! Then again, maybe Harapan would get desperate and maybe Khalid Ibrahim will be the next PM in waiting forever, joining Mukriz as the new candidtae!

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2020-04-09 14:27 | Report Abuse

GPS should help all regardless of their political inclination! This is not the time to play politics!


2020-04-09 10:14 | Report Abuse

I won't buy into todays green! Because technically bursa already enters overbought! Then again, it's either too early to say! So don't believe me! Decision is yours!
Perhaps best to sell on strength!
Like it or not, we will wait for tomorrow decision on lockdown! Extension will see some correction hitting bursa! But if lockdown not extended, then we may see some rallying before bursa takes a breather!
So just be cautious!


2020-04-09 10:11 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2020-04-08 11:35 | Report Abuse

Come on! Indonesia hardly do screening! We keep seeing clips of people dying on the streets daily! If you see people dying on the streets, meaning Covid19 is spreading like wildfire!

News & Blogs

2020-04-08 11:33 | Report Abuse

Selfish and irresponsible as always! Calling for parliment session again! Please Senior Lim, you can debate all day long once this pandemic is contained! What exit strategy! You have fail us when Harapan was the government! You allow too much politicking and game of throne and given zero focus on Covid19 back then! Don't keep using hero card! You are anything but a hero!

News & Blogs

2020-04-07 19:52 | Report Abuse

Vatican reputation has been in ruined years now! Too many pedo scandals covered up by the highest priest! Not to mention, hundred of years ago, the Pope would be given the right to sleep with virgin brides!

News & Blogs

2020-04-07 13:55 | Report Abuse

Phillip! SsLee! Yeah, like totally! Cash is king tactic requires source of money! That will come from GST! If Mohiden doesn't have the political will to do so, Malaysia will go bankrupt in a blink! Spending money is very easy, it's the very unpopular part of generate money that will test any leader of the day!

News & Blogs

2020-04-07 10:08 | Report Abuse

Do you know what Anwar and the Lims want! They want parliment session to debate about nothing! Yeah, that's right, they want to spread Covid19 among politicians! I certain agree! So why not Anwar and the Lims do daily close contact meeting with their politicians for 5 days straight! I am sure all of them will be infected!

News & Blogs

2020-04-07 10:06 | Report Abuse

I think most would agree Mohiden is well above Mahathir in managing this Covid19 crisis! I don't see any one apart from Wan Azizah who willing to pull the trigger! Harapan is just been populist will not dare do what Mohiden has done so far!

News & Blogs

2020-04-07 09:51 | Report Abuse

How to manage if Harapan too busy playing politics and game of throne! I am sure if Mahathir still PM, he will be too busy with Apec Summit and Visit Malaysia 2020! I am sure our borders will stil be wide open and make insult of any attempt to lockdown the whole nation! And to please his Zakar Naik buddy, friday prayers will continue as usually!

News & Blogs

2020-04-07 09:42 | Report Abuse

Compare to egoistic Mahathir, Mohiden at least show some competency! Good riddance to Harapan disastrous 2 years, if Harapan was in charge of Covid19, we be all already die standing!


2020-04-07 00:06 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia, only our politicians getting infected with turd brain! I mean, racist card is favorite card regardless of race of politicians! The religion card is favorite among malay politicians!
This Heineken Carlberg thingy is just oversight because all food lump sum as essential goods for production! That's all!


2020-04-06 23:36 | Report Abuse

Probability! It's like penis envy simdrom i guess!


2020-04-06 23:33 | Report Abuse

Well malay politicians have this phobia against non malays rights! Nowadays, there's almost none existent malay who drink beer! Zero! Even those who think they are liberal don't drink! Once upon a time, malays use to drink but those times already gone like few years ago!
Strangely, malay politians fear of beer is getting severe!


2020-04-06 23:12 | Report Abuse

The thing is Heineken Carlberg fall under food category! Meaning, government automatically approve production of foods!
So you have this so called 'tuan melayu' mentality running amok over nothing!
Look, just admit approval was given, and approve revoke! Just tell the truth! It's nothing to get so angry about!
Beside, the demand for alcohol has dipped! There's no pub no nightlife no demand for beer! As simply as that!
So please! More on!


2020-04-06 23:00 | Report Abuse

So yeah, Mahathir has been busy dishing out advise for rakyat and the government of the day!
Basically, Mahathir wans M40 to become B40 and those already in B40 hate wealthy people and jealous of their success! Of course Mahathir thinks poor people are lazy and smelly too! Which bring to mind, to him malays are uneducated, always like to take easy way out and dihonest liars!
I mean, Mahathir thoughts about rakyat is quite clear! Those who are wealthy are his kind of people! And there are those beneath his feet!
Anyway, it's very rare to find people who still admire Mahathir! Even Syed Saddiq no longer speak volume of him as the kiddo is not caught in financial mess which involve Mahathir grand dauhgter!
Luckily Mahathir still have the Lims who stil believe he will help them to make a comeback!


2020-04-06 21:11 | Report Abuse

Maybe to early to be positive but it looks like EU able to control the spread! And US showing some sign that new infected are getting lower! But let's wait and see!


2020-04-06 20:02 | Report Abuse

Sadly! Even WHO doesn't issue advise to wear glasses! If everybody wear face mask plus glasses, we should eliminate chances of infection at higher rate!


2020-04-06 20:00 | Report Abuse

So yeah, weeks ago, i did say that everybody should wear face mask! But there are few who mocked such precaution telling us that only carriers should wear them!
In the first place, we don't know who are the carriers! And assuming that you and me are not infected is just plain ignorance! The best thing is to assume everybody is infected! Therefore, everybody should wear face mask!
I know homemade face mask is not as effective! But it's better than no face mask! Especially now that getting one is quite difficult! Reusing your face mask is just plain phatetic! But that's what going on with most of us! Just ask around, many will tell you they have been using the same face mask!
Okay, here's the thing! Covid19 enters your body through your face! You can wear those transparent face protector if you really serious about pre caution!
Or wear face mask with glasses! Unfortunately, even with face mask, the best entry point is actually your eyes! Yup, your eyes are like candy to virus now!

News & Blogs

2020-04-06 16:12 | Report Abuse

Smartphone can be used to trace movement of carriers and those who have close proximity of carriers! By knowing carriers movement, effective disinfection can be carried out! And knowing who came close to carriers , government can send out text to call them in for screening! This is the best option on the table to effective contain and curb Covid19 spread!

News & Blogs

2020-04-06 15:37 | Report Abuse

If US enters depression, China will probably buyover everything! The end of US supremacy as we know it! Eventually, mass migration of chinese China will turn US into another CCP playground!


2020-04-06 15:32 | Report Abuse

Q3! Life is all about balance! Eat to much vege, and your rear end will produce green turd! Eat to much meat, you may end up with no rear!


2020-04-06 14:50 | Report Abuse

Bersatu is Mahathir creation! Just like Umno Baru that we know today! Umno Baru was created so that Mahathir can stay in power and kicked Ku Li out! Actually Ku Li already won Umno presidency post but Mahathir many tricks was able to turn the tide to his advantage!
But this coming June, Mahathir may find he is an island in Bersatu! Yeah sure, he is the chairman! Chairman is more powerful than the president! But Mohiden has major advantage!
Mohiden is buying off all the warlords including those who are or rather were pro Mahathir! By June, all will be pro Mohiden given their new found wealth and position! I mean, there's so many political appointee vacancy once Mohiden kick out all the Harapan ones!
To be frank, the only 2 still in Mahathir team is Mukriz and Syed Saddiq! Problem is, Syed Saddiq reportedly borrowed quarter million from Mahathir grand daughter but now Syed Saddiq claim was stolen by imaginary thief!
I mean, quarter million is peanut for Mahathir but been a stingy dictator, it's almost impossible for Syed Saddiq to repay his grand daughter by asking Mahathir help! Haix! Weird world!
In short, Syed Saddiq can be bought too! But i guess Mohedin has zero incentive to buy Syed Saddiq!


2020-04-06 14:38 | Report Abuse

Well, Mahathir has a way to make sure rakyat know he is still alive! Since malaysians have tendency to think Mahathir already pass away due to Covid19!
But every few days or so, Mahathir will make this uncle advise to rakyat like it's better for malaysians to learn french because who knows, we may be driving a french car adn influx of french tourists!
And for those who have lost their jobs, Mahathir tell them to be grab driver! It's honorable job even for CEOs who lost their job! Mahathir call it transportation managers! So yeah, you are not grab drivers but transportation managers!
So there! I am sure Mahathir will give us many useless advise in coming days!


2020-04-06 11:35 | Report Abuse

SsLee! Yeah, totally! It's better not to go for another extended lockdown! Maybe continue to close red zones but allow green ones to go back to normal as soon as possible!