
pharker | Joined since 2013-07-09

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2020-04-22 09:55 | Report Abuse

Now the warrant issuers hv to change their strategy, since find it difficult to depress mother price down given
1. Global trend is favouring glove counters with covid 19 pandemic
2. hv to fight with Dato now with agressive sbb, previously got to deal with retailers, now big guy in the picture

Possible switch in their tactic is
1. Sapu buy back all the warrants, so final pay out is minimal, cornered the warrants so can manipulate the price and target to break even and get out with minimal loss
2. After cornering the warrant, do a wash out during intermitten correction to clean out all the warrant holders. or
3. after cornering the warrant, pust it up to exorbitant level with rediculous premium and unload trap new buyers b4 expiry

But the main point now is that since they can no longer play down the mother given strong fundamental and global trend and the emergence of agressive sbb of the mother, the only way is to focus back their strategy on the warrant itself where they hv almost full control, since they cornered it.

Good luck to warrant holders and trade with eyes opened, my advise is take profit if you can and try not to hold on too long coz many are illiquid and cornered by the issuer and they can manipulate to a large extent


2020-04-20 15:00 | Report Abuse this also can..means that the money is destined for you to want earn less also cannot.

Luck is on your side


2020-04-20 12:04 | Report Abuse

Broken RM2..going higher


2020-04-20 08:34 | Report Abuse

Last time, retailers vs warrant bankers..always got played by invest bank nearing the maturity of their warrants..BUT NOW the game has changed ..the Company themselve is doing aggressive shares buy back.

So no more retailers ikan bilis alone vs bankers.



2020-04-01 17:28 | Report Abuse

I think Genting business and revenue model is being badly impaired for sometime to come, no V shaped recovery, it will be a big extended U shape.

Even after covid 19, people are far worst off due to unemployment, retrenchment, reduced pay etc and also scared of 2nd wave covid 19, and psychology ruined by the pandemic, so gambling, holiday, leisure will be the last on their mind .


2020-04-01 17:24 | Report Abuse

Goodness, has to resort to cancelling treasury shares now to prop up the price.

I think Genting business and revenue model is being badly impaired for sometime to come, no V shaped recovery, it will be a big extended U shape.

Even after covid 19, people are far worst off due to unemployment, retrenchment, reduced pay etc and also scared of 2nd wave covid 19, and psychology ruined by the pandemic, so gambling, holiday, leisure will be the last on their mind .


2020-04-01 17:16 | Report Abuse

Those who go in today, kena trap.


2020-03-20 16:32 | Report Abuse

Just imagine, malaysia lockdown just started but bursa can shoot up..thank you..I managed to sell whaatever i got left . Thank you


2020-03-20 16:28 | Report Abuse

Pity those who went in today at high....this small rally will trap many in the infamous classic Bear Trap


2020-03-16 12:25 | Report Abuse

Yeah, after I cut loss on Genting, i parked some of the funds in supermax and oceancash, so far these 2 counters are holding up though sometimes kena pressed down...but i think now still the best is CASH IS KING


2020-03-16 11:31 | Report Abuse

The covid 19 is hitting the economy in general, but leisure industry is the hardest hit..and unfortunately Genting is right in this sector.

It has huge operating cost to maintain with its mega structure, which cannot be scaled down easily. If tourists drastically dropped by 50% and revenue also got slashed by 50%, they cannot just closed down 50% of all facilities and lay off 50% of all staff just like that in a flash in line with the sudden drop in revenue. So the realigning process will not be smooth given its size eventually this will damage them badly

Will they recover, yes they will in my opinion but definitely not in the near future unless a miracoulous vaccine or cure is found within next 3 months, the question is are you going to bet on this ?


2020-03-16 02:40 | Report Abuse

Yes singh 1, you are absolutely right. The potential of this counter is directly correlated with the pandemic of covid 19.

At first the numbers are suppressed, but once break, it is exponential.

Yes I wish i can make profit in some other ways and not wish for the spread of the virus. But the reality is I switched to this counter as a hedge initially and cover for losses in other counters, but seeing the development of this pandemic, it is hard not to increase the hedge.


2020-03-16 01:09 | Report Abuse

I remembered not too long ago LKT tried to do some funny deals to screw minority shareholders by using Genting Bhd to take over loss making outfit in US, now he is being screwed by COVID 19. Karma

Best part is heard in the BOD meetings, he requested directors to show support by buying some shares, yes, it happened at a pathetic level, these directors came out to buy small amount by their standard, just to fulfill the request and give face to LKT,, I think many also did it unwillingly.


2020-03-16 01:01 | Report Abuse

Some jokers apparently try to downplay the potential of supermax to surge up..just like some governemnt tried to downplay the number of cases of covid 19, but once it breaks, there is no turning back. They cannot suppress for long


2020-03-16 00:53 | Report Abuse

I bought at the high of RM6.50, and slowly averages down to RM4.8. Then i took a VERY fxxrking painful decision to cut half my holdings at 4.70 incurring huge losses, after which it rebounded immediately to slightly over RM5, frustrated indeed. bang balls, but I took the opportunity cashed out the remaining 50%, after that it went up further next couple of days, then it is all the way down to now.

Yes I am a long term investor, but you need to see the situation also, your game plan needs to change in order to preserve your capital in terms of crisis situation. Capital preserved is ammunitions to fight another day.

UNLESS you have unlimited funds, or your stake is very small to even bother about risk mitigation


2020-03-16 00:44 | Report Abuse

No point cutting losses 6 months later when the price is RM3, at that time, then it might as well stick around and hang on


2020-03-16 00:43 | Report Abuse

If you know it is getting worse, whats the point of sticking around. The art of cutting losses ( yes painful for the inexperienced) and preserving capital to for a rebound later is a skill that not many can master


2020-03-16 00:40 | Report Abuse

In times of panic and desperation, vulgarity also start to surface as emotions run high due to vested losses. For those who cash out and holding cash, they are the ones making least noises as they sit on the sideline to see the fiery exchanges of vulgarities and wait for megasales to get even bigger

News & Blogs

2020-03-01 01:21 | Report Abuse

Most MPs under Mahatir regime cannot cari makan, missed the good old days...not it is a golden opportunity to get away...back to the good old days.

MPs happy can easily cari makan, rakyat also happy got BRIMs all sorts of subsidies and freebies, So why let the party stops. Live for the moment and don't worry so much for the future

Short the market Monday and make some profit and be happy


2020-03-01 01:05 | Report Abuse

No need to wait till low to go in...Now can SHORT and make immediate profit.

Big foreign funds and operators who get caught in this and make looses and is going to recover their losses by SHORTING Bursa and blue chips big time on Monday...looking at about intra day down of 200 pts.

News & Blogs

2020-03-01 00:34 | Report Abuse

No need to wait till low to go in...Now can SHORT and make immediate profit.

Big foreign funds and operators who get caught in this and make looses and is going to recover their losses by SHORTING Bursa and blue chips big time on Monday...looking at about intra day down of 200 pts.


2020-03-01 00:30 | Report Abuse

No need to wait till low to go in...Now can SHORT and make immediate profit.

Big foreign funds and operators who get caught in this and make looses and is going to recover their losses by SHORTING Bursa and blue chips big time on Monday...looking at about intra day down of 200 pts.

Some people forgot that there is this thing call short selling..and foreign funds are the master of this technique..some of them exited earlier at a loss, but i splanning to recver the loss by shorting BIG TIME

News & Blogs

2020-03-01 00:25 | Report Abuse

No need to wait till low to go in...Now can SHORT and make immediate profit.

Big foreign funds and operators who get caught in this and make looses and is going to recover their losses by SHORTING Bursa and blue chips big time on Monday...looking at about intra day down of 200 pts.


2020-02-28 15:13 | Report Abuse

perfect storm, not only for Genting, but the whole bursa..

Bursa got double whammy..corona virus + political uncertainty

Only safe haven is cash or some bio tech stock involve in vaccine, meds or test kit for covid 19 like Co-diagnostic, Vir biotech (VIR) or moderna etc


2020-02-28 15:02 | Report Abuse

Very weird, all IB's issue target price RM6 , RM7 yesterday only, with huge upside, but actual opposite, price slowly going down below 5------> meaning they are also caught, need to unwind, so blast high target price luring small investors to go pick up their shit


2020-02-28 11:23 | Report Abuse

Where is the guy yesterday who said the covid 19 is already priced in , otherwise cannot buy in at multi years low price ? Why suddenly comments disappeared?


2020-02-27 21:47 | Report Abuse

Well. Good luck


2020-02-27 21:20 | Report Abuse

Genting needs to incur huge operating cost to maintain its mega facility like theme park, resort and licence etc. It neeeds huge amount of tourist and gamblers to bring forth the revenue. Once this decline substantially, it will be hard hit. Not surprising the coming Q incur losses.

By then the funds would have exited, and using the losses to push it down further the share price , so they can start to collect at low. After shortly, vaccine for covid 19 is available, then using the good news to push up the price in tandem with increased tourists.

Just like previous SARs episode


2020-02-25 11:33 | Report Abuse

Wild card- agreed nobody expected

Temporary blip - how long ? 3 to 4 months until a vaccine is out or the spread is contained.

After the dust settled, China's and surrounding Pacific Ream countries like Japan and Korea economy will be recovering from the damage and may take some for them to travel abroad, especially China

Will need to look at Genting Q1 2020 to assess the magnitude this crisis hit its bottomline, my guess is it will take a while to recover.

V-shaped recovery? Very opstimistic


2020-02-24 16:50 | Report Abuse

market Buy sell order sudah keluar


2020-02-24 11:44 | Report Abuse

Or liquidate and keep the cash is king re-enter point hanging on a falling global market


2020-02-24 11:35 | Report Abuse

Strategy...switch to other sectors that can hedge this crisis. Go and see what counters that is not down or even up, then you know which is the potential sector to hedge


2020-02-24 11:32 | Report Abuse

Genting and GenM will be the most hard hit on several fronts (bad luck and timing):-

1.China tourist down, so does other countries tourist in view of the Covid 19 virus pandemic
2. Gamblers also reduced in view of less China tourists who are also gamblers
3. Incurred huge CApex, theme park and other infra,,fixed cost burning but cannot cover from reduced revenue..this will kill them
4. Cruise ship business also affected..people scared to go on cruise now..Genting Cruise business drop almost more than 50%
5. Political uncertainty..another risk factor to add on to the problem

Not surprising if the price goes below RM5 when next QR is announced, which is going to be bad despite what non-sense the Invest Bank say , in collusion with the media, because the COvid 19 also caught them by surprise, and they are also unloading but need to come out with positive coverage to help them and their big clients unload


2020-02-21 14:58 | Report Abuse

Not moving. Got stuck


2020-02-04 15:41 | Report Abuse

IB and big funds started 2nd wave of unloading...starting now


2020-02-04 15:16 | Report Abuse

@thurston ...lost for words too.


2020-02-03 15:48 | Report Abuse

Most funds and IB also got stuck here too, they did not predict or fore see this coronavirus pandemic coming, but the hit on tourism and genm genting is going to be as real as it gets, it is no wonder they still come out with this BS report that the impact is not that big blah blah, some even reiterated a HOLD position..what a BS, while they gradually unload. Good luck..its going to be a gradual slide down. Just looks at what SARs did to tourism and genting previously..this time the impact is even larger given that the number of China tourist recently made up more % than compared to during SARs time


2020-02-03 11:49 | Report Abuse

The previous SARS pandemic lasted for 6 months..and Genting loss 35% market cap from the start of the SARS , it only started to pick up 5 months after SARS started. Going by the same analogy, coronavisus started only 1 to 2 months, and may be more severe than SARS, so still can get cheaper


2020-02-03 11:43 | Report Abuse

Do not listen to BS by investment banks , many big institutional funds got stuck here too and they are gradually unloading, they issue some comforting report so to let us pick up while they unload.


2020-02-03 11:40 | Report Abuse

Tourism, theme parks, hotels, airlines are the first line to be hit, then followed by retails and so on..domino effect. ...avoid or is king now. As the coronovirus is still a big unknown, markets will continue to trend down..can get cheaper later


2020-01-28 16:13 | Report Abuse

Any counter in bursa or other exchanges that manufacture mask ( instead of gloves), a more direct exposure to the current coronavirus crisis ?


2019-11-06 02:07 | Report Abuse

This is the first phase of WINDOW DRESSING for most funds...usually push to highest in Nov, then let it drop a bit in Dec closing.....annual window dressing show la


2019-10-01 15:16 | Report Abuse

Looks like suspended d...what a waste. Concentrate on magni then


2019-10-01 15:11 | Report Abuse build factory in Vietnam or not?


2019-10-01 11:42 | Report Abuse

Extracted from their 2018 annual report, pg 39

As at 30 June 2018, RM22 mil allocated for construction of new plant in Vietnam from Right issue proceeds to be fully utilised in 2 years, and as at july 2018, RM2.1 million spent on construction

So not completed yet, you mean ?


2019-10-01 11:02 | Report Abuse

Latest catalysts...
1. thanks to Trump, trade war has shifted focus to Vietnam, major textile hub where they have a strong presence
2. Vietnam new plant now commissioned and begin operation to capitalise on the additional orders
3. One prominent global sports apparel , name start with "N...", Magni's major customer, has inked an agreement with Plexus for more new orders , part of N... risk management policy to mitigate concentration risk and diversify suppliers
4. previous quarter loss more like non cash depreciation..
5. Insider director has been accumulating for the past few months..go check bursa record for yourself

Power up...diversify your magni and buy some plexus..just like what N... did, diversify their suppliers


2019-09-27 12:16 | Report Abuse

Actually, the new modus operandi of operator or institutional underwriter is this :-

They get the bulk of shares at the same price as retailer at IPO price of no advantage lo.

To gain an edge over the retailers, they need to push down and collect lower than 0.53, may be averaging at 0.43. So their average price is 0.43, then slowly push up to 0.43 and start to unload, when this is happening, many retailers happy hope to see it reach IPO 0.53 and holding and praying.

But most of the time, it never reach 0.53, may be at 0.50, the operators already unload all..and then its free fall for the longest time with no volume...until the next goreng which is dunno when ..GOOD LUCK


2019-09-18 22:26 | Report Abuse

Goreng to trap ikan bilis, loss making outfit, refer last Q result, a shame to the garment industry, total opposite of MAgni.

Heard owner selling business and cashing out, refer to their last bursa announcement, which they deny shamelessly