
pjseow | Joined since 2017-02-05

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2021-02-26 12:37 | Report Abuse

MFCB resukt is out. Record profit of 93 million. EPS 19.64 sen.


2021-02-26 11:04 | Report Abuse

Haha, very kan chong . It must be a big announcement with many Q and A . MFCB management may be holding a press conference now.making announcement on last qtr result , new business plus bonus and.right issues. All in.one.


2021-02-26 10:05 | Report Abuse

probability, I hope you also reap the reward of your oil palm plantation investment . The palm oil price is touching all time high of RM 4000.


2021-02-26 10:01 | Report Abuse

pputeh, good morning , lets hope for super good news


2021-02-26 01:04 | Report Abuse

Probability, thanks .Do you still keep your mfcb which you bought a year ago?


2021-02-25 23:59 | Report Abuse

Another possibility could be the award of 50 to 100 MW LSS4 project . The sharp spike of more than a riggint share prices in the last one month could be another hint that something good is coming. Lets wait and see tomorrow.


2021-02-25 23:37 | Report Abuse

Yes. possibly.a press conference announcing another lucrative Hydro electric power plant in Laos. Bonus issue do not need such long suspension from.9.00 am to 12.30pm


2021-02-23 21:54 | Report Abuse

Topglove pre pandemic price is about rm 6 not rm 2. After share split from 1 to 3 , the normalised price is 6/3 which is rm 2 . With today s price at rm 5.67 , the multiple is 5.67/2 which is 2.84 x.

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2021-02-23 21:15 | Report Abuse

In stock investment,staying objective with good conviction and preseverance are important .If you exclude Supermx the price of which grew 7x with today pricing, the other 3 glove stocks only grow between 2 to 3 x although their earnings grew between 5 to 20x. Many research houses and glove manufacturing bodies predicted the demand will continue to exceed supply for the next 3 to 4 years. Ask yourself this question, with glove and other PPEs.made compulsory as part of medical requirements throughout the world ,can the medical personnel stop using gloves once the 70 % of world population.are vaccinated? Wearing gloves are a Mandatory requirement. Once the rule is fixed and implemented,there is no turning back. It is unlike semicon or consumer electronics , you can decide not to buy if the leadtime is 6 months to a year ,then.demand will drop.I have seen dot com burst but I have never seen glove com burst in the last 20 years.

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2021-02-23 16:43 | Report Abuse

In my opinion,glove counters are better bet at this moment. Both the glove and semicon counters had seen their prices gone up from 2x to 10x in the last one year. The glove stocks are backed by REAL profits increase from last 3 qtrs plus good visibility of better profits in the next few qtrs. Hence , their PE are already at single.digits. In contrast, semicons are not backed by proven record profits. Their PE ranged from 50 to more than 100. Although both sectors expect the.demand will exceed the supplies for the next 3 years, the glove counters are cash rich with better proven past records on growth , profit stability than semicon sectors.


2021-02-21 21:54 | Report Abuse

To predict the future earnings and revenues of topglove, we should look at historical facts . The last pandemic was H1N1 which started in Jan 2019 and end in Aug 2010 lasting 18 months. Estimated infected was 60 million worldwide with a few hundred thoudands death. Topglove earning and revenue peak between 12 to 15 months from the beginning of the pandemic. The peak qtrly earning was 70 millions and revenue was 600 millions. After the peak , it taper down.for about a year before they started to move up again. Then in 2015 which was 5 years after the peak in 2010, the earning match the peak of 70 millions. The earnings continue to grow to more than.100 millions. If topglove were to repeat the same.cycle with this pandemic , assuming the earnings peak in 2021, after a year or 2 of tapering down, the earnings will grow and match the 2021 peak in 2026 when the capacity has grown double. How much will topglove worth by then? You can do the maths and not forgetting hiw much dividend you would have recd during the 5 years.


2021-02-21 14:10 | Report Abuse

In the last 20 years, the glove counters have seen a few pandemics like Sars , H1N1 , Mers and Zika. The demand shot up more than normal . When the pandemics end , the demand will taper down.for a few qtrs and.then.up again . Yes, Covid 19 pandemics might be over in 3 to 5 years time . Demand might taper off . Based on historical records, after pandemic is over , the glove counters will continue to grow at a normal rate of 8 to 10 % .


2021-02-20 20:27 | Report Abuse

Many analysts predicted ASP will peak in mid 2021 or end of 2021. With leadtime still at 300 plus days, the revenue and profit will peak a few months later assuming the kead time for spot sales is still.a few months. Besides , the average 20 % increase in.capacity per year will also increase its revenue and earnings . Hence it is logical to assume that earnings will not be peak in 2021 but more likely in 2022 or 2023.

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2021-02-14 14:44 | Report Abuse

American Democracy is fast becoming a big joke. In the last election, Trump can still get about 50 % of support despite how he failed misetably in containing the pandemic which resulted in 26 millions infections and 450 thousands death. This is 200x worst than China despite China population is 4 x of US. Another joke is that during the last 2 months of his term , Trump can exercise his power to pardon scores of criminals some of whom were his associates. The latest Senate dismissal of him showed that US Democracy is the biggest joke of the century.It is obvious that US will decline as the system is against UNIVERSAL MORALITY , ETHICS and HUMAN VALUES.

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2021-02-14 12:33 | Report Abuse

The covid 19 pandemics was politicised so much that many peoples becomes irrational and emotional rather than looks at scientific.facts. We should leave the investigation by virus experts in the field to make conclusion based on the genome sequences and other traces of covid antigens in blood samples drawn before Dec 2019 . The fact that China covid virus has type C only versus US has all.the 5 types A B C D E speak volumes of the suspicion that the US should be investigated too. There were other reports that covid 19.virus was found in France, Italy ,US and Spain earlier than Dec 2019 in blood samples and sewerage. US must also provide reasons for.the closing down of Fort Detrik at Maryland in August 2019 after an.outbreak of flu like epidemic near Maryland .

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2021-02-13 21:23 | Report Abuse

Ease of doing business and number of new billionaires are not a good measures of how a country is performing. GDP and per.capita are a better measures. Malaysia was stuck at the US 10K per.capita for many years.The fact that Malaysia cant achieve the Vision 2020 after 30 years while others like Korea, Taiwan ,HK and Singaopre achieved the high income nation.status before year 2000 require serious post mortem and corrective actions. The other measures is % of middle class .Japan has 2/3 of its population under middle class while China has one third under middle class and has a plan to double to 2/3 by 2035. Malaysia is stuck with the middle income trap with no concrete plan to move forward. This is a big concern . With our best drains migrating and working overseas, it is getting more difficult to attract high end investments . What worry most is that the current cabinets are keeping quiet and has no clue on what to do next .

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2021-02-13 19:53 | Report Abuse

I think by now our national debts is already hitting 1 trillion.Assuming an interest rate of 3 %, our government need to pay rm 2.5 billion monthly on interest alone. It is ironical that since 1970s Petronas had contributed almost a trillion in terms of dividend yo our government but yet the government still owed a trillion. In contrast , Norway had used its oil revenue much more wisely by investing in.stocks and other assets .Today Norway government investment from oil revenue is worth trillions in.US dollars. Every rakyat should be very concerned on.how our government is spending the revenue collected from.both corporate ,income and other taxes plus dividend from petronas. Every citizens who pay taxes has the right to question and criticize if the money is wasted through corruption and other unethical means . Only those who benefitted from the loots will be unhappy with the questioning and criticism.


2021-02-12 08:33 | Report Abuse

Happy new year . Wishing all mfcb shareholders have a prosperous year of the ox.

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2021-02-10 21:11 | Report Abuse

Trump did not trust WHO and went his own way but end up big disaster. WHO warned the world about the pandemic but Trump did not believe WHO and downplayed the danger saying that it is just like flu and will went away SOON.I trust WHO and did not trust Trump . He screwed US with 470,000 death and almost 27 million infections.


2021-02-10 15:07 | Report Abuse

Ikanbillis999, There are more than 15 call warrants which will expired this month and also similar number next months. These warrants were sold by the banks at conversion prices matched with the super low market prices a year ago. It is to the interests of these bankers to push down the prices of glove counters as much as possible even.at a loss such that they do not have to pay so much to the warrant holders. We just need to wait for a few more months when when.these low conversion prices call warrant expired.


2021-02-10 14:53 | Report Abuse

At the current price , it is a good buy with more than 15 % dividend yield for this year and most probably next year too. This dividend is equivalent to more than rm 2.00 from.2021 to 2023. This is equivakent to buying at rm 4.00 .Come 2024 , even.with profit drop to 1/4 of the peak , the dividend yield is still at the high of 5.3 % assuming 70 % payout and at the net effective price of rm 4.00. Will add more.


2021-02-07 16:21 | Report Abuse

newbie8080. Thank you. Those who bought in the last few months would have made betwwen.10 to 20 % depending on what price they bought at .


2021-02-07 15:54 | Report Abuse

newbie8080 , I bought my first 2k units in 2016 . I added much in mid 2019 . I have been adding and promoting mfcb since then . My average is about 4.50 。MFCB is still.my number 1 investment in.my portfolio this year .


2021-02-06 15:53 | Report Abuse

Before Covid 19 pandemic , topglove and the other 3 glove makers have been.enjoying growth rate of 10 to 15 % annually for the last 10 to 20 years. The Covid 19 pandemic started in Jan 2020 accerelated the growth to 30 % last year and expected to grow 20 % this year and next year and then grow 15 % annually there after. It is illogical to think that demand will.drop after the pandemic is over. It is more logical to assume that the growth rate will be back to normal of 10 to 15 % growth. The ASP may peak in the middle of this year and stabilize for some time before dropping off gradually to a level between US 25 to 30 per thousand in 2024 or 2025 based on predictions. At this ASP, Topglove can still make between 25 sen to 33 sen per share. Based on the PE of 30 which the market give to Topglove in the past 5 years before pandemic, it is worth rm 7.50 to 9.90. If you consider the dividend of more than 2 ringgit which is expected to receive ftom 2021 to 2023 , topglove is a safe bet.at the current price of 6.60. My opinion.


2021-02-05 23:09 | Report Abuse

MPI has less than half the.number of shares of mfcb . Its daily transactions are not high.either but its share.price has grown.3.5 x within.9 months despite the so called " illiquidity ". In my opinion, the most important is whether the good fundamentals of the stock.is in IB.s radar.screen. MFCB was selected by.IB.s as one of the 11 stocks to be owned in.2021. The recent.hike of mfcb prices is a testimony that mfcb was discovered by more and more IB s as a Gems of Bursa. MFCB has all the necessary business fundamentals like growth , profit margin, recurring cash flow, PE ratio to be selected as a good buy. Once it start to pay a decent dividend , dividend yield is the next good criteria of a good buy.


2021-02-05 18:07 | Report Abuse

RJ87, I do welcome a bonus issue with prices going into 10 . There will be more shares floating in the market and more buying and selling .


2021-02-05 17:07 | Report Abuse

MFCB.closed at 8.01 ,another record . If you compare its share price in.2016 it has gone up 4x within.5 years translating into CAGR of 28.8 %.


2021-02-05 16:37 | Report Abuse

RJ 87 , in my opinion ,if a company is growing its earning , its share price will grow proportionately regardless whether it has bonus issue or not . You can disagree with me. I want to.take.a.US stock AVGO as sn example. AVGO.started with 5 dollar a share in 2017 . Today its.share price us 470 dollar . It.has never split I t has grown 94x .


2021-02-05 16:12 | Report Abuse

Bonus issue vs splitting . Is bonus of 1 to 1 the same as one share split into 2 ? Valuation wise , both are the same. It is like your original piece of cake is cut into 2 pieces. The word bonus seems to give you a good feeling you are gaining extra but in.actual fact it.doesnt. The only.advantage is that you can sell a smaller piece . Both Topglove and supermx went through share split or bonus issue a few months back. Topglove.split from.one to three while supermx from one to two. Today the values of 3 shares of topglove and 2 shares of supermx are lower respectively than the values of one share before split . Bonus issue or share.split.does not add value to the company.


2021-02-05 14:49 | Report Abuse

Historically, every 5 or 6 years there were viral outbreaks like EBOLA ,SARS, H1N1 ,ZIKA , Mers and now Covid 19. Gloves are always required to prevent infections not only from virus but bacteria . In the last 20 years , demand for gloves has been.growing at 10.to 15 % per year during normal period and at 15 to 30 % during epidemic or pandemic period. Topglove has been growing at more than 20 % CAGR for the last 20 years in terms of revenue and earnings.


2021-02-04 15:36 | Report Abuse

One financial aspect which many financial analysts failed to notice or appreciate is the net profit margin when compared mfcb with other similar power generation stocks like malakoff and ytlpower. MFCB profit margin is more than 40 % compared with the others which.has less than 5 % margin. MFCB deserve much higher PE than the others just like Harta was rewarded with much higher PE than the other 3 glove stocks in the past.many years due to its better margin.


2021-02-04 10:15 | Report Abuse

MFCB is on the uptrend after 5 months of correction.when it reached the peak.at 7.80 in late.August 2020. It looks like mfcb will break its previous record high .MFCB.is still.undervalue with current PE.of about 12 when it has a cssh.cow which can.generate cash of more than 400 million.annually plus other strong growth businesses like packaging and.solar renewable energy. MFCB.deserved a PE of more than 15 if you compared with other stocks which do not have such fundamentals . The total undiscounted cash flow.from Don Sahong power plant for the balance 24 years is more than 10 billions. Don Sahong power has been operating for a year already with proven cash flow .


2021-02-04 08:05 | Report Abuse

I have been.buying Topglove since June last year with an average cost of about 6 . I bought Topglove based on.average IB s.valuation with some margin.of safety plus my own valuation.using DCF which consider current cash position plus total future cash generated discounted to present value. Dividend yield is another attraction which prompted me to buy more at the current attractive prices. Dividend is real cash . In my opinion , Topglove is a good investment for medium.and long term at current prices.It is better for JPM to short some semicon stocks which are having ridiculous PE and prices .

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2021-02-03 23:44 | Report Abuse

I used to respect DR M in the 90s and early 2000 and like equate him with LKY. But what happen to Malaysia in the last few years made me feel.DR M is nowhere close when.compared with LKY. DR M.left behind a divided Malaysia and with no.clear future .

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2021-02-03 23:34 | Report Abuse

FocusM, Please do a professional jounalism. Why second guess Topglove ? Go and interview its HR Recruitment Director and get the facts rather than.sit on.the armchair and second guess whether the recruitment is real or just a PR Exercise. Focus M is really a.low class media which is out to create rumour rather than do real reporting.


2021-02-03 16:24 | Report Abuse

In another 2 to 3 weeks, mfcb will release its Q4 result . Based on.Public invest report, the availability factor for Don Sahong power plant will be higher than 92.2 % since Q4 is wetter than Q3 . The resource division.is also expected to do slightly better than.Q3. I think Q4 will make record profit. Hope it can hit 100 million .


2021-02-03 16:04 | Report Abuse

I. am holding for medium term for its super.dividend. Will add if it go below
6.6 .


2021-02-02 16:35 | Report Abuse

Nicholas. Below are the calculation. Based on more than 10 IB s forecast , Topglove will make 10 billion in 2021 . LWC has announced that 70% of the earning will be paid out as dividend. which means 7 billion will be paid as dividend to all shareholders. Topglove has a total of 8.2 billion shares. That means dividend of 85 sen ( 7 /8.2 ) per share eill be distributed . Dividend yield is Total dividend / share price . You get 12.14 % dividend yield assuming you buy at rm 7.00.


2021-02-02 16:19 | Report Abuse

Many buy for the super duper dividend yield. Even at 7.00 the yield is more than 12 % which is way way above the FD.rate of 2.%.


2021-02-02 14:14 | Report Abuse

Nicholas , the answer is a definte No. Look at Flu which the vaccines are available for years already but we still have Flu.epidemic every now and then. First not everybody will take the vaccines . Second the immunitization can last for only one year . With these 2 conditons, Flu will never be eradicated. Similarly not everybody are innoculated with Covid 19 vaccines . The pandemics may be able to be contained to a low level but every now and then an endemics will sprout out . Prevention is still needed at the post pandemic era.


2021-02-02 10:27 | Report Abuse

MFCB is one of the 11 stocks recommendrd by IBs that investors should own in 2021. Strong future cash flow, low PE plus good potential growth of its 2 other businesses which is Solar power generation.and packaging. Its founder and CEO mr Goh is ranked 30th richest man in Malaysia with the strong growth in.Market Cap for MFCB and D &O in 2020.


2021-02-02 10:12 | Report Abuse

When MFCB pay off its borrowings in the next 2 to 3 years, I think it can easily pay 30 sen.dividend per share .


2021-02-02 10:02 | Report Abuse

Topglove will announce 2021 Q2 result in.Mid March. Will announce a dividend of at least 22 s per share. It is worth holding till then at least


2021-02-01 19:20 | Report Abuse

Although the earnings is between rm 300 to 330 million per year, its FCF is about rm450 million which.is about rm 1.00 per share .The earlier prediction.of 30 s per share for dividend may not materialise due to heavy investment in packaging and other businesses , I think 20 s per share of dividend should be reasonable

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2021-02-01 12:08 | Report Abuse

Topglove share price went up 4x from 2015 till end of 2019 when the world overall grow 7.3% CAGR. Harta share price grow 3x ,kossan grow 2x and supermx no growth during this same period. With Frost and Sullivan forecast of 19.4 CAGR from 2020 till 2025,how much will Topglove share price grow? 4x, 6 x ,8 x or 10x ? If it is 4x, the TP is RM 8 ,If 6x , TP will be RM 12 and if 8x , TP will be RM 16 , 10x will be RM 20 by 2025. The growth rate of 19.4 % is 2.5x of 7.3 % CAGR.


2021-01-31 17:59 | Report Abuse

With conservative potential earnings of 10 billions in 2021, 10 billions in 2022 , 5 billions in 2023 and 2 .5 to 3 billions per year threa thereafter , at current price of 6.74 , the dividend yield will be 12.6%, 6.3%,and 4.5 % which is much higher than the bank FD rates of less than 2 %. The other plus sides is capital gain because of low PE of less than 10. Evrn if the price go up another 50%, the dividend yield are ,still at 8.4 %, 4.2% and 3 % respectively. These yields are still better than current FD rates. The assumptions are 70 % payout from the earnings.


2021-01-31 17:42 | Report Abuse

In such a low interest environment of less than 2 % FD rate ,many are looking at high dividend yield stocks which give more than 3 % yield plus potential price appreciation. Topglove is one of the high dividend yield stock with potentials of earning


2021-01-30 11:20 | Report Abuse

MFCB is undevalue . For a company like mfcb which has never lose money in the last 20 years and has been.growing its revenue and earnings with compounded double digit growth deserve a higher PE than the current PE of 11.The Don Sahong power plant with 25 years agreement provide a stable.cash flow and income while growing its other Solar power and packaging business . Comparing with the current techology.stocks with PE between.50 to 100, mfcb easily.deserve a PE of more than.15.


2021-01-29 23:18 | Report Abuse

Wonder why TSMC set up 5nm wafer foundry in.US when there are more skilled labour in Taiwan and labour cost is cheaper ? A few.factors. First.could be Business Continuity. If there is a big earthquake is Taiwan or other catastrophe, you haveq a back up. Second could be political. Close proximity to your biggest customers. The labour cost.difference could be mitigated if production lines are fully automated and the US plant is only less than 5 or 10% of the total output.