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2020-05-04 13:00 | Report Abuse

in Malaysia we face a very smart virus.......Todate, only old men with complications have died...........

News & Blogs

2020-05-04 12:32 | Report Abuse

genuine investors..........would u choose Lctitan, Tenaga, Telekom, PChem?

for genuine investors , I will choose the latter 3.......

these are called crown jewels, state monopolies....... they do not face the risks of LcTitan.........

News & Blogs

2020-05-04 12:21 | Report Abuse

want to trade or want to invest?

people who buy LCtitan are traders just want to trade the share and make some money........but also like to pretend they are value investors

value investors got good image ....speculators got bad image.........

but if u can only buy 1 share and keep for next 5 years, will u buy Lctitan ? surely not.

its got too many uncertainties acting against it.....principally, its got too many state backed competitors ...and China is bringing on-stream another very huge complex this year..........

privately owned model.....very tough.

News & Blogs

2020-05-04 11:59 | Report Abuse

oh...u are not like KYY? U just wanted average or slightly above average returns from stock market?

then all u need are 3 words........be PROACTIVE, CONSISTENT AND HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOUR SELF.

knowledge and experience are the foundation

character and attitude are the walls.

News & Blogs

2020-05-04 11:53 | Report Abuse

stock market is different thing to different people.....Can u be like KYY one stock at a time, sailang and margin one stock at a time?

that takes a special kind of people with special character and attitude.

News & Blogs

2020-05-04 11:46 | Report Abuse

buy record high or record low is a question of character and attitude as much as it is about experience and knowledge..........

News & Blogs

2020-05-04 11:44 | Report Abuse

and who can wag rubber gloves when everyone know rubber gloves are doing well and shares at record highs and there are so many shares at record lows?


News & Blogs

2020-05-04 11:41 | Report Abuse

its almost by definition, all so called value investors are rear view mirror investors.........

but who can be a competent entrepreneur with business sense?

News & Blogs

2020-05-04 11:36 | Report Abuse

value investors and kc chong with rear view mirrors are like your average bankers......

philips is like the extra careful banker....

like what they say, an excellent banker says No 100 times for every Yes they say.......

but if every broker like Philips, all stock broking houses bankrupt ..........


2020-05-04 09:57 | Report Abuse

sslee............gloves are the only game in town.............Is there any other game?


2020-05-04 09:55 | Report Abuse

Wallen the Bufalo also say don't bet against America

But he is wrong there too.

America is now the laughing stock of the world. America is not the city on the hill anymore.

Many people have hated America but none has laughed at America until now.

Takes a lot to sink the titanic, but the titanic will sink.


2020-05-04 02:08 | Report Abuse

Knowledge and experience are the foundation
Character and attitude are the Walls

I cannot find any weakness in Philips armory.....

But the finishing is beyond anyone's control.

sometimes the Era just fits a person's character and attitude and some times, it just works against a person's character and attitude...........


2020-05-04 01:55 | Report Abuse

This Philips sound like a complete investor to me and good mentality too.

But, u never can be certain. Wallen the Bufalo just reported a $ 50 billion lost because of the virus...............

me? I think there is a time for investors like Wallen the Bufalo.......and there are times for traders.......

I need to stick with 3 words written in the passport for success


News & Blogs

2020-05-03 22:33 | Report Abuse

not surprised DAP tends to be more conservative in this area........

News & Blogs

2020-05-03 22:32 | Report Abuse

not just about corona...its about health, hygiene and habits......

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2020-05-03 22:26 | Report Abuse

doctors are super conservative and all iron rice bowl people says no work better........politicians got no guts...

who thinks about the country?


2020-05-03 12:43 | Report Abuse

share market..........u can choose the hot gloves or the cold O&G........

me? I think people who choose Dayang and Hibiscus ought to be shot........

News & Blogs

2020-05-03 12:40 | Report Abuse

share market..........u can choose the hot gloves or the cold O&G........

me? I think people who choose Dayang and Hibiscus ought to be shot........

News & Blogs

2020-05-03 12:35 | Report Abuse

KYY attitude.....its only money..........He very good in speculations and buying...........not so good in selling.......

News & Blogs

2020-05-03 12:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > May 3, 2020 11:49 AM |

In my opinion is it is silly to use mathematics to calculate greed, optimising and negativity.

nothing to guide anyone except experience and attitude.............hahahaha

News & Blogs

2020-05-03 11:39 | Report Abuse

rally still got legs because it is the only game in town.........................


2020-05-02 20:21 | Report Abuse

after a while, every country so fed up, they will stop showing case and death statistics....

News & Blogs

2020-05-02 19:29 | Report Abuse

petition? If u are teacher or anyone with iron rice bowl, u will sign the petition. But for many, hands stop mouth stop, How?

Poverty and mental disorder kills as effectively as any virus will........

MCO...many suffering from loneliness and mental disorder already......


2020-05-02 19:28 | Report Abuse

petition? If u are teacher or anyone with iron rice bowl, u will sign the petition. But for many, hands stop mouth stop, How?

Poverty and mental disorder kills as effectively as any virus will........

MCO...many suffering from loneliness and mental disorder already......


2020-05-02 19:12 | Report Abuse

u see...I make predictions, I put in expiry dates.....that way my predictions are verifiable........


2020-05-02 19:10 | Report Abuse

sslee/ philip

before 2020 ends, there will be > 1 billion cases and 3 million deaths..........per the IRC.............

wait and see how equity markets handle that.

News & Blogs

2020-05-02 18:56 | Report Abuse

politics is never about country.............politics is always about Me, I.........

petition? I bet u , this petition is about Najib and his desire to over throw Muhidin......................


2020-05-02 17:51 | Report Abuse

philips.............how do u like, every business also open close open close for next 12 months..

Malaysia not Wuhan.......there is no way Malaysia can so swiftly defeat virus like China can.....Latest number of cases back to trible digits just before our re opening.......

Open close open close, every business also bankrupt in Malaysia in the next 12 months.

But u should be ok......

Yinson.........international business
Serba...........middle East.......

slowly slowly shifting all assets overseas..........


2020-05-02 14:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > May 2, 2020 2:22 PM | Report Abuse

Haha qqq3
Malaysia roads are so bicycle unfriendly. Most likely you will be knocked down by motorbike or car and end up in hospital.

And by the way Malaysia weather is so hot and humid you will sweet like hell before you reach your office.


u give Singapore another 10 years...........Singapore will show it can done , even in a tropical country.

When voters measure government by GDP , they will promote car industry.......

When voters measure government by better metrics, they will promote cycling........

China....China is land of opportunities and land of cycling until 2000...........now 20 years of fast car growth, China too will go back to its roots........

this time, with E bikes.......


2020-05-02 14:27 | Report Abuse

financial markets vs realists............

financial markets bullish, realist bearish....I am on realist side.

financial markets are always optimistic, forever optimistic, that is in their genes and what all analysts are paid to do.

central banks printing money pushing up share prices. In the real world, we call it drug abuse.


2020-05-02 14:02 | Report Abuse


France is giving 400 Euro to every one who cycles to work. Bicycles and E bikes selling like hot cakes.........France is investing heavily in cycling infrastructure as a result of virus..........

If our government can copy that..then there is some thing good coming out of virus.


2020-05-02 13:58 | Report Abuse

no such rule


2020-05-02 13:41 | Report Abuse

I am just using K Power and Scib to say there are other ways to play the market...............


2020-05-02 13:26 | Report Abuse

one can argue the 2008 crisis did not kill the Buy and Hold world.......... but will the 2020 corona crisis kill the Buy and Hold world?

that is a rhetorical question but if it is japan 1990.....or if recent rebound is dead cat bounce of 1929 to be followed by a decade long recession only to be revived by a world war.....then , u can say the corona crisis has killed the buy and hold.

I shall call it the Wallen Bufalo era where Wall Street is King of the Hill. If the virus kill the Era, what so surprising?

Is such an Era really worth preserving? Is it the right formula to tackle the next pandemic which is climate change?

the last 40 years of Wallen Bufalo Era produced all the present day ills of America ..such as unsustainable wealth/ income inequality,

me? I think every crisis, new winners and losers........and I think this crisis big enough to produce some fundamental changes.......changes such as......mainstreet take back power over Wall Street...........distribution of wealth/ income......more equality of wealth / income ( like Japan )......

We are talking about socialism with Chinese characteristics or even socialism with western characteristics.

We are talking about less jobs for Wall Street and more jobs for mainstreet and government.

We are talking about reduced corporate profits and lower PE multiples

We are talking about governments breaking up private sector monopolies and rebuilding of government monopolies and State owned enterprises that benefits jobs and the people.

We are talking about a whole new and better world.........yes...after the corona has killed off the old and useless...........

Back to more immediate concerns.........

Trump think shooting China, blaming China, new tarifs on China, sending warships into the South China Sea will get him reelected but only managed to scare the market..... Back to the drawing board for him.....

Dow down 600... Is dead cat bounce over? I would think so. The drug turns out to be a dude..... Trump hoped shooting China will get him reelected but, tension with China causes market to fall.... So this latest strategy got no legs to stand on.... Back to drawing board for him.


2020-05-02 11:41 | Report Abuse

one can argue the 2008 crisis did not kill the Buy and Hold world.......... but will the 2020 corona crisis kill the Buy and Hold world?

News & Blogs

2020-05-02 02:29 | Report Abuse

Trump think shooting China will get him reelected elected but only managed to scare the market..... Back to the drawing board for him

News & Blogs

2020-05-01 15:59 | Report Abuse

not going to be such high figures if the assumption is IRR of 12% on equity , not on project cost...................

News & Blogs

2020-05-01 13:16 | Report Abuse

nobody here thinking of keeping Jaks for 5 years........everybody hopes Jaks $ 1 to $ 1.50. Me? I think 80 sen more likely than $ 1.50.................


2020-05-01 12:58 | Report Abuse

nobody here thinking of keeping Jaks for 5 years........everybody hopes Jaks $ 1 to $ 1.50. Me? I think 80 sen more likely than $ 1.50.................


2020-05-01 12:21 | Report Abuse

that is the difference between Asia, success and Western, failed


2020-05-01 12:20 | Report Abuse

the difference between success and failure is mask....

News & Blogs

2020-04-30 10:53 | Report Abuse

comfort $ 1 to $ 1.40 is still the best ....beating every other choice............

News & Blogs

2020-04-30 10:51 | Report Abuse

glove rally still got legs.

News & Blogs

2020-04-29 12:24 | Report Abuse

goat milk.....it seems everybody promotes goat milk.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2020-04-28 22:26 | Report Abuse

they like it.......no open no parliament........

News & Blogs

2020-04-28 20:25 | Report Abuse

Kpower and SCIB is Serba with a beta of 3X...............

Serba up, they go up

Serba down, they go down.......

News & Blogs

2020-04-28 17:40 | Report Abuse

lets start a liberate Malaysia movement..............lol..........

can demonstrate or not?