
qqq33333333 | Joined since 2020-02-12

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2020-04-21 10:59 | Report Abuse

Anyone who long May contracts die lah.......WTI Close at minus US$ 30.

who hedges oil? AAX, Air Asia, Heng Yuan, Petron, who else? only they know how they are doing.......

News & Blogs

2020-04-21 10:19 | Report Abuse

no compassion with Malaysian cops. already look like Chiang Kai Sek China.

News & Blogs

2020-04-21 01:47 | Report Abuse

there will be some listed companies who are long oil futures and u will not know who.......


2020-04-21 01:41 | Report Abuse

for July deliveries wti is US$ 27...............

News & Blogs

2020-04-21 01:39 | Report Abuse

oil for May deliveries has drop to....u guess it, zero..........nobody wants physical oil because they have no where to store it......

WTI for July deliveries is $ 27............timing is every thing.

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 23:42 | Report Abuse

In the oil markets.........After the production cuts , oil rallied from $ 20 to $ 30.......and now drop to $ 10.............all in the last 2 weeks..........lol.........

Didn't the people who push oil to $ 30 know 1 billion barrels consumption was lost in 1 month due to the lock downs and running cut of storage tanks was well known even then.........and the traders are supposed to be pros too.......

in the equity markets, the rebound from the March lows have been very fierce.........( I am sure in the context of money printing by governments around the world and people are naturally optimistic)

in the post corona world, is there still a thing called buy and hold, I wonder? We will have to wait and see.


2020-04-20 23:20 | Report Abuse

Dr M confirms he will sit on opposition bench

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 23:04 | Report Abuse

wti May deliveries $ 11
June deliveries $ 23
July deliveries $ 28........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 23:00 | Report Abuse

latuk...China is resilient........what about you?

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 22:42 | Report Abuse

if it is crony capitalism , then its a different way to pick shares............lol........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 20:27 | Report Abuse

its print money , its realists vs printing money and people betting printing money wins over realists.

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 20:26 | Report Abuse

free market? There is no free market in the world now.

Every country has adopted the Wall Street / FED model..........its crony capitalism every where u look..............

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 20:22 | Report Abuse

Air asia/ AAX are obvious candidates........

Pos, Felda, banks, Airport, are also obvious candidates.

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 20:19 | Report Abuse

Malaysia $ 260 billion bail out fund.............what to bet? stock picking?

then bet on who gets their hands into it............

there is no transparency in Malaysia....no idea who has received what....u have to operate in the dark....unless u got insider information.

Philips way of choosing stocks still apply? Probably not..............probably a smarter way to invest is ....the worse the better, the political linked and those dropped the most the better..........the useless bumps gets the most favors.

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 20:03 | Report Abuse

good bad ugly.........there is a time for every thing........

last few sessions....the less quality the better............its all retail work...........and retail very fickle...........

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2020-04-20 19:55 | Report Abuse

y Philip ( Random Walk Theorist) > Apr 20, 2020 7:18 PM | Report Abuse

whatever asset you did invest in will not matter at all anyway.

there is another way............its called cash is king.........


2020-04-20 18:12 | Report Abuse

technically voting does not need to follow sitting...........


2020-04-20 18:08 | Report Abuse

voting does not need to follow sitting...............


2020-04-20 18:06 | Report Abuse

Mahathir's last card is his son win the Bersatu election............

come parliament, his only official capacity is as Chairman of Bersatu and sit as government not as opposition.

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 18:00 | Report Abuse

comfort............KYY still got bullet to control the price? I really don't know lah...............

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 17:58 | Report Abuse

Star fits all the criteria........

Kick myself for not paying attention.............


2020-04-20 17:57 | Report Abuse

Would be good if Mahathir can still pull a rabbit out of the hat..........if not.........well..........He can still say, I did it my way...........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 17:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Apr 20, 2020 5:40 PM | Report Abuse

Haha qqq3
Your master so fast already back with Comfort glove.

well........85 years old like 95 years old Mahathir cannot change one as long as they still have their last breathe.

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 17:41 | Report Abuse


Why the majority is always wrong | Paul Rulkens | TEDxMaastricht

Extraordinary returns can only come from those with original thinking and the conviction to go with it..........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 17:27 | Report Abuse

d by Sslee > Apr 20, 2020 5:06 PM | Report Abuse

uthor: AmInvest | Publish date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020, 9:47 AM
We maintain SELL on Petronas Chemicals Group (PChem) with unchanged forecasts and fair value of RM3.25/share, pegged to a 10% discount to FY20F book value. This implies an FY20F EV/EBITDA of 5.4x, which represents 3 standard deviations below its 2-year average of 7.6x and dividend yield of 3%.

my son is an IB analyst............I sell u a secret of the industry........those analysts not that good one..........

they like to use jargon to impress and to hide their lack of conviction ....that's all............

Their job is not to help u make money but to make sure they still have a job even when u lose your pants.........hahahaha

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 16:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by GGecko > Apr 20, 2020 4:20 PM | Report Abuse

Or, he can loss 90 percent of his wealth..

its yin yang...........the article addressed the issue very well.........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 16:03 | Report Abuse

Canslim is good, very good........

but u still need a Philip to give life to it.....

u still need the ability to make good decisions.

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 16:00 | Report Abuse

lex. .................... KYY will take that as a compliment...........even the fact u call him a liar, is in a diabolical way a compliment..........and a vote of confidence in KYY...........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 15:59 | Report Abuse

lex. .................... KYY will take that as a compliment...........even the fact u call him a liar, is in a diabolical way a compliment..........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 15:53 | Report Abuse

hahaha.......letcs cannot imagine a future without KYY..........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 15:51 | Report Abuse

what is the motive of lying?

any crime sure have motive...............

People usually only lie in forums the other way round, not this way round.

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 15:49 | Report Abuse

that is when people say he lost money and you call him a liar........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 15:43 | Report Abuse

a complete guide to making money........

every thing is here..........

- buying shares as piece of business
- stock selections
- how to use financing

the only thing lacking is a crystal ball to see into the future...

- a V shape recovery or or a W / double bottom testing the previous lows??
- the significance difference good timing can make.

so now how? financial markets bullish, realists bearish...........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 15:19 | Report Abuse

so now how? financial markets bullish, realists bearish...........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 15:18 | Report Abuse

a complete guide to making money..............lol..............

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 12:53 | Report Abuse


Three distinct strains of Covid-19 identified

so why American media is completely silent about this?

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 12:31 | Report Abuse

people are pushing markets based on optimism and hope...............what do u do?

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 12:16 | Report Abuse

knowing the math means no more margin in future?

how ridiculous.......................

knowing cars got accident means no more cars? how ridiculous.

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 12:12 | Report Abuse

the banker is not going to share the loss with you.........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 12:11 | Report Abuse

from $ 45 million to $ 3 million when price drop from $ 3 to $ 1.60....this is just math.


2020-04-20 09:49 | Report Abuse

don't say unaffected..............almost all independent drillers ham gar chan already............

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 09:44 | Report Abuse

What does the West want from China?

simple.............how about the time China lost the opium war?


2020-04-20 09:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Apr 19, 2020 9:40 PM | Report Abuse

Haha qqq3
Why need to aim so high and so stressfull to be in the 3% billionaire when you can be so easily ahead of the 50% and become millionaire?

choices. Don't ask me......ask KYY....he is the one with margin account.

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 09:34 | Report Abuse

30 million shares @ $3 = $ 90 million, borrowed $ 45 million, equity $ 45 million
30 million shares @ $ 1.60 = $ 48 million, equity $ 3 million

if every thing is sold at $ 1.60, u lost 90% of your wealth ( equity) at $ 3. ........this assumes u have borrowed to the limit ( $ 45 million ) at $ 3 ..................

this is you lost 90% of your wealth at $ 3............not 90% of capital at beginning of operation...........

News & Blogs

2020-04-20 09:29 | Report Abuse

30 million shares @ $3 = $ 90 million, borrowed $ 45 million, equity $ 45 million
30 million shares @ $ 1.60 = $ 48 million, equity $ 3 million

if every thing is sold at $ 1.60, u lost 90% of your wealth ( equity) at $ 3. ........this assumes u have borrowed to the limit ( $ 45 million ) at $ 3 ..................


2020-04-20 09:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Apr 19, 2020 9:40 PM | Report Abuse

Haha qqq3
Why need to aim so high and so stressfull to be in the 3% billionaire when you can be so easily ahead of the 50% and become millionaire?


News & Blogs

2020-04-19 23:03 | Report Abuse

speculating next week green or red at least can have a result............lol...........