
upsidedown119 | Joined since 2013-03-08

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2015-09-04 15:57 | Report Abuse

Yeah, I am long term holding. I am a faithful my stock too much... sometimes. Besides I don't comment on any threads, just the more interesting the one with spidee in KSL who wanted to greet me (sigh!) in her red lobotins!


2015-09-04 15:38 | Report Abuse

hng33. My Gkent just jumped. I am more faithful. Just don't the heart to dump lah..until the price is right.


2015-09-04 15:22 | Report Abuse

hng33. There goes your Maybank...down! You got out yesterday in time!


2015-09-04 15:20 | Report Abuse

ec1705. Not moral policing ala JAIS. Policing against illegal insider trading and share price manipulation - the latter is rife in Malaysia. If you are smart enough to void being cheated, good on you. But not all are as smart as you make yourself out to be, including me.

hng33. Good idea. Let's change the subject. We will never agree, until the sword of Damocles fall on those bangsats' necks!


2015-09-04 10:10 | Report Abuse

hng33. If Bursa is worth its salt, it will have the software already as standard part of its stock trading system suit. They just have to key in the selection criteria and the system will generate the info. Therefore, as I said, the sword of Damocles can come down anytime on the necks of those bangsats.

ec1705. If Bursa regulates well against those bangsats, I am sure there will be more investors because the genuine investors will make more profits instead of the profits being stolen by those manipulators. There will be less uncertainty. The transaction volume will increase exponentially! We Malaysians sometimes have a victim mentality or masochistic syndrome - we like being raped and abused financially by the bangsats, make excuses for that we can claim self-righteousness and sympathy or even show off our tolerance as a victim or boast about our smartness by being being able to escape victimisation by the bangsats! Sorry, I don't take abuses lying down!


2015-09-03 22:04 | Report Abuse

jacklintan, you are a chah boh after all no? As hng33 said, realised profit is the only real profit. This applies to realised loss too, if you know what I mean. But remember our coffee date when Puncak crosses RM3.80. Hah!


2015-09-03 22:01 | Report Abuse

hng33. Valid proof no problem. A simple algorithm can be set in a program by Bursa ran through KSL's trades from Dec 12 to 20 2014 and Feb 24 to 28 2015. The logic will select those with trades more than say 5 times both buy and sell in a single session. (But I am sure Bursa has such a similar program in their system). Then Bursa should narrow it down to about 8 traders doing multiple trades with one another buying and selling the most shares during that period. Then Bursa should zoom in on them and prob their shareholdings including their principals if any. The rest is easy. So hng33, in the age of the information revolution, every thing we do through a key-board is recorded and retrievable. Those bangsats and the KSL insider bangsats may not realise this, that their crimes are recorded and the sword of Damocles can be brought down on their necks at any time. I hope you are not one of the wolves, no?


2015-09-03 16:39 | Report Abuse

hng33. It depends on the degree of 'unfairness'. That's why there are laws against market manipulation and insider trading. Are you advocating a hands off approach and free for all?


2015-09-03 14:59 | Report Abuse

hng33. As for Maybank, why you sell without waiting for the 24 sen divvy? You implied you were going to wait, no?


2015-09-03 11:09 | Report Abuse

hng33. Exactly what have been crystalizing in my mind. I am all for long term marriage till death do us part. This should not be carried into share trading. I shall dedicate one of my accounts to do it hng33 style!


2015-09-03 10:16 | Report Abuse

hng33. In the case of KSL, the wolves and KSL's insiders are to be blamed for the trashing of KSL's share price. There is a difference between market forces and manipulation. That's why the laws are there to prevent market manipulation, insider trading. You have not been affected because you are the dancing king - dancing in and out of a stock; or playboy king - love 'em and dump 'em quick right after you get your pleasure! However, many are genuine investors and interested in a long-term fruitful marriage. But the bangsat wolves and their KSL insider bangsats spoil it all. Many are therefore adopting your style - playboy king - and trash the KSL's price! But of course, I will factor in their tricks next round i.e. if they are not in jail by then.


2015-09-03 10:09 | Report Abuse

hng33. In the case of KSL, the wolves and KSL's insiders are to be blamed for the trashing of KSL's share price. But of course, I will factor in their tricks next round i.e. if they are not in jail by then.


2015-09-03 09:53 | Report Abuse

hng33. Thanks for the rap. I found that my IQ not enough when comes to share trading.


2015-09-03 09:36 | Report Abuse

hng33. What is your record in Mkland?


2015-09-03 09:11 | Report Abuse

And hng33, thanks for the advice. Appreciate it.


2015-09-03 09:09 | Report Abuse

hng33. You are correct, correct and correct. Maybank rebounded!


2015-09-02 22:27 | Report Abuse

hng33. I am impressed with your knack for buying stocks at its lowest point of rthe day and then selling it at near the highest point for the same day at a profit. How do you do this; do you mind sharing?


2015-09-02 22:24 | Report Abuse

hng33. I thought Tenaga is biggest index-linked stock, no?


2015-09-02 21:06 | Report Abuse

I also check the Finance sector indices. It also gaped down today and closed just off it's lowest point but below the pivot point. Maybank stochastic is pointing down. Maybank however may rebound tomorrow because of oversold today. We shall see.


2015-09-02 20:55 | Report Abuse

hng33. I agree with you on realised profit. But how do you mean by 'heavy index link'?


2015-09-02 19:44 | Report Abuse

hng33. Maybank closed with another long red candle with a short tail. It gaped down this morning and close way below yesterday's close. Downward momentum still obvious. Hopefully 8.35 is the bottom of this round of selling? If not, 8.30 is the support. If not 8.20. If it breach 8.20, the ocean's the bottom limit! I wish you all the best. I am tracking just for fun.


2015-09-02 18:13 | Report Abuse

The deal with Puncak and Syabas is done according to Azmin. Only Splash, but Splash is not a show stopper for the water restructuring.


2015-09-02 17:05 | Report Abuse

hng33. Congrats then. Lets see whether your upside come true tomorrow.


2015-09-02 16:55 | Report Abuse

Najib can always print money lah. But I think this is IT! Judging from the performance of water-related stocks in the face of massive market sell-down!


2015-09-02 16:37 | Report Abuse

Yeah, don't let hng33 do the front-running this time. Let him do the back-running for a change!


2015-09-02 16:05 | Report Abuse

Puncak suddenly moving up on good volume. This augurs very well for the deal being concluded by this Fri perhaps?


2015-09-02 15:50 | Report Abuse

Maybank going up now. You could be right. If so congrats!


2015-09-02 15:45 | Report Abuse

hng33. Neither. I want to go to financial heaven onearth. Haha!


2015-09-02 15:40 | Report Abuse

FYI, property sector is on a slow but steady uptrend for the past 4 trading sessions.


2015-09-02 15:18 | Report Abuse

hng33. Maybank still going down. In this market now, I say go by chart not fundamentals.


2015-09-02 14:40 | Report Abuse

LCTH is OTB's slow coach to either financial Holland or heaven!


2015-09-02 12:31 | Report Abuse

Maybank can be cheaper - a GLC, maybe involved in 1MDB?


2015-09-01 20:43 | Report Abuse

Good if 1 ringgit comes. I will buy more KSL. Wolves and KSL's insiders are welcome to RM1 and below.


2015-09-01 17:41 | Report Abuse

KPS likely to also gap up, although not as much as Puncak, after deal finalisation is announced.


2015-09-01 10:37 | Report Abuse

Azmin likely to pay more than RM250 million for Splash since one of the owners of Splash is an Anwar supporter.


2015-08-30 21:53 | Report Abuse

azlan88. It doesn't seem that KSL consider it worth their while to let the share price rise to RM5 as it should and could. But based on past record, they will likely let the price rise, then sell down, followed by buy-back when the price is down. They will let this process be repeated. This way they, KSL's insiders, can make as much as or even more profit than KSL itself. So friends, plan your trading of KSL's shares with this in mind!


2015-08-30 21:52 | Report Abuse

Also the last massive sell-down by the bangsats in Feb 2015 was on a Friday about 30 minutes before session close, followed by massive buy-back and sell-down on the following Monday and Tuesday. This means that a) if they are backed by their share-brokers which allowed them to short for the day, those bangsats would have shorted more than a day which means there is evidence in the Bursa records to send them to jail plus a massive fine, both the bangsats and the bangsat share-brokers; b) if they are backed by KSL's insiders who lent them their shares, there is also enough evidence in the Bursa's records to send them and the bangsat KSL insiders to jail plus a massive fine. There is no statute of limitations for criminal offences including commercial crimes. So draw your conclusion as to what me and others can legally do under the law, to those bangsats!


2015-08-30 15:11 | Report Abuse

red_85. As I've written, no point if KSL's management 'give' and then evidently take away, very likely in connivance with the wolves. Look at what happened in Dec 2014 when bonus 1 for 1 and 10% dividend was declared. If KSL's management were not involved, its unlikely the wolves can get away with trashing the share price, not once but multiple times! Look at Hapseng where the management supported the share price. What wolves will dare to raid Hapseng share price? Hapseng's share price kept rising rising despite conversion of warrants and share buy-back were cancelled and dilution avoided. There were a few largely unsuccessful raids on Hapseng's share price between Dec 2014 and Feb 2015 but the uptrend continues since then (despite intermittent smaller sell-downs) and breaking new highs. And Hapseng's plantation arm, like KSL's properties, are caught in a down-turn; in Hapseng's case, the price of palm oil. Likewise their fertiliser division which depends on the plantation sector. Yet, with steady management support, their share price trend steadily upwards, unaffected even by black Monday's massive sell-down on 24 August 2015. If compared with Matrix (another property firm) the picture is clear. Matrix's share price remains steady with NTA at 1.45 and closing at 2.31 on Friday. It was sold down together with most property counters recently, but never reach the lows experienced by KSL. For Matrix, between Sept and Dec 2014, the sell down was 84 sens and in the current sell-down since May 2015, the sell-down was 71 sens. This compared with KSL's RM1.61 sens in Sept to Dec 2014 sell-down before dilution by the 1:1 bonus issue; and RM1.04 sell-down since Feb 2015 to 25 Aug 2015 after dilution. If KSL price is in the same proportion to its NTA as Matrix's (and there is no reason why it should not since the DY is the same if not better) KSL's price should be over RM3. The conclusion is clear: KSL's share price was trashed by the unrestrained wolves, likely with the connivance of powerful KSL insiders. So be care with KSL. However if KSL's management now and in the future actively support the price, I would be pleasantly surprised!


2015-08-29 19:18 | Report Abuse

red_85. No hate. I just go by facts based on track record. No emotions in share trading lah.


2015-08-29 14:26 | Report Abuse

lcng123. KSL may declare less dividend or even a loss in the next two quarters. They have done it before (Feb 2014) and the price dropped drastically and unexpectedly. The wolves collected. KSL trashed the price of their own shares then. They can do it again with the wolves at the ready. As far as I am concerned, KSL's management credibility is trash!


2015-08-28 23:23 | Report Abuse

The NP margin of 39% is definitely better than the previous quarter of 36%. The first half NP of RM152 million is better than the corresponding 1st half of 2014's RM140 million. Net recurring profit is about RM30 million for the 1st half of 2015 is about the same as the same period of 2104. This overall is a steady and slightly better result. We shall see how the market react on Monday.


2015-08-28 11:16 | Report Abuse

They likely raise price for SPLASH 'cause one of the owners is a staunch Anwar supporter/financier. That's one of the reasons they kicked out Khalid!


2015-08-27 17:06 | Report Abuse

If got special dividend then watch out for the wolves and their KSL insiders handlers. If KSL don't support price with share buy-back to ward off raids by wolves, likely there be drastic sell-down like Dec 2014 and Feb 2015, this time when share price cross RM1.8 to RM2!


2015-08-26 19:12 | Report Abuse

From my reading of the market, I will be surprised if the announcement is this Friday.


2015-08-26 18:19 | Report Abuse

kahhoeng. I say thumbs up to Puncak at at least RM3.5 immediately after announcement of deal sealed!


2015-08-26 18:11 | Report Abuse

hng33. Thanks for sharing.


2015-08-26 17:55 | Report Abuse

hng33. Yeah, good thinking. Hope you are right.


2015-08-26 17:45 | Report Abuse

kahhoeng. In the past she/he always said she is leng looi. Also her/his posting seems a bit feminine. However if she is LGBT, it may explain the femininity in her/his expression. If he/she is LGBT, then you can take over!


2015-08-26 17:40 | Report Abuse

I expect China to roll out some infrastructure investment stimulus as well. Cannot rebalance to consumption based growth by suddenly reducing capital investment.


2015-08-26 17:33 | Report Abuse

hng33. If deal sealed, I expect Puncak to gap up at least 50-60 sen. And subsequently to cross RM3.80. Then I can date jacklintan i.e. only if she is female and under 35 years old!