Blog Posts
2021-07-29 10:37 | Report Abuse
trust yourself, no one else
2021-07-29 10:37 | Report Abuse
if they are not for themselves, the world will end.
2021-07-27 23:02 | Report Abuse
QR out in Aug, price will go up as expected better dividend
2021-07-27 22:39 | Report Abuse
bplant, the day will come. one good new , price will jump.
2021-07-27 06:46 | Report Abuse
will collect at 1.55, those who subscribe at 1.49 on DRP will take profit.
2021-07-22 08:34 | Report Abuse
According to 2020 annual report, total land in Sarawak is 26525 ha, if selling at 58k per ha, it should be 1,550 million., i an not sure they are selling part of the Sarawak land., or part of the land been sold secretly earlier, i only guess.
2021-07-19 08:14 | Report Abuse
oil are overpriced. it may go back to 60, just be cautious
2021-07-07 09:42 | Report Abuse
another counter to watch is Tenaga, getting attractive.
2021-07-07 09:41 | Report Abuse
Bank will be first to recover, both banks are now very cheap, buy and keep, never wrong. this two banks giving good dividend.
2021-07-07 00:06 | Report Abuse
now brent dropped again
2021-06-28 18:52 | Report Abuse
why? brent up but Dayang down
2021-06-26 04:41 | Report Abuse
@007 you are right, just be cautious if you trust their words. they are not going to responsible for your losses.
2021-06-24 08:03 | Report Abuse
LTAT, please do some good things to your members.
2021-06-24 08:01 | Report Abuse
member of arm forces veteran used to receive >10% each year, with 3.5%, you could see some veteran are sleeping below the bridges and queueing up for Nasi Bongkus , fortunately , not all.
2021-06-23 23:05 | Report Abuse
Thank to Bplant, on 20 Mac 2020, her price dropped to 24 sen , i collect big amount of share to average down my holding to make my cost so low., other wise, i will be die standing., even privatization at 82 sen will be making loss.
2021-06-23 22:34 | Report Abuse
@asia88, agreed with you. I will vote against privatization if the price is too low, even my cost is only 63 sen, i expect should exceed RM 1.20. I have hold Bplant for some time, expect to make some good my holding cost is quite high, holding for more than 2 years with huge amount..
2021-06-23 08:15 | Report Abuse
tired. be more constructive brother. tq
2021-06-21 00:58 | Report Abuse
cukup lah. this is the place we invest to make money. kalah menang be gentlemen, no point talking so bad .kindly stop it. thank you.
2021-06-19 13:21 | Report Abuse
not just MBSB, so many other counter share price fall badly after DRP new share issued. one of them Uoadev.
2021-06-19 13:17 | Report Abuse
i will do the same, hope everyone will do the same to prevent extra new issue .
2021-06-18 09:44 | Report Abuse
so far in all DRP exercise, you are give the choice to subscribe or take cash, never heard of compulsory. UOADEV dividend of 15 sen also either take cash or subscribe any amount of your what @sits explained
2021-06-18 09:05 | Report Abuse
thank you @loy, i really hate the DRP exercise. most of you are right, this is a hopeless counter. after waited for one year, they give you share to hold back your cash if you subscribed. it may drop to 56 sen as some retailer will profit taking even one or two sen. only my 2 cents.
2021-06-18 01:41 | Report Abuse
@Loy, please clarify, are we entitled to purchase 10% of what we owned at 56 sen per share, or, only allow to use the dividen to buy the share at 56 sen per share. eg, if you have 1M share. either you can buy 100k share at 0.56 or use the dividend of RM 20,000 to buy 35.714k at 0.56. Thank you sir.
2021-06-15 16:32 | Report Abuse
@asia88, do help to attend and get satisfy answer.. I am too busy in business and to overcome problem by MCO, no time to attend.
2021-06-13 09:47 | Report Abuse
hopefully this will happen.
2021-06-13 03:55 | Report Abuse
tongkat policy, till this country go bankrupt. now OTW.oledi
2021-06-08 11:13 | Report Abuse
@auditor , 0.585 also consider very high, only 0,50 is fair to buy. hahahahaha you make my cock laugh. .listen to you si liau.
2021-06-08 07:02 | Report Abuse
we should plant something like durian, the older the tree, give you more durian. and do not require replanting. a durian tree can bear fruit for even > 50 years.
2021-06-04 19:12 | Report Abuse
@ auditor, kindly tell us your plan before mid night, otherwise it is time for you to get lost from here.tq
2021-06-03 09:42 | Report Abuse
waiting at 1.50, will let go , oil price can not predict. tomorrow another day.
2021-06-03 08:12 | Report Abuse
so good, my way still work, Dayang, below 1.40 buy, sell later, may be 1.50 or more. haha
2021-05-23 08:25 | Report Abuse
thank you @auditor&consultant,
In share market not all will make the moony,, smart people make money, Sohia will be the loser, the
balance is always zero. .if everyone want to buy, and no one want to sell at your price , as Sohia
turned to be very smart like you now, how you make the money?
2021-05-23 03:25 | Report Abuse
no total lockdown, i predict tomorrow MBSB will go back to 62 sen and above.
2021-05-23 03:15 | Report Abuse
@ Audit...We thank you for for sharing your ideology. . but, you are repeating to teach us to buy at lowest and sell at highest, most of us are value investor here, just tell us what price is lowest and we will keep in our watch list , i will buy one time a thousand lot. that is so simple but you repeated almost a week telling the same you have the sense to think we are getting very bored..
2021-05-22 03:17 | Report Abuse
@ Sifu Audi......... like to follow you this time, i will key in 500k at 50 sen for GTD for a month. is this low enough or need to adjust to below 50 sen, Sifu Auditoranconsultant ,kindly advice.
2021-05-21 11:39 | Report Abuse
2021-05-18 05:56 | Report Abuse
playing with Dayang, cheap buy, go up sell. you can not predict chun chun oil price.
2021-05-14 18:31 | Report Abuse
agree, i am in the suspect that she is the lady that we scolded before, of cos the name oledi changed.
2021-05-13 14:35 | Report Abuse
problem with bplant is GLC mindset.
2021-05-13 14:31 | Report Abuse
bad time for ytl reit . tourism is gone
2021-08-03 19:46 | Report Abuse
fat dividend, but share price keep falling, why?