[DSONIC] QoQ Cumulative Quarter Result on 30-Sep-2019 [#2]

Announcement Date
Admission Sponsor
Financial Year
30-Sep-2019 [#2]
Profit Trend
QoQ- 98.96%
YoY- 75.2%
Quarter Report
Cumulative Result
30/06/20 31/03/20 31/12/19 30/09/19 30/06/19 31/03/19 31/12/18 CAGR
Revenue 39,396 247,540 196,285 121,860 58,316 219,559 162,842 -61.20%
PBT 6,131 63,395 51,419 29,788 14,488 40,474 27,684 -63.42%
Tax -1,361 -3,026 -3,306 -1,868 -486 -4,039 -2,854 -38.98%
NP 4,770 60,369 48,113 27,920 14,002 36,435 24,830 -66.73%
NP to SH 4,775 60,322 48,049 27,873 14,009 36,533 24,906 -66.78%
Tax Rate 22.20% 4.77% 6.43% 6.27% 3.35% 9.98% 10.31% -
Total Cost 34,626 187,171 148,172 93,940 44,314 183,124 138,012 -60.25%
Net Worth 251,551 256,274 284,310 274,319 270,539 263,249 0 -
30/06/20 31/03/20 31/12/19 30/09/19 30/06/19 31/03/19 31/12/18 CAGR
Div 6,598 40,443 33,750 20,250 10,125 33,750 27,000 -60.94%
Div Payout % 138.20% 67.05% 70.24% 72.65% 72.27% 92.38% 108.41% -
30/06/20 31/03/20 31/12/19 30/09/19 30/06/19 31/03/19 31/12/18 CAGR
Net Worth 251,551 256,274 284,310 274,319 270,539 263,249 0 -
NOSH 1,350,000 1,350,000 1,350,000 1,350,000 1,350,000 1,350,000 1,350,000 0.00%
Ratio Analysis
30/06/20 31/03/20 31/12/19 30/09/19 30/06/19 31/03/19 31/12/18 CAGR
NP Margin 12.11% 24.39% 24.51% 22.91% 24.01% 16.59% 15.25% -
ROE 1.90% 23.54% 16.90% 10.16% 5.18% 13.88% 0.00% -
Per Share
30/06/20 31/03/20 31/12/19 30/09/19 30/06/19 31/03/19 31/12/18 CAGR
RPS 2.99 18.36 14.54 9.03 4.32 16.26 12.06 -60.56%
EPS 0.36 4.47 3.56 2.06 1.04 2.71 1.84 -66.33%
DPS 0.50 3.00 2.50 1.50 0.75 2.50 2.00 -60.34%
NAPS 0.1906 0.1901 0.2106 0.2032 0.2004 0.195 0.00 -
Adjusted Per Share Value based on latest NOSH - 1,350,000
30/06/20 31/03/20 31/12/19 30/09/19 30/06/19 31/03/19 31/12/18 CAGR
RPS 0.95 5.94 4.71 2.92 1.40 5.27 3.91 -61.09%
EPS 0.11 1.45 1.15 0.67 0.34 0.88 0.60 -67.76%
DPS 0.16 0.97 0.81 0.49 0.24 0.81 0.65 -60.75%
NAPS 0.0604 0.0615 0.0682 0.0658 0.0649 0.0632 0.00 -
Price Multiplier on Financial Quarter End Date
30/06/20 31/03/20 31/12/19 30/09/19 30/06/19 31/03/19 31/12/18 CAGR
Date 30/06/20 31/03/20 31/12/19 30/09/19 28/06/19 29/03/19 31/12/18 -
Price 1.41 0.78 1.48 0.915 0.565 0.515 0.405 -
P/RPS 47.24 4.25 10.18 10.14 13.08 3.17 3.36 483.46%
P/EPS 389.72 17.43 41.58 44.32 54.45 19.03 21.95 581.77%
EY 0.26 5.74 2.40 2.26 1.84 5.25 4.56 -85.21%
DY 0.35 3.85 1.69 1.64 1.33 4.85 4.94 -82.90%
P/NAPS 7.40 4.10 7.03 4.50 2.82 2.64 0.00 -
Price Multiplier on Announcement Date
30/06/20 31/03/20 31/12/19 30/09/19 30/06/19 31/03/19 31/12/18 CAGR
Date 28/08/20 25/06/20 27/02/20 29/11/19 30/08/19 03/06/19 - -
Price 1.32 1.47 1.15 1.02 0.885 0.455 0.00 -
P/RPS 44.22 8.01 7.91 11.30 20.49 2.80 0.00 -
P/EPS 364.84 32.85 32.31 49.40 85.28 16.81 0.00 -
EY 0.27 3.04 3.09 2.02 1.17 5.95 0.00 -
DY 0.38 2.04 2.17 1.47 0.85 5.49 0.00 -
P/NAPS 6.93 7.73 5.46 5.02 4.42 2.33 0.00 -

PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP to SH = Net Profit Attributable to Shareholder, Div = Dividend, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, ROE = Return on Equity, NOSH = Number of Shares, RPS = Revenue per Share, EPS = Earning Per Share, DPS = Dividend Per Share, NAPS = Net Asset Per Share, EOQ = End of Quarter, ANN = Announcement, P/RPS = Price/Revenue per Share, P/EPS = Price/Earning per Share, P/NAPS = Price/Net Asset per Share, EY = Earning Yield, DY = Dividend Yield.

NOSH is estimated based on the NP to SH and EPS. Div is an estimated figure based on the DPS and NOSH. Net Worth is an estimated figure based on the NAPS and NOSH.

Div Payout %, NP Margin, ROE, DY, QoQ & YoY figures in Percentage; RPS, EPS & DPS's figures in Cent; and NAPS's figures in Dollar.

All figures in '000 unless specified.

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