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169 comment(s). Last comment by merryman 2016-04-04 14:02


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-28 05:11 | Report Abuse

Inilah realiti manusia yang hidup di negara yg ADA UMNO !!!

Minyak naik ka, Turun ka..

Last2 cina-DAP yg nak disalahkannya.


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-29 01:52 | Report Abuse

SEE HOW STUPID IS THIS LEMBU TAJUDDIN..... Buying a house is both decision for any family ...only those who does not respect their wife will not ask their wife but maybe their lover who will stay there not their rightful wife....Betty Chew is a legal wife of LIM GUAN ENG not someone's wife or a woman who was someone's wife once... She was a lawyer and a MP earning an income so what ever money the couple has comes from hard work and saving of buying any assets are from that saving...Betty was there earning as a lawyer when LIM was in jail those early years....she a lawyer and Lim an accountant and both standing on own footing unlike Rosima....Betty was a one man wife while Rosima was someone's wife and that makes a big difference when come to equal rights in a family image.......PARLIAMENT Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng bought his bungalow in George Town because he is being 'controlled' by his wife, Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman said.

"Guan Eng is being 'queen controlled'. He bought the bunglaow because his wife liked the house," Tajuddin said in the House today.Tajuddin: Guan Eng bought bungalow under 'queen control'


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-29 01:54 | Report Abuse

...ha ha ha, want support?

Selangor Umno grassroots leaders are now being directed to sign a declaration supporting Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's leadership, claimed a party branch leader.

Teratai Umno branch chief Hashim Abdul Karim said his branch had just received the written declaration prepared by Umno Selangor.

He said some 5,000 branch chiefs throughout Selangor are understood to have signed the declaration supporting Najib as the prime minister and the party president.'Umno grassroots told to sign declaration supporting Najib'


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-29 01:56 | Report Abuse

Khairy OOOO Khairy...Answer the RM107 million public money first.....Former Umno man Khairuddin Abu Hassan has told off Umno Youth leader Khairy Jamaluddin with a reminder about a pending RM100 million embezzlement case involving his sports ministry.
Khairuddin made his rejoinder after Khairy had described a suit against Prime Minister Najib Razak brought by former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and two others to be a mere political gimmick.
Khairy said Mahathir’s action to file a suit together with Khairuddin and former Langkawi Umno wanita member Anina Saadudin was only part of their political agenda to topple Najib.
“I would like to advise Khairy to settle the RM100 million corruption case first and don’t be a busy body with other matters. This is about the law. If this ‘child’ (Khairy) is saying that it’s just a political gimmick, it’s okay. Later we’ll subpoena him to the court.
“As a Member of Parliament, Khairy should respect the law instead of mocking it. If Khairy doesn’t believe or respect the law, then he shouldn’t be an MP, let alone a minister,” said Khairuddin in a statement.
Mahathir, Anina and Khairuddin filed the suit against Najib on Thursday, claiming damages of RM2.6 billion and RM42 million, as a result of Najib having abused his powers as prime minister.
Khairy was embroiled in a corruption scandal when a senior officer in the youth and sports ministry was arrested for investigations into the loss of RM100 million in government funds over a period of years before Khairy became the minister in 2013.


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-29 01:59 | Report Abuse

Stupid MCA and Gerakan ass lickers... Penang Cina Babi no longer trust in you until they send you EGG EGG GE 13 and in GE 14 you also get EGG EGG EGG not only in Penang but the whole Donation Land..... This time is Duck Egg....On 22nd March 2016, Miss Phang Li Koon signed a statutory declaration to put to rest certain discrepancies that arose from the controversial purchase of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s RM2.8 million bungalow on Pinhorn Road, Penang. According to her SD, Phang clarified that although, she had not conducted any market survey prior to selling the property, she reiterated that she did not gain any benefits and had sold it on her “own free will on a ‘willing buyer and willing seller’ basis.”
Since then, several police reports have been lodged against her and according to the police, investigations will be carried out to look into this issue further. However, the warning given by the Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, for allegedly falsifying her statutory declaration is a blatant act of intimidation.
Phang is an extremely important witness and a key player who can elucidate the Penang Chief Minister’s innocence, therefore making such warnings is nothing more than an attempt to unnerve and frighten her.
In addition to the protest where approximately 50 Penang BN Youth members with members from Perkasa and Gerakan Merah Malaysia, demonstrated on the controversial Taman Manggis land to demand that the area be developed for public housing for the needy, the swift response and the warning presented by the IGP only makes one highly suspicious of the possible political motives involved.
The timing of the situation and how the entire issue has been played out are highly questionable. The onslaught of attacks made by unscrupulous politicians from the far right against DAP and Phang is repulsive, appalling and plain wicked.
It is unfortunate that Miss Phang is caught in the middle of a political clash between BN, who is adamant on capitalising on this issue and the DAP led Penang State Government, who has proven to be more than capable of administrating Penang onto the right path of socio-economic success.
Therefore, on behalf of DAP Wanita Penang, this statement is to declare our support in solidarity of Phang Li Koon, whom we know has done nothing wrong other than speaking out at a time where speaking out against tyranny can be a criminal offense. The IGP and the police must guarantee that Phang will be treated fairly and investigations will be carried out without prejudice.
The truth will always prevail and good will always triumph over evil.
Syerleena Abdul Rashid is DAP Wanita National Assistant Publicity Secretary.


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-29 02:07 | Report Abuse

Monday, 28 March 2016 23:10

Congrats to Zaid Ibrahim for having organised the Save Malaysia campaign today.

The entire nation is with this campaign.

Here is more news from this gathering.

- People’s congress: Rafizi calls for weekly rallies

- Rafizi Ramli has called for a weekly rally until Najib steps down as Prime Minister.

- one-off gathering like “Save Malaysia” congress not enough to pile pressure on Najib

- Let’s gather and meet every week until he steps down.

- I would like to invite everyone to come to Pandan for a massive kenduri

- He suggested to meet next Saturday in Dataran Merdeka.

-"God willing, if we have this every week, we will have a new Prime Minister.”

Rafizi joked he would like to be appointed an “investigator” to look into financial scandals when a new Prime Minister takes over.

My comments : The undercurrent is strong and massive. Remember this folks : no force on earth is greater than the will of the people.

My strongest advice to Najib is : Quit and run while you still can.

My strongest advice to the IGP and the AG is : quit and begone. Resign from your posts and go away. Do it before it is too late.

Think logically - how long can Najib prevail?

Yes you can use your police power and your legal power to go after people.

But people will remember you even more. Dont say I did not tell you. -

Full article:
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1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-29 02:10 | Report Abuse


KUALA LUMPUR - Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was attempting to play God in seeking to dictate who should be prime minister of Malaysia, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said today.

Ahmad Zahid was responding to the Dr Mahathir’s remarks yesterday suggesting that he, as deputy prime minister, was not certain to succeed Datuk Seri Najib Razak even if he steps down as prime minister.

"Maybe, he acts like a god," he told Malay Mail Online when met at the Parliament today.

Dr Mahathir is spearheading the Save Malaysia movement alongside former Barisan Nasional leaders, opposition parties and civil society members calling for Najib's resignation.

During the Kongres Rakyat 2016 forum yesterday, Dr Mahathir said the group will push for the Malay Rulers to intervene in the current political scenario here.

The 91-year old said that despite wanting Najib to leave, however, he did not want a change in government.

Full article:
Follow us: @MsiaChronicle on Twitter


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-29 02:14 | Report Abuse

Monday, 28 March 2016 23:14


All said and done Lim Guan Eng is in the clear, even if there was an element of corruption there it is really nothing absolutely nothing even compared to some of UMNO and BN backbenches leave alone the likes of Zahid and Najib.

It is the suspicion of the people that man of Najib's closest allies woudl have received many more millions at least 500 percent more that what Guan Eng's house is worth.

Having said that I think it is time for all MP's. Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Menteris Besar and even state assemblymen to now come out and show us their houses they occupied after begin elected into office. This is a demand that must be made by every citizen regardless of his political inclinations and it will be good for the UMNO members to lead this call.

Anyone who owns a home beyond his means must explain in detail where he got the money and the means tod do so, and if the MACC is really anti-corruption this should have been dealt with long, long ago.

I remember the early head of the Anti-Corruption Agency as it was then called , the late Justice Harun, he did not wait for any government official to tell him who to go after, not even the Tungku could stop him to the extent that they transferred him out and made him a judge. That was the beginning of days when corruption began creeping into the system, the day we compromised and removed Harun Hashim form his position of ACA head and made him Justice Harun Hashim, what a shame, that is part of our history, especially for those of you who do not know as this fact is not registered in our history books like many others and like many others make believe history has taken its place.

Now what matters is what the people of Penang who matter believe, just go down to the ground in Penang and ask the ordinary folk,. not necessary Penang anywhere in Malaysia in Guan Eng UMNO and the BN has found a distraction a factor to get people distracted from looking at the bigger picture where the 1MDB activities which I am so tempted to call criminal, but shall refrain from doing so for the time being.

firstly the man who made the allegation lacks the guts top repeat his allegations outside the walls of Parliament but to hide behind that Parliamentary privilege what does that make him, a man with integrity or a man without any integrity, I'll leave it you, the reader to decide.

This Guan Eng tactic is a desperate measure especially with tomorrow's March 27th rally behind closed doors, following which a massive meet and talk to the people session will proceed nationwide.

It is believed that following road show the demand on Najib stepping dowN is expected o grow even wider and following that there is a likelihood of nationwide demands by the people to get Najib to step down.

The vote of no confidence will take place and the planning of putting it in place in the house is already in motion, the speaker will have little or no choice as there is to be a sizeable majority of members who have even admitted receiving money from Najib for their loyalty.

The Najib camp is aware of this and it si this awareness that has brought about the investigations against Kit Siang and Guan Eng, PKR is playing a big part in this campaign and so is DAP, it is to weaken DAPthat this move has been put in place by Najib's henchmen.

What is going to be more damaging to Najib will be the results of the investigations goin on in New York, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland and France where the prosecutors are bent on revealing the facts as they have seen it and thsi will not only involve the 1MDB and the 2.6 billion Ringgit scandal which is now actually in the excess 4 billion ringgit, bt also the murder of one Altantuya Shaaribu.

In France a judge Bernard Baiocco is conducting a probe to find out if former president of French defence group Thales International Asia, paid illegal kickbacks to Mr Najib via an associate of the prime minister to win a 2002 contract for two submarines, according to people close to the case. What has been revealed so far seems t indicate that there were kickbacks and it went to the highest decision maker in this case the then defence minister of Malaysia - Najib son of Tun Razak.

According to a Reuters report on 1 February, the Swiss Attorney General Michael Lauber had confirmed that they had asked Malaysia's attorney General for assistance and at time of writing thsi report we have been informed by our sources that there has been no sharing with Swiss authorities as yet. continue next


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-29 02:15 | Report Abuse

Switzerland's chief prosecutor s reported to have said, criminal investigation into state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) had revealed that about $4 billion appeared to have been misappropriated from Malaysian state companies. The Swiss are experts in this kind of investigation and have even offered to assist the Malaysians in the same, but with Arul there in 1MDB who needs the Swiss, I guess.

The noose seems to be tightening and is in the investigation of the plane crash that took the life of Fuad (Donald) Stevens which Australia have long completed but have not revealed the results, the
Australian Government is holding back to its part of the investigations into 1MDB. Can we really trust the Australians, now does not get you into thinking why Australia for MH370?

The ghost of Altantuya returns and as s one shenanigan put it, "she will not rest till everyone involved in her murder are brought to justice" and it certainly is looking like this female shenanigan is right. -


1 posts

Posted by Goenthe > 2016-03-29 10:05 | Report Abuse

Supermix2 @ Vincent Goh. Stop embarrassing urself.


26,092 posts

Posted by speakup > 2016-03-29 10:06 | Report Abuse



1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-30 17:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by Goenthe > Mar 29, 2016 10:05 AM | Report Abuse

Supermix2 @ Vincent Goh. Stop embarrassing urself.

You know who I am and I also know who you your counter cannot push again? Tak boleh cari makan lagi? There's a saying...this...DON'T BE TOO GREEDY & DON'T TAKE OTHER PEOPLE FOR GRANTED.


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-30 17:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by Goenthe > Mar 29, 2016 10:05 AM | Report Abuse

Supermix2 @ Vincent Goh. Stop embarrassing urself.

You come and disguise under different names here and this Goenthe is just one of them. Am I embarrassing myself? The answer is a BIG FAT NO cause you are one of the MCA macais or boot I right?


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-30 17:42 | Report Abuse

And Goenthe, you are real stupid to FLAG almost all my post think you are that smart? No, it simply shows that you still need to grow up.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2016-03-31 15:35 | Report Abuse

I believe in karma. Look at Dr M now.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2016-03-31 15:43 | Report Abuse

What does Ali Babadoom the barbarian knows about religion? He is so cult_y with a group of zombies.


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-31 18:38 | Report Abuse

Guan Eng’s bungalow, Taman Manggis deal: BN, you are hollow and hypocritical!

A person can choose to sell his property at whatever price he wants to sell. It is his prerogative.

It can be way below market value or far above the market price. It is his property and it is his decision. That is not criminal in nature and he has not committed any crime in doing so.

However, if his property was sold below market value in order to receive kickbacks in return, then it is something else. Whatever kickback he gets out of this deal not only will make good what he had lost in the sale, but he will also reap a greater profit from it. That would involve corruption.

The MP for Tasek Glugor, Shabudin Yahya, had implied an element of corruption in the purchase of a house allegedly bought at below market price by the chief minister of Penang. Shabudin had claimed that the purchase of the house in 2015 had links to the 2012 sale of a piece of state government land in Taman Manggis to the private company Kuala Lumpur International Dental Centre Sdn Bhd (KLIDC).

In other words, it was imputed that that piece of land in Taman Manggis was sold below market price in 2012 so that Guan Eng could get his bungalow below market price – three years later – in 2015 as a favour for selling the land cheaply. If that indeed was the case – and if it could be proven conclusively – then there is no question that a corrupt act had taken place.

But is that the case? Mere speculation does not become a fact.

A stamp duty has to be paid on the value of the property bought at the rate of 1% for the first RM100,000, 2% after that till RM500,000 and 3% for anything above RM500,000.

The valuation is done by the Valuation Department, which is a government agency. If the buyer had quoted a certain price for the property and if the Valuation Department came out with a higher valuation for the property, the buyer pays the higher percentage based on the higher valuation, unless that buyer is prepared to challenge that valuation in a court of law.

In the instant case, since the Valuation Department decided that the market price of the property should be RM4.1m, the buyer have had to pay RM39,000 extra in stamp duty on the RM1.3m differential between the transaction price and the valuation level.

Nobody is ever charged for quoting a lower price. It is not a criminal act. It is not an issue at all.

Coming back to the issue of corruption, we are told that the buyer of the bungalow, the chief minister of Penang, was not the chairman of the Tender Board. He wasn’t even a member.

From the relevant facts made available, the Taman Manggis land was sold through an open tender chaired by the State Secretary. It would mean that there were other bidders for the land as well. If that was the case, who then would be the rightful buyer?

Surely it must be the highest bidder. If the land was bought legitimately through the proper tender process, how does the question of corruption come into the picture then?

Is it implied that the entire Tender Board had colluded with the chief minister in selling this particular piece of land to KLIDC below market price? Is the integrity of the members of the Tender Board being questioned? What is the basis for this?

Were the other bidders in the open tender exercise influenced not to offer a higher price so that KLIDC could buy this land at their offered price? Who would have that kind of influence? Was there a puppet master controlling the open tender exercise?

If the entire tender process was above board, how does the question of corruption arise? Is it a cooked-up notion?

Was the element of corruption wilfully manufactured to implicate Guan Eng in the purchase of his bungalow below market price?

If Shabudin has irrefutable evidence to back up his claim, then he should say this publicly outside Parliament. It is a moral obligation. We would support him – indeed urge him – to do so.

Guan Eng, who dismisses this allegation as lies, will be compelled to sue Shabudin, who can lay bare the evidence in Court and nail Guan Eng. If Shabudin is out to get Guan Eng for committing corruption, then this would be the golden opportunity for him to achieve this.

Much hullabaloo is being created now about the affordable housing project that was intended on Taman Manggis – but not implemented – by the former BN government. When the BN was in power, it could have easily completed the housing project for the poor on this piece of land. But it would seem it had squandered that opportunity.

...continue below...


1,069 posts

Posted by supermix2 > 2016-03-31 18:38 | Report Abuse

By God’s grace, the BN had another opportunity to complete this housing project. It had the means, the capacity and the political will to undertake this project successfully. Indeed, it went out of the way to seek and grab this opportunity and boldly and loudly proclaimed that it was going to build affordable houses on this plot of land.

The BN made this a burning issue for the GE13, slamming the Pakatan Rakyat government for selling the 0.45ha (1.1-acre) Taman Manggis land rather cheaply below market price for RM11.5m or at RM232 psf to a private company. The BN contended that the price should be double of what was sold to the private company.

This prompted the chief minister to offer the BN to buy the land for over RM22m or RM450 psf. With much bravado, the BN chief, Teng Chang Yeow, immediately agreed to buy the land. The total cost was RM22,407,300.

The BN was so eager to purchase this land in order to build houses for the poor that it wasted no time and even paid 1% earnest money of RM224,073 on 3 October 2012.

The BN was so flushed with money that it brought that amount – almost a quarter million ringgit – in cash together with a counting machine. The BN State Youth chief, Oh Tong Keong, accompanied by Penang MCA Youth chief, Tan Hing Teik, and Tanjung Barisan Youth chief, H’ng Khoon Leng, went to the chief minister’s Office to hand over the money at 11am that morning.

However, they were denied entry by the guards at Komtar. The CM’s special assistant, Faridah Hani M. Yaacob, who met the group, said the state could not accept the cash and told them to bank in the amount to the state via the state treasurer.

The Barisan leaders later banked in the amount at a Maybank branch in Komtar.

State Barisan Youth chief, Oh Tong Keong, emphatically stated that the payment was to show the state Barisan’s seriousness and sincerity in buying the land.

“The state did not ask for the 1% payment, but if we do not take any action, the state will accuse us of not being sincere,” he added.

The State BN had 30 days to settle the full payment. As such, the remaining amount of RM22,183,227 had to be paid in by 4 November 2012.

Subsequently, the Penang BN Youth chief, Oh Tong Keong, with gusto, declared, “The money and everything else is ready. We have successfully collected the remaining RM22.18m from Barisan supporters.”

Come 4 November, the BN failed to honour its remaining 99% payment. The Pakatan Rakyat government, in wanting to co-operate with the BN, gave an extended deadline of another month for the BN to meet its obligation. But this obligation was not fulfilled on 4 December 2012 and thus the 1% earnest money was forfeited.

The BN had two missions to fulfil:

(1) prevent the Pakatan Government from selling the Taman Manggis land at RM11.5m, considered by them as below market price; and

(2) give meaning to their great passion for the poor by building affordable houses on this plot of land.

But they botched both the missions, bringing to question their sinceriry.

After all the beating of the war drums about the Taman Manggis land, after displaying all the determination of wanting to acquire this piece of land to build houses for the poor and after having collected all the money necessary to conclude the sale, why was it aborted? Money was not the problem. Then what was the problem?

What happened to all that bravado?

To organise demonstrations and demand that houses be built on Taman Manggis land only reveals political opportunism and does not in any way enhance their credibility or establish their sincerity.

What the Penang Umno Youth chief, Rafizal Abd Rahim, told reporters after the 25 March 2016 gathering at Taman Manggis – “We want to protect the people’s interests as they need a more comfortable place which they can call their own” – has a hollow ring to it.

In 2013, BN was wallowing in money. A nameless stranger had mysteriously donated RM2.6bn. A small part of that money would have sufficed to build the affordable houses for the poor if there was the political will and genuine desire to help the poor.

But RM1.5bn was splashed without a care to buy and bribe voters to retain power.

BN, you reneged on your word, you broke your promise, you dishonoured your solemn intention.

You not only sounded hollow and hypocritical when you expressed your concern for the poor but you have proven yourself to be hollow and hypocritical in not fulfilling your solemn promise!

P Ramakrishnan
Aliran executive committee member
28 March 2016


32 posts

Posted by merryman > 2016-04-04 14:02 | Report Abuse


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