IF RETURN <3.10% OF FD return by end of competition, those investors should be barred from participating next year. We got reserve for top10, also need to penalise those return less than FD.
Haha completely forget about this thing and didn't update my div's. Felt weird why this one is so much lower, while my own portolio didn't change much.
It is true that result speaks much louder than words. If person A keeps talking about his/her investment theories and person B doesn't talk much ; but B's investment return is relatively higher than A's (not just one year but several years consistently). B wins. A is just a Warren Buffet wannabe but will never close to being a real Buffet.
I am just tired hearing people keeps imitating what Buffet has said, but when come to real investment world, his/her return % just doesn't stand out. What is the use to win the argument but lose in return % year after year ? There are a lot of "investment guru" offering investment course out there, but if they show u their investment portfolio and return, some of their students may do better than them.
Like that 2018 everyone banned. Hahaha ==== paperplane IF RETURN <3.10% OF FD return by end of competition, those investors should be barred from participating next year. We got reserve for top10, also need to penalise those return less than FD.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
14,501 posts
Posted by probability > 2019-07-31 20:20 | Report Abuse
Icon, yistock, duit, tan KW are still the great investors with originality...
i had really high hopes earlier on cute Jon Choivo as an aspiring investor....:(