u turn...........within 24 hours, everyone can turn from Yes to No....in the most important question in their political life............what is the quality of their decision?
Power always corrupt. People always corrupt. Always install a check and balance system. The check and balance system is independent of judiciary, press and freedom of religion and speech. Otherwise, there will always be corruption. Human are greedy animals.
Power always corrupt. People always corrupt. Always install a check and balance system. The check and balance system is independent of judiciary, press and freedom of religion and speech. Otherwise, there will always be corruption. Human are greedy animals. ==============
I happen to think Chiina is the best governed country in the world at the moment...............virus or no virus..............
HItler knows what is best for Germany. So he go and conquer and conquer. Because he has the power. Without feedbacks, the goes straight forward not knowing his decisions and fear culture that he created provided no check and balance. So Hitler's Germany go up fast, crash down fast. Mahathir is doing the same.
HItler knows what is best for Germany. So he go and conquer and conquer. Because he has the power. Without honest feedbacks, he goes straight forward not knowing his decisions and fear culture that he created provides no check and balance. So Hitler's Germany go up fast, crash down fast. Mahathir is doing the same.
Chinese Communist Party same like Hitler Germany will go up fast and crash fast because of the dictatorial political culture that they created which provide no check and balance. Taiwan is the best example of democracy in Asia.
Chinese Communist Party same like Hitler Germany will go up fast and crash fast because of the dictatorial political culture that they created which provide no check and balance. Taiwan is the best example of democracy in Asia. =======
hahaha...if China is a democracy, collapse already....maybe people starving still..........
The reason the Coronavirus spread so fast and far, because they silence the doctor who created the awareness among a few colleague. IF they have not done that, the virus would not do so much damage to China. So many small business, hotels, restaurant and normal workers is going down. No more business, no more jobs.
Xenophobic culture is not the way to run a country. History has prove over and over again, the government that don't trust their own citizen and constantly instill a fear culture, will soon run it to the ground. No sharing of power is selfish and unsustainable. No rule of law, independent of judiciary and press will surely crash the country soon. No talent want to work for a ruthless boss and a ruthless company. HItler germany crash even though their technology is better. Facist Japanese government crash after going up so fast because of dictatorial approach to running government. Mahathir is making the same mistake again. He is not smart as he seems afterall.
The Soviet Union followed US advice. What did they get ? Disintegration, US missile placed closer n closer to Russia. Putin spent 20 quiet years to rebuild Russia's military power. Russia is not communist, but gets US missile threat n sanctions.
LKY was the leading authority on China, having spent hundreds of hours with its leaders. I do not read too much into those "western" experts. LKY said democrary will come to China but not following the path of Soviet Union.
2008 dejavu, but we r all 12 yrs older n hopefully can see clearly now. Lets give DSAI his chance to lead, the guy waited 22 yrs, he cant do worse than the last 2 PMs ( not thinking of TM)
He has jailed Anwar, Guan Eng, Kit Siang, Karpal Singh, MAt Sabu and etc. Will he change? Never. Is in his DNA to play the racial politics and to cheat. When you can't compete in a level playing field, tilt the level playing field.
Everybody learn their lesson except for Mahathir. No Honour! No Shame! Forever dictatorial in nature. Forever blaming others when he don't get his ways. Forever complaining not enough, forever can't compete in the level playing field. Play Cheat is their culture. No Honour! No Shame!
Without Mahathir, Harapan will win. Bring the next GE here. Don't tell me there is no Malaysians who wants a clean country. Dignity and honour is more expensive than KLCC and Proton project. It can't be bought. It is priceless.
The great thing in I3 is all the experts r here, they have the answers to Msia’s problems, can pinpoint exactly wht is wrong, with who n solns, how wonderful .
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624 posts
Posted by VWWong > 2020-02-27 16:10 | Report Abuse
Makan tak bayar. Beli barang tak bayar. Hutang tak Bayar. NO HONOUR! NO! SHAME! HIDUP! MELAYU! HIDUP! MElAYU!