LGE please be grateful that Tun M at least do not want to work with UMNO to form backdoor government. Your arragant and big mouth cause Sarawak votes. Tell me when your tool free road promised fulfil or now penang bridge is tool free?
WAKE UP. AREN'T WE SUPPOSED TO LEARN SOMETHING USEFUL FROM HISTORY? There had been time we lost our kinship with the people of the southernmost point of South-east Asia......
.....in 1965
But not this time! This time we must choose to do it differently
20-month-old Avengers-packed team PH's work is like a glass half full. NOW IT'S UP TO US TO HELP TO FILL IT FULL TO BE AN ASIAN TIGER......
For us Sarawakians learn one important thing in our schools that those children in peninsular have missed out, owing to their teachers who perpetually seeing the innocent anak-anak Malaysia through a coloured lense:
Humanity should be our race. Love should be our religion
Again, humanity should be our race. Love should be our religion. We stand neutral forever.
We do not need parasitic and toxic preachers to poison our mindset...
LGE just explaining to the people/supporters why PH switch from support TM to DSAI , why he he being target & not those culprits who cause this political mess ?? You guys can shout nonsense here, isnt it ?
LGE got the right to talk as he likes, because he has fought for a better Msia for all races, even got the scars to show for it, went to detention/prison, under ISA & fo defending a Malay girl, abused by CM of a state.
Do you expect someone who has faced such harsh political journey, to talk sweet to your eyes ? then suggest you try to spend a night in prison to find out, if it will affect your person.
actually LGE have dont very well by escaping penang bridge scandal from court, when he open his mouth bursa doing well by chasing away the FF from this county. wonderful thing
I m v disappointed with the smart alecs here, ok some got agenda to promote BN /Bersatu interests, fair. But even a dummy like me know that how can PH ever hope to do well when got sabotage from inside n outside the PH ?
Now, that the cancer inside has removed themselves, left outside politcal enemies, you smarties can expect a different, more effective PH, isnt it ?
In sabah & sarawak, it seems all races can sit on the same table to take their meals, irrespective of race or religion. West Malaysians used to have this harmonious community living until it was lost forever, due to our short-sighted politicians, haizzz..
DAP is the cleanest and most honest party in Malaysia. That is why the other corrupted parties don't like to work with DAP. Sarawakians and Sabahans politician are some of the most corrupted officials. If Mahathir is so clean, he would have gone after Taib and Shafie Apdal. Those guys are corrupted to the bones.
Muhiyiddin and Bersatu member are mostly ex-UMNO crooks. The reason they join pakatan is that they don't want to be prosecuted. Now we know, Mahathir never has the intention to clean up the government. He just want to jail Najib like what he did to Anwar. Corrupted to the core and not upholding democratic principle. Only the blinds can't tell the difference.
Let Dap and Anwar talk theory theory... But what use no power
There are practical people....and there are ideologues..........Pas is an islamic ideologue............Anwar and LKS are also ideologues. They call themselves democrats with democractic ideals...Anwar is likely just a hypocrite....while LKS is a life long oppositionist,,,probably that is his natural habitat. ...............................none of them are Deng Siew Peng............any cat will do........and cross the river while feeling the stones............and that............is the state of malaysian politics.................Dr M is both a patriot and a practical man...............alas people of lesser intelligence will mis understand Dr M............and even become cynics.............
LGE knows DAP has made a big mistake in rejecting to join Mahathir's vision for a non partisan government, at least for the time being....................now trying to grab some sand.............got use meh?
EngineeringProfit wrote, “For us Sarawakians learn one important thing in our schools that those children in peninsular have missed out, owing to their teachers who perpetually seeing the innocent anak-anak Malaysia through a coloured lense: Humanity should be our race. Love should be our religion”
Both Anwar and DAP in bad mouthing Mahathir now will only cause them to lose more votes and further confirm to the malay voters that DAP is an extremist organisation...........
It would be a surprise if UMNO can forgive Muhiyiddin for what he did to UMNO. He is the one that ditch out information on Najib and cause the downfall of UMNO. They would strangle him , the moment he is united back with UMNOs.
And for Azmin Ali who has fought UMNO for 20 years, suddenly change to become one of them. That is just as surprising as what was he doing on the outside. He was most likely walloping all the donations for Anwar Ibrahim when he was in jail.
Malaysia salvation only can come from Sabah and Sarawak. Need to get their support, take good care of them and start the reform needed badly in west Malaysia.
Looks like the certain section of the society are still very communal and feudalistic in their view. Is hard to change. When ringgit fall to RM5 / USD1, then business starts to close shop and then many ordinary poor folks start to lose job. Then they will learn their lesson. They don't care if Najib is corrupted as long as he is not gay. They don't really care much about corruption because the most important is that guy is not a gay.
Its our West Msian politicians fanning these communal & religious views, over the yrs after Tunku's time. There is HOPE for change to better communal relations, like our East Msians, when politicians here focus on efforts to build a better Msia for everyone , & be +ve role models, maybe need 1 or 2 generations, when the current oldies political taikos moved on. The current wise King gives us HOPE.
PKR and DAP are urban elites who has lost touch with the common malays and their aspirations...........DAP talking democracy and talking bad about Mahathir got use meh?
Both Anwar and DAP in bad mouthing Mahathir now will only cause them to lose more votes and further confirm to the malay voters that DAP is an extremist organisation...........
They can't compete in equal level playing field and resort to tilting the field. They will never earn respect from the world. But why would they care. Most important is to get money for free.
Posted by qqq33333333 > Feb 27, 2020 3:14 PM | Report Abuse
Let Dap and Anwar talk theory theory... But what use no power
There are practical people....and there are ideologues..........Pas is an islamic ideologue............Anwar and LKS are also ideologues. They call themselves democrats with democractic ideals...Anwar is likely just a hypocrite....while LKS is a life long oppositionist,,,probably that is his natural habitat. ...............................none of them are Deng Siew Peng............any cat will do........and cross the river while feeling the stones............and that............is the state of malaysian politics.................Dr M is both a patriot and a practical man...............alas people of lesser intelligence will mis understand Dr M............and even become cynics.............
Lots of good insight ! If Dr M appoints a cabinet of technocrats, all without political leanings, isn't this a practical solution for the time being ?
Mahathir has always been the one who thinks he knows best. Running a country is not like running a company. There is no way you can not share power. When too much concentration power is at the top, corruption grows from below. There is no way, he can see it. He is making the same mistake that he made 20 years ago by concentrating power to the PM. Corruption will be rife under his power and will create a group of monsters like Najib, zahid, Muhiyiddin, and etc. It will pull the country backwards again. This time, Thailand and Vietnam will overtake Malaysia.
Mahathir still think he is the smartest Malay in Malaysia. But will never be enough to compete with the world. Ringgit is shrinking and all Malaysians can do is to work in foreign country as cheap labour like what some of them are doing in Korea.
What i mean just be what he should be in normal way in the beginning of his first political job. One big lesson from this whole scenes right now, all of us can see their true colours. Which one person that more than one personalities, bad, good and silent.
Mahathir will never earn the respect he ever wanted. He is cornered. GOing back to Bersatu. He has no shame and no honour just like a large section of the society that he has often describe all his life. Whoever wants to deal with Mahathir when you break your promise and do a U-Turn every time. But I guess doing U-Turn is their culture. Esok , lusa, then go MC for a month never come back to work.
Thailand and Vietnam overtaking M'sia is a small thing. The worst thing to come is when Thailand builds the Kra Canal.
The idea of Kra Canal existed in the 1970s at the height of US economic n military power. LKY sought the help of the US not to fund n build the canal.
Now, the PRC has the expertise and funding to build the canal. It is a matter of "when". Thailand has not forgetten the US betrayal following the fall of Saigon in 1975.
Mahathir has always and always plan to recalcitrate on his deal. He was called a recalcitrant for a reason. He broke the honour to pass the PM post. The Bersatu and UMNO people are the same. They don't honour deal. That is why, never to lend this people money. They will never pay you back, no matter how many times, they say they will pay you back.
WHich international leader will deal with a person who don't honour his words? Which businessman will deal with a person who don't honour his words? No honour , no shame as how Mahathir has always describe them. He himself, the same breed.
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3,053 posts
Posted by qqq33333333 > 2020-02-27 13:54 | Report Abuse
stop it............LGE...............u and the DAP screwed it up...........your days in government ended............