"The irony is he spent much of his energy trying to change the Malays"
The old dickhead failed to realise the fundamental human feature of freewill.
When one is inclined to CHANGE someone to follow a "mould" there is bound to be rebellion and rejection. Majority will revolt in silent when the imposition is not to their liking. This is evident even in married relationship when the wife is hell bent to change her spouse. Divorces are the end result when opinions repel. This analogy applies to every CHANGE imposition. Individuals will change when circumstance demand them to change.
The true hurt but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. MO1 downfall is become everyone fall to speak the truth, some every praise him like the god “chosen one” and can do no wrong
I always hold a disdain view toward lawyer because I regard them as a hire gun/prostitute that will do any-things and everything on their higher bidder behalf to escape the law. Thus they are many powerful, filthy rich and crock politicians/tycoons/powerful people that can escape anything from corruption, rape and even murder. However there are few exceptional and the late Karpal Singh is one of those that fight just not to uphold the law but justice behind the law.
From the late Karpal Singh himself: You see that’s why they say he may be a good lawyer but he’s a lousy politician. That has been a charge against me. But I think one should know that you can’t sacrifice principles for political expediency. That’s the stand I have taken and I won’t shift from that. They say in politics there are no permanent enemies or permanent friends, but I say there must be permanent principles. I must be able to look at myself in the mirror when I get up in the morning. You can’t twist and turn. That’s something that I have not been able to do and I have been criticised for it.
qqq3, I was the last batch where medium of education and public exam in English.
My brother alma mater of Sultan Abdul Hamid College’s (SAHC) was the first batch to take the STPM exam. And with his 2A2B in STPM he was denial his choose of medical, dentistry and engineering degree study in public university and was only offered a place Sciences with Education in USM.
EngineeringProfit, Nowadays we are forced to spend a fortune for our children private/oversea University education. Then you have those undeserved scholarships recipient wasted the public money by not study hard or never progress to graduation.
Note: During my father time, my father only can afford to send us to Public University education.
1. Tan Sri Hassan Marican, Petronas: "We did it based on values and principles that are dear to us. It is my hope that you will continue to uphold those VALUES and PRINCIPLES. Lose it and we will lose all that we have built."
2. Tan Sri Shamsul Azhar Abbas, Petronas: “It’s so difficult to do an honest day’s job. You spend a lot of time away from your true function (of running Petronas).” “It’s not just people outside [who are making things difficult but] also people in the government — the bureaucrats. Bureaucratic interference makes things difficult." “I’m a Malay too, I’m proud to be one … you think I don’t want to help my own people? Of course I want to help them, but in the proper way -- not through handouts and spoon-feeding." “Everybody can see that we at Petronas are under immense pressure … We take pride in telling the whole world, telling the whole of Malaysia, that we are a Fortune 500 company, but do we behave like one?” “This is what the fighting is all about, trying to give ourselves some independence, so that at the end of the day, we are measured in terms of our performance, delivery and results, and not having anyone intervening and telling us what we have to do and that we have to give handouts to all.” “The government wants us to be like an international oil company, comparable with the Shells and ExxonMobils of the world, so we try to be one. But Shell and ExxonMobil are not harassed by their governments.” “In the Petroleum Development Act, it is very clear — oil and gas belong to all Malaysians. It doesn’t say oil and gas belong to the bumiputeras, it doesn’t say that … it says all Malaysians, so they can be in the government, they can be in the opposition, they can be wherever … and we are the custodians.” “It is amanah … diamanahkan … the word amanahkan is very strong — as a Muslim, it would be a huge sin if I abused ‘amanah’. “We are dealing with politicians; they say one thing but do another, so it’s difficult… it is frustrating.”
3. Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee, Petronas: "Often, in the position of trust, you will face conflict choices and difficult decisions. "Sometimes standing by your principles may prove unrewarding and downright unpopular. It is a lonely path that true leaders must tread. "At the end of it, doing the right thing allows you to have the peace of mind, clarity of conscience of having discharged your amanah - your responsibility with honesty and honour."
4. Jalil Rasheed, PNB: "I will never waver in my principles in performing my duties. Oftentimes making the right decisions is riddled with difficulties and some will be unpopular. There was a line I would not cross." "Please always stay the course, never waver in integrity and principles. Always remember the Amanah that has been entrusted upon you by the 14m unitholders who rely on you to deliver returns from their hard earned money. Ultimately we are only answerable to One." "Principles and integrity are two things nobody can take from you. Only you decide if you want to let it go. I go out proud knowing that this was never compromised."
.....ballooning the country debt, designing and churning out parasitic institutions - just one of it would keep draining over 100 million every month for nonscientific activities/development.....and still counting
One of his greatest sins is opening Bersatu back door to admit DUMNO members into Past Hope......causing the downfall of a democratically elected gomen
...... owing to his selfish political interest to enlarge the membership for Bersatu
EngineeringProfit > Jun 19, 2020 6:59 PM | Report Abuse
...... owing to his selfish political interest to enlarge the membership for Bersatu =====================================
u are an engineer , u said? go through the maths and u will soon realise the fall of Pakatan is due to Azmin gang defections and nothing to do with UMNO defections............
Hahahaq prince of my earth....Btw who gives anyone the right to ask any Malaysian to migrate? Why cant you ask people to come together and make a change for a better Malaysia?!
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
14,982 posts
Posted by DickyMe > 2020-06-19 12:44 | Report Abuse
"The irony is he spent much of his energy trying to change the Malays"
The old dickhead failed to realise the fundamental human feature of freewill.
When one is inclined to CHANGE someone to follow a "mould" there is bound to be rebellion and rejection. Majority will revolt in silent when the imposition is not to their liking. This is evident even in married relationship when the wife is hell bent to change her spouse. Divorces are the end result when opinions repel. This analogy applies to every CHANGE imposition. Individuals will change when circumstance demand them to change.