It's a crucial element of their upbringing in whatever cultural contexts they are in.
Only excellent education produces unity, harmony and prosperity in diversity.
Crap education would only produce school leavers and phD holders - all the same - who favour throwing the nation to the dogs with corrupt politicians.....
..... instead of choosing a clean multiracial coalition.
Mamktir said: "If Past Hope is seen as a multiracial outfit, I don't think the peninsular bumi MPs would support us. Without their support, there is no need to talk about anyone being prime minister or becoming anything. Without support (from peninsular bumi MPs), you would not have the support needed to form a government.*
What's wrong? If not uninitiating dumping of currently unworthy brainwashing and delearning the wrong thinking;.......
.......and relearning a new mindset with only quality education.....
The hallmark of leadership par excellence is the ability to EDUCATE the commoners........ leavers or phD holders- all the same (but the more educated they are, theoretically should be easier to educate)
....not to choose representative based on skin colour or their personal faith belief system
Ensure they are not corruption tainted.......Not a spineless person who can betray his mentor and comrades.......Not unscrupulous person who are good in organizing secret meetings
Mamktir said: "If Past Hope is seen as a multiracial outfit, I don't think the peninsular bumi MPs would support us. Without their support, there is no need to talk about anyone being prime minister or becoming anything. Without support (from peninsular bumi MPs), you would not have the support needed to form a government.*
What's wrong? If not uninitiating dumping of currently unworthy brainwashing and delearning the wrong thinking;.......
.......and relearning a new mindset with only quality education.....
Mamktir said: "If Past Hope is seen as a multiracial outfit, I don't think the peninsular bumi MPs would support us. Without their support, there is no need to talk about anyone being prime minister or becoming anything. Without support (from peninsular bumi MPs), you would not have the support needed to form a government.*
What's wrong? If not uninitiating dumping of currently unworthy brainwashing and delearning the wrong thinking;.......
.......and relearning a new mindset with only quality education.....
The hallmark of leadership par excellence is the ability to EDUCATE the commoners........
.........toxic elements* of nation-building that they shpild shun away from
* include the malignancy of racism
Anti-Racism education from young age (MELENTUR BULUH BIARLAH DARI REBUNGNYA): Fighting Hate Politics
Children have been exposed from early childhood all types of hate- favourism, racism and homophobia, warping their views about diversity and inclusion.
The hallmark of leadership par excellence is knowing that....
the fight against bigotry is about putting malevolent events and beliefs into context, dispelling little ones’ misapprehensions, and empowering the young minds to be forces for good....
During premarital course, all potential parents must be educated to ensure their children from ages 0 to 6 lay positive groundwork, addressing hate by cultivating its opposite—compassion and tolerance.
scientifically, all children have a head start: an innocent indifference to what sets people apart.
Kids are very aware of ways we differ, but they aren’t born identifying people with a particular race, gender, or ethnicity, They don’t naturally discriminate.
......every parents must learn to keep the conversation at the right level—of reassurance, honesty, and detail with their young ones about the malignancy of bigotry
Mamktir said: "If Past Hope is seen as a multiracial outfit, I don't think the peninsular bumi MPs would support us. Without their support, there is no need to talk about anyone being prime minister or becoming anything. Without support (from peninsular bumi MPs), you would not have the support needed to form a government.*
What's wrong? If not uninitiating dumping of currently unworthy brainwashing and delearning the wrong thinking;.......
.......and relearning a new mindset with only quality education.....
Your wish doesn't align with tun m wish, unfortunately.
"I myself do not wish Tun Mahathir to come back as our 9th PM, if possible Tun should be appointed as Minister Mentor and head the Education Reform as Tun still has the unfulfilled promises made to Tun’s alma mater Sultan Abdul Hamid College’s (SAHC)"
Tun is an icon of failure. He is an exemplary racist with his institutionalised racist policies. His grand achievement is making the blue eyed community as honourable beggars and thieves of the nation.
I have mentioned in previous speeches that in the case of the Malays, many seem to see ghosts around every corner. It seems that these ghosts are getting more numerous and more easily visible with each passing generation. Surely, we have to look at how our children are being educated – formally, religiously and morally – as an indication of where our community is heading.
We must empower them with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions, no matter the situation. We must raise a new generation of leaders and great thinkers, not of sheep and cowards.
Positive moral values must be inculcated amongst our youth, and emphasised in the Malaysian workforce. We must take pride in our work and in ourselves. It is not too late for those of us who are adults to start living with integrity.
Do we gain anything by teaching the young that they have the right of entitlement over all others simply because of their race? Is it right to be instilling in students the thinking that all other religions are inferior to yours?
Is it moral to drill into students that other students are not entitled to certain privileges simply because they are not of a certain race, even if they are economically disadvantaged?
We have been robbing the poor to further uplift those that don’t deserve the support, and this widening of the education and income gap must come to an end. The fear-mongering is only to encourage and continue this abuse. Its time to stop the “them versus us” rhetoric.
We have to admit that trying to keep the Malays in their own cocoons will only ensure that they will be the ones left far behind. While the other races are competing with each other and with the rest of the world, the Malays are faced with political rhetoric that insists that they remain spoon-fed and pampered. This will only soften the Malays and in an increasingly globalised economic
Let us not be under any illusions. We are still far from being out of the woods. We are far from being ready for the changes happening around us. We are far from being a united people. We are far from being able to compete at the global level. We are far from being able to embrace differences and changes. And underpinning all of this unpreparedness is education.
If we do not first get education right, all these other challenges will suddenly become insurmountable. To borrow a quote from Alvin Toffler: “The illiterate of the 21st Century are not those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”
I would like to add to this by saying, “not only those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn, but also those who refuse to learn.”
Underlying all these, there must be unity, and a sense of urgency.
(Somehow), I think the current government is fine.
Government agencies getting efficient unlike the last two years (that's the most important). (It seems like DAP coalition unable to mobilise government servants. )
Keeping the economy alive and suppress COVID at the same time is a big big thing. You only have less than 10 countries in the world did that.
Dr. M is history, the Lim's are history (I might be wrong), they had their chance they blowed it. They have serious problems in recognising facts and unable to act on facts.
Azmin's faction, Bersatu politicians and civil servants sabotaged PH plans. There is nothing DAP can do. To be blunt, the Malays sabotaged from within. Musuh dalam selimut and many Si Kitols hatched plans to thwart every plans. Even Dr. M did it by saying "need more time..wait for the right time.." Bullshit.
That's why while exemplary leaders par excellence such as...
Martin Luther King's speech went:
" I have a dream today.......that little boys and girls of all creeds and background can join hands and walk together like a family....
" I have a dream today ......crooked places will be made straight and every valley shall be exalted......"
And Barack Hussein Obama:
"Let's be the generation that reshapes our national economy to compete in the challenging digital age....
Let's be the generation that recruits a new army of righteous teachers with exemplary self-integrity for more accountability and performance....
Let's be the generation that invests in scientific research and lays down broadband lines through every heart of inner cities and rural towns nationwide....
Let's be the generation that ensure rich politicians and statemen work responsibly and share their wealth with tgepoor and needy.....
Let's be the generation that make it possible for hard-working ppl to save for a decent living post-retirement......
Let's be the generation that whips GLCs to perform and earn......and allow workers'unions to lift up the stand of living for those in the middle class.... floating like a butterfly, stinging like a bee, indulging in wicked humour which is more a jab or a poke, that masks a Muhammad Ali-like killer punch.
Posted by DickyMe > Jun 20, 2020 10:02 AM | Report Abuse
Azmin's faction, Bersatu politicians and civil servants sabotaged PH plans. There is nothing DAP can do. To be blunt, the Malays sabotaged from within. Musuh dalam selimut and many Si Kitols hatched plans to thwart every plans. Even Dr. M did it by saying "need more time..wait for the right time.." ......
______//_______ his speach should also go.....
" I am the ultimate icon of failure........who fail to clean up.......
LKY type of no nonsense and non compromise leadership will not be accepted by Majority. Malaysia need to look for new set of young leaders to lead and rebuild Malaysia.
That's why while exemplary leaders par excellence such as...
Martin Luther King's speech went:
" I have a dream today.......that little boys and girls of all creeds and background can join hands and walk together like a family....
" I have a dream today ......crooked places will be made straight and every valley shall be exalted......"
And Barack Hussein Obama:
"Let's be the generation that reshapes our national economy to compete in the challenging digital age....
Let's be the generation that recruits a new army of righteous teachers with exemplary self-integrity for more accountability and performance....
Let's be the generation that invests in scientific research and lays down broadband lines through every heart of inner cities and rural towns nationwide....
Let's be the generation that ensure rich politicians and statemen work responsibly and share their wealth with tgepoor and needy.....
Let's be the generation that make it possible for hard-working ppl to save for a decent living post-retirement......
Let's be the generation that whips GLCs to perform and earn......and allow workers'unions to lift up the stand of living for those in the middle class....
Most people assume “belief” refers to religion. But it is so much more. Belief is the ability to combine histories and experiences with imagination, to think beyond the here and now. It enables humans to see, feel, and know an idea that is not immediately present to the senses, then wholly invest in making that idea one’s reality.
We must believe in ideas and abilities in order to invent iPhones, construct rockets, and make movies. We must believe in the value of goods, currencies, and knowledge to build economies. We must believe in collective ideals, constitutions, and institutions to form nations. We must believe in love (something no one can clearly see, define, or understand) to engage in relationships.
" I am an unforgivable icon of failure who fail to empower the people with the ability to think critically, logically, wisely and to make their own informed decisions, no matter the situation......
...... fail to raise a new generation of leaders and great thinkers, but merely not of sheep and cowards qualities
DAP dan Amanah mendedahkan pilihan pertama mereka untuk mencalonkan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai perdana menteri tidak berjaya mendapat sokongan diperlukan bagi membentuk kerajaan.
Justeru, ia menyebabkan pilihan kedua, iaitu Dr Mahahir Mohamad sebagai perdana menteri dan Anwar sebagai timbalannya, dikemukakan. Dalam kenyataan bersama pemimpin parti itu petang ini, DAP dan Amanah mendedahkan pilihan pertama hanya mampu mendapat sokongan maksimum 96 anggota parlimen.
Jumlah itu melibatkan 91 sokongan anggota parlimen Pakatan Harapan (38 PKR, 42 DAP dan 11 Amanah) dan lima dari Bersatu, termasuk Mahathir.
if gps, warisan really sincere in national reform, why impose condition that mati must be pm? where is teamwork, sincerity from both gps, warisan? what if mati really mati? then, gps+ warisan divert loyalty again? anwar as a stumbling block just a lamb excuse for mati to remain in power.
chinaman, you need to ask AI's wifr and nobita...... dpm and many times they visited east msia....
...what had they voiced out for the ppl here
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Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2020-06-19 23:12 | Report Abuse
Yes, still a much better option actually.....
.....than klepto