14 people like this.

41 comment(s). Last comment by goldenluck16 2021-01-30 21:21


1,067 posts

Posted by gloveharicut > 2021-01-28 17:49 | Report Abuse

ceoshare, 5:44 PM

I want to share a message to pump our people up. Our glove companies, with whatever imperfections they have, are our national treasure. No matter what institutes might do to make you think less of them, they are our pride. To naysay them, to say that after covid is over, our gloves are gonna die. All of that is just unpatriotic and untrue. We should be proud of what we have, supporting them fully to reach the next level, fixing their problems, criticizing them fairly for their issues, and help them grow bigger. How terrible that when Topglove challenged to become a Fortune 500 and pass Maybank (An investment bank) in market cap, we saw what happened. Rampant media and price manipulation is undeniable. Our local hero wants to become a Fortune 500, and people are naysaying that. What do we hope from our successes here? For them to fail? We reward our success with manipulation, single digit PE, and with splitting opinions with some hoping they and their investors lose money. It's terrible. Something big has happened in America, something that shows that the institution and the big money are at our mercy. I believe in that now. I want this to change. Whoever is still holding gloves have already been through hell, join me by saying eff you to investment banks, fund managers, market manipulators, and everyone else. We are retailers, this is our market. Let our winners be winners. I'm not selling and I'm gonna buy more when the market opens tomorrow. I'm not gonna swim with the waves they decide. I will be holding. I believe in gloves strongly and it deserves a fair valuation. #gloveisgold Even if you don't buy, HOLD.
jackchancw, 5:32 PM

@sypher Reviewed, corrected and revised by Gavin. 我想分享一个信息,以激励我们的人民。我们的手套公司,无论他们有什么不完善之处,都是我们的国宝。无论投资机构采取什么措施使您减少对它们的想法, 它们都是我们的骄傲。 对于不看好的人,说在covid结束之后,我们的手套公司将会死掉,所有这些都是不爱国和不真实的。 我们应该为自己拥有的东西感到自豪,全力支持他们成长达到下一个层次,解决他们的问题,公平地批评他们,当Topglove挑战成为财富500强并超越市值的马来亚银行(Maybank)时,我们看到了所发生的一切,媒体和价格操纵猖的发生是不可否认的。 本地企业努力想要成为财富500强,却遭到媒体和操纵者对此激烈反对。难道我们不希望他们在这里取得成功吗?让他们失败吗? 我们通过操纵,强压股价甚至到个位数的PE,以及以不同的观点来煽动,并希望他们和他们的投资者亏钱。太可怕了! 美国发生了大事,这也让我们知道,机构和巨额资金可以由我们控制摆布。从未发生,但我现在相信我们可以。 我想要改变。任何还拥有手套的投资者,谁都已经陷入困境!请加入我们的行列,向投资银行,基金经理,市场操纵者和其他所有人道歉。我们是零售投资者,这是我们的市场。让我们的赢家成为赢家。明天市场开盘时,我不卖出我的股票,我会买更多。我不会跟着他们决定的市场情绪影响着我。我将会持续守着不卖出让他们得逞。我坚信手套股,应该给予合理的估值。 #gloveisgold


6,880 posts

Posted by gemfinder > 2021-01-28 17:52 | Report Abuse

Setle ur forced labor first la


760 posts

Posted by sting79 > 2021-01-28 17:53 | Report Abuse

At least friends and groups I know of are not even interested in gloves counter, sorry to say that.


1,464 posts

Posted by FairNSquare > 2021-01-28 17:57 | Report Abuse

punish the shorties...end of story


1,464 posts

Posted by FairNSquare > 2021-01-28 17:57 | Report Abuse

punish the traitors who help to short our glove champions


6,880 posts

Posted by gemfinder > 2021-01-28 17:58 |

Post removed.Why?


1,067 posts

Posted by gloveharicut > 2021-01-28 18:06 | Report Abuse

vairocana9999, 6:01 PM

“我在此想分享一个信息,以激励马来西亚的股民。大家都知道,马来西亚的的手套公司,无论他们有什么不完善之处,都是我们的国宝。不过,这几个月来,多家机构,采用各种手段来迫使股民放弃对手套公司的执念,但对深入了解手套公司基本面的我们而言,仍然以拥有手套公司股份为荣。 很多不喜欢手套股的投资者,口口声声新冠疫情之后,手套公司就会垮掉。其实,这些人士的说法是不正确的,而且也是极度不爱国的。马来西亚手套公司几十年来不断成长壮大,每年为全世界提供了至少百分之65的手套,对全世界医疗界有极大贡献,所以我们应该为我们国家拥有的东西感到自豪,并当全力支持实干的华人企业家永续经营,再创新高。目前,新冠疫情肆虐,马来西亚的手套公司只能尽力扩从产能,以应付需求,但却面对人员不足、生产线不足等问题, 还要面对虎视眈眈的“眼红症”群体。当手套股龙头大哥Topglove(顶级手套)在2020年第三季声称希望未来能够继续发展壮大,成为《财富杂志》世界500强企业之一,而且市值将会超越马来西亚最大的银行——马来亚银行(Maybank)时,我们看到了丑恶的一幕幕,发生在眼前,一些没有节操的媒体不断地放大有关顶级手套的新闻,并加以抹黑,他们主要是配合一些机构,刻意压低顶级手套的股价而牟利,而2021年一月份开年的大量卖空手套股就是它们的“杰作”。难道我们想要看到手套行业垮掉?还是要看到他们通过这些恶意的操纵手段,把基本面极佳的手套公司,压低到单位数的本益比(PE), 然后再低价收购,同时希望持有手套股的广大散户群体,全部亏损,他们才满意?这些群体和机构的肮脏手段,实在是太可怕了!这几天,美国发生了大事,很多对冲基金大量卖空一些公司,结果美国的散户忍无可忍,在REDDIT平台号召革命,群策群力,集中火力,买进这些被卖空公司的股份,于是把价位推高了几百巴仙,这些卖空的对冲基金措手不及,被散户杀个片甲不留,只好提早买回所有卖空的股票,并面临巨大亏损,狼狈不堪,是对冲基金前所未有的败绩,这是必将载入史册的股市大事。目前这股散户结集对抗大户与对冲基金的风潮,仍然方兴未艾,势必席卷全球,从美国到欧洲、澳洲,并即将来到亚洲。我们相信散户翻身,不再让大户与对冲基金任意宰割的那一刻,已经到来。我们要改变, 因为马来西亚的手套股投资者,过去几个月,都感到非常郁闷,手套公司每个季度业绩不断创新高,每股赚利和股息也创新高,本益比趋低,但偏偏股价被有心人恶意操纵,不断下滑,这是非常不合情理的。我在此呼吁请所有散户加入我们的行列,向投资银行,基金经理,市场操纵者和其他所有人宣战,因为今天他们恶意卖空手套股,明天他们也会卖空银行股,科技股、消费股、工业股等等,遭殃的都是散户。因此请大家不要置身事外,我们是散户,是股市投资者,这是我们的市场,为何不是散户说了算?我们要敌忾同仇,不再受欺压,我们要团结起来,成为赢家,就像美国的散户那样,谁说我们团结一致的话,不能战胜卖空大户,不能让大户铩羽而归?美国的散户大团结的战果,就是最佳的写照。明天市场开盘时,我不会卖我手中的手套股,我还会继续加码买更多。我不想再被这些机构炒家大户牵着鼻子走,我们受够了。我坚信手套公司是长青的行业,应该给予合理的估值,而不是刻意打压操纵。 #gloveisgold , 即使您现在不再加码购买手套股,也要继续持有。


317 posts

Posted by katsul51 > 2021-01-28 18:07 | Report Abuse

Agreed with you gloveharicut. Will support you. Keep up your good work and great effort,


334 posts

Posted by patrico8 > 2021-01-28 18:24 | Report Abuse

Malaysian industries are the backbone of our country's economy and provide huge taxes to the government and employment to thousands of people. Amongst them, the glove manufacturers are the world's top producers. We need to recognize their value not trample them. I agree with glove haricut's comments.


2,247 posts

Posted by henry888 > 2021-01-28 18:31 | Report Abuse

I dislike short selling...retailers should unite and make protest to Bursa and SC as apparently less and less retailers participate in the market.


3,517 posts

Posted by emsvsi > 2021-01-28 18:34 | Report Abuse

You got to be joking. Gamestop is a company that had been losing money, and then was the target of wallstreet hedge fund shorts all the way to bankruptcy. It is literally the David vs Goliath. Your everyday man is taking the fight to wallstreet.

Posted by noobinvestor98 > 2021-01-28 18:34 | Report Abuse

Share to China Forum, ask them stop hoot Intco but Topglove. EZ.


3,517 posts

Posted by emsvsi > 2021-01-28 18:40 | Report Abuse

Topglove on the other hand has making insane profits from the pandemic, whilst having documented labour rights abuses, blatant disregard to the community's health, covering up it's wrong doings (a few to 2k to 5k covid cases ring a bell), then spending billions in share buybacks which could have. even used to improve the living conditions and livelihoods of its employees. If anything the shorts at less than 3% are the minorities. Glove lovers are so blinded by greed they don't even know what's right or wrong


435 posts

Posted by LimitUp > 2021-01-28 19:14 | Report Abuse

Yes I will support Top Glove by taking up more positions in coming days!


435 posts

Posted by LimitUp > 2021-01-28 19:15 | Report Abuse

Let's all unite to kick these short selling b@$+erds by supporting TG price !


174 posts

Posted by eddie1884 > 2021-01-28 19:17 | Report Abuse

guys use this #GLOVERETAILERUNITE in ur social posting.

lets it trending.

rally all ur friends, untie, uncle, amma, appa, atok, nenek, gf, bf... rally ALL

Posted by Intel_Invest > 2021-01-28 19:25 | Report Abuse

Top glove team and all their employees are hard at work to produce as much live saving PPEs as they can. Even risking their lives to fulfil the high global demand. An increase in their share price would not just benefit the shareholders who have been holding on through all this volatility, but also all their employees as the valuation of the company increases.

The company has embarked on a massive expansion plan which includes high rise worker housing complete with facilities. It will be a model company for other manufacturers to follow suit. And their workers will reap the rewards they have worked so hard all this years for.


1,464 posts

Posted by FairNSquare > 2021-01-28 19:30 | Report Abuse

retailers unite!!

I have already invested in supermax. but i will also support TG.

for too long IBs have manipulated bursa dy. screw them and shorties out!!!

teach them an expensive lesson

the force is on!!!!


760 posts

Posted by sting79 > 2021-01-28 19:38 | Report Abuse

Why must only be gloves and not others? Share to us how we can find out the short positions, and let the public decide which counters to rally! The reddit case became a reality because gamers have a very strong unity concept, but over here is different.

I believe many of us does not like to be told which counters to support, especially if the counter is not owned. If I tell you to support ABC that you do not have, will you buy a lot?


1,464 posts

Posted by FairNSquare > 2021-01-28 19:43 | Report Abuse

by teaching the IBs and shorties a huge lesson, they will think twice before playing around with us retailers anymore.

plus majority of the shorts are in gloves now. all those short money...hit them where it hurts like hell


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2021-01-28 20:20 | Report Abuse

只要 通过吹箫达人
就是 老师们认真起来
再利用 技术面
买入了 长期底部(240ma)附近

做还 仓位管理

目前 敢敢吹箫
买手套股的 老师

不过, 相信还没有加入的



855 posts

Posted by Slc1 > 2021-01-28 20:25 | Report Abuse

You need the power of ELON MUSK!!!!


3,262 posts

Posted by Sales > 2021-01-28 20:39 | Report Abuse

Well said, I will not sell a single unit. Will hold for long term. No worry.

Posted by Supermax2020 > 2021-01-28 20:43 | Report Abuse

Reddit to the rescue!


1,464 posts

Posted by FairNSquare > 2021-01-28 20:50 | Report Abuse

a huge wave is coming and we will roll n crush over any IBs and shorties!!!

we say enough with the manipulations!!!!!


6,880 posts

Posted by gemfinder > 2021-01-28 21:30 |

Post removed.Why?


46 posts

Posted by CJkenho > 2021-01-28 22:52 | Report Abuse

To the IBs who artificially push down the mother share prices to cover your expiring warrants... be ready!!


46 posts

Posted by CJkenho > 2021-01-28 22:52 | Report Abuse

Macquarie has a lot of glove call warrants expiring tomorrow!


633 posts

Posted by Citadel00 > 2021-01-28 22:53 |

Post removed.Why?


397 posts

Posted by magus > 2021-01-29 01:11 | Report Abuse

even if you are not buying glove counters, don't sell. it is a fact that the glove companies have been grossly undervalued even as they make record profits. it is time to teach the shorties a lesson and make them lose so much they will think twice about shorting another fundamentally sound and profitable company.


2,494 posts

Posted by greedy44444 > 2021-01-29 06:33 | Report Abuse

Market trading not just one or two days...you can’t fight the big boys every trading day, look at GameStop price today, only last for one day.


308 posts

Posted by ruby20 > 2021-01-29 08:23 |

Post removed.Why?


308 posts

Posted by ruby20 > 2021-01-29 08:23 |

Post removed.Why?


1,259 posts

Posted by wehcant > 2021-01-29 08:53 | Report Abuse

Gameshop phenomenon - When a million over retail investors teamed up to buy call options at the same time.


690 posts

Posted by sensonic > 2021-01-29 21:17 | Report Abuse

Covid-19 cases in Malaysia cross 200k mark with 5,725 new cases reported while 24 new COVID-19 cases in Singapore, all imported.


1,001 posts

Posted by PunTatBerSiul > 2021-01-29 21:18 | Report Abuse



803 posts

Posted by pBlue > 2021-01-30 20:21 | Report Abuse

@sting79 Just go look at BURSA net short position. The top three most shorted companies in Malaysia are all glove companies. By volume, the 4 major glove companies make up 44% of the short position in BURSA. Yes, gloves... because half the short positions in BURSA are glove companies.


1,956 posts

Posted by goldenluck16 > 2021-01-30 21:21 | Report Abuse

Biggest manipulator...jim

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