@icst1975 " Victor Yong Tak tau, mungkin puan mau sai Lang semua syernya kepada tencent atau tm nanti Dia Dah Beli 20mil shares++ Bulan ini "
" Tarrance Schu today him average price 0.565 25/06/2020 5:57 PM "
"xuxu Puan is keep accumulating. not rumors hehe 25/06/2020 5:58 PM"
BEWARE! BEWARE! 1. Cyber troopers ( could they be VIP puan puan's troopers ??) are coming again promoting their good rosy stories again. 2. If CEO Puan is sincere in owning more Gp shares , why was he not converting the many tens of millions of free warrants-B to ordinary shares ?? Why were hundred of millions of Gp-WB off loaded to the innocent public investors ?? 25/06/2020 6:25 PM
Reference to the comments "Victor Yong Puan pandai, sekarang baru Beli syer GP banyak banyak :) 25/06/2020 6:25 PM Victor Yong Ramai spekulator buy high dulu, kini Jual Murah balik kepada puan. Cerdik :)"
Questions to the above: 1. So are you saying that VIP puan puan & his gang goreng goreng GP shares and WB, in the process the public investors in GP become victim of their financial greed? In effect they are misleading GP investors taking away tens of millions their hard earned money 2. Is VIP puan puan and gang working hard to return GP back to profit making or are they spending their time on Goreng stock ?? 3. What can investors expect from such a company ?
" Victor Yong Tak tau, mungkin puan mau sai Lang semua syernya kepada tencent atau tm nanti Dia Dah Beli 20mil shares++ Bulan ini "
" Tarrance Schu today him average price 0.565 25/06/2020 5:57 PM "
"xuxu Puan is keep accumulating. not rumors hehe 25/06/2020 5:58 PM"
BEWARE! BEWARE! 1. Cyber troopers ( could they be VIP puan puan's troopers ??) are coming again promoting their good rosy stories again. 2. If CEO Puan is sincere in owning more Gp shares , why was he not converting the many tens of millions of free warrants-B to ordinary shares ?? Why were hundred of millions of Gp-WB off loaded to the innocent public investors ?? 25/06/2020 6:25 PM
The best option for puan is to sell GP to tencent like selling P1 to TM like last time. Digital bank, cloud computing, dll, copy and paste jika GP adalah subsidiary tencent sebab tencent Dah buat semua ini. Puan boleh tetap jadi CEO Dalam GP macam Dalam P1 selama 2 tahun Yang diwajibkan oleh TM
Smart indeed. >20mil shares +++ bought at 56.5sen and above starting this month over just a few trading days. More to come probably together with his friendly party, etc
Puan knows what will be next, what will happen next to maximize his wealth :)
@BostonMaxwell I f**#king sure got good news or else he won't spent so much money to buy 25/06/2020 6:59 PM
Becoming a subsidiary of tencent is the best option. Associate company, G3, is considering venture with China Giant companies too. :)
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING G3 GLOBAL BERHAD ("G3" OR THE "COMPANY") Status update on the Memorandum of Understanding between the Company and SenseTime Group Ltd and China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd G3 GLOBAL BERHAD
Type Announcement Subject MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Description G3 GLOBAL BERHAD ("G3" OR THE "COMPANY") Status update on the Memorandum of Understanding between the Company and SenseTime Group Ltd and China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd Reference is made to the announcements dated 26 April 2019 (“Initial Announcement”), 6 August 2019, 25 October 2019 and 22 January 2020 in relation to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Company and SenseTime Group Ltd and China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd.
Unless otherwise stated, the definitions used throughout this announcement shall have the same meaning as defined in the Initial Announcement.
The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that there is no material development on the status of the MOU since 22 January 2020.
This announcement is dated 22 April 2020.
Announcement Info Company Name G3 GLOBAL BERHAD Stock Name G3 Date Announced 22 Apr 2020 Category General Announcement for PLC Reference Number GA1-22042020-00018
A1 park project under associate company, G3 jika launch nanti, harga saham GP juga Akan Naik :)
G3 Global, together with AI company SenseTime and China Harbour Engineering, are collaborating to establish Malaysia’s first AI park with an investment of US$1 billion over the next five years.
Despite the recent change in government, Puan says Putrajaya is still keen on the privately funded project, which he believes will help Malaysia to realise its Industry 4.0 goals.
“The concept is still in development, but the goal is very clear. We aim to put the nation on the fast track to becoming the regional hub for advanced technology. This project will definitely attract FDI (foreign direct investment), create home-grown innovations and develop future-ready talents,” he declares.
This is only a possible speculation and I haze zero proof behind it... nut is it possible that qr for GP is so good and that's why CCP is constantly picking up shares... as he is confident it will jump once it's out..
I do agree that there is a strong element of force buying/selling here...with the way the wall keeps moving...
That being said.. I am a little curious as to the logic of expecting the price to constantly increase just on the basis of the good news/ press releases that have come out. Frankly, there is no chance of seeing profit from all these acquisitions in the next 1- 2 years so the expectations of all those who gave up on this counter seems a bit out of Sync with reality.
IMO, the various recent business forays wherher it is kiplepay, visa integration with kiplepay, cloud computing and e-kyc are towards building a support structure for a digital banking business.
The BNM actually requires that those who apply for the license must show they have a business eco-system that can qualify as a digital banking instituion. So that's what they are doing. Building it brick by brick.
Furthermore, if we refer to singapores recent digital banking license. BNM will probably offer 2 types... one being retail banking and the other being wholesale banking. I suspect that GPs aim is wholesale banking which targets SME's becuase the whole pont of this license is so that SME's can get support from a bankijg instiution. Where in normal cirumstances they are ignored by large bankers.
It may help if a change in mindset from "trader" to "investor" is more applicable for this counter. The price jump from 0.5 to 1.6 was only becuase they asserted they wished to pursue a digutal and there was never anything that actually supported the jump. From an investing view point, you could view that few other counters have done so much to get a digital banking license.
Other contenders such as Grabpay,boostpay are more geared towards retail banking. Or at least they dont have any infrastructure designed to help SME. In support of this claim, I believe singapores grabpay was for a retail bank license.
So, for me GP is still in play. I have purchased at 0.72 and at 0.62 and will hopefully pick up more at 0.52. Besides we havent even gotten to the point yet where GP has submitted its application yet. I dont even think BNM is accepting it yet due to covid delays.
For me two key events for price movement is the day they apply and the day the BNM announces. Only when those two events take place can I better judge to top-up or exit
As for those planning on getting in on this counter. You need to weigh the risk and assess whether or not this is a viable investment.
Good luck to everyone still holding. To those who left this counter I wish you all the best in your future trades, so wish us luck!
Reference to: "Victor Yong Becoming a subsidiary of tencent is the best option. Associate company, G3, is considering venture with China Giant companies too. :) "
Investing public, please BEWARE. 1. There was no official announcement n Bursa announcement on the above. 2. It was also not announced in GP official website under Investor Relation news release.
I personally DO NOT BELIEVE there is going to be anything substantial out of the above It may just be semi- FAKE in substance and it may not being much if any +ve profit contribution. Let's just be patient and wait for GP's results in the next few quarters. I tend to suspect that there would be many more quarter of losses again !!
Just to play devils advocate on the issue of being tencents subsidary as I am sincerely interested in this POV.
The current license issue is basically a pilot program dont you think it may be more harmful having an overseas ownership when it comes to deciding qualification for a BNM license.
Oh sure if they become subsidary then they could basically just directly represents tencents working digital bank directly for the license.
But I think a direct control from overseas interest may be an issue and could be more harmful to chance of obtaining the license at least for the first round of licenses.
Plus, if you were a director of a possible "soon to be be" national bank.. do you think it's more beneficial to do it on your own or give up controlling interest and its profits to someone else. I know everything has a price. But from the interviews I have read of CCP the guy strikes me as confident bordering arrogant. The company seems to basically run on the force of his charisma alone. So it seems unlikely he would sell his stake easily.
" SpartanFury This is only a possible speculation and I haze zero proof behind it... nut is it possible that qr for GP is so good and that's why CCP is constantly picking up shares... as he is confident it will jump once it's out.."
Agree with many points you said above BUT one thing I am very sure about is that GP will never qualify to get a digital banking licence. GP just does not qualify in the next few years if ever it can turn around.
1. The company's finance over the last 10 years were just a shamble. The total losses from FY 2009 to FY 2019 amount to a staggering RM1,018,352,000 ( RM 1.1 Billion). One way or another these were losses to share holders. 2. There were many signs that indicate that VIP puan puan & gang troopers appeared to be manipulating share prices and making tens if not hundred of millions out of the public investors. 3. Objective of issuing a digital licence to a qualified company is for such a company to serve the underserved poorer community in Malaysia, people who currently have no access to the normal banking because they don;t qualify due to lack of credentials or collaterals. You think GP under its current management and financial position can do that ??
Company like MYEG has express interest in digital banking licence, I think a Co. like MYEG will more likely qualify. Useful to look at how MYEG performed.in the past versus GP.
Puan, turn the entire GP into something like P1 for sale to tencent, etc :)
Telekom Malaysia strikes RM560mil deal with Packet One | The Star 28 Mar 2014 · “TM will anchor the growth and development of P1, while Green Packet will render its management expertise to ensure P1's business ...
Many ppl caught by this tikus trap. I was also trapped in 2012 @ 66.5c. SOLD too early @ 70c last year but at least free up my capital to cherry pick good cheap stocks like Engtex.
dompeilee Many ppl caught by this tikus trap. I was also trapped in 2012 @ 66.5c. SOLD too early @ 70c last year but at least free up my capital to cherry pick good cheap stocks like Engtex. 25/06/2020 9:01 PM
aiyo ...icst1975 , saya betul bek tahan you , you watch many movie and drama ah...haha
"Cyber troopers ( could they be VIP puan puan's troopers ??) are coming again promoting their good rosy stories again"
if i'm VIP CCP....i will Trap this share.....only can choose trust or cut loss.....so i choose continue wait....already kepala basah...haha
how you got hold any Gpacket share or not?....if not dun always give your "good" comment on here...tq
and second thing, why ccp dun convert-WB to share by last time, please you go to study more la... ccp already dispose all warrant before him become CEO......
Why CCP want sales warrant on public market because warrant is fee mah......he already purchase right issue mah...so a free warrant can sales for money mah.....him also dun know a warrant will get high price on this may'20.....him is god meh...
icst1975, if you still got many question i suggest you go to CCP FB ask him la......kami tak tahu answer your question ah...haha
@icst1975 That's actually an interesting point raised. On whether or not GP will qualify.
1) Frankly, the bar is quite low. Capital wise RM 100 million in the foundation phase (which will probably be a year or so and then RM 300 million) thanks to the Warrant sales it looks like they raised nearly half for the war chest. And we can probably assume another part of the chest being made up from the share price being manipulated and it will probably show up as a private loan from CCP and friends to GP.
2) As for serving the community and fit or not fit, cant really declare as to their capability there. For a little bit of humor though if you consider how well played out the price war has been on the stock. I actually think having these dudes as the investing arm of the GP bank to be quite terrifying. And would probably end up as a blessing for those whose moneys are vested with them.
Normal banking instiutions tend to focus on companies with big market cap becuase they are the only ones which can justify a reasonable ROI for the amount of money they have. But, Digital banks are set to terrorise small and mid caps ar least for the near future.
3) Myeg and Bigpay are actually on my radar for movements as well. But with Myeg, I'm a little hesitant to call as a prospectice digital bank. Mostly for two reasons A) they have diversified oddly recently into the health sector as well as national security. All are good calls for share price however it does leave the company in an oddly over extended position project wise. And none of these business contribute significantly towards banking service.
B) political aspect, everyone is waiting for whether or not myeg gets the e-govt contract renewed. With socso having to clairfy not working with Myeg and MOH having to retract their statement that the myeg test kit was fake. I can only assume some govt entities are unhappy with MyEG. Of course, the renewal delay may just be the govt way of showing their unhappynes and they may renew it once lesson is administered.
The next statement is not meant to be taken as a buy call for GP and is only meant as a general observation. But between a company that has a history of financial loss vs a company who offended GOM, I think I will believe in pettyness of officals and side with the "loss".
With that being said... come to think of it.. still dont know who the govt is or will be... lol
Tarrance Schu aiyo ...icst1975 , saya betul bek tahan you , you watch many movie and drama ah...haha
"Cyber troopers ( could they be VIP puan puan's troopers ??) are coming again promoting their good rosy stories again"
if i'm VIP CCP....i will Trap this share.....only can choose trust or cut loss.....so i choose continue wait....already kepala basah...haha
how you got hold any Gpacket share or not?....if not dun always give your "good" comment on here...tq
and second thing, why ccp dun convert-WB to share by last time, please you go to study more la... ccp already dispose all warrant before him become CEO......
Why CCP want sales warrant on public market because warrant is fee mah......he already purchase right issue mah...so a free warrant can sales for money mah.....him also dun know a warrant will get high price on this may'20.....him is god meh...
icst1975, if you still got many question i suggest you go to CCP FB ask him la......kami tak tahu answer your question ah...haha 25/06/2020 9:41 PM
Please make GP company news announcement in Bursa Malaysia and put them at GP Website. If they are not, I am pre sure, the so call "announcements cannot be believed seriously. They are more for trapping the unsuspecting public, for exciting the share price and misleading investors for the benefit of share goreng gang.
Technical reading of GP share price chart 25 June 5 pm as follows:
Technically, it is not looking good for GPACKET as its 20-Day Moving Average is sloping downward and its daily share price action have gone below the 20-day and 50-day Moving average line since 3rd June.
Technical Summary
15 mins Hourly Daily Strong Sell Strong Sell Strong Sell
Must be a joke ! 1. GP would NOT be taken private. Companies which are taken private are those that make a lot of profits year after year but the market valuation is comparatively very low. Owners don;t think they need to raise money from the public and would rather take it private.
2. GP lost over a billion ringgit 2009 to 2019. Off loading WB to the public,engineering up the share price so that WB holders are lured to subscribe the shares at 40 cents.
icst1975 Technical reading of GP share price chart 25 June 5 pm as follows:
Technically, it is not looking good for GPACKET as its 20-Day Moving Average is sloping downward and its daily share price action have gone below the 20-day and 50-day Moving average line since 3rd June.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
Victor Yong
8,271 posts
Posted by Victor Yong > 2020-06-25 18:38 | Report Abuse
Puan Dah Jual semua Warrant nya tahun Lepas. :)
Convert kepala otak Kau :)
@icst1975 " Victor Yong Tak tau, mungkin puan mau sai Lang semua syernya kepada tencent atau tm nanti
Dia Dah Beli 20mil shares++ Bulan ini "
" Tarrance Schu today him average price 0.565
25/06/2020 5:57 PM "
"xuxu Puan is keep accumulating. not rumors hehe
25/06/2020 5:58 PM"
1. Cyber troopers ( could they be VIP puan puan's troopers ??) are coming again promoting their good rosy stories again.
2. If CEO Puan is sincere in owning more Gp shares , why was he not converting the many tens of millions of free warrants-B to ordinary shares ??
Why were hundred of millions of Gp-WB off loaded to the innocent public investors ??
25/06/2020 6:25 PM