now u can grab small quantity at 52sen, grab habis maybe... the window will be shut down soon. impatient traders leave for other stocks in re actively traded
yes gp on cheap sale now from 1.65 => 0.52 now in less than 1.5 months … value investors oledi bought and averaged down … gp bleeding so sissy puan need to raise fund from goreng, converting warrant, private placement bla bla
at G3, associate company, exercise of warrants too. Additional Listing Announcement /Subdivision of Shares
1. Details of Corporate Proposal
Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ?NoTypes of corporate proposalExercise of WarrantsDetails of corporate proposalConversion of WarrantsNo. of shares issued under this corporate proposal4,400Issue price per share ($$)Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.1000Par Value($$) (if applicable)
Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
Units468,158,362Issued Share Capital ($$)Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 74,315,836.200Listing Date03 Jul 2020
Announcement Info
Company NameG3 GLOBAL BERHADStock NameG3Date Announced02 Jul 2020CategoryAdditional Listing Announcement /Subdivision of SharesReference NumberALA-01072020-00010
Everyone play a prediction here and so i also try to figure out what had happened and do my own prediction on this counter
1. Price up since 28 April (with substantial volume) to 18 May from 0.56 to 1.65 (up 1.09). But it down so quick since 19 May to 3 June from 1.65 to 0.71 (down 0.94). Question is why so quick? If operator can have a break in between he could earn even more for ppl to chase.
Answer: This is due to WA. If u have noticed, WA only up from 0.25 to 0.52 (up 0.27) from 28 April to May. So in a way to say, it give a false impression for ppl to buy WA and exercise it (0.40) in order to take profit after exercise is complete. This explain the reason why the price down dramatically in just 1 week++ time because exercising WA take about 2 weeks to process and whoever bought WA during 28 April to 18 May, they are stuck after exercise is complete as their cost (wa+exercise price 0.40 ) is much higher than mother share. The reason being is indirectly ask the innocent ppl to put in more money to the company as the company at this stage need money for business expansion. There is no way for them to get extra loan based on their bad balance sheet and P&L. This way is the cheapest way to get extra fund from public with no additional financial cost.
2. Why "someone" is buying 0.80 off market at 100 mil shares (when market price is 0.69), 0.64 with 3.247 mil shares off market on 29 June when market price is 0.545?
Answer: a) There is not viable for them to buy market with such a volume as they need to maintain market liquidity of about 240mil shares as what its now, b) If buy from market will eventually even cost more to them when buying with such a volume it will push up price at the same time more ppl to chase and push higher the price for them to buy.
3. Why PCC is keep on buying from market lately?
Answer: This is not surprised for him to increase his holding to maintain his position as major shareholder, after "someone" is investing this by 10% of shareholding at 0.80, and probably same "someone" who are invest through PP 10% (total 20%). So He has to retain his position by increasing his shareholding in the company
4. Why price drop again at 0.71 to the level now 0.52 the PP place at 0.52?
Answer: its to push the price to about 0.52 so that the "someone" can pump in the money, which could be "pre-agreed" upfront. So the average cost could be (0.80+0.52)/2 = about 0.66
5. Any impact of PP for this?
Answer: a). theoretically price would down due to price dilution. But my view is its not the case for this counter as we need to think the purpose of PP for GP, its for expansion of business for future income, in long term perspective, its positive to investor. Unless the PP is just for settle of loan and etc which could not generate further income for the company, such PP we may need to try to avoid it. b) the :someone" cost is higher than the price 0.52 now, so they would not so stupid and dump at this timing, who is so stupid to have so much action just for losses? c) public shareholder is not so powerful to press the price down further at this moment, while the operator who push the price down to this level, believe the "objective" ady been fulfilled, and the stock on his hands would not be much enough for him to press even further, if yes, wont be dramatically drop like earlier.
Conclusion from the whole incident happened lately on this counter could be:- 1. Company is going to do clouding business and need funds 2.funds obtained via WA exercised by public and "someone" join in through PP 2. "someone" come in to expand the clouding business, via off market purchase the shares and PP, 3. PCC increase his holding to retain his major shareholder position, after 'someone" join in
Now the point is who is the "someone"? why he join? what is the prospect of this company can seek the intention of "someone" to join, with their cost at about 0.66?
Positive side:- 1. Future prospect is bright, with the new clouding business. This is the future trend. 2. "Someone" who willing to join in means he looks good on the company prospect, if not who is so stupid to put in money for a loss company?
Negative side:- 1. everything is just at beginning stage, "real" thing has yet to come out yet, even the digital bank also is initial plan yet, unless BNM ady announced GP is one of it. Otherwise there is a risk too they may fail to get it. when some thing not real yet, all are based on prediction and anything also can be happened. 2. Poor management in the past, as u can see their financial records for last 10 years. So if they really get "someone" to join in, with bright future cloud and digital business, they also need to prove to public they can manage well on those businesses to sustain profits in the future.
So this is just my view. you can do your own decision to whether buy/hold/sell.
the guy who claimed to have worked for big IT companies in China for 7 yrs oledi told bleeding for IT is very healthy .. If u ask IT company to dun spend like fundamental ctrs, better u invest in mnrb, kfima, wtk etc for sure win ... but u always despies fundamental ctrs only for the old and weak hearted
As Malaysia recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, PwC Malaysia markets leader Nurul A’in Abdul Latif said it would be tough for companies to protect jobs but necessary to keep the economic moving in the new normal.
KUALA LUMPUR: Most Malaysians are optimistic about the role technology plays in their jobs but fear that it is also putting their jobs at risk, according to PwC Malaysia’s ‘Digital Resilience in a New World’ report.
“There are lingering concerns about job security, with 34% of participants fearing that automation is putting their jobs at risk, ” the report revealed based on a survey on technology, jobs and skills.
A total of 986 participants responded to the survey.
However, it noted that university-educated respondents and those with professional certificates believe that automation presents more opportunities than risks, compared to SPM leavers and those with technical qualifications.
Going forward, around 70% of the Malaysian respondents believe that technology will change their current jobs in the next three to five years.
As Malaysia recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, PwC Malaysia markets leader Nurul A’in Abdul Latif said it would be tough for companies to protect jobs but necessary to keep the economic moving in the new normal.
“Governments and businesses have been grappling with the issue of upskilling for some time now, as the pace of technology continues to confound or are in some cases driving further divide among those with opportunities and those with little opportunities to upskill, ” she added.
Meanwhile, the report disclosed that 49% of respondents believe that the onus for upskilling rests with the individuals themselves.
Given a chance, a majority or 93% of respondents said they would accept the opportunity to use technology or improve their digital understanding.
About 53% of respondents said they are given some opportunities by their current employer to improve their digital skills outside their normal duties.
However, it is clear that organisations can certainly do more to lay the right foundation for an environment of continuous learning, in support of their employees’ overall development.
Besides that, 46% of respondents said they were provided with all the necessary tools to be effective when working remotely during the movement control order (MCO) period in Malaysia.
“This points to a greater need for leaders to ensure their employees are provided with the right tools and technology infrastructure to facilitate remote working while ensuring productivity isn’t compromised, ” the report stated.
Nonetheless, Nurul pointed out that there is a strong appetite for learning among Malaysians as well as awareness to upskill themselves as part of personal development.
“ As we can see, 85% of the survey respondents said they would learn new skills or completely retrain as a means to improve their future employability.
“About 53% of respondents said they would like to become more proficient at learning and adapting to new technologies, ” she added.
most probably the price will go sideway till the "someone" is revealed or further development on cloud and digital bank.
good thing is at least its stabilize for now, then chances of rebound is high once there is any news on further development from the company on cloud and digital bank.
It is worth noting that Green Packet Bhd has also ventured into the cloud space after its unit Kiplepay Sdn Bhd signed an agreement with the cloud computing arm of Chinese tech giant Tencent Holdings Ltd last month.
Besides, LEAP Market-listed Cloudaron Group Bhd provides cloud-tech platforms that could transform its customers’ legacy infrastructure to the cloud.
clients’ employees indulging more on e-meetings and increased internet communication.
“The steep rise in data usage and increased internet traffic boosted the cloud business. Sales revenue for the cloud business is expected to register respectable growth during the MCO period.”
Spartan Fury...thank you for your insightful comments. I enjoy reading your constructive and ligical predictions and wat if... this is what we in this forum needed the most...keep up the good works
Sometime we just have to ignore certain noises when they absolutely made jo sense at all by any logical standard. The best way is not to respond. Respond to those who challenge you aensibky and logically. In that way, u and we may grow cos everyone has very diferent perspective be it right or wrong...and not just some plunck form the sky 0.01 or RM2.
We have to be realistic. Whatever corporate game thisbguyvis playing we cant tell for sure. My view is the price will stay range bound for time being until most their ground works are done and till more juicier news to be unveil if there is anymore left..
Meanwgie, bro, keep up the good work and comment.. like the old saying, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. The global market is already vulnerable and uncertain enough, not only individual stock. Even if we put all in to gold today, any reversal of event will turn your gold into junks.. thus, there is always unceratinties in whatever we are after....but with calculated risks we can beat the odds. We cant win all the time, what determine the winner is “ u win more than u lose”!!! Thats what i learnt from over 30 years in the market.
I won some in glove but i lost some lately on others. Net off i still win. So i considered myself beaten the market and be thankful.
Many here are treating syocks like casinos. All gooe to buy now but profit already in yesterday. With such a mentality, one can is better off heading to genting.
And a drop in price will send doce of naysayers out to call out loud doom days are here....this is irational and emotional my view. Of course many will disagree with me, especially nekosaan bro :)))
Meanwhile, hand in there. In my view at this level i belive i can make 15% gain in 6 mths which is good for me considering FD rate of onky 2.8%. Of course i may lose 15% 6 mths down the road. Every coin has two side. Thats the risk i m taking.
Cheers all and be cool. Hope everyone well and mak lots of it. All the best!!!
cloud usage will be boosted with the world adapting to the new normal of remote working or working from home and with enterprises and individuals conducting more internet activities, which includes e-learning, e-commerce and e-gaming.
“This new normal of remote working is anticipated to continue when the lockdowns are lifted as both employers and employees realise that remote working may not be such a bad idea as it seems to promote productivity for certain categories of staff,”
KUALA LUMPUR (July 3): AmInvestment Bank Bhd has upgraded its outlook on the technology sector to "overweight" from "neutral" for the second half of 2020 (2H20), as the sector's outlook remains resilient despite the Covid-19 pandemic's impact.
The bank said as the automotive and industrial segments have been hit harder by COVID-19, it expects the focus to be on the telecommunications segment with the 5G growth upswing, and growth in smart sensors with applications in the telecommunications and automotive segments.
"The focus would also be on the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies such as artificial intelligence, internet of things, and automation to rapidly increase production when economies recover," it said in a research note today.
The central bank said on Friday funds due to merchants are held in segregated bank accounts with licensed banking institutions in Malaysia which are not commingled with Wirecard MY’s own operational funds.
KUALA LUMPUR: Bank Negara Malaysia is closely monitoring the operations of Wirecard Payment Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Wirecard MY) to ensure the latter will continue to fully meet its settlement obligations to merchants in Malaysia.
The central bank said on Friday funds due to merchants are held in segregated bank accounts with licensed banking institutions in Malaysia which are not commingled with Wirecard MY’s own operational funds.
It issued the statement after Wirecard AG filed for insolvency proceedings in Germany while Wirecard MY is assessing its position and business operations in light of the developments at its parent company.
Wirecard MY is a registered entity that carries out merchant acquiring services under section 17 of the Financial Services Act 2013.
Wirecard MY’s primary activities in Malaysia is to process card payments for merchants.
“Wirecard MY has also been required to take measures in coordination with card network operators to ensure uninterrupted settlement of payments to merchants and to facilitate the smooth transfer of payment services to alternate providers should the need arise.
“Bank Negara Malaysia would like to assure the public that the payment system remains safe and sound, and that it continues to function smoothly, ” it said.
Additional Listing Announcement /Subdivision of Shares
1. Details of Corporate Proposal
Involve issuance of new type/class of securities ?NoTypes of corporate proposalExercise of WarrantsDetails of corporate proposalCONVERSION OF WARRANTS B TO ORDINARY SHARESNo. of shares issued under this corporate proposal83,000Issue price per share ($$)Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.4000Par Value($$) (if applicable)
Latest issued share capital after the above corporate proposal in the following
Units1,009,131,732Issued Share Capital ($$)Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 668,800,814.010Listing Date07 Jul 2020
Announcement Info
Company NameGREEN PACKET BERHADStock NameGPACKETDate Announced03 Jul 2020CategoryAdditional Listing Announcement /Subdivision of SharesReference NumberALA-02072020-00010
Green Packet is an internationally recognized telecommunications, media and technology Company. Founded in the heart of California’s s Silicon Valley in 2000 and subsequently listed on the Malaysian Stock Exchange in 2005, Green Packet designs and produces wireless devices, user-centered applications and services that enable the delivery of valuable digital experiences
Green Packet is rapidly heading towards the goal of creating a cashless society with more and more people switching to electronic payment. Having said that, Green Packet is constantly moving forward with new thinking and new ways of improving lives by developing, designing and offering customer-centric features for smarter spending via Kiple application that functions as an e-wallet and payment gateway. Additionally, Green Packet continues to innovate and venture into more different verticals to cater to our every-changing fintech environment. Ultimately, Green Packet is not just making an ease of payment but is building a collaborative ecosystem to benefit both customers and merchants.
In the era of digital technology, it is impossible for many of us to have no access to the Internet. The importance of connectivity today has reshaped the way of our lives; the latest electronic gadgetry like tablet and smartphone become our constant companions and people of all ages are becoming tech-savvy. With Internet and the extensive availability of mobile devices, we are connected to everyone and everything, giving us an instant access to data and information.
Today, people are communicating in many different ways; some prefer calling while some prefer using data to surf the web, email and watch videos especially on mobile devices. Hence, it is vital for telco players to revolutionize in order to provide a more synchronized system to the customers. Looking ahead, Green Packet believes that the voice minutes and mobile network data traffic will continue to show a significant upward trend.
Financial Technology
Driven by technology, Internet and mobile revolution, society has become increasingly digital and connected. With the growing adoption level of digital technology, many business owners find ways to operate at optimum level while customers today are more open and receptive to the usage of mobile payment. As such, Green Packet believes in the rapid adoption of mobile payment in Malaysia which will fuel the fintech industry further.
Internet of Things
Technology today is pushing the world forward at exponential speed. According to National IoT Strategic Roadmap report by MIMOS, the opportunities in IoT field are enormous with a global economic value projection ranging from US$1.9 trillion to US$7.1 trillion by 2020. With that said, the IoT field in Malaysia is expected to experience an exponential growth where IoT technologies are able to connect us in many ways that we have not thought of especially in improving lives of many people and make a positive social impact.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
27,725 posts
Posted by Good123 > 2020-07-03 09:55 | Report Abuse
GP could not afford such impatient and opportunist like Kendall