BV px 0.86 -1.07-1.29 Objective n TP are two different things.However as px goes up,it did have minor alignments corrections.Wherr can goes up suka2 cz ehemmm..ehemmm got more brains ba.
When u see 3rd, 4th,5th sellers wth 4 digit vol ,that the playing indicators u q buy 1 cts below as buyer's.When u get it,u quickly q sell n cari duit kopi.
BV ok lah like that quite sometimes.If sellers small vol,they n buy back up slowly,if big vol at sellers they buy up n rolling it n cycle up wth some helps from market. Gold px still steady baa.🤣
Jewellery is product of Gold but not really good .BV is just gold ,U dig got gold can get money can wait higher px, jewellery if ppl don't buy cannot baa.Simple say 🤣🤣🤣
Solid gold are multi use n world wide need, jewellery once done shape up ,sit at show room mcm ikan masin maa... habis baa. U understand my simple view?😂
Lor I bot 29.5 cts not a trap larr.I commit until 1st quarter 2025 n even told ppl not to contra baa . I m comfortable ding ding dong at current px mas.Go n check Eatech room what I wrote 🤣 Trap is something I bot high n unexpected drop below 10% I bot.Since FYR good n hot exit plan PN17.I can wait,no pblm. I small2 money dowan larr.😂
I saw big throw 13.5 n big buy 13.5 too 2 days ago.So I know going to up.That 15.5 cts sure tiba2 finish,then bit profit taking n bargained before continue.Its normal.
Most important in stock mkt beside px n vol,u must be able to understand what ppl intentions.U see as expected they finish up the ,15.5 cts.Jgn pening2 Kepala,just try to understand only.
@,ilmu, Although Sarawak is a state but it's separate far from's considered as a country n need all the necessary modern way of living, whatever lah data centre, infrastructure,own air managed trspotation,mcm a country larr.
New IPO: Pantech Global Berhad, a manufacturer of butt weld pipe fittings and welded pipes, aims to list on the Main Market!
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
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