@ bull ,not aiming, to achieve 0.86 cts is about higher objective achievement by but when come to TP it will be long term much higher.U got to have some numbers,right.
On the way up or cz got continuous buying n selling , it's stock market ba.U want up daily cannot lahh,Think simple2 saja..up ok no up when oredi up ok,sell ok,no sell ok.Why pening2 🤣
0.43 x 1 = 0.43 0.43x 1.5 = 0.43 x 2 = 0.86 0.43 x 2.25,x 2.5,x 2.75 0.43x 3= ? Apa pening2 mahu kira. Kira mcm Arithmetic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Janji2 KO org diam2 je but u can seek to understand.
Roughly another 10% up will achieve 100% gain.. yeeeehaaaa... yeehaaaa. New players are not allowed to buy cz currently not much more up.Want to buy must buy many many many will help me too.🤣🤣🤣
Say will reach 85.it 80 cents range.please read. 22/10/24 12.23pm Bahvest 73.5 cents Maybe got momentum to above 85 cents month if oct or early nov. But cut loss if 67.5 cents breach.can new record break later.will see.. 6/10/24 6.41pm
@ilmu ckp serious ni,once upon a time few yews backgot Taiwan Businessman interested in Nice,I bot 11 cts n sold 22 cts.But this time....cts n looking high later.Good Luck lah.😂
When its trading at still ok to move, don't simply say limitup got bonus lah mcm2 lah.Ckp biar patut2 cz later others will buy n can cz pblm later if it reversed. I m not going to bring back history.If want to understand better n have bit of guideline,scroll last 2 months posting but oldtimer in here they all understand. Yeeeehaaaa today syioook ba got news but remember not all news can make money unless u r in much much earlier.
Hello,bro bra, the 18,000 hect are not all wth gold larr but if 5% of it wth gold oredi good enough to make money.However lots of process to go through wth Aurelius Borneo Mining to get the expected gold, suddenly less gold how? So far NO estimated quantities. If no holding n no confident baik jgn bro.
cautious at 50 , concern at 60 , panic at 70 , suspicious at 80 , curse at 80 , now asking Amas for clarity . remember all that glitters is not gold . But real gold is not afraid of fire . 🤣🤣🤣
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Posted by cicakman > 2024-10-18 09:52 | Report Abuse
@ bull ,not aiming, to achieve 0.86 cts is about higher objective achievement by but when come to TP it will be long term much higher.U got to have some numbers,right.