Charming Malaysian, i dont know what is the thought behind that strategy. if that thing happened to me and it is this stock, i will hold. For me, im kinda believe this company and i would hold at least until next QR.but still, there is no promise for profit. At own risk.
sharkkalaka, thats a good. saving people from loss. keep giving good advise, let readers decide.
"-Think it'll be around this price for today. May close higher at .295 only. -all sold @ 29ct and 29.5ct this morning -Today can reach 0.31? -Hahaha..this is just a show for u all to buy high at 0.295..drop soon..sharks keep throwing..those catch matilah kali ini -Who buys today sure cham..haha..all keep throwing at 0.295 and many people buying at 0.295..sign to drop -all people here faster sell before dropping...0.23 come come. -Tomorrow down somemore,0.230 fast fast give u all some sweets,tomorrow will be poison"
The above are samples of prevailing negative (bears/shorts/downish) poison mind-energy that must be defeated and overwhelmed..... So instead of waiting passively and aimlessly .....
Calling !!!! 1.bunnypro 2.Darren 3.alex888 4.Ravin 5.Asria 6.csl 7.Ratman 8.kick23 9.zoizai 10 Betta (Group 1 of 10)......Group2...... Group3....... and all those who want to see Huaan price achieved/to hasten our yesterday "FIGHTING CHANCE " scenario today before 4-5pm in the following 1st ever :
" In-the-Open-Display World-1st Long(UP)-The-Stock-Price Shaolin-Taichi-WaiTang Group-Mass-Remote Experimental-Exercice" to boost/hasten Huaan price UP from 0.285 to 0.320 before 5pm today ======================================================================== Steps
1. Rid your mind of bearish/gloomy/worry the price will further slump down 2. Gather in your mind, a picture of Huaan Candlestick-price charts many GREEN(UP) CANDLES climbing UP, 0.005-0.01 30mins-60min each step ,in a 45degrees inclination, ladder-formation pattern 3. And for those kungfu/taichi/waitang practisioners, send this mind-picture to your upper stomach (Dan-tian) and then mentally despatch it to Kuala Lumpur, (from whereever you are in Malaysia....
No need to go in & buy,no need to persuade/con others to buy,just free mental exercise......Do IT NOW and (IF we have strong & numerous groups of 5 to 10s +ve minds joining together ) wait for wonder & magic unfolding before your very eyes today....
Do it seriously & properly, yes-we-can , YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!
Ok, will do it! I hv been doing similar things for long time, imagine a ball of wishes at early morning, then send it to the universe, simultaneosuly doing deep breathing exercise, my life really in good path and progress towards better wealth day by day, YESSSS!!!!
Hahahaha..who not yet sell later from happy become sad... coke price keep dropping also..haha..nevermind price will prove everything sharkkalaka sharkkalaka
Boys : Get your Dan-Tians (or your balls/or yourself) together, do the prescribed exercise repeatedly every 30mins (3.00pm, 3.30pm,4.00pm....)
The -ve forces from negative-postings here and the shark's announcement on this Friday all deliberately aims to shake your balls (or Dan-Tians) OFF you, so keep yourself together if you want profit and not losses,
The afternoon announcement-price dip was to make up for yesterday 0.28 closing dip (that we projected earlier) but they omitted or delayed today in conjunction with the announcement and the lowest price 0.275 still a higher bottom 1 cents above yesterday's 0.265, technically still uptrend... this they must hold (our yesterday's 0.28) and the shoot up latest on monday shall come,even if belatedly...
You must always trust the BIG-SHARK will try strenuously to SHAKE you (especially the weak-willed ikanbilis or the blind-fund managers) out by price-slump, otherwise how can they cari-makan, when each one of you is so smart to ride on their pushes technically......
Now gether together.all you who dont want losses in Huaan trading, on or just before 16.00 sharp, do the .........
" In-the-Open-Display World-1st Long(UP)-The-Stock-Price Shaolin-Taichi-WaiTang Group-Mass-Remote Experimental-Exercice" to boost/hasten Huaan price UP from 0.285 to 0.320 before 5pm today........
MARKET BUZZ: Hong Leong Tips Trading Buy On Malaysia's Sino Hua-An, TP MYR0.45 KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 03) -- Hong Leong Investment Bank tips Trading Buy on Sino Hua-An International with long-term target of MYR0.45. Notes, Sino "showing signs of recovery" after resuming coke manufacturing operations in Feb. 2017; posted MYR22.0 million profit-after-tax in 2Q17 compared to loss of MYR9.6 million year-ago quarter. "Pegged at a conservative PE of 6-8x, we could anticipate further upside for Hua-An within a higher targeted trading range of around MYR0.395-MYR0.525," says house, expects "attractive" growth rate. Tips "potential rebound," after stock retraced short-term due to profit taking, downside limited at MYR0.25-MYR0.265. Sino unchanged at MYR0.29.
Matthew 17:20 "Because you have so little faith." He answered. "For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Matthew 21:21 "Truly I tell you," Jesus replied, "if you have faith and do not doubt, not only will you do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' it will happen.
Matthew 13:31 Jesus put before them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man planted in his field.
Mark 4:31 It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds sown upon the earth.
If i could share my observation and thoughts with all:
1) based on their quarterly report. Q2 output = 214,000 tonnes Q3 output = 210,000 tonnes Assuming each quarter is 210,000 x 4Q = 840,000 tonnes annual volume.
In their annual report, it is mentioned that oven #1,2,3 combined annual output is Approx 900,000. while oven#4&5 has additional combined output of 900,000 tonnes
This data, i believe, could suggest that oven #4&5 is not in operation yet.
2) Based their quarterly report current year prospect column. It was commented that the steel demand would remain robust with the OBOR projects supported by their economic growth.
3) China government crack down on illegal producer is beneficial to Huaan in the long term as other illegal output are cut and Huaan volume will increase. (Huaan is a compliant manufacturer, also mentioned in their quarter report)
4) My view are that in the short term, Coke price will drop as illegal producers empty their warehouse before the authority take action against them.
5) After these volume from the illegal producers are consumed, eventually the market should be tight as the illegal producers has no output.
"Sino Hua-An had been warned that it had no development on regularisation plan, which it must submit to Bursa Malaysia by Dec 15 2017 or face delisting." may i now whats the status of above matter, has it submitted the regularisation plan to Bursa?
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
343 posts
Posted by Darren > 2017-11-03 09:43 | Report Abuse
shark will make all chase high sell low then only push.