A better and safer buy would be Opcom. Opcom is now less than 60 cents. Debt free. Recent Rm200 mil job might translate to 30 cents profit. So a nice 20 to 30 cents divvy for a slightly over 50 cents will be a far better buy than HapSeng.
I think I will charge a fee in future. For now it is free friendly advise.
Here you go.
Go and check the details carefully. Don't just do superficial skin deep reading.
This latest quarter gross profit (March 31 to June 30th 2015) is Rm1.097 Billions
The Operating Expenses has ballooned to Rm990.9 Millions Why operating expenses increased? GST? Drop of Ringgit caused higher import prices?
So Deduct RM990.9 from Rm1.097 = Rm197 millions
Then why Company reported a Profit of 25.91 cents?
How did they managed to raise the figures? What magic?
It is from Non Operating item. Profit Rm508 millions What is non operating item? In tough times people sell their assets or jewelry to tide them over. Like bringing gold to the pawn shop. Of course your grand mother's gold would show a huge profit when gold was only US$35 an ounce (Now US$1100).
But this profit is a One Off event and not recurring income
Go and check the Accounts again carefully.
Hapseng's Receivables have increased from Rm1.5 billion to over Rm2 billions! This is a warning sign that HapSeng might have cash flow problem and thus force to liquidate assets.
If still not sure better go and sign up a course with KcChongnz.
Your hard earned money is yours. Better keep it safe.
Other examples KcChongnz has written are Guan Chong, London Biscuits & KNM
Recap old commentary by Calvin on HSC. Calvin's storytelling is rolling down hill and suffer the same fate like his "excellent" stock pick. :D
I may not know motive behind Calvin's childish act if ignorant of his history. By a stroke of luck, happened to be at the link below and know his strong dislike to investor sharing the same traits like me. :D
Posted by calvintaneng > Jan 18, 2014 12:46 AM | Report Abuse
HapSeng Company Share Buy Backs? Wake Up! Directors & Major Share Holders Have Been Selling HapSeng Since September 2013. Check it out carefully.
This is Year 2014. The GoGo Year of 2013 for HapSeng is over. HapSeng Price Has Doubled From RM1.50 to RM3.00 in just one short year. Going forward all 6 divisions of HapSeng Businesses face formidable headwind.
Don't Chase High Flying Shares This Year. Look at AEONCREDIT - how it crashes back down. The Higher it goes - the further it might fall. HapSeng might be next in line. So be careful and play safe. Seek out laggard shares with high NTA Buffer that won't crash much this year.
Return OF capital is more important than return ON capital now.
You will see next quarter result will be very bad compared to this inflated and manipulated quarter. By then there will be a stampede in selling. So it is wise to get out while others are still in total oblivion.
In another translation it says, A prudent person foresees danger and take precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences."
jtoh1985 Are you ok, what are you talking about, " when company push up the price, they can get more cash from company warrant conversion." ? Mind you that no matter how high the warrants go, the conversion price is still RM1.65..You should get a teacher to learn about share market before you make any noise here....
Three things to look at, significant increases in profit, good share buy back to mitigate some additional listing due to exercise of warrant, potential bonus/split for second interim dividend this coming November ( Happy trading )
The odd of losing the bet is at a very high level. Calvin has a daily routine consist of;
1. Wake up at 5.30am and login to the site 2. Go for quick breakfast and login to the site 3. Surf internet until market open at 9am 4. Read, posting comment and troll others until 1pm 5. Lunch and wait market resumes at 2pm 6. Repeat No.4 above until 5pm 7. Quick break, surf internet and login to the site 8. Dinner, surf internet until bedtime 2am 9. Repeat the cycle on the following day :D
HapSeng not a bad share on its own. Only thing is - the fundamental is deteriorating by the days. So the price rise is manipulated. The actual growth last quarter is very little. Nothing to shout about actually. Sale of assets only one off event which will not be repeated in next quarter result.
Better sell when the price is still lofty and the masses are still unaware.
bought at 380, 420 , sold half at 5.05 2 months back with lots of buy back . Think will sell at 6 hopefully no regrets . This is one share with unlimited buy back power , may be something they know we dont ???
Hap Seng is good company which shares have been climbing from 1.60 until now for the past few years.
The company recently take up stakes in Bornoils and it only show one thing that the investment is soundly since Hap Seng directors are conservative background.
We have screened on HAP SENG CONSOLIDATED BHD on 15 Oct that it has a potential up side the next trading day.
You may get the daily stock screening after 9:00PM for potential upside stocks for the next trading day. It's free and you may sign up at. http://www.stockwiz.info/home/register' target='_blank'>http://www.stockwiz.info/home/register
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
56,871 posts
Posted by calvintaneng > 2015-08-26 18:05 | Report Abuse
A better and safer buy would be Opcom. Opcom is now less than 60 cents. Debt free. Recent Rm200 mil job might translate to 30 cents profit. So a nice 20 to 30 cents divvy for a slightly over 50 cents will be a far better buy than HapSeng.