Jayatiasa at current price with incoming 3.5 sen dividend should be a good buy. If CPO price can maintan above RM 3,900 then second half earning (with peak FFB production) will be very good and share price should move north.
Ah Thong can't take Insas private the best he can hope for is how to increase his and his PAC holding from 32.96% to above 50% at the lowest cost to him.
Once he is able to do that then he will distribute insas cash hoarding to shareholders because by then he need the money to repay borrowing taken to increase his holding from 32.96% to above 50%
As to the question why, oh why, oh why hasn't Ah Thong made his move yet? Because ........ because .......... Ah Thong hasn't own enough warrants yet to take his shareholding over the 50% line. At present he has enough only to take him to 48%. He needs a bit more and he isn't in a hurry as he has until February 2026.
Insas warrant price currently trading at 9 to 10 sen premium has discouraged Ah Thong from buying the warrants. As expiry date draws closer warrant premium will eventually drop and Ah Thong will eventually mop up the warrants cheaply.
@MrSslee, usually I don't like to recommend stocks to others, I just quietly buy and announce my purchases ..... and later my sales. If you desire high dividend yield with high NTA, with high net cash/near cash backing, Hexza looks promising.
Insas is full of "smart" people, at one time there was someone who predicted that Insas will hit 60 ringgit, then went missing for months, now screaming boh chow see.
Hexza NTA is from holding of US stocks. The EPS from operating business is not high. The ability to pay dividend come from realised gain from US stocks trading.
Hexza has consistently paid a minimum of 4 sen dividend annually in the past 10 years. This year they proposed a 7.5 sen dividend. There's huge margin of safety to protect from any drastic fall in US stocks values. At least, unlike Insas, Hexza makes effort to reward shareholders with higher dividend.
Thong will never buy anymore shares. He has no need to. He is happy to have cash pile building. Do not expect any bumper dividend. Last 20 years all the same nothing has or will change. Insas next 5-10 years same range bound. Only will drop badly if/when inari die due to thong bad management. Hohup, microlink, m&A , insas all the same .. bad management from thong. He and his friends get rick but shareholder can only make money by buy and sell shares. Very sad
to those who writes and deletes writes and deletes.... if u foresee u will delete what u write for whatever reason... please please do not write any of your thoughts if u r not sure or not firm or cannot take it or to face your own thoughts and comments please hold your hand
Other than inari which also has management issues how has thong given shareholder returns? Share price below ipo price 2 decades ago. Nearly all investment company in financial trouble giving insas exposure to more right offs. Only way anyone make money is share price up and down and insas have no pr or marketing
Slater Walkers raided Haw Par (Singapore Company) and gained a 51% control of the company in 1971 followed by 5 years of high profile corporate manoeuvre involving assets stripping and acquisition. Coincide with the 1972-73 bull run, its share price reached a height of Malayan dollars 15.60. The share price dropped below its par value after the arrest and put to jail some of the top guns in the Slater Walkers Group and also coincide with 1974-75 market collapse. Where is our Slater Walkers for Insas?
Thong graduated from the London School of Economics, UK and began his career in the financial services industry in 1979. From 1982 to 1988, he worked for Standard Chartered Merchant Bank Asia Limited in Singapore where he became Director of the Corporate Finance Division.
Thong has a terrible track record fact.... insas losing money except selling key asset. subsidiaries all cash negative and going bust. in relation to insas tell me other than being lucky with inari which he is also killing value wise what has he done. london school of econica dn working for stand chartered 40 years ago is not very noteworthy. Insas share price below IPO price 2 decades ago...
Insas 99 cents going down to 75... insas warrants 18 cents going down to 10... the whole market thinks thong is not good. insas nbv over rm3 ! that tells you enough. over rm1 billion in cash but now thinks thong will ever do the right thing and give back to shareholders....
smart but senget vs wise with integrity . see a person face can tell abit of one’s character. Choose wisely , it’s your hard earned money . cheat you first time shame on him , cheat you second time shame on you . there are many good companies run by good heart leaders 🙏🙏🙏
@sslee i stand corrected one subsidary m&a not going bust. But now how much does insas own of m&a ? How come in transaction the reverse takeover company owned by friend of thong and his shareholders all get good payout. Insas shareholders only got diluted ! True ?
Insas listed associate companies Inari, Hohup and DFX. Hohup in financial difficulty.
Omesti is held as fanancial assets at fair value (marked to market value every quarter)
To even ask So you agree all the others are cash negative including jnsas ?
You must be the one the the many people in a galaxy far, far away.
Posted by TheContrarian > Sep 10, 2024 12:16 PM | Report Abuse Thong is so smart that over the years he screwed so many people even people in a galaxy far, far away.
Omesti ? Hohup ? Microlink ? Divfex ? Fashion n Beverage company ( not listed ) , and Duramitt ( a glove company, thru associate company Divfex ( from 19% to 25% to current ard 34 % ) invested RM 40 Million in Duramitt ( 50.1 % ) on November 2020 .. New Glove factory is Operational on June 2021 .. How much is the Losses Until Today ??? Even no corporate structure that use to plan corporate taxes …shl stripping u slowly n softly…
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MQ Trader 783 views | 5 d ago
New IPO: Techstore Berhad, an IT security and automation solutions provider, aims to list on the ACE Market!
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New IPO: Richtech Digital Berhad, a distributor of electronic reloads and digital payment solutions, aims to list on the ACE Market!
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,943 posts
Posted by xiaoeh > 2024-09-05 23:34 | Report Abuse
Posted by TheContrarian > 13 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Around 90 sen.
near my dock no.
on la...