Posted by TheContrarian > 27 minutes ago | Report Abuse Leno sampan sunk in transit to Australia, now marooned in an unhabited island with no internet.
wtf TheContrarian...😂
btw, would like to learn from u how u spotted Engtex and made huge profit....? by FA? by TA? when did u deploy the trade? can share share your winning trade experience?
xiaoeh, Posted by TheContrarian > 27 minutes ago | Report Abuse Leno sampan sunk in transit to Australia, now marooned in an unhabited island with no internet.
wtf TheContrarian...😂
btw, would like to learn from u how u spotted Engtex and made huge profit....? by FA? by TA? when did u deploy the trade? can share share your winning trade experience? 4 hours ago
xiaoeh, u follow the contrarian. U fak tat laaa. I follow Balian Sir buying Scib, went to helll and still locked up na. ked there. I still being barbecued in helll. Panas wehhh.
i believe sifu Leno must have sold some if not all his Insas +warrants when he told us here sell at 1.20+ speakup made 50% profit from sifu Leno sell call. very chun! terima kasih Leno!
Posted by TheContrarian > 12 hours ago | Report Abuse You can check Engtex forum when I bought, how much I bought, when I sold, how much I sold. Engtex was an easy sure winner, bonus issue 3 for 4.
Dear TheContrarian interested to know after reading through your comments at Engtex thread: knowing that u started buying Engtex when its price started/already moving upwards, may i know is Engtex price movement attracted your buying decision? or is Engtex business and assets attracted your buying decision? or both? if so, which come first? do you mind sharing more on your what trigger your buying decision...?
Ah Thong also knows that. In 2017 Inari declared a bonus issue of 1 for 1, then 15 months later declared another bonus issue of 1 for 2. Inari share price flew. But Ah Thong wouldn't declare bonus issue for Insas because ....... we know the reason lah.
xiaoeh, u follow the contrarian. U fak tat laaa. I follow Balian Sir buying Scib, went to helll and still locked up na. ked there. I still being barbecued in helll. Panas wehhh.
Income sifu i'm still patiently waiting at my dock no. 0.210... hopefully...
xiaoeh— Posted by Income > 15 hours ago | Report Abuse
xiaoeh, u follow the contrarian. U fak tat laaa. I follow Balian Sir buying Scib, went to helll and still locked up na. ked there. I still being barbecued in helll. Panas wehhh.
Income sifu i'm still patiently waiting at my dock no. 0.210... hopefully... 13/08/2024 8:42 PM
xiaoeh Sifu, are you sure you will buy Scib at 21 sen? Last time when Scib reached your TP buy, you didn’t buy Scib and kept lowering your Scib buying TP. xiaoeh Sifu, are you sure you will buy Scib at 21 sen? If you buy, don’t cry if you’re locked in helll?
xiaoeh— Posted by Income > 15 hours ago | Report Abuse
xiaoeh Sifu, are you sure you will buy Scib at 21 sen? Last time when Scib reached your TP buy, you didn’t buy Scib and kept lowering your Scib buying TP. xiaoeh Sifu, are you sure you will buy Scib at 21 sen? If you buy, don’t cry if you’re locked in helll?
Indeed Income Sifu... i kinda ashamed of myself promised to support i3Lucker to buy SCIB and yet to fulfil the promised from 0.21 revised to 0.32 and when price reached 0.32 than revised back to 0.21....(shake head...) unlike u and Sslee Sifu walk the talk...
to be frank i am always looking to fulfil my promise by following up SCIB Dear i3Lucker Sifu i never forget my promise to support u when below 2 conditions matched i will open my small position 1) TEP 0.210+ 2) mkt condition not running into bear
xiaoeh— Posted by Income > 15 hours ago | Report Abuse
xiaoeh Sifu, are you sure you will buy Scib at 21 sen? Last time when Scib reached your TP buy, you didn’t buy Scib and kept lowering your Scib buying TP. xiaoeh Sifu, are you sure you will buy Scib at 21 sen? If you buy, don’t cry if you’re locked in helll?
Indeed Income Sifu... i kinda ashamed of myself promised to support i3Lucker to buy SCIB and yet to fulfil the promised from 0.21 revised to 0.32 and when price reached 0.32 than revised back to 0.21....(shake head...) unlike u and Sslee Sifu walk the talk...
to be frank i am always looking to fulfil my promise by following up SCIB Dear i3Lucker Sifu i never forget my promise to support u when below 2 conditions matched i will open my small position 1) TEP 0.210+ 2) mkt condition not running into bear
14/08/2024 11:25 PM
xiaoeh Sifu, you are not a gambler type like Sslee and I who are hardcore gamblers. You like to look 8 times left to right and repeat, then you cross the road. Sslee and I, looking twice only, already make up our minds to cross the road. But I salute xiaoeh Sifu because he is very careful in life.
Balian Sir, I am only joking when last time I said that I was in helll barbecued na. ked because I bought Scib. I think I am scaring Balian Sir away… hahaha
xiaoeh Sifu, you are not a gambler type like Sslee and I who are hardcore gamblers. You like to look 8 times left to right and repeat, then you cross the road. Sslee and I, looking twice only, already make up our minds to cross the road. But I salute xiaoeh Sifu because he is very careful in life.
walao.... Income Sifu can read me... careful = kiasi normally kiasi one will die faster... look 8 times before crossing = super kiasi.... now i must prepare my after life.....
Sslee: It normal for the cat to shout boh chow see AAAAAAA. Mean time to buy Insas
If the cat shout Insas canteeeeeeeeeeeek Mean time to sell Insas 16/08/2024 1:15 PM
Walao Sslee Sir, Only today after your explanation I understand why that Aussie cat shouted boh chow see AAAAAAA. And also why the cat shout Insas canteeeeeeeeeeeek.
Last time I really thought the special species Aussie cat wanted to run away by shouting boh chow see AAAAAAA. And I also thought the Aussie cat shout Insas canteeeeeeeeeeeek when it wanted to buy. Only today I come to realise that I am being fooled by the special breed of Aussie Cat 🐈 named Dino 🦕.
Xiaoeh : Posted by Income > 21 hours ago | Report Abuse
xiaoeh Sifu, you are not a gambler type like Sslee and I who are hardcore gamblers. You like to look 8 times left to right and repeat, then you cross the road. Sslee and I, looking twice only, already make up our minds to cross the road. But I salute xiaoeh Sifu because he is very careful in life.
walao.... Income Sifu can read me... careful = kiasi normally kiasi one will die faster... look 8 times before crossing = super kiasi.... now i must prepare my after life..... 16/08/2024 12:05 PM
Do you need me to start to pray for you? Just kidding lah. Do you understand that the Aussie special breed cat, fooled me for the last few years by crying out boh chow see AAAAAAA. And also why the cat shout Insas canteeeeeeeeeeeek. Sslee Sir really genius in understanding Aussie Cat 🐈 languages. Hahahaha I am a fool for nearly 5 years by that cunning Aussie Cat. Hai yaaaaaa
Just to ask what is "boh chow see AAAAAAA"....? and Income Sifu how did Leno or Dino fool u for 5 years ha...? curious to know, mind sharing your story...?
Just to ask ........... Are you a Bangla ? since you do not understand Chinese ............
Posted by xiaoeh > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Just to ask what is "boh chow see AAAAAAA"....? and Income Sifu how did Leno or Dino fool u for 5 years ha...? curious to know, mind sharing your story...?
By the way the below is the most interesting book that i've ever read written by Howard Marks read one of his thoughts: "Our goal isn’t to find good assets, but good buys. Thus, it’s not what you buy; it’s what you pay for it. A high- quality asset can constitute a good or bad buy, and a low quality asset can constitute a good or bad buy. The tendency to mistake objective merit for investment opportunity, and the failure to distinguish between good assets and good buys, get most investors into trouble
low quality assets are never good buys at any price even at RM1.00 Just because you read about it in a printed book does not mean it is the Gospel and God's true word.
If I were to sell you now a 2G phone system trademark for RM1.00, ... a low quality asset for RM1.00. Is that a good buy? That is like using a RM1.00 currency note to take fire from your gas cooker and light up your cigarette. RM1.00 currency note burned immediately.
Posted by xiaoeh > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
By the way the below is the most interesting book that i've ever read written by Howard Marks read one of his thoughts: "Our goal isn’t to find good assets, but good buys. Thus, it’s not what you buy; it’s what you pay for it. A high- quality asset can constitute a good or bad buy, and a low quality asset can constitute a good or bad buy.
Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 34 seconds ago | Report Abuse
low quality assets are never good buys at any price even at RM1.00 Just because you read about it in a printed book does not mean it is the Gospel and God's true word.
If I were to sell you now a 2G phone system trademark for RM1.00, ... a low quality asset for RM1.00. Is that a good buy? That is like using a RM1.00 currency note to take fire from your gas cooker and light up your cigarette. RM1.00 currency note burned immediately.
Interesting... btw his low-quality asset is not what your low-quality quoted here Sifu... and maybe u right at some point let's learn from both of u
There was one i3investor 5 Star Sifu with a whole city of followers and wrote many articles in i3investor and also a book.
But he totally failed to understand Lonbisc at all, zero experience in real business affairs. He and I debated Lonbisc here in i3investor and he claimed that Lonbisc at PN17 had value...."low quality asset" like you said. on hindsight Lonbisc disappeared and the said 5 star sifu book author also disappeared as well.
Repeat .. many book authors have xero real business experience. Many people had spoon fed lives, rich man son, rich university and instant catapult to top jobs in investment banks and sex firms and also married rich sex bombs. Totally zero business experience.
I have reason to believe the said mentioned one i3investor 5 Star Sifu with a whole city of followers and wrote many articles in i3investor and also a book ........... lost a lot of money cornering Lonbisc shares.
I already warned him the Lonbisc cashflow was fake and the balance sheet had negative asset value. He did not believe that FA is 100% useless .... and naturally he died screaming in torture, pain and disillusionment.
Balian de Ibelin be very careful of books and authors.
There was one i3investor 5 Star Sifu with a whole city of followers and wrote many articles in i3investor and also a book.
But he totally failed to understand Lonbisc at all, zero experience in real business affairs. He and I debated Lonbisc here in i3investor and he claimed that Lonbisc at PN17 had value...."low quality asset" like you said. on hindsight Lonbisc disappeared and the said 5 star sifu book author also disappeared as well.
Repeat .. many book authors have xero real business experience. Many people had spoon fed lives, rich man son, rich university and instant catapult to top jobs in investment banks and sex firms and also married rich sex bombs. Totally zero business experience. 17/08/2024 12:02 AM
? Balian Sir, I know that 5 stars 🌟 Sifu you mentioned above and he totally disappeared and changed his name. To be honest, he is i3 lurker 👀😭😭😭 i3 lurker already gone from i3 investor.
So far i3lurker only recommended 2 stocks. Gdex when Philip recommend Star to challenge him. I actually bought Star and win my usual free bintang beer and lobster.
The second time is SCIB I bought at 37 and most likely need to average down to 28 and sell at 30 to win my usual free bintang beer and lobster.
Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 8 hours ago | Report Abuse be very careful of books and authors.
noted and thanks for the gentle reminder rest assured i am very kiasi one look left and right 8 times before crossing remember?😂
btw do go read the book it provides a whole new look on how we look at stock investing...
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Posted by TheContrarian > 2024-08-12 23:20 | Report Abuse
Leno sampan sunk in transit to Australia, now marooned in an unhabited island with no internet.