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2,276 comment(s). Last comment by nasgee 3 days ago


4,326 posts

Posted by upsidedown119 > 2016-11-03 17:00 | Report Abuse

It's sell down by funds for fear of a Trump victory on 8 Nov.


14,460 posts

Posted by probability > 2016-11-04 00:46 | Report Abuse

HRC is at 3112, the spread is still around ~ 900.....

Remember the spread was '445' on 30 June 2016.


14,460 posts

Posted by probability > 2016-11-04 00:48 | Report Abuse

100% increase in Margin...on top of the gain in value of the existing inventory!.


5,855 posts

Posted by moneySIFU > 2016-11-04 01:03 | Report Abuse

Wow, great news, VenFx


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-04 01:14 | Report Abuse

Wow !
That is another awesome of X 2 Pure Profit .
If, Melewar profit not off setting their Associated Investment ; it should traded at least $1.44 during June 2016 (x 8 p.e. applied) .


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-04 01:49 | Report Abuse

Thnx to probability & money sifus.


5,855 posts

Posted by moneySIFU > 2016-11-04 01:51 | Report Abuse

CRC steel just rebounded from the bottom in recent months, after going down for more 4 years continuously. MORE TO COME.


5,855 posts

Posted by moneySIFU > 2016-11-04 01:52 | Report Abuse

Welcome, VenFx, we share so we can make money together, cheers & good night!


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-04 01:57 | Report Abuse

Gd 9, $$$ sifu :)


1,555 posts

Posted by alvinchiam > 2016-11-04 05:42 | Report Abuse



945 posts

Posted by MaBadri > 2016-11-04 14:28 | Report Abuse



4,326 posts

Posted by upsidedown119 > 2016-11-04 15:52 | Report Abuse

Syndicate sell down.


4,326 posts

Posted by upsidedown119 > 2016-11-04 17:08 | Report Abuse

Selling well absorbed!

Posted by Koay Yi Chuan > 2016-11-04 18:19 | Report Abuse

Weak holders need to be washed out before another upleg. Current level is good for accumulation.


945 posts

Posted by MaBadri > 2016-11-04 19:35 | Report Abuse

fill up at 0.575 nice closed

Koon Bee

255 posts

Posted by Koon Bee > 2016-11-04 23:38 | Report Abuse

I top up 20 lorries


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-05 02:35 | Report Abuse

中钢协:全球钢市现企稳趋涨态势  2016年11月04日 09:30:47  中国钢铁工业协会 (薛和平)生意社11月04日讯  十月份的国际钢市总体走势趋强。月末,82.5点的钢之家全球钢材基准价格指数,周环比上涨1.3%(由跌转升)。其中:扁平材指数79.5点,周环比上涨1.3%(涨幅扩大);长材指数85.5点,周环比上涨1.5%(由跌转升);亚洲指数85.4点,周环比上涨2%(涨幅扩大)。亚洲中的中国指数86点,周环比上涨2.5%(涨幅扩大);美洲指数84.5点,周环比上涨0.2%(由跌转升);欧洲指数75.5点,周环比上涨0.4%(由跌转升)。由于权重最大的中国钢市强劲反弹,加之欧洲钢市复苏明显,有力推动了全球钢市的企稳回升。为此,根据运行态势结合基本面情况预测,近期全球钢市或在中国钢市的劲推下,继续盘升走势,今年钢价或以涨升收官。  中国钢煤去产能任务有望提前完成。10月25日,国家发改委新闻人表示,钢铁全年去产能任务有望在10月份提前完成,煤炭全年任务力争在11月完成。  9月全球粗钢产量同比增长2%,中国大陆产量占全球总量51.3%。世界钢铁协会数据显示:9月份全球66个产钢国家(地区)的粗钢产量达到1.33亿吨,同比增长2%。中国粗钢产量占全球总产量的比重达到51.3%,同比提高0.9个百分点;1-9月份,全球粗钢产量11.97亿吨,同比降低0.5%。中国粗钢产量占全球总产量的比重为50.4%,同比上升0.4个百分点,而世界其他国家累计粗钢产量的总和在全球总产量中的占比则下降至49.6%;世界钢协预计,全球粗钢产量可能在年底出现正向增长。  美国13项反倾销措施违反世贸规则。10月19日,世贸组织公布中国诉美国反倾销措施案专家组报告,明确支持中方主要诉讼请求,认定美对华发起的反倾销措施在目标倾销(针对特定类型产品倾销认定和倾销幅度计算)、分别税率(歧视性的拒绝给予中国出口企业分别税率)等做法上违反世贸规则,裁定美方13项反倾销措施违反世贸规则。  明年全球新增5000万吨铁矿石与中国钢需增长和铁矿产量下降抵消。巴西矿业巨头淡水河谷公司预计,2017年将新增5000万吨铁矿石供应,但这部分新增量会被钢铁需求增长和中国铁矿石产量下降所抵消。  东盟钢铁需求呈上升趋势。马来西亚钢铁工业联合会表示,自2015年起,东盟的钢铁需求一直积极,每年需求增长介于5%至6%,钢铁价格也有所复苏。预计今年最后一季度将持续保持正常,2017年或继续上升趋势。  日帮泰打造东盟特种钢铁制造中心。泰国工业部部长安差卡透露,以新日铁株式会为代表的日本钢铁企业希望将泰国打造成为东盟钢铁制造基地,特别是特种钢材制造中心。同时,帮助泰国本土钢铁企业提升钢铁制造工艺,抵御中国劣质钢材的倾销。  亚洲钢材市场:大幅涨升,该地区85.4点的钢之家钢材基准价格指数,周环比上涨2%(涨幅扩大),月环比上涨1.3%(涨幅扩大),季环比上涨3.9%(由跌转升),年同比下跌3.4(跌幅收敛)。  扁平材方面:市场价格普遍上涨。在阿联酋,板材进口价格继续上涨,涨幅约10美元/吨左右。目前,来自中国的2mm热卷报价在410-420美元/吨(CFR),印度报420-430美元/吨(CFR),乌克兰资源成交价430-450美元/吨(CFR)。冷卷进口价从465-470美元/吨(CFR)涨至475-480美元/吨(CFR),热镀锌板进口价从540-580美元/吨(CFR)涨至560-590美元/吨(CFR),中国资源报560美元/吨(CFR),印度报590-600美元/吨(CFR),均显示出相当数量的上涨。在日本,受本季度焦煤合同定价推迟影响,日本热轧板卷合同定价推迟到10月底或11月初。有市场分析人士表示,若焦煤合同价上涨100美元/吨,钢厂12月船期价或将上调60-70美元/吨,届时钢厂定会为了调涨报价而减产,预计日本国内热卷需求也将相对增加。在中国台湾,中钢上调内销盘价,月盘制的中鸿钢铁11月盘价也有跟进开高,由此台湾岛内钢价涨声四起。其中,中钢12月内销盘价,包括中板、热轧、冷轧、热镀锌板卷等四大项钢材,平均每吨上调新台币600元,平均涨幅3.7%。有业内表示,中鸿将于下周开出11月内销盘价,预期将跟进开高盘。  长材方面:市场价格稳中有涨。在日本,东京制钢发布2016年11月份钢材出厂价格表,所有品种钢材出厂价保持不变。其中,规格13-25mm的螺纹钢出厂价4.8万日元/吨,规格为148×100的H型钢出厂价6.5万日元/吨,规格为2.3mm-6.0mm厚的热轧薄板出厂价5.5万日元/吨。在阿联酋,螺纹钢进口价格持续上涨。目前,土耳其资源报价涨至375-380美元/吨(CFR,理重),但买主仅出价365-375美元/吨(CFR,理重),并寻求一定折扣。有消息称,中国方坯报价已涨至350-355美元/吨(CFR),独联体资源报335-340美元/吨(CFR)。阿联酋国内11月排产的螺纹钢出厂价从之前的1390-1440迪拉姆/吨(378-392美元)涨至1451-1455迪拉姆/吨(395-396美元/吨)。有贸易商表示,由于目前国内价格能够被接受,近期阿联酋螺纹钢出厂价继续看涨。在中国台湾,由于1、2号混合重废进口价从之前的185-186美元/吨(CFR)反弹至190美元/吨(CFR),为此,丰兴钢铁择机上调螺纹钢盘价和废钢采购价300新台币/吨,13mm螺纹钢盘价上调至1.27万新台币/吨(402美元/吨)。丰兴钢铁称,中国方坯报价及废钢进口价格均在上涨,推动该公司提高螺纹钢盘价。而且随着台风季节结束,9月份以来中国台湾建筑业趋于活跃,螺纹钢需求也有所改善。  贸易关系方面:10月20日,印度商工部发布公告称,对原产于或进口自中国和欧盟的彩色涂层/预涂层合金或非合金钢板作出反倾销肯定性初裁:初步裁定原产于或进口自中国和欧盟的涉案产品存在倾销行为,且该倾销行为对印度国内产业造成了实质性损害。因此建议对进口自或原产于中国和欧盟的涉案产品征收临时反倾销税,征税额为到岸价与最低限价的差额,最低限价为849美元/吨。  简测:根据运行态势结合基本面情况预测,近期亚洲钢市将在中国钢市的劲推下,继续盘升走势。  欧洲钢材市场:企稳回升。该地区75.5点的钢之家钢材基准价格指数,周环比上涨0.4%(由跌转升),月环比下跌0.8%(由升转跌),季环比下跌1.1%(跌幅收敛),年同比下跌3.5%(跌幅收敛)。  扁平材方面:市场价格持续上涨。在德国汉诺威举办的EuroBLECH展上,多数参会代表认为欧洲板卷市场平稳趋强,前景乐观。薄板方面。近日,安米和塔塔钢铁公司宣布将热卷出厂价上调至500欧元/吨,冷卷及热镀锌板出厂价上调至600欧元/吨,市场人士预测蒂森克虏伯也将对板卷进行相同幅度的价格调整。有市场分析人士表示,此次提价主要是受成本上涨及市场供应紧张影响。有消息称,至少有一家大型钢厂表示明年2月前的排单量已满,在加上焦煤及废钢价格节节攀升,价格上涨动力较足。另外,进口资源的竞争力正在降低。几个月前,印度冷卷在欧洲市场上表现抢眼,但在反倾销案以来,印度资源价格与欧洲本地资源价格已经相近,交货期则更长于国内钢厂,因此其对国内钢厂已没有多少威胁。中厚板方面,由于各国市场人士对于中厚板市场走势持积极态度。虽然意大利钢厂表示在反倾销措施实施后,钢厂提价还未影响实际成交价,但在多数欧洲钢厂均在寻求提价的情况下,成交价上涨应该指日可待。但有消息称,德国终端用户对未来的中厚板合同价表示担忧,预计价格较之前上涨40欧元/吨左右,后续持续上涨动力不足。目前,德国鲁尔区的S235厚板出厂价为490欧元/吨,进口资源报价为420-430欧元/吨(CIF,安特卫普),资源紧张。  长材方面:市场价格企稳反弹。由于废钢价格涨势明显,越来越多的欧洲钢厂考虑上调螺纹钢价格。有消息称,法国唯一家螺纹钢生产商正考虑上调螺纹钢价格,而意大利的多数大型螺纹钢厂已于月中上调螺纹钢价格20欧元/吨,并且正酝酿下一轮提价。目前,意大利钢厂螺纹钢出厂基价为360-370欧元/吨,出口报价为360欧元/吨(FOB)。日前,安米又宣布上调12月份欧洲长材价格30欧元/吨不等。据称,此次提价的主要原因是市场需求稳定增长和原材料价格的强劲上涨。有业内人士表示,安米正在密切监控原材料价格的涨幅,预期原材料价格还将进一步上涨,从而继续支持钢价上涨。有市场人士认为,最近两个月,欧洲长材价格已经跌至相当低的水平,在美元走强及废钢、煤炭及铁矿石价格上行的情况下,欧洲钢厂的长材价格明显低于其他地区,因此钢厂以及市场提价势在必行。目前,德国鲁尔区的螺纹钢出厂价在390-400欧元/吨,西北欧螺纹钢出厂价暂时在380-390欧元/吨。  简测:根据运行态势结合基本面情况预计,近期欧洲钢市将继续全面上涨走势。  美洲钢材市场:企稳反弹。该地区84.8点的钢之家钢材基准价格指数,周环比上涨0.2%(由跌转升),月环比下跌5.6%(跌幅扩大),季环比下跌8.8%(由涨转跌),年同比下跌4.3%(跌幅收敛)。  扁平材方面:市场价格稳中趋涨。在美国,由于市场环境好转和生产成本升高,中旬起美国主要钢厂先后上调板材价格。美国钢铁公司、纽柯钢公司以及加利福尼亚钢铁工业公司月中宣布上调薄板价格30美元/短吨,AKSteel公司、NLMK美国公司以及安米美国公司下旬起也宣布上调薄板价格,但上涨幅度与之前上调的钢厂一致,也是30美元/短吨。有业内人士表示,这是自今年6月以来美国钢厂当月首次上调薄板价格。有服务中心人士表示,钢厂提价后,市场上已难以发现480美元/短吨以下的热卷资源,而且钢厂交货期也有所延长,市场担心,提价被市场接收后,下一轮提价可能不远。但有钢贸商表示,钢厂提价只是为了使市场价格止跌,据悉没有一家钢厂严格执行这一提价,提供折扣的现象仍然相当普遍。有钢厂人士表示,尽管钢厂报价上涨了30美元/短吨,但是若客户的订单量大,那么价格也将调整至客户能够接受的范围内。调价后,美国中西部钢厂(印第安纳州)的热卷出厂基价仍为490-500美元/短吨,冷卷出厂基价为700-720美元/短吨,也基本与之前持平。  长材方面:市场价格企稳反弹。在美国,由于市场需求持续疲软,导致美国东南部螺纹钢价格继续下滑,卖家间竞争比较激烈。有经销商表示,临近年底,市场需求通常较为疲软,而且今年情况更为严重,加上进口资源价格低廉,促使美国东南部螺纹钢价格持续下跌。不过,由于进来土耳其进口钢材上涨,美国螺纹钢进口价格稳中有涨。另外,美国废钢价格走强,以及经历5个月的下跌后,市场价格触底也比较明显,参与各方都认为未来螺纹钢有一定的成本支撑力度,价格继续下行的空间已不大,后期企稳回升应是大概率事件。目前,美国东南部螺纹钢出厂价为460-480美元/短吨,月环比上涨10美元/短吨;螺纹钢进口报价为354-363美元/短吨(CIF,休斯顿),与之前基本持平。  贸易关系方面:巴西对外贸易委员会宣布,对中国产无缝碳钢管采取反倾销措施,有效期5年。其中对扬州龙川钢管有限公司征收1009.29美元/吨的惩罚性关税,对杭州浙东钢管制品有限公司、湖北新冶钢有限公司、无锡高精度冷拔管有限公司以及其他钢厂或出口商征收1356.9美元/吨的惩罚性关税。  简测:根据运行态势结合基本面情况预计,近期美洲钢市将继续企稳反弹。  (文章来源:中国钢铁工业协会,作者:薛和平)


5,855 posts

Posted by moneySIFU > 2016-11-05 06:50 | Report Abuse

Prices up are always good, first thing will be the stock valuation will keep increasing.

When prices are on the uptrending, restocking activities from customers will increase


5,855 posts

Posted by moneySIFU > 2016-11-05 06:50 | Report Abuse

Thanks for sharing, VenFx :)


5,855 posts

Posted by moneySIFU > 2016-11-05 06:54 | Report Abuse

One thing to highlight is the nature of CRC producers. The key is to maintain the spread between CRC & HRC, if HRC price increased, it will push up end products, that's CRC.

The gap between CRC & HRC has been widened up last few months & has now been stable last few days.

Explanation from probability earlier was just fantastic.


7,583 posts

Posted by B4b4 > 2016-11-05 11:46 | Report Abuse

Melewar looked good to invest


1,555 posts

Posted by alvinchiam > 2016-11-05 14:34 | Report Abuse



14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-07 01:56 | Report Abuse

MELEWAR & MYCRON as Midstream Steel player enjoying better margin from sales and very less capex over Upstream Steel mill .
Thus, lower depreciation.
Sometimes, the Second brother earn a better life.

Posted by Koay Yi Chuan > 2016-11-07 10:34 | Report Abuse

Let the pressure cooker build, bounce will be even better

Koon Bee

255 posts

Posted by Koon Bee > 2016-11-07 12:42 | Report Abuse

Hoseh...afternoon break 63

Koon Bee

255 posts

Posted by Koon Bee > 2016-11-07 23:20 | Report Abuse

I added until my cash limit left rm25 only...full of melewar and mycron


5,855 posts

Posted by moneySIFU > 2016-11-07 23:26 | Report Abuse

Very good sharing by WealthWizard, worth to take a look.

Posted by WealthWizard > Nov 7, 2016 10:58 PM | Report Abuse
The spread is maintained at RMB1000 & price is definitely on uptrend now. It will only do good for all CRC producers in Malaysia.

Make your own judgement & don't follow anyone, including me. Because it's your money.

Ven Felix

2,182 posts

Posted by Ven Felix > 2016-11-08 00:52 | Report Abuse

Both Mycron & Melewar are the best CRC proxy.
Thx to $$$ Sifu sharing .

Koon Bee

255 posts

Posted by Koon Bee > 2016-11-08 07:44 | Report Abuse

Dj up 370 panic buying


4,326 posts

Posted by upsidedown119 > 2016-11-08 15:24 | Report Abuse

Syndicated tamping down in order to collect.

Koon Bee

255 posts

Posted by Koon Bee > 2016-11-09 00:05 | Report Abuse


Koon Bee

255 posts

Posted by Koon Bee > 2016-11-09 08:28 | Report Abuse

Today break 66c


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-09 13:38 | Report Abuse

China factor shall sail Steel through.

Posted by strykerjunior > 2016-11-09 15:36 | Report Abuse

Cheap sale at 0.565 did anyone from this forum manage to grab? You are such a lucky person. But if it's the syndicate trying to push down due to Trump factor, then it's a loss that noone was daring enough to grab that. With NTA at RM1.37, at price at 0.57 at the time of writing, coupled with promising future for Msian CRC and HRC industry, is there a better share to buy? I do have some holding of Melewar with me. Just sharing. No encouragement to buy or sell.


945 posts

Posted by MaBadri > 2016-11-09 17:39 | Report Abuse

buy today 0.570


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-09 18:14 | Report Abuse

Good take,
Melewar has been cruising with mildly capping recently.
But, once their Investment division disposal for the loss making unit , Melewar will be the cacth up play on the spot.

Koon Bee

255 posts

Posted by Koon Bee > 2016-11-09 20:00 | Report Abuse

I busy buy today feom 60c to 56.5c


3,068 posts

Posted by michaelwong > 2016-11-09 20:39 | Report Abuse

A stock to watch and monitor but subsequently pending for loss making unit to boost investor's participants as suggested by VenFx .

Koon Bee

255 posts

Posted by Koon Bee > 2016-11-10 11:42 | Report Abuse

Hoseh...rebound and will hit 80c soon


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-10 13:05 | Report Abuse

$teel is calibrating for 3rd wave .
Expecting steel to deliver at least 5 waves.

Posted by Koay Yi Chuan > 2016-11-10 14:43 | Report Abuse

It's time to accumulate before it's too late. Trump will be good for U.S. economy and China Xi's reelection next year will be reflationary to the economy. Industrial metals are surging and resources stocks are laughing their way to the bank. HK resources stocks are surging 10-15% already.


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

K Steel Holding Corp (AKS) NYSE
6.91 +0.84 (+13.84%) 11/09/16
Post-market 6.92 +0.01 (+0.14%) 19:58 ET

AK Steel (AKS) is raising current spot market base prices for all carbon flat-rolled steel products.

Koon Bee

255 posts

Posted by Koon Bee > 2016-11-10 22:42 | Report Abuse

Go gogo


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-11 19:08 | Report Abuse

mind blogging !


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-11 19:09 | Report Abuse

钢价动力强劲或延续惯性上涨 偏低库存提供支撑



14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2016-11-13 18:33 | Report Abuse

[ Crop from P.(7) of A.R.2016 ]

For the year under review,

the Group recorded total revenue of RM607 million, which was 9.2% lower than the preceding financial year’s revenue of RM668 million.

In terms of Profit After Tax, the Group achieved RM14.9 million profit, compared to a loss of RM34.2 million in the previous year.

It should be noted that the bulk of the loss of the previous year was due to the Group’s associate company, Siam Power Generation Public Company Ltd (“Siam Power”), of RM21.2 million.

The Group’s interest in Siam Power had subsequently been disposed after the close of the current financial year.


154 posts

Posted by nakamura > 2016-11-14 14:28 | Report Abuse

dont talk coxccc,, never see up also

Posted by Good_Trader > 2016-11-14 14:51 | Report Abuse

help me call ambulan pls

Posted by Good_Trader > 2016-11-14 16:30 | Report Abuse


Posted by Good_Trader > 2016-11-14 16:41 | Report Abuse

no logic at all

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