My advance thousand thanks to ular and naysayers for allowing me to collect at cheaper price and hopefully by Q3 and Q4 results out, I will be laughing all the way to the bank or cry mother cry father.
My advance thousand thanks to ular and naysayers for allowing me to collect at cheaper price and hopefully by Q3 and Q4 results out, I will be laughing all the way to the bank or cry mother cry father.
I am a bit envy of u also actually....can always look forward to a better Q3 or Q4 or Q1 or Q2 results...dunno why...maybe i m not smart enough to understand all those calculation or projections...I m not an Engineer
Crude oil up good crude oil drop good Mogas 92 up good Mogas 92 down also good hedging gain good hedging loss also good everything is good....just like in Heaven
CharlesT, You know I start my investment journey very badly and along the way I just learn and learn and hopefully by the time I retired from my normal work, I would have accumulated enough stocks that give me yearly dividend more than FD rate.
Anyone who make regular strong comments about the share price and forecast but failed to materialize in this street room ought to be bashed. The current price don't lie and accept the facts that we are no good. Crying conspiracies and dumbfounded theories won't be helping the situation. Pick up a few things here and re align your position.
If we buy Hengyuan with otb's recommended stocks, our price will be around $6-7. If you not to lose death? I buy u dinner then , and many peoples stuck at hiaptek , ays , msc , etc. You can't change the fact , be careful in the future, what I said is the current stock price .
CharlesT Insas is not a div stock for sure. It was not but then again where in the word where you can get a stock selling below it net cash and also much lower than 530+ inari insas hold which contributed largely to Insas dividend received RM 62,339,000 FYR 2022.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
35,552 posts
Posted by UlarSawa > 2022-09-07 10:31 | Report Abuse
VWap turun 4.71 leh. Haiyoh. Cham lor. Like this macam facts n figures lagi kah. Haiyoh. Correct?