Itu spammer cakap dia punya cafe boss very good hati bayar dia kerja 7ribu sebulan ada other benefit lagi free rokok leh. Mana takda kerja kuat spamming lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
Posted by Income > 6 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Ular Sifu, siapa itu Cafe Boss??? Kuat dan Rajin dia spamming?
Ular know this Cafe boss punya worker lah. Pasal last time at Taikor sana also he mari spamming after Ular lepak at HiapTek lah. Cakap he can create alot of ID lah. Same cafe boss lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
Posted by Income > 42 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Cyber troopers yang tak ada kerja dengan Bossku lagi itu kah yang pergi kerja dengan Cafe Boss kah?
IF able to pierce thru the ceiling level = ho.say.leow i.e.
hy > 562 petronm > 557
as stock players on a long haul, we don't need to know so so much about stock FA.,. hard working with long calculation of future QR PAT isn't required = waste of total human time.,. focus n do this to win BIG!
Price Chart can tell tomorrow news today.,. I heard this decades ago. n this sounds bombastic.
we must await what signal the mkt would tell us. the price action as indicated by Darvas Box = the mandatory law to obey:
above ceiling price = ho.say to hold for big gains below floor price = boh.chow.see
_______________________________________________ TODAY stock.investing world is controlled by powerful QUANTS. this digital world is abt 0 n 1 = meaning the AI algo machines will rule the stocks once the critical points r established i.e. the turning points of purebear n also purebull.,.
Posted by probability > 37 minutes ago | Report Abuse
you take out dividend, this stock is trading at 4.50 now
It has delivered EPS even better than what was estimated and yet, purely because of wrong perception on the meaning of the two clauses below, market is thinking it will revert back to its earlier earnings.
Cash flow hedge & Cost of hedging reserve
From what i have extracted and studied, these are nothing but the effects of the Refining margin swap contract.
Cash flow hedge (CFH) are basically hedge portions of the RMSC which has been liquidated as of 30th June and awaiting respective physical market transaction to take place to offset these hedging losses.
Whereas, Cost of hedging reserve (COHR) is simply the following:
Forward looking Mark-to-market estimate of the difference between the fixed price and the future spot price multiplied by the notional quantity and discounted back to a present value based on a reasonable discount rate determined by the producer.
Even if we assume the RMSC covers complete Gasoline production capacity of 35% yield x 10.6 million, 3.7 million barrels, you are securing the below gross profit after hedging losses or gain.
= 3.7 million x 12.7 USD/brl x 4.45 ex = 209 million MYR.....(1)
No matter what the figures are reported on CFH & COHR, they are purely trying to show the ineffectiveness / effectiveness of the hedging but the profit contribution remains the same. (SERIOUSLY, THINK ABOUT THIS)
The CFH shows how much 'opportunity for greater profit than 209 million / per qtr' is confirmed loss while COHR shows potential loss if the scenario prolongs indefinitely for the balance notional value.
For every negative value on CFH & COHR that will take place, there will be equally higher gross profit in future physical market transaction where after deducting the hedging loss anticipated, you will report the same 209 million for gasoline per qtr.
For the balance refined products diesel, jet fuel and others (10.7 - 3.7 = 7 million barrels per qtr) , you have the following:
1. Diesel at 46% yield, cracks USD 50.36/bbl 2. Jet fuel at 7% yield, cracks USD 38.40/bb 3. Rest of product yield at 12%, using Mogas 95 cracks USD 7.77/bbl
Gross refining margin/brl:
= (0.46 x 50.4 ) + (0.07 x 38.40) + (0.12 x 7.77) = (23.18 + 2.70 + 0.93)/ (0.65) = US $ 41.2 / brl
Gross Profit :
= (7 million barrel sales per qtr) x ( US $41.2/brl) x (MYR 4.45/USD) = 1.283 Billion MYR........(2)
Total gross profit after hedging gain / loss: (1) + (2) = 1.483 Billion MYR
EPS will be exceeding RM 3 per QTR
The above is what we will obtain going forward if the Diesel & Jet Fuel margins are stable around there. The hedging losses reported on page 8 (438 million) are the effects of monthly hedging of Diesel & Jet fuel as all refinery does and this expected to become zero as crack spread stabilizes from month to month.
price today 4.59, seriously, it is good price to add and keep few months. We can never catch the lowest. EPS of HY is top in bursa. When share market sentiment is recovered, HY should be fastest to recover.
there is a high chance for another rally before end of November if Q3 EPS good. At this price 4.58, it is already near 52 week low, there is already a good chance of winning. Can never catch at lowest price.
Now is very clear sifu sifu also takda kasi exit plan for student student. No wonder many students not happy lose until left underwear if the price continue to drop lower. Haiyoh. Correct?
Even the cafe boss also losing money thats why keep asking the cafe workers working until late nite also continue working for 12 hrs shift 7 days without follow the max working hrs per week. Haiyoh. Correct?
AhFah son well educated from Australia must be regretted didnt listen to Raider advice. Haiyoh. Correct?
Posted by UlarSawa > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Good sifu also must advise the student when to exit ======================= aiyoyo
got sifu qqq tell people sell first day of results.................................... u didn't see ah? gloves show u already still tak bolih learn? who bought on first day of results ? got professionals or got ahfah son?
Ya kah. If lu punya cafe boss menang so much still need to pay 7ribu sebulan kasi lu to spam lagi kah. Takda logic mah. common sense lah. Correct?
@Ular Sawa Even the cafe boss also losing money thats why keep asking the cafe workers working until late nite also continue working for 12 hrs shift 7 days without follow the max working hrs per week. Haiyoh. Correct? Saya punya boss satu bulan judi bolih untung 100ribu senang senang.,loo cina sini pariah punya duit ta da banyak. Ada olang bayar punya..kita bill eletrik 3000...semua spam bolih dapat free..loo tau ka
A big thank you to all the contributors to this forum, for and against. All views with regards to this specific counter are very welcome.
However, lately, there has been lots of insults and vulgarity from both camps. As a fence sitter, it is disheartening to see these kind of things in a forum specifically designed to share useful thoughts. Is there a purpose to this?
Also, there are certain quarters who like to copy and paste the same post numerous times. Again, is there a reason for this as those who are following this forum would have read their first post already?
We are all here to make money. It is obvious that those who are pro-HY would want the share price to go up (going long) and those who are against-HY would want the price to come down (collecting lower or shorting) for each individual's own reasons.
In the end, this may fall on deaf ears but I would hope that this forum be used for productive arguments instead of bashing one another which serves no purpose. TAYOR.
Fantastic wet market street room. Jamming with comments when accumulation period but one fine line when harvesting time. Silent operandi. Your loss is someone gain and only fools believe there is noble work here. Public room? Amazing investors here. Bash all you want until the share price show you otherwise.
Why you keep add more more coming news to achieve your rm4 kah. Initially cakap bank negara rate hike. The ECB rate hike then Fed chairman speech. You takda add most important thing kah. Your cristal ball cakap one kah. Haiyoh. Correct?
Today bloodbath nothing
Thursday got bank negara OPR hike + ECB (EU) rate hike + J.Powell speech
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
35,552 posts
Posted by UlarSawa > 2022-09-07 16:56 | Report Abuse
Itu spammer cakap dia punya cafe boss very good hati bayar dia kerja 7ribu sebulan ada other benefit lagi free rokok leh. Mana takda kerja kuat spamming lah. Haiyoh. Correct?
Posted by Income > 6 seconds ago | Report Abuse
Ular Sifu, siapa itu Cafe Boss???
Kuat dan Rajin dia spamming?