PE VALUATION : Both Jaks and MFCB have notable similarities in businesses and risk profiles, hence, they should have similar valuation.
MFCB is currently trading at 11.5 times earnings of Don Sahong. Given the same PE ratio, Jaks should be trading around RM1.70 after it has acquired additional 10% interest in JHDP and the power plant achieved full potential.
DCF VALUATION: A stream of FCF of between RM300m to RM400m to Jaks for the next 25 years is worth between RM2.15 to RM2.85 per share in present value. The 25 years of FCF is more than just cash, they are sources of capital to more business opportunities !
Haha why only stop at a stream of FCF of between RM300m to RM400m to Jaks for the next 25 years is worth between RM2.15 to RM2.85 per share in present value.
Need to add in many MW of solar plants and it is worth RM 10+
Posted by Sslee > Dec 16, 2020 11:23 AM | Report Abuse
Haha why only stop at a stream of FCF of between RM300m to RM400m to Jaks for the next 25 years is worth between RM2.15 to RM2.85 per share in present value.
Need to add in many MW of solar plants and it is worth RM 10+
NOT TOO WORRY the inlet and outlet DANCING , this rhythm play is WAVE UP THEME , time enough the fantastic , will FIERCE HEADING ......firecracker to fullest .
I apologise first before getting into the wrong kopi-tiam/forum table. Since many times MFCB being raised on this forum, I have to highlight the path MFCB go-through before getting into present price/PE. So JAKS might take years to reach MFCB level.
MFCB 1st experience on power generation. Investment in Diesel power generation - Tawau Serudong Power Plant
As Diesel is a process fuel from hydrocarbon, it is an expensive fuel only use for emergency generator, not for selling power for distribution.
MFCB 2nd experience on power generation. Investment in Coal power plant in China - Shaoxing Power Plant
Since early 2015, the Shaoxing power plant has experienced heightening pressure due to various external issues beyond the company’s control.
 Management has estimated additional expenditure of about 50 million yuan (RM32 million) by end-2017 in exchange for a further five-year operating period, deeming it not commercially viable given the challenging outlook in addition to stricter control, monitoring and surveillance procedures that have to be put in place, which would contribute to higher operating costs.
In conclusion, power generation is a ever changing business following the changes of technology. What is viable today might not be in the future. Is solar energy (India big investment news today on Solar farm as large as Singapore) the viable technology today? Europe is looking at Wind Turbine farm at sea off Norway/Holland/etc viable? Green energy will be the source of energy of the future.
The above open discussion is point to ponder on for:
@Steady Punpipi - Both Jaks and MFCB have notable similarities in businesses and risk profiles, hence, they should have similar valuation.
MFCB is currently trading at 11.5 times earnings of Don Sahong. Given the same PE ratio, Jaks should be trading around RM1.70 after it has acquired additional 10% interest in JHDP and the power plant achieved full potential. 14/12/2020 7:37 PM
 Posted by Martin99 > Dec 16, 2020 10:14 AM | Report Abuse JAKS current price @ RM0.645
PE VALUATION : Both Jaks and MFCB have notable similarities in businesses and risk profiles, hence, they should have similar valuation.
Sources of energy supply is always in hot debate and subject to environment scrutiny especially coal power plant. That is why operators of coal power plant in Vietnam demand security measures to be built into the BOT contracts to safeguard the foreign investment capital. Hence, the capacity payment within the power purchase agreement must be paid by Vietnam regardless of the state of operation of the power plant as long as the power plant is made available for power generation. The BOT contracts protect the operators from any change in laws or regulations. Therefore, while the Vietnam may have different policies on power generation in the future, it will not affect the BOT contract given to JHDP.
The capacity payment of JHDP offers better protection compared to the take of pay PPA of Don Sahong which offers limited protection during period of drought.
Beggar can't be chooser. It's easy for developed countries and citizens to criticize 3rd world countries for pollution when they have developed. Having said that, it doesn't make pollution right. As DK highlighted, JAKS pp future payment is protected by BOT. Prospect wise, no arguement. If you wanna argue environmental impact, then not here. While i don't consider myself environmentally friendly nor i am not. Wanna be environmentally friendly? Don't use aircon and don't eat meat. Walk the talk
Valuation on JAKS on current is SUPER UNDER VALUE , it is value , ME ALONE know better , inside my heart , HEAVEN is too close , hell kingdom is too far , imaging my ROAR .
LSS very low return on capital lah. No need to promote here. I tolong tolong JAKS doesn't get it. Just give me PP profit as dividend unless you can strike another pp deal
khatu can u pls write in simple english la. I no understanding your jargon, OG SPY la, spy versus spy la,HOOK 9 E, GOLDEN CHICKEN, KFC la... etc khatu wat u talking la. sori la khatu, saya tiada sekola la.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
la huat
587 posts
Posted by la huat > 2020-12-16 10:09 | Report Abuse
7 hari lagi siap tria run 336h.nati baru blh merry christmas