When you invest in stocks where EPF also trade you don't expect it to go up very much in a short span especially now where they need the money for i sinar withdrawal (now without conditions) They would dispose some of their holdings however good is the stock as long as their returns are reasonably good !
LeftHand have you seen the filing to Bursa sometimes in a single day their trade constitute more than 30% of the total volume done we are not worried of losng money but when you invest in stocks you expect a certain reurn say 15 to 20 % a year and when the stock gives you 6 to 7% returns it is considered a failure
For Taann, if the EPS for 2021 is 25-40 cents, then the share price will jump from current level..it depends on the CPO price & timber demand, hopefully this year will be better than last year.. my thought.
Sarawakian government is killing the logging industry. The authority tightened logging rules and imposed high royalties until all the three listed companies, TaAnn, WTK and Jtiasa registered huge losses for their logging activities for the last 2 years.
EPF had stopped selling instead acquired 8900 share on 05.03.21 with lumber price at oct us586 to dec us846 hopefully this Q can make profits as for CPO i believe can delivered better margin so all in all if this Q can make 15sen should be great.
"Under the extension of time to submit financial statements, an automatic one-month extension for the issuance of quarterly and annual reports for the Main and ACE Markets, as well as semi-annual and annual audited financial statements for the LEAP Market, which are due on Feb 28, March 31, or April 30, 2021 respectively."
"The outlook for 2021 remains positive with the uptrend of commodities price resulting from the demand exceed supply mainly due to the COVID 19 pandemic."
Giving another 5 sen dividend coupled with strong palm oil price going forward I think the downside is limited I wont be surprise if EPF will turn buyer
True to my expectation EPF have indeed bought back a substantial amount on March 23. Total dividend this year is 15 sen and stock price is below RM3 giving a yield of more than 5 three times better than bank deposit moreover the prospect of future earnings looks bright too
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,864 posts
Posted by titan3322 > 2021-02-16 10:38 | Report Abuse
Now EPF turned buyer hehe