So if convert means 39.5 cents plus 67 cents = Rm1.065
Compare to Mother now selling at RM1.01 there is an extra cost
1.065 - 1.01 = 5.5 cents.
Yes! No Investor will convert at this moment. Director is doing All Share Holders A Favour.
To Do So Means Director Is Actually Buying Masteel at RM1.065 instead of RM1.01..
At RM1.065 Director Sees MASTEEL Has A Good Future Potential To Rise Even Higher!
There Is A Difference Between Mother & Wt
Only Mother is entitled to dividend.
Reason to buy warrant is an opportunity for arbitrage. If Mother & Wt both go up One Cent.
Wt will gain much more by percentage.
Example RM1.01 (Mother) One Cent increase equals 0.9%
39.5 cents (Warrant) One Cent increase equals 2.5% gain.
So buying Warrant will amplify gain if you think the price is bullish. However in bear market warrant can also exacerbate losses.
So we must be very sure before buying warrant to check on its immediate current and future prospects. And the main reason to be bullish is due to Billions of rm in MRT Construction which will increase demand for long steel.
And MASTEEL Is The Master for Long Steel products for MRT Pillars.
Director Conversion Wt to Mother and sold in the open market and the company resale Treasury shares in the market too.....i guess new shareholder will appear...
In Bursa Filing for 22nd July Transaction It Shows Director Disposed 2 million shares in the market. But a closer check of total volume traded on 22th July, 2014 (same day when Director sold 2 million shares) total volume traded for the day was only 481,100 shares only.
That Means That There Is A Third Party Buying into the 2 million shares.
Something is happening here which is yet to be seen.
i know a person luck and fortune by reading at his face, masteel bos face besides having an actor look like HK cheong kai fai, he should be doing very well, these few years and the coming share prices appreciation proofs mt point
today no shown.....recently small cap goreng kuat kuat price above 1.00 easy to goreng.......i think masteel wil goreng kuat kuat and break 1.160 resistance
Masteel uses scrap metal as feed stock. As such it is cheaper than imported iron ore. The Scrap Metal collector is Cheap Labour indeed. Using scrap metal also saves 75% in electricity.
With so much savings MASTEEL's Profit Will Accelerate!
MASTEEL Is Another Muda. Muda was 35 cents. Now up 700% to over RM2.45. Why? Muda uses waste newspaper not the expensive paper pulp. Cheap Labour (scavenger) collect waste newspaper and sell to Masteel for 10 cents a kg. After converting to Photocopy paper it is sold for RM10.00 (Up 1 Million % Profit!) Muda up so much. So Don't Chase!
Today is indeed an interesting day for steel. In spite of Dow Jones 300 points drop after Bonescythe posted comments on Masteel - Masteel started to run.
Then to everybody surprise Kinsteel, Perwaja, Melewar and other steel co also started to run in earnest.
There is a Big Difference though.
Masteel has high NTA & Earnings So Masteel is Running on Solid Ground! I cannot say the same for others.
I think in the Cartoon film when the fox chased the road runner over the Cliff - The Road Runner suddenly make a turn near the Cliff's precipice. But the Fox ran straight over the Cliff - And Then He Runs On Air For A good While - Then Plunge Down To The Earth!!
So Be careful Friend. Masteel is running on Solid Ground and not on thin air.
Masteel is currently trading at a P/E of 8.xx which is much lower compared to other steel companies, LionFib (P/E 26.6), ann joo (P/E 56), kinsteel (loss making)
Besides, Masteel has the most stable earnings from 2010 - 2013 (EPS of 11 - 13).
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
57,341 posts
Posted by calvintaneng > 2014-07-25 13:16 | Report Abuse
It works like this.
Masteel is now at RM1.01
Warrant Price is 39.5 cents.
Conversion for Masteel Wt to Mother is 67 cents.
So if convert means 39.5 cents plus 67 cents = Rm1.065
Compare to Mother now selling at RM1.01 there is an extra cost
1.065 - 1.01 = 5.5 cents.
Yes! No Investor will convert at this moment. Director is doing All Share Holders A Favour.
To Do So Means Director Is Actually Buying Masteel at RM1.065 instead of RM1.01..
At RM1.065 Director Sees MASTEEL Has A Good Future Potential To Rise Even Higher!
There Is A Difference Between Mother & Wt
Only Mother is entitled to dividend.
Reason to buy warrant is an opportunity for arbitrage. If Mother & Wt both go up One Cent.
Wt will gain much more by percentage.
Example RM1.01 (Mother) One Cent increase equals 0.9%
39.5 cents (Warrant) One Cent increase equals 2.5% gain.
So buying Warrant will amplify gain if you think the price is bullish. However in bear market warrant can also exacerbate losses.
So we must be very sure before buying warrant to check on its immediate current and future prospects. And the main reason to be bullish is due to Billions of rm in MRT Construction which will increase demand for long steel.
And MASTEEL Is The Master for Long Steel products for MRT Pillars.