Thong Guan is my 100% portfolio and all my comrades in Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.
I knew Thong Guan for more than 10 years already. I am a CA and an auditor cum consultant for several companies (SME and Listed Co).
To me, there is no issue at all from its FA. I totally disagree with TA because TA has nothing to do because Syndicates decide the trend. What I will say is those advocates of TA who invested based on TA is no different from gambling.
As advocates of Fundamental Analysis and Value Investment and As a devotee of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger,
My advice is that do not chase for higher priced shares, wait for the price to decrease and collect on dip even though this is a good counter
No worry, Not gostan, it is a normal tactic that Syndicates used to LURE naive retail investors to sell (this morning purposely pull down the price) and to trigger market anxiety.
Ignore this, continue to hold and defend. I used defensive method and contrarian strategy. If drop more, my gang will Sapu more.
*OkieDokie: Bro / Sis, I think you are novice as you dont understand what I write. Beside that, as an experience investor I dont buy in any stock which are just CE because I dont think another hike will appear in short time. Last CE Oct 2020, 6 months is too short for me. The end, this is good stock but not excellent. Current ROE 10.**, 5 years avg ROE 10.**. Dividend: Not really attractive. Finance: Excellent but not cash rich. Product: Low Technolgy. Future: Expand business in Malaysia & Myanmar. Myanmar, not for now. Risk: Low cost player.
"Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling."
@auditorandconsultant, ive been reading your comments few weeks ago with good interpretation of data and analysis. I like coming here reading some facts and data. Any other counters you are investing @auditorandconsultant?
The last valuation I had done was back in Jan 2021 when the IV was only RM1.75. Again, my team and I acknowledged that the share market is not going to be in perfect or idealistic condition.
To cater for the market sentiment in Bursa Malaysia, my team and I decide the followings:-
1) not to strictly adhere to Margin for Price of Safety at price below IV in accordance with the concept founded by Benjamin Graham; and
2) to adopt a risk based assessment and to make judgment call for investment with entry price IV+10%, IV+20% or etc. so as to understand where our risk will come from and importantly our decision must reflect our risk appetite.
I follow Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger way of making investment. My gang and I only focus on stocks that we are familiar with and have strong confidence in.
FYI, Thong Guan is my only portfolio, my fund is 100% in Thong Guan.
"FYI, Thong Guan is my only portfolio, my fund is 100% in Thong Guan." crazy. I admire you.
I use a portfolio approach to equity investment whereby currently I hold 8-11 different stocks. Anything below 5 is crazy to me, I started with 5 stocks years ago.
To me maximum portfolio is up to 5 counters. But at this juncture, I could not locate any other stocks that enable me to split my fund.
Again, I get to know Thong Guan since year 2010. I knew this Company for many years ago.
I only do what I am confident in.
My next target and portfolio will be disclosed accordingly. Stay tuned.
I will sell ThongGuan when the return hit around 40% of Return on Investment (ROI). If at the time I am planning to sell, there is a critical event happen in TG to make me believe that I could hold for a mid term to make TG a multi bagger, I will hold then. Otherwise, I will sell.
My next target is XXXXXX. Stay tuned. My gang and I will again ALL FULL LOAD. 重仓是我的投资路线。
auditorandconsultant, You are doing fine. Thats very humble of you. We too would be very grateful when you inform us on your next. Thanks in advance. Haha
Investing in a single stock does not mean I am gambling. As I said, at this juncture, I do not see any stocks that are suitable for me to split and diversify my portfolios. At this right timing, I have seen Thong Guan share price plummeted from RM3.20 to RM2.50 and to RM1.95. So, I know this is a right timing for me because if I go for FULL LOAD, I will be earning substantially.
Remember, 重仓 is a secret weapon or skill set that an Advocate of Fundamental Analysis and Value Investment should use when the opportunity arises.
Of course, different person will have different risk appetite. I understand how you perceived my investing method.
If I gambled, I would have gone to Penny Stocks such as DATAPRP, LAMBO and etc.
To me, my golden rules are:-
1) Investing in a stock is like "Buying a business"
2) "Circle of Competence" - investors should make sure they fully understand how a business operates, how it makes money, and the future sustainability of its business model and profits before buying its stock.
3) "Never Look at a Headline" - Do not chase high and fall intro trap like I have seen many of my friends who went to buy Digi or Axiata just because of news on 8 April 2021.
I 100% invested in Thong Guan using all my free cash flows because I have more than 10 years knowledge in Thong Guan.
My next Stock is still KIV because I need to study more and prepare more funds for another FULL LOAD to another 5 star Share.
Stay tuned and I will disclose accordingly.
Sharing is caring.
Yoyo, thank you for your feedback. FYI, I invested 100% of my free cash flow. Of course, I still reserve Emergency Fund and I will not be using borrowings or contra account.
My gang and I are very optimistic towards good news and upcoming announcement of Quarter result somewhere in May 2021.
Remember and recall what had happened in last year despite Covid-19:-
18/05/20 - Announced Div RM0.02 per share 29/06/20 - Announced Div RM0.09 per share 19/08/20 - Announced Div RM0.02 per share 02/10/20 - Announced Bonus Issue of 1:1 18/11/20 - Announced Div RM0.01 per share
May 2021 is coming soon. I am very optimistic and I hope that Thong Guan will give everyone surprised gift.
My gang and I will hold while waiting for Good News patiently which is expected to be in the mid of May 2021.
The tactic of Syndicates to trigger anxiety and cause panic selling among retail investors for the past few days was a big failure.
5 April till 7 April 2021 = RM2.39 8 April - 9 April and 12 April = RM2.45
My gang and I will still follow our analysis to collect on dip and to hold till May 2021 and probably till June 2021 due to the potential upcoming good news and positive sentiments.
Remember to look at the past, last year, how were Dividends declared and what were the responses to market?
Remember to look at Positive Sentiments in Cocoaland due to declaration of Bonus Issue in which the ex-Date will be announced later.
Remember to look at Tongher, its share price increased due to positive sentiments also in steel related industry.
I do not need to boost too much. My hypothesis had been proven correct or approximate actual conditions if you read through all my comments posted in KLSE i3 and KLSE Screener.
Good luck all and my gang is positive that the price could go beyond RM3 and potentially RM3.50 given the potential multiplying effects due to continuous announcement of Dividends. Now still not materialised, but I hope those positive news will come in May 2021.
"Remember to look at Positive Sentiments in Cocoaland due to declaration of Bonus Issue in which the ex-Date will be announced later."
People who understands accounting/finance will know that "bonus" issue is a meaningless exercise - it serves no role other than to increase the liquidity of the stock by making it LOOK more "affordable".
@auditorandconsultant I'm a company accountant but not (yet) chartered. Lazy to complete my professional requirements to get chartered, too busy with work. Who needs to get chartered when you are already practically running the whole finance dept XD
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
3,499 posts
Posted by Pinky > 2021-04-05 11:12 | Report Abuse
My only regret TGUAN is only a small 5% bet of my total portfolio huhuhu
Years ago I used to THINK I can use TA to bet on TGUAN. Made a small loss and ran away hahaha
With the current uptrend, my past losses is recovered already XD