low profile company. I think the Koreans have done a good job in restructuring the entire group and disposed the loss making courier business. healthy cash flow and balance sheet. all other segments are profit making. expect to see FY2022 in black with good support from CJ Group as a whole. valuation now is attractive.
CJ buat byk share buyback tapi sekurang-kurangnya mgmt jualkan last mile delivery bisnes yg tak menguntungkan tu. Harap2 QTR result boleh menunjukkan keuntungan yg baik.
US inflation rate has reached it peaks in Jun 2022 and starts decreasing until now. Fed may relax it int rate hikes soon. Recessions will not be materialised.. Starts collecting
US will increase it's interest rates. Oil market demand will slow down due to strengthening $. Recession will come, when commodity markets crash. International trade's currency is dollar. US will collapse global economy Eight months of uncertainty is expected with unprecedented collapse.
weixuan0325, I deleting my old comment because I keep receiving insider news ....... believe it or not up to you......... poor management of this company will result in poor QR
Hi all... I'm no seasoned trader. Just a rookie who listened to friend's recommendation and bought cjcen at 0.55 past year or 2 ago. Have been in unrealized negatives since. Can anyone advise on next best course of action please....? what should I do? Is it likely that this stock will get worse in time to come, like some have mentioned above :( Thanks
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
838 posts
Posted by SpicyMcDeluxe > 2021-09-17 16:19 | Report Abuse