Alhamdulilah!! dari bilik sebelah: agenda seterusnya ialah kena buat EGM untuk tendang monyet buntot besar keluar dari Handal dan re-appoint otai2 asal Handal kembali. Buntot besar sudah sapu duit company and hutang2 keliling pinggang kena settle. Semua kenderaan mewah kena tarik balik. bmw, mercedes, porche, honda kesemuanya. credit card yg dia pakai kena buat audit forensik dari tahun 2018 sampai hari ni. semuanya kereta kena jual untuk bayar gaji dan hutang.
Handal Energy Bhd’s managing director Sunildeep Singh Dhaliwal has ceased to be a substantial shareholder of the group after disposing of 16.6 million shares or a 6.23% stake in the group.
In a bourse filing, the offshore crane operator said Sunildeep disposed of the stake on Wednesday (Aug 16). Post-disposal, Sunildeep was left with just 500,000 shares or a 0.18% indirect interest in the group.
The price at which the block of shares crossed was not disclosed in Handal Energy's bourse filing, but based on the closing price of 17 sen on Wednesday, the shares were worth about RM2.82 million.
Last week, Sunildeep disposed of 53.45 million shares or about 20% stake in the group [RM14.4 million].
Sunildeep’s divestment of shares in Handal Energy comes after Singapore-based Deepetro Offshore Brokers Pte Ltd also exited the group just a week after emerging as a substantial shareholder.
Deepetro emerged as Handal Energy's largest investor on Aug 2 with an 11.43% stake or 30.46 million shares. Subsequently, on Aug 9, Deepetro offloaded 30.2 million shares in the group.
Chan Cheu Leong remains as a substantial shareholder in Handal Energy, with a 7.63% stake as of March 31, 2023, according to the group's 2022 annual report.
Shares in Handal Energy have retreated from their three-year high of 26.5 sen on Aug 9. They closed a sen or 5.56% lower at 17 sen on Wednesday, giving the group a market capitalisation of RM45 million.
jangan harap quarterly result lah. habuk saje tinggal. kalau result bagus, kenapa bontot monyet besar tu jual habis share dia? Ada logic tak? Bonggok!!
So-called bontot besar sold all...means 70+ mil shrs previously locked up are floating freely among all the koyak hot potato M'sian gamblers...I don't like those odds!
nak harap q result, takye lah. memang habuk saje. tu le buntot lebar cakap besar tapi tak pandai buat kerja. skarang nak buat apa kat office ni? riuh2 pun takde gune. plan b tak jadi, plan c koyak. apa lagi nak tipu?
GammaRay, betul tu. memang toxic buntot besar lembu 😀 jgn main2 ye? 🤣 Semua info yg kami share sini, semua benar and telah berlaku. Bontot lebar dgn cibertrooper anjingan sudah mati akal 😁
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
37 posts
Posted by fakelok747 > 2023-08-16 18:37 | Report Abuse
so confident? better wait for the share changing to complete first