fake news lagi. Buntot lebar tak muncul2 kat office, entah siapa lagi dia nak con ni.
q2 result memang hancusssss! Sapa2 yg nak beli tu, beli saja ye? Jangan malu2! Malu apa bossku! Lagi pun, kalau share naik lagi, buntot besar boleh jual semua saham dia.
Kesian director2 yg dah resign tu. Tapi ada juge yg fake resign atau resign transfer :)
Poi pokan naik basika (poi pokan naik basika) Tongah haghi tongah paneh (tongah haghi) Apo dayo motong gotah Apo nak dikato Kalau boleh nak jadi cikgu sekolah Kek Kolo Pilah Sawah leba kobau banyak (sawah leba kobau banyak) Air pigi sojuk sekali (air pigi) Sunyi sopi takdo oghang Apo nak dikato Kalau boleh nak bising-bising Macam pokan Tampin Tanak nasik bogheh kampong (tanak nasik bogheh kampong) Masak lomak cili api (masak lomak) Mesen padi takdo lai Apo nak dikato Ramai oghang dah kojo kilang Kek pokan Seghomban Batu Ompek Toluk Komang (Batu Ompek Toluk Komang) Tompek oghang mandi mando (tompek oghang) Aghi minggu ponoh sosak Apo nak dikato Air laut bertambah masin Kek pokan Port Dickson Poi pokan naik basika (poi pokan naik basika) Tongah haghi tongah paneh (tongah haghi) Apo dayo motong gotah Apo nak dikato Kalau boleh nak jadi cikgu sekolah Kek Kolo Pilah
apa2 pun, hutang Handal bulan June sudah sampai rm48juta. Entah sekarang berapa juga hutang. #bursamalaysia dan #MonetaryAuthorityofSingapore kena investigate company Deepetro ni. Tolong spread ye!?
Energy ,O & G stocking moving UP but HANDAL still at 11sen and maybe HANDAL waiting for OIL to move up above USD100 only can move up.Must have more patience than the operator because they are holding MILLION of handal shares and the holding cost is quite HIGH compare to those holding a few thousand ringgit worth of shares.DON'T FRED BIG HANDAL FISH is going out for a swim soon .
Handal Energy Bhd is planning to undertake a RM90 million capital reduction to eliminate its accumulated losses, followed by a private placement involving up to 40% of its issued shares to raise RM9.7 million to repay its borrowings and trade payables, and an issuance of bonus warrants. It involves the issuance of up to 266.43 million shares to third-party investors priced at a discount of at most 20% to the company's five-day volume weighted average market price of its shares before the price fixing date.
The warrant issuance, meanwhile, will be undertaken after the private placement on the basis of one warrant for every two existing shares held on an entitlement date to be announced later. It expects to be issuing up to 186.7 million warrants. If fully exercised, the warrants could raise another RM22.41 million for the company, which is to be used as working capital.
macam2 lah buntot besar ni. Dah lah menipu dgn investor dari china, yg nama nye deepetro dan dari cerita2 ex-finance yg dah resign, memang company buntot juga, skarang nak tipu lagi. sapa yg bodoh sangat nak percaya cerita2 dongeng buntot besar ni. Semua utk bayar gaji dia, kereta2 mewah dia dan utk berjolly2 dgn arak dan cigar yg mahal2. cakap2 tak semacam apa yg nak di buat tu. selagi buntot besar ada dlm company ni, dia akan sapu semua, semestinya!
Anyone know what actually going on with Handal? I hear that there director includeing YAM Tengku Baderul got personally served with summon from KWSP for not paying KWSP? True or not?
Such an embarrassment for Handal. Good write-up by Robert Walters. So weird that the MD Sunil doesn't want to let go the company to other more competent person. Just sit and earn big salary while the company suffers and the workers doesn't get paid. Such a loser.
Thanks Roberts Walters for the good coverage on whats happening in Handal. Not sure what kinda MD (Sunil) dont pay up workers salaries but can afford to go for luxury holiday and luxury car all using companies money. Such brainless human.
thanks massivekahuna for posting this link. hopefully all this people who been jumping alot previously saying that handal is a good company come to their sense that it is true that the MD is driving the company to bankruptcy.
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Posted by SoloInvestor07 > 2023-08-29 17:35 | Report Abuse
management still shuffling around, wait it settle down then probably will announce the QR